Conditions Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. K

    1-D Wave equation with mixed boundary conditions

    Homework Statement Solve, u_{t} = u_{xx}c^{2} given the following boundary and initial conditions u_{x}(0,t) = 0, u(L,t) = 0 u(x,0) = f(x) , u_{t}(x,0) = g(x)Homework Equations u(x,t) = F(x)G(t) The Attempt at a Solution I solved it, I am just not sure if it is right. u(x,t) =...
  2. X

    Boundary conditions for a 4th order beam deflection equation

    What would the boundary conditions be for a fourth order differential equation describing the deflection (elastic curve) of a propped cantilever beam with a uniform distributed load applied? i.e. a beam with a built in support on the left and a simple support on the right. I need 4 obviously but...
  3. U

    Conservative vector field conditions

    My calculus book states that a vector field is conservative if and only if the curl of the vector field is the zero vector. And, as far as I can tell a conservative vector field is the same as a path-independent vector field. The thing is, I came across this...
  4. S

    Sufficient conditions for a = lim inf xn

    This is part of a theorem which is left unproved in "Elementary Classical Analysis" by Marsden and Hoffman. Let xn be a sequence in R which is bounded below. Let a be in R. Suppose: (i) For all e > 0 there is an N such that a - e < xn for all n >= N. (ii) For all e > 0 and all M...
  5. R

    Do Boundary Conditions Only Require Information at a Single Point?

    If you have the value of a function of many variables, and its 1st-derivatives, at a single point, and a 2nd-order partial differential equation, then haven't you determined the entire function? You can use a Taylor expansion about that point to build the entire function because you have the...
  6. D

    Integrating factor problems (differential equation with initial conditions)

    Homework Statement Find general solution of equation (t^3)y' + (4t^2)y = e^-t with initial conditions: y(-1) = 0 and t<0 book answer gives y = -(1+t)(e^-t)/t^4 t not = 0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution (t^3)y' + (4t^2)y = e^-t get integrating...
  7. D

    Solve Diff. Eq. w/ Initial Conditions: y' + 2y = te^-2t | Homework Help

    Homework Statement Solve the differential equation: y' + 2y = te^-2t with initial conditions y(1) = 0? Please show me what I am doing wrong... (or right).. also please don't show me shortcut i need to know where I am going wrong thanks. Homework Equations The Attempt at a...
  8. L

    Finding a Function H in C to Satisfy Conditions

    Homework Statement Find a function H in C such that {\nabla ^2}H = 0 for y>0, H(0,y) = 1 for y<-/pi, H(0,y) = 0 for y>/pi and H(0,y) = -1 for -/pi<y</pi. The Attempt at a Solution I haven't been able to came up with anything. All the conform transformations that I know allow me to...
  9. B

    Find Flux Density On One Side of Dielectric Boundary Given Boundary Conditions

    Homework Statement A dielectric interface is defined as 4x + 3y = 10 m. The region including the origin is free space, where D1 = 2ax - 4ay + 6.5az nC/m2. In the other region, εr2 = 2.5. Find D2 given the previous conditions. Homework Equations an12 = ± grad(f)/|grad(f)| D2n = D1n =...
  10. D

    How to Derive Electrostatic Boundary Conditions for Polarisation Field P?

    Homework Statement Use a Gaussian surface and an Amperian loop to derive the electrostatic boundary conditions for the polarisation field P at an interface between electric media 1 and 2 of relative permittivities e1 and e2. (Hint: determine results for D and E first) Homework Equations...
  11. U

    How Do You Solve a PDE with Boundary Conditions Using Separation of Variables?

    u_t=u_{xx}+2u_x 0<=x<=L, t>=0, u(x,0)=f(x), u_x(0,t)=u_x(L,t)=0 How to do this?
  12. X

    Early Earths Sulfidic Ocean Conditions
  13. P

    Boundary conditions for two dimensional problems in Quantum mechanics

    I am stuck at the problems of Boundary conditions for two dimensional problem in QM. iIf we have a two-dimensional domain, along the boundary, we can define two directions, one is tangential, the other is normal, assuming that there is no current flowing in and out along the normal direction...
  14. F

    Solving DE using power series (w/initial conditions)

    Homework Statement Solve the initial value problem y'' = y' + y where y(0) = 0 and y(1) = 1 derive the power series solution y(x) = \ \ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{(F_{n}x^n)/n!} \ \ where {Fn} is the sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13... of Fibonacci numbers defined by F0 = 0 and F1 = 1 Homework...
  15. R

    Solving the Heat Equation for Initial Conditions

    Problem: u (sub t) = (1/2)u (sub xx) find the solution u(x,t) of the heat equation for the following initial conditions: u(x,0) = x u(x,0) = x^2 u(x,0) = sinx u(x,0) = 0 for x < 0 and 1 for x>=0 i'm really flying blind here. I've taken differential equations years ago but nothing...
  16. J

    Finding the Boundary Conditions of a Potential Well

    Homework Statement Show that the conditions for a bound state, Eqn1 and Eqn2, can be obtained by requiring the vanquishing of the denominators in Eqn3 at k=i\kappa. Can you give the argument for why this is not an accident? Homework Equations Eqn1: \alpha=q*tan(qa) Eqn2...
  17. W

    Deriving Compatibility Conditions for Differential Equations

    I'm not sure if my thought process is correct. I basically looked at 1-D and 2-D self-adjoint problems to see what conditions were imposed on them, and tried to translate over to this problem. Can somebody tell me if I'm correct? Or at least have the right idea? I have my work linked below to...
  18. D

    Conditions Needed for Interchange of Double Limits

    What conditions must f satisfy if \lim_{x \to a} \lim_{y \to b} f(x,y)=\lim_{y \to b} \lim_{x \to a} f(x,y) where \lim_{x \to a} f(x,y) and \lim_{y \to b} f(x,y) exists and are finite?
  19. P

    Heat Equation + 2 Robin Boundary Conditions

    Homework Statement Find the temperature distribution in the long thin bar −a ≤ x ≤ a with a given initial temperature u(x,0) = f(x). The side walls of the bar are insulated, while heat radiates from the ends into the surrounding medium whose temperature is u = 0. The radiation is taken...
  20. L

    Green's Function Solution to ODE. Boundary Conditions Problem.

    Use Green's Functions to solve: \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}} + y = cosec x Subject to the boundary conditions: y\left(0\right) = y\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = 0 Attempt: \frac{d^{2}G\left(x,z\right)}{dx^{2}} + G\left(x,z\right) = \delta\left(x-z\right) For x\neq z the RHS is zero...
  21. N

    Thin conducting plate boundary conditions

    Homework Statement A thin conductor plate is in free space. Its conductivity is finite and thickness is approaching zero. Relate the tangential electric field in either side of the conductor. Repeat for tangential magnetic field. How are electric and magnetic fields related. Homework...
  22. Q

    What are some diseases or medical conditions you might not know you have?

    I have wandering eyes is one thing I have I only found out a few months ago. I don't know the technical term for it. I was watching a youtube video and they said some people thought they had add when in fact they weren't paying attention because of their eye condition. I have good vision like...
  23. I

    Solid State: Diffraction Conditions

    In my Solid State course we've reached the topic of crystal diffraction and reciprocal lattices. I haven't had any problems so far, but I've hit a little snag in understanding how the diffraction condition 2\vec{k} \cdot \vec{G}=G^2 is equivalent to the Bragg law 2d\sin{\theta}=n\lambda. In...
  24. M

    Boundary conditions for wave fixed at one end

    For a string fixed at x=0 and free at x=l I know \frac{dy}{dx}(l,t)=0 (d's are meant to be partials) but what is the other boundry associated with the end of the string? Is the second derivative also equal to 0?
  25. F

    Proving b_m ≥ ∑b_i^2 Under Given Conditions

    Hi, I need to show this: b_m \geq\sum_{i=1}^n b_i^2 given these three conditions: b_m \geq b_i, for i=1..n (in other words b_m = max(b_i)) and 0 \leq b_i \leq 1 for i=1..n and \sum_{i=1}^n b_i=1 I've been working for hours in this without results...Any clue would be really appreciated...
  26. A

    Second Order Numerical Integration w/ Neumann Boundary Conditions

    I hope this is the right place to post this question. I'm trying to figure out how to run a numeric integration for a nonlinear second order ODE with Neumann B.C. I've started programming up Runge Kutta 4, but clearly without a boundary condition on the function, but only on its derivative...
  27. M

    Solving an equation with boundary conditions

    Hey all, I finally figured out how to solve the integral: \int{dp} = \int{6U\eta(\frac{h-\overline{h}}{h^{3}})}{dx} + C using maple and have it export to MATLAB where: h=R+h0-\sqrt{R+x}\sqrt{R-x} \overline{h}=R+h0-\sqrt{R+\overline{x}}\sqrt{R-\overline{x}} how do i find the...
  28. P

    Normal coordinate substitutions with periodic boundary conditions

    Could someone plase hep me with normal coordinate substitutions with periodic boundary conditions, I can't see where the 1/N cancels in the attached file Thanks Doug
  29. A

    Predicting enviromental conditions from configurations

    have a bunch of different configurations of a single molecule under some sort of enviromental conditions. They are not of course the same configuration because of fluctations. I have another bunch of different configurations of the same molecule under different or the same conditions (this is...
  30. M

    Conditions for a real number not to be a limit point

    Homework Statement Given a sequence <xn>n of real numbers. Give the conditions for a real number a not to be a limit point of the sequence. (lim xn not equal to a.) The Attempt at a Solution I'm really not sure if this is the whole answer or if it's only a part of it: For all e>0...
  31. N

    Trouble with boundary conditions in Newton-Raphson method for Coupled PDEs

    Hi all, This pertains to a pretty common method of simulating semiconductor devices, but unfortunately I've looked through tons of sources that have been unable to answer my question: I'm currently working on a 1D device simulator in MATLAB that uses a Newton-Raphson iteration to solve...
  32. W

    Question about CST MWS boundary conditions?

    Hi friends, I'm new to CST microwave studio. Just finish constructed a structure of an L-probe patch antenna (from IEEE paper) and just run the simulation by transient time solver, the curve of the return loss(S11) against frequency that i get is different from what showing on the IEEE paper...
  33. O

    Solving Cubic Spline Interpolation with Conditions and Coefficients

    Homework Statement Consider the use of cubic splines to interpolate a set of data. Suppose at some stage in the calculation we arrive at the following spline functions for two consecutive intervals \tilde{f_{0}} = x^{3} + ax^{2} + bx + c over the interval -1 \leq x \leq 1 \tilde{f_{1}} =...
  34. S

    Daniell Cells - Effect of conditions

    Homework Statement I am doing a chemistry extended experimental investigation on the variables affecting a Daniell Cell's voltage. I am required to understand the reasoning behind voltage increase and decrease for particular conditions. I have done extensive research, but am unable to find a...
  35. D

    Green's Function for Poisson Equation w/ Mixed BCs

    Hello I am trying to build a 3D Poisson solver using method of moments. I need to find out the Green's function for the system. My system is a rectangular box and boundary conditions are as follows: On all surfaces BC is neumann. Only on the upper and lower surface, the middle 1/3 region...
  36. G

    Necessary Conditions for The Big Bang: A Scientific Exploration

    What were the necessary conditions to allow a big bang to occur?
  37. M

    Create antigravity conditions on earth?

    is it possible to create antigravity conditions on earth?if so,how?
  38. K

    Differential equation boundary conditions

    \frac{dN}{dt}=-k_sN^2 Attempt: \frac{1}{N^2}dN = -k_s dt Integrate: -\frac{1}{N} + C = -k_s t In the solution manual, C is written \frac{1}{N_0} Why?
  39. B

    Solving PDE with Initial Conditions for ϕ(x,t)

    Hi, I have a problem that I am working through, and I am at a point where I'm not sure what to do. I am solving a PDE using the method of characteristics. This has given me the solution ϕ(x,t)=F(x+(3ϕ^2-1)t) "for any function " F I have the initial conditions...
  40. J

    Engineering Initial Conditions of Circuit with SC & OC: Confused?

    This is the circuit at t(0-); Initial conditions need to be determined: Capacitor is replaced by an open circuit and inductor is replaced with a short circuit: These are the initial conditions I get: I through inductor (0-) = 3 A V across capacitor ( 0-) = 0 ( in parallel w/ SC)...
  41. J

    Wave equation with inhomogeneous boundary conditions

    I'm reposting this because there was a problem with the title/LaTeX last time. Homework Statement Solve the wave equation (1) on the region 0<x<2 subject to the boundary conditions (2) and the initial condition (3) by separation of variables.Homework Equations (1) \frac{\partial^2...
  42. Q

    Time-dependent boundary conditions

    Though this question arose in quantum mechanics, i think it should be posted here. Consider a particle in a well with infinite walls: $i i \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial t} = -\frac12 \frac{\partial^2 \Psi}{ \partial x^2},\:0<x<a$ but the wall start to squeeze :devil: $\Psi(x=0,t) \equiv...
  43. apeiron

    Vagueness as a model of initial conditions

    This thread will attempt to bring together "vagueness" based approaches to going beyond the standard model. Vagueness gives a different way to model the Universe's initial conditions. (And also quantum indeterminacy, the two being not un-related). Vagueness in logic means indistinct...
  44. T

    Conditions for which inequalitys is true

    A: 1-mt<w^2(m+t) B: -(1+mt)<(w^2 )t(m-t) i have 4 cases for each case they said that needs to be a condition for which this case would be true 1: m>t and mt<1 so they say that i have to demand w^2>(1-mt)/(m+t) which is inequality A 2: m<t and mt<1 they say that i have to...
  45. C

    Understanding Domain & Range in R^2: Conditions for Image in Boundary

    Can you help me with this? I have a function with domain and range in R^2. What conditions it must have so that a point in the boundary of the domain will have its image in the boundary of the range? Thanks.
  46. J

    Finding the solution of the wave equation that satisfies the boundary conditions

    Homework Statement Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Really stuck with this, i can't work out how to apply the boundary conditions to generate the simultaneous equations to find the specific solution. Can't find any similar examples either. Help appreciated.
  47. A

    What are the conditions for applying L'Hopital's Rule?

    Hi, I'm slightly confused about one aspect of the conditions for applying L'Hopital's rule. N.b. apologies in advance for the lack of LaTeX. L'Hopitals rule: Let f,g:(a,b) → R be differentiable and let c ε (a,b) be such that f(c)=g(c)=0 and g'(x)≠0 for x≠c. Then lim(x→ c)[f(x)/g(x)]...
  48. J

    Finding the particular solution to an ODE with set boundary conditions.

    Homework Statement Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution The problem and attempt are as above, I'm not sure where to go from here though. I'm not sure what to do with the boundary condition of dx/dt=-2 and t=0. Any help appreciated.
  49. F

    Find the equation of the plane that satisfies the stated conditions.

    The plane that contains the line x = -2 + 3t, y = 4 + 2t, z = 3 - t and is perpendicular to the plane x - 2y + z = 5.
  50. J

    Maximum air velocity in ambient conditions?

    Maximum air velocity in ambient conditions?? Masters what is the maximum air velocity that can be achieved in ambient condition?? In the throat of sonic nozzle it attains sound velocity. Is it possible to attain more? If yes how?? thanks