Conductors Definition and 311 Threads

Black conductors are musicians of African, Caribbean, African-American ancestry and other members of the African diaspora who are musical ensemble leaders who direct classical music performances, such as an orchestral or choral concerts, or jazz ensemble big band concerts by way of visible gestures with the hands, arms, face and head. Conductors of African descent are rare, as the vast majority are male and Caucasian.

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  1. 9

    How Do Magnetic Fields Orient Around Parallel Conductors?

    Homework Statement Consider Figure 25.14 (attached photo). In the figure, two separate wires are in close proximity. If wire A carries a current of 1.5 A and wire B carries a current of 2.5 A, calculate the value of the magnetic field strength at a point x between the two wires. Homework...
  2. A

    How Does Ion Conduction Work in PEMFC and Proton Conductors?

    I'm having some trouble grasping what it means for something to conduct ions. A material is ion-conducting, transporting hydrogen ions (protons, essentially), but electronically insultating? For something to conduct current, it is ultimately nothing more than a flow of charge and, I recall...
  3. D

    Charge Distribution Inside a Conductive Shell: Solving the Homework Question

    a ball with a radius R and a charge of +Q is placed inside a conductive shell with an inner radius of 3R and outer radius of 4R, the shell has a charge of -4Q, after the ball is placed inside what will the charge on each radius be?? i thought (intuition) that if i place a ball with a charge...
  4. E

    Can You Calculate Capacitance for Each Half of a Cylinder Capacitor Separately?

    hey i have 2 cylinders one with r1 the second with r2. r2>r1, an cylinder capacitor. in the space between them i put 2 dielectric materials, the first in a half of the cylinder, vertical,and the second on the other side vertical. like: first- 0-180 deg second- 180-360 deg...
  5. R

    Calculation of capacitance of conductors

    Hello, I would like to get a method for calculation of capacitance of conductors. Let say, I have several conductors in space (2D). I know voltage everywhere between and on conductors, and I need to know the value of capacitance between 2 conductors among several. I'm looking for a general...
  6. K

    Transimission Of EM waves in conductors at an angle of incidence

    We know that in electrodynamic when an incident Electromagnetic wave strikes a charged barrier it can either be reflected or transmits. And both of the incident, reflected and transmitted waves are in the same plane called plane of incidence. Now, i met a problem in which they state that the...
  7. A

    Complex Wave Vector in Partial Reflection at a Conductor Interface

    Homework Statement I'm writing a school paper on the behavior of electromagnetic waves when they hit the interface between a non-conductor and a conductor. My question is if, in the case of partial reflection, it is correct to allow for both components of the wave vector (the wave is...
  8. V

    The Force Between Current-Carrying Conductors

    Homework Statement Consider two straight conductors of length 1 m, each of them carrying a current of I = 2 A. If they are placed 1 m apart, what is the magnitude and direction of the force between these two conductors if there currents are a) in the same direction; b) in the opposite...
  9. F

    Calculate Resistance per Meter of a Hollow Cylindrical Aluminum Conductor

    Help with conductors! Homework Statement Determine the resistance per meter of a hollow cylindrical aluminum conductor with an outer diameter of 32mm and wall thickness 6mm. Homework Equations R = length / sigma * Area Sigma = conducitivity The Attempt at a Solution The answer is...
  10. C

    How electron transport in conductors

    Say we have a solid wire made of Cu. It seems most electrons transport at the surface of the wire. Right? So is there any difference of the resistance if we have a hollow Cu wire (same diameter with the solid wire). I think the answer shoule be "yes". Right? Becasuse, the resistance R=p*L/A (p...
  11. H

    Is the Electric Field Parallel to the Surface of Conductors and Insulators?

    "In a static situation, the electric field of a conductor can have no component parallel to the surface coz this would violate the condition that the charges on the surface are at rest." would this statement be valid for electric field at the surface of an insulator? Explain your answer...
  12. A

    Conductors & Fields: Feynman's Argument Explained

    I had been reading Feynman lectures , and in it he has shown an argument which proves that E field inside an empty cavity of a conductor is zero.OK. Now he says a similar argument can be used to show that if there is some charge in a cavity of a conductor than the field outside must be zero...
  13. C

    Conductors separated by interface

    Homework Statement The Plane z=0 forms an interface between two conductors of conductivity σ1 and σ2 respectively. In the 1st conductor a steady current J1 flows and it makes an angle θ1 with the normal of the interface. Find the current in the 2nd conductor and the charge density on the...
  14. E

    How Does Charge Distribution Affect Electric Field Inside a Shell?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well all I know that the smallest will be C, as it's 0 (inside the conductor), I think the next one is A, and I don't know about B and D
  15. A

    Why does the resistance decreases with increase in temp for semi- conductors?

    Why does the resistance decreases with increase in temp for semi- conductors?
  16. Y

    Why Do EM Waves Travel Differently in Good Conductors?

    Speed of EM travel through the good conductor is \omega/\beta I know the speed of signal travel in stripline is c/\sqrt{}\epsilon_{}r_{} My symbols don't look very good but I think you get what I mean. Obvious they are different. I am confuse because in both case EM wave travel in good...
  17. P

    Magnetic fields and 2 parallel conductors

    This question was on my homework and I don't really understand how it has to do with magnetic fields. Homework Statement As 2 parallel conductors with currents in the same direction are moved apart, their force of A) repulsion decreases B)Repulsion increases C) attraction decreases D)...
  18. S

    Electrical Conductors and Insulators, help

    Homework Statement A balloon, initially neutral, is rubbed with fur until it acquires a net charge of -0.60nC. (a) Assuming that only electrons are transferred, were electrons removed from the balloon or added to it? (b) how many electrons were transferred? Net Charge = Q = -0.60 nCHomework...
  19. M

    How does increasing potential difference affect the magnetic force on electrons?

    1.Two long, straight, parallel conductors carry equal currents and are spaced 1.0 meter apart. If the current in each conductor is doubled, the magnitude o the magnetic force acting between the conductors will be 1)Doubled 4) quadrupled. I chose 2 because I used the formula is F=ILB, so if I...
  20. A

    Is Air a Conductor or Insulator? | Carbon Conductors & Insulators

    Is air a conductor or insulator? Does it matter about humidity? Also, is all forms of carbon insulators or conductors?
  21. A

    Magnetic fields/ force on conductors

    Homework Statement calculate a value for B at a distance of 50cm, in ,air, from a long straight cable carrying a current of 1000A. Homework Equations F=Bqv=BIl I=q\t = qv/l F=LIB The Attempt at a Solution i have not been able to calculate an answer as there are constantly two...
  22. S

    Magnetic force between conductors

    Homework Statement a straight conductor carrying 5A is separated by 10cm from a second parallel conductor carrying 10A in the same direction. at what distance from the first conductor (along the line connecting the two conductors) is the magnetic field zero? Homework Equations F_2 =...
  23. N

    Electric potential and conductors

    Couple questions for you guys. 1. How does a single electric potential affect the atoms within a conductor. For example, if 100V is applied to a copper wire.. how do the copper atoms move/react to the voltage? (no current flowing) 2. Does positive or negative potential affect the wire...
  24. D

    Electrostatic Fields inside Charged Conductors

    Hi, I'm having a little trouble understanding why the field inside a charged conductor must be zero. I understand that when the charge is put on the conductor, they spread out to the surface such that the surface becomes an equipotential. But why does that mean the field inside must be zero?
  25. N

    Work/Energy and Parallel Current-Carrying Conductors (Conceptual Question)

    Homework Statement Two parallel conductors carrying current in the same direction attract each other. If they are permitted to move toward each other, the forces of attraction do work. Where does the energy come from? Does this contradict the assertion in the previous chapter that magnetic...
  26. S

    Electric Conductors and Storage

    [b]1. I am wanting to find more out about how electricity could be absorbed by some sort of conductor and then stored in a different containter from container a to container be. Saying that this were to be done from container a where electricity would be generated and roaming freely, needing to...
  27. manjuvenamma

    Charges on outer surface only for conductors or all charged bodies?

    I read that charge resides on the outer surface of a charged (electrically) body. Is it meant only for charged conductors or all charged bodies including conductors or insulators? What are the specific points with respect to conductors and charges other than (i) conductors allow current freely...
  28. V

    Charges on Faraday ice bucket like conductors

    Hi, I have problems with charge distributions of buckets and other conductors which has a cavity. If there is experiments, photos, detailed examples about this kind of charges then glad to learn the links in net. Suppose have a conductor like Faraday ice bucket. And tied two un-charged...
  29. C

    How Do Conducting Layers Affect the Electrostatic Energy of a Spherical Shell?

    I'll try my best to describe the question, though Enligsh is not my mother-tounge. Hope I'm clear enough! the problem: There's a thick spherical shell made of insulated material (like a thick ring), with an inner radius a and outer radius b. The shell is charged with a changing charge...
  30. E

    Magnetic flux between coaxial conductors

    Homework Statement A coaxial conductor has the length L. The inner conductor of radius a carries a current I in the z direction. The outer conductor is very thin and has the radius b. Calculate the total magnetic flux enclosed within the conductors. Homework Equations Magnetic flux...
  31. H

    What Is the X-Component of the Electric Field in Coaxial Cylindrical Conductors?

    Homework Statement Two coaxial cylindrical conductors are shown. The inner cylinder has radius a = 2 cm, length 10 m, and carries a total charge of Q inner = +8nC. The outer cylinder has an inner radius b = 6 cm, outer radius c= 7 cm, length 10 m, and carries a total charge of Q outer =...
  32. F

    Conductors and Equipotential Lines - Fun

    Conductors and Equipotential Lines - Fun! Homework Statement Consider the following two conductors. conductor A is grounded so that it has a voltage of 0 V and conductor B is charged up so it has a voltage of +20 V. Draw in the equipotential lines and then draw in the E field lines indicating...
  33. N

    Understanding the Mechanism of Magnetic Field Opposition in Perfect Conductors

    In a theoretical perfect conductor, when it is placed into an already existing magnetic field it equally opposes the field. This is due to the induced current within it giving rise to a new magnetic field that opposes the existing one. However when a superconductor is already in the magnetic...
  34. R

    Calculate Force on Two Parallel Conductors

    Can someone tell me if I am on the right track with this. Problem: Two parallel conductors are 15cm apart and carry current of 8 amp and 12 amp. Calculate the size and direction of the force that the conductors exert on each one meter length of each other. 8 amp (out of page) o --------...
  35. C

    How Do E-Field Lines Behave Between Finite Coaxial Cylindrical Conductors?

    Homework Statement What would the equipotential or e-field lines look like when staring down the axis of the two finite cylinders? Will the E-field lines be radial or are they different because the cylinders aren't infinite?
  36. I

    Why are conductors embedded into airplanes?

    I know airplanes are made of mostly nonconductors, but why do they have conducting wires embedded into the surface?
  37. I

    Physics of Conductors: Understanding Electric Fields and Surface Charge Density

    Physics - Conductors? Hi, I am currently enrolling Engineering first year and encountered a physics conceptual problem. Please explain to me please, thanks in advance 1. Does conductors have to be in electrostatic equilibrium? if not, how do you calculate the electric field of a...
  38. S

    Effect of Bundling on Transmisson Line Inductance

    Hi everyone! I am new to this forum. Can anyone help me to find any reference about this question: "What is the effect of bundling on decreasing the inductance of a transmission line?" I will be very grateful for any help. :rolleyes:
  39. N

    Confused by E=ρ/ε0 in Conductors and Dielectrics?

    A little bit of confusion: Is it not correct to write ▼. E=ρ/ε0 inside a dielectric body. As far as I know we should write ε instead of ε0.[where ε=εr*ε0] Then why do we write ▼. E=ρ/ε0 inside a conductor?
  40. C

    Charges on spherical conductors

    A charge is placed on a speherical conductor of radius r1. this sphere is then connected to a distant sphere of radius r2 (not equal to r1) by a conducting wire. after the charges on the spheres are in equilibrium... is it reasonable to say that both spheres are at the same potential...
  41. J

    Electric Potential of two conductors

    Homework Statement A hollow spherical conducting shell of inner radius b and outer radius c surrounds its concentric with a solid conducting sphere of radius a. The sphere carries a net charge -Q. The shell carries net +3Q. Find an expression for the potential difference from infinity to the...
  42. A

    Corona loss in bundled conductors

    can anyone tell me that how to calculate corona power loss for bundled conductor? I need formulae of it.
  43. B

    Find Magnetic Field of Parallel Conductors at Different Locations

    Homework Statement The two wires shown in Figure P19.38 carry currents of 5.00 A in opposite directions and are separated by 10.0 cm. Find the direction and magnitude of the net magnetic field at the following locations. (a) at a point midway...
  44. S

    Maxwell's equations & Conductors

    Is the fact that there could be no E-field inside a conductor purely experimental? I don't see any way to apply Maxwell's equations to prove this fact.
  45. S

    Conductors and co-axial cables?

    Conductors and co-axial cables!?? Say you have a long conducting hollow cylinder with some surface charge density \rho which is inside another hollow (uncharged) cylinder. What would the electric field be outside the outer cylinder? I am guessing that the e-field outside the outer cylinder...
  46. P

    Transfer of charges between 2 conductors

    Hi. If a conductor (A) touches another highly charged conductor (B) such as one on the Van De Graaff generator, then I move conductor A via a string away from conductor B. Does conductor A retain the charges that it had gained when it touched the highly charged conductor? If conductor A...
  47. K

    Free Electrons in Conductors: Random Motion and Energy Loss

    Hi, I believe that the free electrons in a piece of a conductor move randomnly until they are oriented in one particular direction by some external field. Does free electrons lose energy in this random motion??:confused:
  48. N

    Coaxial pair of infinitely long charged solid conductors

    A) By definition linear charge density is Q/L. So for the inner conductor with 2λ I want to say it is 2Q/infinity but this cannot be right. I am sure using Guass's law produces a correct answer but I cannot see anyway to relate it to λ or length of the conductors for that matter B) For...
  49. B

    Question about magnetic fields in coiled conductors

    Okay, say I have a coiled conductor below where the direction of the magnetic field is indicated in the North direction. +()()()()()- ---> N If I were to place a compass in the following position, what would happen? (a) COMPASS +()()()()()- (b) +()()()()()- COMPASS Okay, so...
  50. L

    Does an Electric Field Exist Inside a Conductor?

    Hi, I am confused about the electric field within a conductor. My textbook states that it is zero when charges at rest. Does this mean, the there is no electric field within the metal part of the conductor (let's assume this conductor is a hollow sphere), or the actual "empty" inside core of...