Conditional probability Definition and 242 Threads

In probability theory, conditional probability is a measure of the probability of an event occurring, given that another event (by assumption, presumption, assertion or evidence) has already occurred. If the event of interest is A and the event B is known or assumed to have occurred, "the conditional probability of A given B", or "the probability of A under the condition B", is usually written as P(A|B), or sometimes PB(A) or P(A/B). For example, the probability that any given person has a cough on any given day may be only 5%. But if we know or assume that the person is sick, then they are much more likely to be coughing. For example, the conditional probability that someone unwell is coughing might be 75%, in which case we would have that P(Cough) = 5% and P(Cough|Sick) = 75%.
Conditional probability is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in probability theory. But conditional probabilities can be quite slippery and might require careful interpretation. For example, there need not be a causal relationship between A and B, and they don't have to occur simultaneously.
P(A|B) may or may not be equal to P(A) (the unconditional probability of A). If P(A|B) = P(A), then events A and B are said to be independent: in such a case, knowledge about either event does not alter the likelihood of each other. P(A|B) (the conditional probability of A given B) typically differs from P(B|A). For example, if a person has dengue, they might have a 90% chance of testing positive for dengue. In this case, what is being measured is that if event B ("having dengue") has occurred, the probability of A (test is positive) given that B (having dengue) occurred is 90%: that is, P(A|B) = 90%. Alternatively, if a person tests positive for dengue, they may have only a 15% chance of actually having this rare disease, because the false positive rate for the test may be high. In this case, what is being measured is the probability of the event B (having dengue) given that the event A (test is positive) has occurred: P(B|A) = 15%. Falsely equating the two probabilities can lead to various errors of reasoning such as the base rate fallacy. Conditional probabilities can be reversed using Bayes' theorem.
Conditional probabilities can be displayed in a conditional probability table.

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  1. M

    Kept getting the wrong answer? binomial conditional probability

    Product Testing A supposed coffee connoisseur claims she can distinguish between a cup of instant coffee and a cup of drip coffee 75% of the time. You give her 5 cups of coffee and tell her that you will grant her claim if she correctly identifies at least 4 of the 5 cups. (a) What are her...
  2. P

    Conditional Probability: probability of having a girl.

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  3. N

    Definition of conditional probability density

    Hello, I'm somewhat confused by the expression f(X = x | Y = y) = \frac{f(X=x)}{f(Y=y)} (which, if I'm right, is the definition of a conditional probability density? My course seems to state it as a theorem, without proof, but then again my course is a little bit vague; although I welcome...
  4. Z

    Conditional probability question with set theory things

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  5. X

    Compute the conditional probability

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  6. H

    A conditional probability question on picking out chips from a bowl.

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  7. H

    Conditional probability drawing two balls from an urn.

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  8. B

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  9. Rasalhague

    Conditional Probability: Sample Space, Observation Space, Random Variable, etc.

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  10. F

    What is the probability that a defective part came from supplier B?

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  11. S

    Is this conditional probability has derived correctly?

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  12. S

    An upper bound for a conditional probability

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  13. G

    How Do You Calculate Conditional Probability for a Geometric Distribution?

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  14. O

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  15. V

    How to generate conditional probability from a algebric equation ?

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  16. Q

    Calculating Conditional Probabilities with Mutually Exclusive Events

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  17. H

    Conditional probability question

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  18. R

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  19. F

    Probability of Radiohead being a great band given that The Beatles inspired them

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  20. F

    How Does the Beatles' Legacy Impact Radiohead's Chances of Greatness?

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  21. F

    Conditional Probability of Baby Survival

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  22. R

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  23. F

    Conditional Probability Problem

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  24. R

    Expected Value and Conditional Probability

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  25. S

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  26. J

    Conditional Probability question

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  27. T

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  28. Karlx

    Conditional probability. Unable to prove the general result.

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  29. G

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  30. M

    Understanding Conditional Probability in Standard Normal Distributions

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  31. L

    Conditional Probability Question

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  32. R

    Probability- Conditional Probability

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  33. T

    Probability of Samples Containing Less than 1.6 mg of Suspended Particles?

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  34. Saladsamurai

    Probability of a Misjudged Innocent Suspect Given Truth Serum Results?

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  35. K

    Conditional probability and partitions

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  36. L

    [PROBABILITY] Conditional probability for random variable

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  37. D

    Uniform Distribution with Conditional Probability

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  38. G

    Understanding Conditional Probability: Formulas and Logic Explained

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  39. L

    Conditional probability for random variable

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  40. E

    Conditional Probability & Independence

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  41. E

    Conditional Probability of defective components

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  42. R

    [probability theory] simple question about conditional probability

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  43. N

    What is the Conditional Probability of Selecting Box B Given a White Ball?

    box A contains 2 red balls, box B contains 2 white balls, box C contains 1 red ball and 1 white ball, A box is selected at random (with equal probabilities) and one ball is taken at random from that box. (i) Compute the probability of selecting a white ball using Bayes Rule. A(1/3)...
  44. R

    Urn Conditional Probability Problem

    The problem is stated as follows: You have an urn with 12 red balls, 20 green balls, and 13 yellow balls. Suppose 3 balls are drawn without replacement. What is the probability the third ball is yellow given the first ball is green. I am pretty sure I use Bayes formula, but I am not certain...
  45. S

    HELP geometric probability: area of a square and conditional probability

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  46. H

    Calculating Conditional Probability: A and B Events with A' and B' Notation

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  47. N

    What is the probability that the players team wins if he doesn't hit a home run?

    Homework Statement A baseball player compiles the following information : He hits a home run in 34% of his games He gets a strike out in 40% of his games In 78% of his games he hits a home run or his team wins In 10% of his games he hits a home run and gets a strike out In 26% of his...
  48. M

    Finding conditional probability

    Homework Statement There are w white balls and b black balls in a bowl. Randomly select a ball from the bowl and then return it to the bowl along with n additional balls of the same color. Another single ball is randomly selected from the bowl(now containing w+b+n balls) and it is black. Show...
  49. T

    Conditional Probability, Failure of Concrete Beam

    Homework Statement A concrete beam my fail by shear or flexure. The failure probability in shear is equal to the failure probability in flexure, and the probability of failure in shear when the beam is loaded beyond is flexure capacity (ie, it has already failed in flexure) is 80%. Find the...
  50. K

    (CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY) Which probability would you expect to be greater?

    Which probability would you expect to be greater? (a) The probability that a person is smart given that he has a university degree, OR, (b) the probability that a person has a university degree given that he is smart? I would say (a)>(b), but, what would you say?