Competition Definition and 122 Threads

  1. Chi Meson

    Just won an early robotics competition

    I don't win that often. I'm not saying I'm a loser, either, just the kinda guy that keeps coming in 2nd, or 3rd and such. I'm used to it. So my team won the Suffield Shakedown, a pre-season scrimmage of the FIRST Robotics Competition. 30 teams were there, including some heavy New England...
  2. M

    Competition problems: 1. sequences/convergence 2. matrices

    Homework Statement I don't remember the exact problems but I'll try to recall it as best as I can. Given two positive real sequences a_{n}, b_{n}, with a_{1} = b_{1} = 1, and b_{n} = b_{n-1}a_{n} - 2. Show that \sum^{\infty}_{n=2} \frac{1}{a_{1}a_{2}\ldotsa_{n}} converges and find what it...
  3. N

    What Happens When a Signal Beam Is Not at the Center of a Laser's Gain Curve?

    Hi Gain comptetion in a laser is explained very nicely here...
  4. JJBladester

    How Can I Design a Vehicle to Win a King of the Hill Engineering Challenge?

    Homework Statement My first-year college engineering design class was tasked with building a vehicle that can make it up a ramp of 5' in length that is at a 45 degree angle. At the top of the ramp is a 2' flat platform. The ramp (both the ramp itself and the platform at the top) is covered...
  5. A

    What's the competition like at (Math) REUs?

    So I'm currently an undergrad at a top math university with ~3.6-7 GPA (probably all A's this semester). Here's my full coursework by the end of this year: Lower Division: Multivariable Calculus Linear Alg. & Diff. Eq. Discrete Math Upper Division: Linear Alg. Abstract Algebra Real Analysis...
  6. E

    Ideas for a fun mini-design competition (for an ASME meeting)

    Hey all, I'm looking for a short and fun mini design build competition for a university ASME meeting coming up. I think everyone has been a part of something like this before. For example, I did an egg drop once. We were given about 30 mins, tape, and bendy straws and had to come up with an egg...
  7. Ivan Seeking

    Mystery Sound Competition: Who Can Name the Source?

    I don't recall ever trying a mystery sound competition. So, in the fashion of other competitions, whoever can name the source of the sound picks out the next mystery. The imagery in this video is irrelevant and not intended as a clue or a false lead...
  8. M

    Improve Your Math Skills: Take Math Competition Tests From Your School

    I consider my math skills to be decent.. probably top 5% in class. Anyways, I wanted to increase my math skills by looking at old math competition tests from my school and I noticed that I am probably only comfortable with 10% of them if that. This showed me that I need to increase my algebra...
  9. E

    Putnam Mathematics Competition Preparation

    I apologize if this in the wrong place but I'm not sure where else to put it. I was wondering if anybody here had any experiences they'd like to share about the Putnam Competition and preparing for it. I took AMC/AIME in high school but I was too weak to go through the kind of preparation...
  10. E

    2010 Rudolf Ortvay Competition in Physics Prize Winner

    Did anyone won a prize in the 2010 Rudolf Ortvay Competition? If you did, did you get any diploma/certificate for it? I got an email from one of the organizer (Gyula David) around 5 months ago, he said that they will send me an official diploma. But till now I haven't get one yet. Does anybody...
  11. F

    How Can You Build a Self-Propelling Boat That Also Launches a Projectile?

    Homework Statement 1. The Project I must build a boat that is able to propel itself via elastic or gravitational energy 1.0 metres. After it has moved 1.0m, it must automatically shoot a projectile 2.0m perpendicular to the movement. 2. Rules The boat cannot touch the bottom of the 10...
  12. F

    Do you guys think your competition motivates you?

    Coming back home from college made me realize I got motivated because I had competitors when I come home I still want to do Math, but when I lift a pencil I suddenly lost the will to complete the problem and almost lost interest. Anyone got a good remedy for that? I tried leeching off another...
  13. W

    How Many Rotations Does Circle B Make Inside Circle A?

    1.Consider a circle A of radius 3 and a circle B of radius 1.The circle B is inside A and tangent to A. The circle B rotates so that,without slipping, it revolves once about A in the clockwise sense. Find the number and sense of rotations of B.
  14. 1

    Do you view fighting as a competition to see who is better?

    A disagreement arose from a discussion about fighting, with a close friend of mine. It essentially boiled down to whether or not one would use a weapon (in the form of the environment, IE sand, a rock, stick) etc when defending yourself against someone as a way to disable them. As I was...
  15. Karlx

    Shooting competition. What is the best option?

    Hi everybody. I am fighting with the following problem: In a shooting competition, a team is composed by 2 shooters, who must shoot alternately. They have probabilities p1 and p2 to hit the target, being p1>p2. In order to be classified, a team must shoot 3 times and hit the target at...
  16. X

    Help in a equation I'm going to use for the intel competition

    Homework Statement For my project for the intel competition, I'm trying to prove that the expansion of the universe defies conservation of energy. In order to do this i want to simulate the universe as a expanding sphere which has a acceleration that constantly increases. Also in the sphere i...
  17. G

    KFC double down now has competition

    with this 1500 calorie bomb:
  18. S

    Competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games : Ethical?

    Competition between friends/allies in zero-sum "games": Ethical? Hey all, In the context of friendships and alliances between countries; will the competition between friends/allies in zero-sum games be unethical? e.g. applying for a one-spot job at some company, two allied countries compete...
  19. N

    Competition Calculus Problems and Techniques

    I am currently signed up for the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament for Algebra and Calculus (an example: I am able to solve a fair number, but some of the solutions are just completely incomprehensible (see the last...
  20. K

    Who Were the Contestants and Results in This Season's Dancing with the Celebs?

    In this season's "Dancing with the Celebs" TV series, Harry and nine other famous personalities paired with professional dancers to try to claim this year's title. Each week, one of the celebrities--who are in different entertainment and media fields, with one a stand-up comic--is sent home...
  21. V

    Australian mathematics competition, papers needed

    does anyone have any worked out solutions for the Australian maths competition for the years 2002-2009. i really need them and would be really greatful if anyone could provide me with some or the name of a website that has these papers.
  22. F

    What is the last digit of 1/5200?

    Homework Statement What would be the last number of 1/52000 as a decimal fraction (or whatever it is for english)? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution This is not a homework problem. Its a question in an old maths competition. I already know the answer is supposed to be 6, but...
  23. 1

    Finding Research for Siemens Competition

    I hope this is not in the wrong forum but it may be and if it is, I apologize. I put this under academic guidance because learning how to research is something one normally does best with in a university of some sort. I'd like to know how I should go about trying to find a "job" assisting some...
  24. J

    Physics competition between geniuses

    Who wins this time? I've voted for Albert Einstein. E = mc² is a genius equation!
  25. C

    Is Competition to Become a Professor Worse at Lower-Ranked Schools?

    I have heard that at the University of Minnesota there was one professor opening with 300 candidates. This makes it sound very unrealistic for anyone, however smart, to ever hope to be a professor. So could it be there are worse schools, with less competition? I know part of the equation is...
  26. M

    Competition for young researchers in the US?

    Hello, I look for a contest in the US for young people, up to ~20 years about thw whole theme of scientific-research. Is there anything like this?
  27. P

    Sales Competition: Fair Formula to Add Fun

    hi gang, my company is running a sales competition and we would like to make it interesting. there are 3 teams from different depts, all with different numbers of members (8, 26 & 15). we all have the same product to sell and plenty of stock what would be a formula we could adopt to a. make...
  28. M

    Building a pump from scratch, engineering competition

    ***Building a pump from scratch, engineering competition*** Hello everyone. I have been entered into a competition. The spec is to build a pump that can pump 30 litres of water a minuet for 30 minuet to a height of 4 meters. The pump has to be built over 3 days (18hours) but i have...
  29. F

    Nature of Time (FQXi competition & Rovelli's paper)

    FQXi has an essay contest on the Nature of Time." There is an internal commission but the winner depends also on the public vote. Here is possible to vote:" (vote your favourite one!) and it's very nice that there is...
  30. Integral

    Are You Ready to Test Your Trivia Skills and Win Prizes?" quiz for all of you who like this sort of thing. This is 10 timed questions. You get 100 points for each correct answer and lose 1pt for each second. The more people the better, so I am hoping we can get a good contingent playing with...
  31. P

    Do astrophysicists face the same massive competition

    Hello, I have a few questions regarding the astrophysicist profession. I have had an interest in the field for a long time. Do astrophysicists face the same massive competition for professorship that most physicists do? How is the job market overall for the profession What would be an example...
  32. K

    Solve Maths Competition Problems: Sum a+b & Logarithm X

    these are numbers i could not solve. please help me. Homework Statement 1) If the repeating decimal 0.8451\bar{51} is represented by the fraction a/b, where a and b are positive integers with no common factors greater than 1, find the sum a + b. 2) if log(log(log(log x))) = 0 and log...
  33. K

    How Do You Solve These Challenging Math Competition Problems?

    Homework Statement #1 If |x -2| < p, where x < 2, then x - p = i have obtained an inequality at most. #2 For what value of the coefficient a do the equations x2 -ax + 1 = 0 and x2 - x + a = 0. #3 Let R be a rectangle. How many circles in the plane of R have a diameter both of...
  34. K

    What is Putnam? All i know is that it is a mathematics competition

    What is Putnam? All i know is that it is a mathematics competition. Is it international? Who can do it? How can one do it? What credit does one get from doing it?
  35. M

    Bridge tester design (for competition)

    I have to design a bridge tester for a tech design class. In researching the design, I need to decide on which material to use, but there are so many factors in this one choice that it's near impossible to do it all alone. First off, I understand the idea behind the common bridge building...
  36. K

    Australian Maths Competition [Calculators not Allowed]

    Homework Statement ok, I've got several questions: 1. which integer is closest to \sqrt{1994 + \sqrt{1994}} A. 44 B. 45 C. 46 D. 47 E. 48 2. Four singers take part in a musical round of 4 equal lines, each finishing after singing the line through three times. The second singer...
  37. Astronuc

    Planetary Society - Asteroid Tagging Competition

    Planetary Society Names Winners of $50,000 Asteroid Tagging Competition I'm sure this will make the news periodically over the next 21 years.
  38. S

    Participating in the Putnam competition within 2 year

    Well, i am thinking of participating in the Putnam competition within 2 years, as i am only a freshman now and this is my first semester. I am planning to first try to create a quite stiff background in math before i even try Putnam. I am planning to first take these courses before i do that...
  39. T

    Riddle Competition: I Begin with T, End in T and Have T Within

    Know the answer ? It is from this competition:" I begin with T, end in T and have T within. What am I ? Thanks.
  40. E

    News Is This Thread on Tax Competition Relevant?

    This was a first for me (although the concept is not new). Here's a video on Tax Competition:
  41. D

    Constructing a Competitive Alternative to the Tesla Coil: Tips and Tricks

    [SOLVED] pls HELP me There is an electronics competition, so can somebody tell me if there is something better than Tesla coil. The opposition is going to have a demonstration with a Tesla coil. What is your suggestion? What should I construct against the Tesla coil?
  42. Integral

    Who else is involved in the First Robotics Competition?

    Any one else involved with this?" I am mentoring for my daughters high school team, we are sponsored by HP and have 2 HP engineers leading us. So far we have spent a week discussing the problem and potential designs. This last Friday and Saturday we made a full...
  43. H

    Make a Movie in 15 Minutes: Ideas for a Competition

    Hiiii All :) i was wondering whether some of you will provide some idea about what best can be made in an around 15 minute movie clip..which is for a competition...since time is so short , i am not really able to think of something decisive..
  44. Moonbear

    Girls Sweep Top Honors in Science Competition

    While I know most of the members of this forum are sufficiently enlightened to know women can be just as good at science as men, this is a nice story to help the rest of the world catch up to seeing things that way.
  45. rohanprabhu

    Problem from a programming competition

    Today there was an inter-school programming competition and I was there on my school team. There were a set of four questions, out of which we were able to do 3. The 4th question was a bit difficult and thereby we couldn't solve it in the given amount of time. Now, i'd like help frm u guys...
  46. R

    Parachute Competition: Find the Equation to Win!

    hello all, I recently saw a poster for a competition, the idea is that you get a teddy bear and attach a parachute to it, your bear gets thrown off a tower and the bear which is in the air the longest wins. Obviously i thought that if i researched parachutes on the internet i could find...
  47. W

    What do I need to put myself in shape for the Putnam competition?

    I'm not sure I even have enough time to prepare (a summer is very short). But still, I want to give myself a shot so I'm asking; what do I need to do good on the Putnam contest? Now I know this may sound like asking a question like "what do I need to one day walk on Mars?". So my real question...
  48. S

    Can we prove that there are infinitely many primes congruent to 2 or 3 (mod 5)?

    I am attaching three problems in math, that were part of a competition at my country. I am lost in all of them, i don't know even how to begin. if someone could tell me how to do them, i would really appreciate? So can anybody solve them and post the answers?