Conditions Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. J

    PDE Separation of Variables with Nonzero Boundary Conditions

    Homework Statement Solve the diffusion equation: u_{xx}-\alpha^2 u_{t}=0 With the boundary and initial conditions: u(0,t)=u_{0} u(L,t)=u_{L} u(x,0=\phi(x) The Attempt at a Solution I want to solve using separation of variables... I start by assuming a solution of the form...
  2. M

    'Theta function' setting conditions similar to delta function?

    Hi, I'm reading through a paper and have come across what my tutor described as a 'theta function', however it seems to bear no resemblance to the actual 'theta function' I can find online. In the paper it reads: \int^1_0 dz~\theta (s-\frac{4m^2}{z}-\frac{m^2}{1-z}) And apparently this...
  3. D

    MHB Solution of the Damped Wave Equation under Certain Boundary Conditions

    $$ u_{tt} + 3u_t = u_{xx}\Rightarrow \varphi\psi'' + 3\varphi\psi' = \varphi''\psi. $$ $$ u(0,t) = u(\pi,t) = 0 $$ $$ u(x,0) = 0\quad\text{and}\quad u_t(x,0) = 10 $$ \[\varphi(x) = A\cos kx + B\sin kx\\\] \begin{alignat*}{3} \psi(t) & = & C\exp\left(-\frac{3t}{2}\right)\exp\left[t\frac{\sqrt{9...
  4. B

    Laplace equation w/ dirichlet boundary conditions - Partial Diff Eq.

    Homework Statement The steady state temperature distribution T(x,y) in a flat metal sheet obeys the partial differential equation: \displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2}+ \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2} = 0 Seperate the variables in this equation just like in the...
  5. S

    Extremely confused about EQS boundary conditions

    I'm having a tremendously hard time understanding the connection between macro and micro scale electrostatics and how (if?) they're described EQS boundary conditions. I understand that in a medium with mobile ions, an applied current or field will lead to the establishment of an electric double...
  6. C

    Solve differential equation with boundary conditions using substitution

    μ^{2}\frac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}}+ae^{u}=0 Boundary conditions: u(-L)=u(L)=u_{0} Solve by multiplying by \frac{du}{dx} and integrating in x I know you have to use substitution, but I keep going in circles.
  7. F

    Conditions for curvature singularity

    Hi All, I was wondering if it is correct to say that a vanishing metric determinant is a necessary (but probably not sufficient) condition for a curvature singularity to exist at some point(s), or is one forced to construct the full Kretschmann scalar? Cheers! FD
  8. V

    Conditions for a function to be constant

    Homework Statement If a, b and c are nonzero distinct real numbers and c > 0. The even function given by: f(x) = (ax + b)/(x + c) is constant for -c < x < c and it's value is (i) a + b; (ii) a + c; (iii) c; (iv) b; (v) a Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  9. D

    MHB Boundary conditions spherical coordinates

    Laplace axisymmetric $u(a,\theta) = f(\theta)$ and $u(b,\theta) = 0$ where $a<\theta<b$. The general soln is $$ u(r,\theta) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}A_n r^n P_n(\cos\theta) + B_n\frac{1}{r^{n+1}}P_n(\cos\theta) $$ I am supposed to obtain $$ u(r,\theta) = \sum_{n =...
  10. S

    Partial differential equation with conditions

    I'm not sure how to solve this: du/dt = 3 \frac{d^{2}u}{dx^{2}} These are the conditions: u(0,t)= -1 u(pi,t)= 1 u(x,0) = -cos 7x Suggestion: I should use steady state solution to get a homogeneous initial condition. Starting with separtion of variables u(x,t) = G(x)H(t) And...
  11. A

    Under what conditions does quantum mechanics reduce to classical mechanics?

    Homework Statement "At 310K thermal energy kT=4.28x(10^-21). Use the equation you derived above (which I worked out to be E=(n²h²)/(8mL²) )to determine under which conditions quantum mechanics reduces to classical mechanics." The hint was that "you need to find the value of mL² for which change...
  12. S

    Linearity of boundary conditions

    Homework Statement Using the definition of linearity to determine whether or not ech case is a linear homegeneous boundary condition: i.) Uxx(0,y)=Ux(0,y)U(0,y) ii.)Uy(x,0)=Ux(5,y) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know Uxx(0,y)=Ux(0,y)U(0,y) is not linear...
  13. C

    Mapping Conditions in Transformational Space

    Hello, My problem is as follows: I want to generate a series of 24 dimensional random numbers to act as the starting population for a genetic algorithm. These numbers need to fully span the space which is limited by a series of nonlinear boundary conditions. The 24 dimensional vector is...
  14. M

    Using Mixed Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions

    Hi As we know, we have two kinds of Electromagnetic Boundary Conditions for interfaces in an electromagnetic is imposing the continuity of Bz and Hr and the other is applying the continuity of A(Magnetic Vector Potential) and the discontinuity of its derivative with respect to the...
  15. D

    MHB Solving the Heat Equation with Initial Conditions

    I have already solved the main portions. I have $$ T(x,t) = \sum_{n = 1}^{\infty}A_n\cos\lambda_n x\exp(-\lambda_n^2t) $$ The eigenvalues are determined by $$ \tan\lambda_n = \frac{1}{\lambda_n} $$ The initial condition is $T(x,0) =1$. For the particular case of $f(x) = 1$, numerically...
  16. D

    MHB Orthogonality of Eigenfunctions of Mixed Boundary Conditions

    $$ \left.(\phi_n\phi_m' - \phi_m\phi_n')\right|_0^L + (\lambda_m^2 - \lambda_n^2)\int_0^L\phi_n\phi_m dx = 0 $$ where $\phi_{n,m}$ and $\lambda_{n,m}$ represent distinct modal eigenfunctions which satisfy mixed boundary conditions at $x = 0,L$ of the form \begin{alignat*}{3} a\phi(0) + b\phi'(0)...
  17. B

    MHB Proving an entire function is a polynomial under certain conditions

    Hello, This was an exam question which I wasn't sure how to solve: Suppose f is entire and |f(z)| \leq C(1+ |z|)^n for all z \in \mathbb{C} and for some n \in \mathbb{N}. Prove that f is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to n. I know that f can be expressed as a power series, but I'm...
  18. T

    Neumann Boundary Conditions using FTCS on the Heat Equation

    I am really confused with the concept of Neumann Boundary conditions. For the simple PDE ut=uxx for the domain from 0<=x<=1 I'm trying to use a ghost point (maintain a second order scheme) for the Neumann Boundary condition ux(0,t) = 0. I understand that I can setup a scheme to...
  19. T

    Cauchy Riemann conditions for analyticity for all values of z.

    Homework Statement Show that sin(z) satisfies the condition. (Stated in the title) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution f(z) = sin (z) = sin (x + iy) = sin x cosh y + i cos x sinh y thus, u(x,y)=sin x cosh y ... v(x,y)= cos x sinh y du/dx = cos x...
  20. A

    Linearized Gravity and the Transverse-Traceless Gauge Conditions

    Homework Statement I'm working on some things to do with linearized gravitational radiation and I'm trying to justify the claim that in the Lorenz gauge, where \partial_{\nu}\bar{h}^{\mu\nu}=0 (1.1), we are able to impose the additional conditions A_{\alpha}^{\alpha}=0 (1.2) and...
  21. G

    Can any one say what is the necessary and sufficient conditions for

    can anyone say what is the necessary and sufficient conditions for being a tuple of real numbers ,a vector?
  22. R

    D'Alembert question - boundary conditions parts

    Homework Statement I have a general wave equation on the half line utt-c2uxx=0 u(x,0)=α(x) ut(x,0)=β(x) and the boundary condition; ut(0,t)=cηux where α is α extended as an odd function to the real line (and same for β) I have to find the d'alembert solution for x>=0; and show that in...
  23. mnb96

    Question on conditions for commutativity of subgroups

    Hi, it is known that given two subgroups H\subset G, and K\subset G of some group G, then we have that: 1) H, K are normal subgroups of G 2) H\cap K is trivial are sufficient conditions for H and K to commute. Moreover we have that: H, K commute \Rightarrow H, K are normal. In fact...
  24. E

    Why Is Moment Zero at Any Point if Zero at One Point in Static Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement we know that, every force systems can be generally replaced by a resultant force(R) and a couple(M) at a point O and the position of point O is optional. but magnitude and direction of M is dependent to this point while magnitude and direction of R is independent. In static...
  25. V

    Boundary conditions with dielectrics question

    Hi all, I'm doing what should be a pretty simple problem, but some theory is giving me trouble. Basically, in this problem I have a conducting sphere, surrounded by a thick insulating layer, and then vacuum outside that. I'm attempting to solve for the potential in the insulating layer by...
  26. R

    PDE with oscillating boundary conditions

    Hi, Say I have this pde: u_t=\alpha u_{xx} u(0,t)=\sin{x}+\sin{2x} u(L,t)=0 I know the solution for the pde below is v(x,t): v_t=\alpha v_{xx} v(0,t)=\sin{x} v(L,t)=0 And I know the solution for the pde below is w(x,t) w_t=\alpha w_{xx} w(0,t)=\sin{2x} w(L,t)=0 Would...
  27. Runei

    DSP - FIR Filters, linear phase conditions

    Hello there I'd like to know if anyone has a proof of why the condition of symmetry or antisymmetry must be followed by a FIR filter, in order for it to have a linear phase response? I've been pouring over this for an exam, and my initial question was what constitutes a linear phase...
  28. K

    Beam support conditions (Boundary Conditions) in practice

    Hi all. Let's say I want to reproduce the support conditions for a beam. The easiest one I could think of is fixed end. Like I hammer an end of the beam into the wall. This represents fixed boundary condition. Likewise can anyone point out how to reproduce Simply supported end condition in...
  29. G

    Periodic boundary conditions for 2d grid

    Hello , i am trying to implement this algorithm for 2d grid. 1) i am not sure if my calculations are correct. 2 ) i don't understand how to return my final calculation ( how will i insert to the matrix i want (the 's' in this example) the new coordinates (xup,xdow,yup,ydown)). I mean ...
  30. C

    Counting electromagnetic modes in a rectangular cavity and boundary conditions

    The electric field in a cubical cavity of side length L with perfectly conducting walls is E_x = E_1 cos(n_1 x \pi/L) sin(n_2 y \pi/L) sin(n_3 z \pi/L) sin(\omega t) E_y = E_2 sin(n_1 x \pi/L) cos(n_2 y \pi/L) sin(n_3 z \pi/L) sin(\omega t) E_z = E_3 sin(n_1 x \pi/L) sin(n_2 y \pi/L)...
  31. S

    Prove that the Bohr hydrogen atom approaches classical conditions when [..]

    "Prove that the Bohr hydrogen atom approaches classical conditions when [. . .]" Homework Statement The problem and its solution are attached as ProblemSolution.jpg. Homework Equations E_k = chR/(n_k)^2 E_l = chR/(n_l)^2 ΔE = hc/λ hc/λ = chR[1/(n_k)^2 – 1/(n_l)^2] 1/ λ = R[1/(n_k)^2 –...
  32. T

    Boundary Conditions for 3 Coupled First order ODE

    I am trying to solve four coupled equations. Three of them are first order differential equations and the fourth is a algebraic one. The equations look something like this: V_{l}(r) = f_{1}(r)W'_{l}(r) (1) h''_{l} + f_{2}(r)h'_{l} + f_{3}(r)h_{l}(r) = U_{l}(r) (2) f_{4}(r)U'_{l} +...
  33. P

    Given a quadratic satisfy the conditions of the limit

    Homework Statement Determine values of a, b, c in the formula ax^2+bx^2 +c that satisfy the conditions: f(0)=0 // Limx->-1 F(x)=3 // limx->2 f(x)=6 The Attempt at a Solution 1. F(0)=0 therefore x=0 so f(0)=a(0)^2+b(0)+c so f(0)=c = 0 so c=0 2. Lim f(x) = 3, x->-1 so...
  34. U

    Wave equation: intial conditions

    Homework Statement Solve the initial boundary value problem u_{tt}=c^2u_{xx} u(-a,t)=0,\quad u(a,t)=0,\quad u(x,0)=\sin(\omega_1 x)-b\sin(\omega_2x) where a, b, \omega_1, \omega_2 are positive constants. Homework Equations d'Alembert's solution The Attempt at a Solution...
  35. U

    Can the Laplacian Determine Analyticity of Complex Functions?

    Are there other ways of determining whether or not a function of a complex variable is analytic without using the Cauchy Riemann conditions? It seems for more complicated functions it's too difficult to decompose an arbitrary function into its real and imaginary parts, so it would be nice if...
  36. H

    Finding Lines in R3 Satisfying Conditions

    Homework Statement Find two lines in R3 in parametric form which satisfy the following conditions. Also, find the points on the lines which achieve the closest distance. Conditions: 1. They are not parallel to any of the coordinate planes 2. They do not intersect and are not parallel 3. They...
  37. O

    Second ODE, initial conditions are zeros at infinity

    second ODE, initial conditions are zeros at infinity! I want to know the temperature profile of phase transition layer in the interstellar medium. For stationary solution, the dimensionless differential equation I ended up with is \frac{d^2T}{dx^2} = \frac{f(T)}{T^2} - \frac{1}{T} where f(T)...
  38. H

    Find the conditions for the static coef. for non-slip conditions

    Homework Statement It's a cilinder of mass M and radius R rolling without slipping and I'm asked to find the maximum value of the static friction coefficient for the cilinder to roll without slipping. Homework Equations Non-slip conditions: \displaystyle v=\omega R \displaystyle...
  39. T

    State-Space Representation with Initial Conditions: Finding the Right DSP Book

    Could you advise a DSP book which explains state-space representation with initial conditions. Initial conditions part is important for me. Thanks.
  40. A

    Finding the Volume of Methane at the Given Conditions

    Long title, I know! :-p Homework Statement The heat of combustion of methane (\text{CH}_4) is 890.4 \ \text{kJ/mol} and the heat of capacity of \text{H}_2\text{O} is 75.2 \ \text{J}/\text{mol}\cdot\text{K} and that the heat capacity of \text{H}_2\text{O} is 37.7 \...
  41. N

    Mathematica Printing results if certain conditions are met in Mathematica

    Hello everyone, I have for loop in Mathematica. After every step Mathematica has new results calculated. I want to see only some results, those who met certain conditions, not results from all steps. Say, I have 10000 steps and I don't need all 10000 results, but only those that met certain...
  42. M

    Separation of Variables, Solutions to Laplace's Eqtns with Boundary Conditions

    Not really a specific problem, but just a general question: Does anyone have any good references (preferably online) for solving E&M problems with this method? I'm using Griffith's Electrodynamics book for my class and I'm trying to get ready for a final. This is the only part I'm having...
  43. T

    What Are the Conditions for Nuclear Fission?

    Homework Statement not an equation as such. new to this but i wanted to know what the conditions for nuclear fission are? other than high temperatue and pressure Homework Equations "state the conditions for fusion and hence explain why it has proved difficult to maintain a sustainable...
  44. P

    Oil Formation Volume Factor at saturation conditions

    \check{}Homework Statement Given the following data I need to find the oil formation volume factor at the saturation conditions; A single flash separation of Angolan reservoir oil gave a stabilised (for stock tank) oil gravity of 37.19’ API and a gas gravity of 1.015. The GOR (gas oil...
  45. G

    Proving Metric Space Reflexivity with Three Conditions

    Homework Statement Show that the following three conditions of a metric space imply that d(x, y)=d(y, x): (1) d(x, y)>=0 for all x, y in R (2) d(x, y)=0 iff x=y (3) d(x, y)=<d(x, z)+d(z, y) for all x, y, z in R (Essentially, we can deduce a reduced-form definition of a metric space...
  46. D

    Help understanding the conditions of the Alternating Series

    Homework Statement Okay from what I have learned to prove that a series converges via the alternating test, you must prove the following conditions Homework Equations 1) an > 0 2) lim an (n--> infinity) = 0 and 3) a(n+1) < an The Attempt at a Solution However recently I've been encountering...
  47. D

    MHB Boundary Conditions of the Third Kind

    \begin{align} \varphi''+\lambda\varphi &= 0, & \quad 0< x < L\\ \varphi'(0) &= 0 &\\ \varphi'(L)+h\varphi(L) &=0, & \quad h\in\mathbb{R} \end{align} $$ \varphi = A\cos x\sqrt{\lambda} + B\frac{\sin x\sqrt{\lambda}}{\sqrt{\lambda}} $$ Since $\varphi'(0) = 0$, $\varphi = A\cos x\sqrt{\lambda}$...
  48. Evo

    Medical Rare medical conditions on 20/20 tonight

    Tonight on 20/20 10PM EST/9PM CST. I know some people would like to watch this.
  49. J

    Conditions when real gases behave as ideal gases

    Well i know real gases behave as ideal gas (almost) when pressure is low and temperature is high. I want to understand this - When pressure is low attractive forces in the gas moelcules will be stronger(as compared to high pressure) but the fast movement due to high temperature compensates it...
  50. G

    2D heat equation bounday conditions for different intervals

    Homework Statement I have boundary conditions on my heat equation ## \dot{T}(x,t) = T''(x,t) ## ## T(0,t) = T(L,t), ## ## \frac{\partial T(0,t)}{\partial x} = \frac{\partial T(L,t)}{\partial x} ## Then at ## T= 0## ## T(x,0) = 1 ## for ## 0<x<L/4 ## ## T(x,0) = 0 ## for ## L/4<x<L ##...