I'm struggling to understand continuous functions as subspaces of each other. I use ⊆ to mean subspace below, is this the correct notation? I also tried to write some symbols in superscript but couldn't manage. Anyway I know that;
Pn ⊆ C∞(-∞,∞) ⊆ Cm(-∞,∞) ⊆ C1(-∞,∞) ⊆ C(-∞,∞) ⊆ F(-∞,∞)
We know that dim(C[a,b]) is infinte. Indeed it cannot be finite since it contains the set of all polynomials.
Is the dimension of a Hamel basis for it countable or uncountable?
I guess if we put a norm on it to make a Banach space, we could use Baire's to imply uncountable.
I am however...
I'd like to show that functions like x^a with a > 0 satisfy the Holder condition on an interval like [0, 1]. That is to say that for any x and y in that interval, then for example,
|x^{\frac{1}{2}} - y^{\frac{1}{2}}| \leq C|x-y|^k
for some constants C and k.
What is the trick to proving...
Homework Statement
Show x^2 is continuous, on all reals, using a delta/epsilon argument.
Let E>0. I want to find a D s.t. whenever d(x,y)<D d(f(x),f(y))<E.
WLOG let x>y
I am trying to bound x+y, but can't figure out how.
Homework Statement
Let f(x) = x sgn(sin(1/x)) if x != 0
f(x) = 0 if x = 0
on the interval I=[-1,1]
Now I 'm asked to show that f(x) is not piecewise continuous on I and later, I must show that f is integrable on I.
The Attempt at a Solution
I am completely lost here and...
Homework Statement
Suppose f is a continuous function on [0,2] with f(0) = f(2). Show that there is an x in [0,1] where f(x) = f(x+1).
Homework Equations
By the Intermediate Value Theorem, we know that any values between sup{f(x)} and inf {f(x)} over x in [0,2] will be repeated...
can anybody please help me in solving the following question:
consider the function on [0,1] f(x)=1/q if x=p/q, p&q are non zero & p,q are positive integers,
p/q is in simplest form...
What determines whether an operator has discrete or continuous eigenvalues?
Energy and momentum sometimes have discrete eigenvalues, sometimes continuous. Position is always continuous (isnt it?) Spin is always discrete (isn't it?) Why?
Hello. Are there any chemical reactions of the Briggs-Rauscher variety that will continue to oscillate indefinitely with continued agitation? B-R fades out after a few minutes of agitation, and I am curious as to whether there are oscillating reactions that will continue to oscillate as long as...
Homework Statement
If H:I\rightarrowI is a monotone and continuous function, prove that H is a homeomorphism if either
a) H(0) = 0 and H(1) = 1
or b) H(0) = 1 and H(1) = 0.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
So if I can prove H is a homeomorphism for a), b)...
Homework Statement
Let f be an integrable, periodic function whose Fourier coefficients satisfy \sum_{-\infty}^{\infty} n^6 |\hat{f}(n)|^2 < \infty . Prove that f is continuous.
Homework Equations
Looking at my notes, the only relevant things i have for this question (i think) are...
My textbook describes how some functions are not well approximated by tangent planes at a particular point. For example
f(x)= xy / (x^2 + y^2) for x /= 0
0 for x = 0
at (0,0) the partial derivatives exist and are zero but they are not continuous at...
I am reading Schutz's "Geometrical methods of mathematical physics". He writes: "A map f:M->N is continuous at x in M if any open set of N containing f(x) contains the image of an open set of M." However, it seems to me that a more appropriate definition would be "... contains the image of a...
Let F and y both be continuous for simplicity. Knowing that:
\int_0^x F'(t)y^2(t) dt = F(x) \quad \forall x \geq 0
can you say that the function y is bounded? Why? I know that \int_0^x F'(t) dt = F(x) but I can't find a suitable inequality to prove rigorously that y is bounded.
If dimM=m<p, show that every map(maybe continuous) Mm -> Sp is homotopic to a constant.
This is the problem 5 in chap8. of 'topology from the differentiable viewpoint(Milnor)'.
I proved it when the map is not onto. But I think it can be onto.
Please help me.
part 2 The Electric Field of a Continuous Distribution of Charge
Homework Statement
find the electric potential at point p
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
using this pic above and dQ=(Q/L)(dX)
v=(K)(dQ)/(L-(X_i)+d) then sub dq=dX(Q/L)
we get...
There are no Bayesian Networks for continuous random variables, as far as I know. And the Netica Bayesian Network software discretize continuous random variables to build bayesian models. Are there any reasons for this? Has anyone proposed continuous random variable bayesian networks?
I'm new to calculus and I'm teaching myself so please be kind to me :)
How do you prove that f(x) = x is continuous at all points? I know a little bit about deltas and epsilons. I know that for a positive epsilon it is possible to get a delta such that
|(fx) - L| < epsilon for all x...
Homework Statement
Given f:{R^2} \to R.
Prove that if f is continuous individually for each variable, and monotone in the first variable, then f is continuous.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Well I "succeeded" to "prove" it by choosing \min \left( {{\varepsilon...
Let (X; T ) be a topological space. Given the set Y and the function f : X \rightarrow Y , define
U := {H\inY \mid f^{-1}(H)\in T}
Show that U is the finest topology on Y with respect to which f is continuous.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I was wondering is...
Homework Statement
I have a table of paired measurements: IQ and brainsize of a person.
Question: is there a significant connection between brainsize and IQ?Homework Equations
The Attempt at a SolutionThe only test in my course notes that checks indepedence of continuous variables is a...
Homework Statement
Define f(x)=sin(x)sin(1/x) if x does not =0, and 0 when x=0.
Have to prove that f(x) is continuous at 0.
Homework Equations
We can use the definition of continuity to prove this, I believe.
The Attempt at a Solution
I know from previous homework...
Homework Statement
I have to make a Buck-Boost converter for my Design PE class but the problem is even though i have read about them i seriously don't know where to start. I have to make calculations and choose a mosfet, load, capacitor and an inductor but i don't know how.
f(x,y) = x + y is the joint probability density function for continuous random variables X and Y. The support of this function is {0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1}, which means it takes positive values over this region and zero elsewhere.
g(x) = x + (1/2) is the probability density function of X...
So, I'm taking an EE class and my teacher is terribly handwavy. She couldn't really explain this to me (not homework, lecture). I detect a fundamental problem in the math, coming from a science background, but it could just be my ignorance:
Here's her lecture:
physical setup: a...
i'm having a difficult time trying to grasp what absolute continuity means, i understand uniform continuity. i can't seem to distinguish between the them.
to me it seems that if f on some inteval [a,b] is uniformly continuous then it would be absolutely continuous ?
is there a visual way...
Homework Statement
Let f be a continuous function lR (all real numbers) --> lR such that f(x+y) = f(x) + f (y) for x, y in lR.
prove that f(n) = n*f(1) for all n in lN (all natural numbers)Homework Equations
f is continuous
also note and prove that f(0) = 0
The Attempt at a Solution
Let X be a topological space and A a subset of X . On X × {0, 1} define the
partition composed of the pairs {(a, 0), (a, 1)} for a ∈ A , and of the singletons {(x, i)} if x ∈ X \ A and i ∈ {0, 1}.
Let R be the equivalence relation defined by this partition, let Y be the quotient space
[X × {0...
Just curious: a continuous function f:X-->Y ; X,Y topological spaces, can fail
to be an embedding because it is not 1-1, or, if f is 1-1 , f can fail to be an
embedding because, for U open in X f(U) is not open in f(X).
Can anyone think of a "reasonable" example of the...
Z = X + Y
Where X and Y are continuous random variables defined on [0,1] with a continuous uniform distribution.
I know we define the density of Z, fz as the convolution of fx and fy but I have no idea why to evaluate the convolution integral, we consider the intervals [0,z] and [1,z-1]...
Homework Statement
Suppose X = [0,1] x [0,1] and d is the metric on X induced from the Euclidean metric on R^2. Suppose also that Y = R^2 and d' is the Euclidean metric. Is the mapping
T: [0,1] x [0,1] \rightarrow R^2, T(x,y) = (xy, e^(x.y))
uniformly continuous? Explain your answer...
Homework Statement
This is the last part of a revision question I'm trying, would really like to get to the end so any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated.
Suppose h:(0,1)-> satisfies the following conditions:
for all xЭ(0,1) there exists d>0 s.t. for all x'Э(x, x+d)n(0,1) we...
REVISED: Expectation of a function of a continuous RV
0 \leq x \leq 1
and 0 everywhere else.
We are asked to find E[eX]
The way my book does it is as follows:
I understand how to do it as follows. I don't understand the author's way of doing it.
Y = e^{X}
0 \leq x...
Homework Statement
Find f:I->I such that each x on I shows up an infinite amount of times on f(I), f continuous
Homework Equations
Lol , equations?
The Attempt at a Solution
The weierstrauss function, I want to expand on it's fractal property and say that it crosses a given point...
Homework Statement
1) f(x) = sin(1/x) for x is not 0
= 0 for x is 0
2) f(x) = x sin (1/x) for x is not 0
=0 for x = 0
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
i've got a hunch the answer is the second one
(i think that factor 'x' is going to minimize the total value when...
Homework Statement
Let (X,d) be a metric space, and let A,B \subset X be disjoint closed subsets.
1. Construct a continuous function f : X \to [0,1] such that A \subseteq f^{-1}({0}) and B \subseteq f^{-1}({1}). Hint: use the functions below.
2. Prove that there are disjoint sets U,V...
Continuous Functions - Setting up word problems
Homework Statement
Each side of a square is expanding at 5 cm/sec. What is the rate of change when the length of the sides are 10 cm.
Homework Equations
A = ab
The Attempt at a Solution
a = 5t, b = 5t
and the area is...
Homework Statement
Let f, g be continuous from R to R (the reals), and suppose that f(r) = g(r) for all rational numbers r. Is it true that f(x) = g(x) for all x \in R?Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Basically, this seems trivial, but is probably tricky after all. I know that...
Homework Statement
Is h(x)=x3+1 uniformly continuous on the set [1,infinity)?The Attempt at a Solution
Let \epsilon>0. For each x,y in the set [1,infinity) with |x-y|<\delta, we would have |(x3+1)-(y3+1)|=|x3-y3|
Now how can I show that this is less than epsilon?
At least physically, why must Psi be continuous? Sorry if this question has been asked before. Most of the things I read however just state that it is, & leave it at that.
Homework Statement
Find the moment generating of:
Homework Equations
M_x(t)= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{e^{tx}f(x)dx}
The Attempt at a Solution
I get down to the point (if I've done my calculus correctly) and gotten:
\frac{.15e^{(t-.15)x}}{t-.15} \Bigr|...
Prove that cos:R-->[-1,1] is continuous at every a∈R
Homework Statement
Prove that cos:R-->[-1,1] is continuous at every a∈R
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
If the function is right continuous at -1, and left continuous at 1, then should the function be continuous in the...
Homework Statement
Let the function f: [1,infinity)-->R
f(x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{rcl}
\frac{(\sqrt{x}-1+x\sqrt{x-1}}{\sqrt{x^2-1}} & \mbox{,}
& x>1 \\
c, x=1
Find the EXACT value of c for which f is continuous on its domain.
Homework Equations
First, I'm not an engineer, so I don't know this topic very well.
Anyway, we were covering Fourier Transforms in one of my analytical methods class (chem major; NMR was the topic) and the phrase "discrete signal processing" came up.
In our particular case, we collect individual points on...
Hi guy's I know this is more of a homework question, I posted a similar thread earlier on but I think I ended up confusing myself.
I need to show that a function is continuous between metric spaces. I'll post the question and what I've done any tips on moving forward would be great.
hints? Derivatives: Intervals, stationary points, logarithms, continuous functions
Homework Statement
Got any hints or anything?
1. Suppose that f(x) = (x - 3)^4 ( 2x + 5)^5
a) Find and simplify f ' ( x )
b) Find stationary points of f
c) Find exactly the intervals where f is...
Homework Statement
prove that if f is continuously differentiable on a closed interval E, then f is Lipschitz continuous on E.
The Attempt at a Solution
so I'm letting E be [a,b]
I'm using the mean value theorem to show secant from a->b = some value, then I'm saying if I subtract...
Let f: R\rightarrowR be a non-decreasing function. Suppose that f maps Q to Q and f: Q\rightarrowQ bijection. Prove that f: R\rightarrowR is continuous, one to one and onto.
Hello everyone, I have been staring at this statement for a while now and I just don't understand it, hence I can't...
Homework Statement
find the values of b and c that make the function f continuous on (-\infty,\infty)
f(x) = \frac{sin2x}{x} if x< 0
3-3c+b(x+1) if 0\leqx<2
5-cx+bx^2 if x\geq 2
Homework Equations
lim as x...
A problem on the final exam is to show for a metric space (X,d) and a compact subset C in X prove that the function f(x) = min_{y \in C} d(x,y) is continuous.
Now, there are two approches you can take. One is to go to the episolon delta definition of continuous, and the other is to use open...