Homework Statement
Let f be continuous on R. Is there an open interval on which f is monotone?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I think there is such interval for non constant function but I am really not sure.
Hi, I'm trying to read into CTRW, but I'm finding the information online a little difficult to take in. From what I've read the process differs from normal random walks in that jumps take place after some waiting time \tau, which can be from 0<\tau<\infty. Would I also be right in saying that...
Homework Statement
Let (X, p) be a metric space, and let A and B be nonempty, closed, disjoint subsets of X.
define d(x,A) = inf{p(x, a)|a in A}
h(x) = d(x, A)/[d(x, A) + d(x, B)]
defines a continuous function h: X -> [0,1]. h(x) = 0 iff x is in A, and h(x) = 1 iff x is in B. Infer that there...
Suppose that the height of adult females in a population is a normal random variable with a
mean of 165 cm and a standard deviation of 12 cm. If heights are measured to the nearest
centimetre, what percentage of the adult female population will have a measured height between 150 and 160 cm...
Homework Statement
Prove or give a counterexample for each of the following statements:
a) If f(x) is continuous, then the function |f(x)| is continuous.
b) If |f(x)| is continuous, then the function f(x) is continuous.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am...
Homework Statement
Suppose the function f has the property that |f(x) - f(t)| <= |x - t| for each pair of points x,t in the interval (a, b). Prove that f is continuous on (a, b).
Homework Equations
I know a function is continuous if lim x-->c f(x) = f(c)
The Attempt at a...
Homework Statement
Let E,E' be metric spaces, f:E\rightarrow E' a function, and suppose that S_1,S_2 are closed subsets of E such that E = S_1 \cup S_2. Show that if the restrictions of f to S_1,S_2 are continuous, then f is continuous. Also, if the restriction that S_1,S_2 are closed is...
This is a question from the exam for the calculus class I took last semester:
It looks like it might be able to be done with squeeze theorem, but I can't work it out. Please help me with this, before I descend into madness.
Homework Statement
Suppose that f is differentiable at every point in a closed, bounded interval [a,b]. Prove that if f' is increasing on (a,b), then f' is continuous on (a,b).
Homework Equations
If f' is increasing on (a,b) and c belongs to (a,b), then f'(c+) and f'(c-) exist, and...
I have a definition that a piecewise continuous function is one which is continuous on all but a finite number of points. I believe a step function would be a good example.
However in 2D space, an equivalent function to the step function (eg, for x>0, y>0, f(x,y) = 1 else f(x,y) = 0) does not...
Homework Statement
Prove that the following function is continuous and bounded in R+
Homework Equations
f(x) = 1 + \int_0^x e^{-t^2} f(xt) dt \qquad \forall x \geq 0
The Attempt at a Solution
I thought of using Taylor Formula, but the integral is t instead of x, so now i have...
Kempf gave a talk on this. I'll find the PIRSA link. I remember watching the whole video and being impressed. It may be easier to understand than the paper because communicating a higher proportion of the person-to-person intuition---more beginner level. You can try it either way. Either watch...
Hi there,
A quick question concerning the FFT. Let's say I explicitly know a 2D function \tilde{f}\left(\xi_1,\xi_2 \right) in the frequency domain.
If I want to know the values of f\left(x_1,x_2 \right) in the time domain at some specific times, I can calculate \tilde{f} at N_jdiscrete...
Homework Statement
I have attached a diagram, for this question, I am stuck on how to calculate the flow rate.
there is 70kg/h of feed going into the evaporator, of which 11% is solids, so that's 7.7kg/h of solids, and so 62.3kg/h of liquid in the feed.
so now how do I calculate the...
Homework Statement
Show that the function f(z) = Re(z) + Im(z) is continuous in the entire complex
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that to prove f(z) is a continuous function i have to show that it is continuous at each part of its domain.
I take...
Homework Statement
Can someone please help me. I have finish the problem but i don't know if its right. Can someone please check my answer. I'm attaching it as a PDF and Its for my EE signals and systems class and the book we are using is signals and systems by Alan V. Oppenheim
Here's the problem:
Let f(x)={x, x in Q; 0, x in R\Q.
Show f is continuous at c if and only if c = 0.
Hint: You may want to use the following theorem: Let A and B be two disjoint subsets of R and f1:A\rightarrowR and f2:B\rightarrowR. Define f:A\cupB\rightarrowR by
f(x)={f1(x), x in A...
Homework Statement
give an example of functions f and g, both continuous at x=0, for which the composite f(g(x)) is discontinuous at x=0. Does this contradict the sandwich theorem? Give reasons for your answer.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I understand the...
Homework Statement
Suppose that a function f has the property that
|f(x) - f(t)| < or = |x-t| for each pair of points in the interval (a,b). Prove that f is continuous
on (a,b)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
f(x) and f(t) must be defined everywhere on (a,b)
Estimate the decay heat rate in a 300 MWth reactor in which 3.2% mU-enriched
U02 assemblies are being fed into the core. The burned-up fuel stays in the core for 3 years before being replaced. Consider two cases:
1. The core is replaced in two batches every 18 months.
2. The fuel...
Homework Statement
Define f(6) in a way that extends to be continuous at s=6.
Homework Equations
None. Only limits are required.
The Attempt at a Solution
In order to figure out which point needs to be added to the function, I have to find the limit of this function as s->6. This will...
Let M be a function from R^2 to R with image M(x,y).
Given is that M has continuous partial derivatives \frac{\partial M(x,y)}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial M(x,y)}{\partial x}.
\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x \partial y} \int M(x,y) \mathrm d x
exist and is it continuous...
Not a specific question per se but...
Is it possible to convolve a discrete-time signal with a continuous-time one?
if you have x(n) and y(t) can you calculate the convolution of x and y (say, by taking y(t) for t in the set of integers or by treating each x(n) as its value multiplied by...
Homework Statement
Another similar question. I will appreciate any input!
\[f(x) = \left\{\begin{matrix}
x^{2}+a^{2} & x \leq 2\\ 2x+3a
& x > 2
find a such f is continuous at x = 2
Homework Equations
Well... the definition of continuity
The Attempt...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
Continuity @ v0
The Attempt at a Solution
Using the epsilon delta definition of continuity:
If we choose epsilon such that epsilon < a, then |f(v) - f(v0)| < a.
So f(v) is in the interval (f(v0) - a, f(v0) + a).
Only half of this interval is what I want...
Homework Statement
I have some doubts about the demonstration of the differentiability. If I'm asked to proof that an average function is differentiable on all of it domain, let's suppose its a continuous function on all of its domain, but it has not continuous partial derivatives. How should I...
Hi there!
I need to calculate the Fourier transform of a continuous function in C++. To do this I need to use the Dft, but what is the relation between the Dft and the continuous Fourier transform? I mean, how can I get the continuous Fourier transform from the Dft?
Homework Statement
So, given a metric d : X x X --> R, prove that d is continuous.The Attempt at a Solution
Let (x, y) be a point in X x X, V = <a, b> a neighborhood of d(x, y). One needs to find a neighborhood of U of (x, y) such that d(U) is contained in V. U is of the form U1 x U2, where...
Homework Statement
Suppose X ~ uniform (0,1) and the conditional distribution of Y given X = x is binomial (n, p=x), i.e. P(Y=y|X=x) = nCy x^{y} (1-x)^{n-y} for y = 0, 1,..., n. Homework Equations
FInd E(y) and the distribution of Y.The Attempt at a Solution
f(x) = \frac{1}{b-a} = \frac{1}{1-0}...
Homework Statement
Let S denote a unit circle centered at origin in xy plane, and
f is a continuous function that sends S to R (no need to be 1 to 1 or onto).
show that there's (x, y) such that f(x, y) = f(-x, -y)
Homework Equations
have a feeling it has something to do with theorems...
Homework Statement
x(t) = u(t) - 2*u(t-2) + u(t-5)
h(t) = exp(2*t) * u(1-t)
Homework Equations
Need to find convolution integrals for all possible intervals
The Attempt at a Solution
Ok, the first thing to do is to rewrite these equations in terms of \tau. Now i have:
x(\tau) =...
Homework Statement
Given f : [-\sqrt{\pi}, \sqrt{\pi} ] \rightarrow [-1, 1]
f(x) = sin(x^{2})
Show that f is continuous for all a \in [-\sqrt{\pi}, \sqrt{\pi} ]
Find a \delta so that |x - y| \leq \delta implies that
|f(x) - f(y)| \leq 0.1 for...
Homework Statement
Let f : A --> Y be a continuous function, where A is a subset of X and Y is Haussdorf. Show that, if f can be extended to a continuous function g : Cl(A) --> Y, then g is uniquely determined by f.
The Attempt at a Solution
I think I can solve this on my own, but I...
Has it been considered to instead of quantizing gravity, and incorporating gravity into the quantum theory, but rather incorporating the other three forces into relativity?
Why is the traverse loading strength of continuous fibre reinforced composites weaker compared to the longitudinal strength?
I sort of arrived at the conclusion, that since the composite is in an isostress state and due to the fibre having a very low tensile strength in the transverse...
In ch22, Srednicki considers the path integral Z(J)=\int D\phi \exp{i[S+\int d^4y J_a\phi_a]}
He says the value of Z(J) is unchanged if we make the change of var \phi_a(x)\rightarrow\phi_a(x)+\delta\phi_a(x), with \phi_a(x) an arbitrary infinitesimal shift that leaves the mesure...
Homework Statement
Let F be a function defined on a open set E where E \in V. F is said to be continuous at each point x \in V. Which according to my textbook at hand can be written as F \in \mathcal{C}(E)
But the expression F \in \mathcal{C}^{1}(E) is that equal to saying that F have...
Homework Statement
Find the values of a and b that make f continuous everywhere. (Enter your answers as fractions.)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
lim x->2 (x2-4)/(x-2) = 0
lim x->2 4a - 2b +5
lim x->3 9a - 3b +5
lim x->3 12 - a + b
4a - 2b + 5 = 0
Dear all,
in basic QM books the position and momentum operators (continuous eigenvectors) are introduce by means of the dirac delta and some analogies are made with the infinite dimensional, but discrete case in order to provide some intuition for the integral formulas presented. My knowledge...
Homework Statement
Let f:A\subset{\mathbb{R}}^{n}\mapsto \mathbb{R} be a linear function continuous a \vec{0} . To prove that f is continuous everywhere.
Homework Equations
If f is continuous at zero, then \forall \epsilon>0 \exists\delta>0 such that if \|\vec{x}\|<\delta then...
1. The accountants at HR office of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation have determined that the company would need additional $10 billion in its pension fund account over and above the current projected amount at the end of year 2030.
(a) Assuming the fund's balance will be growing, compounds...
Ive got a beam that I can't seem to calculate the loading of. Let's say beam ABC supports are at A & B, BC is a cantilever. There is no wall on AB, but there is a wall on BC. Now I have tried breaking it up into separate parts, but does not look right. I was taught the method of triangles and...
Is the space of all absolutely continuous functions complete?
I've never learned about absolutely continuous functions, and so I'm unsure of their properties when working with them. I'm fairly certain it is, but would like some verification.
Or a link to something on them besides the...
I've been looking over quantum gravity threads here for a year or so. One thing keeps puzzling me. It appears to me that difficulty coming up with a viable quantum gravity theory is melding the continuous nature of the general relativity equations with the discrete (i.e. quantized) nature of...
How can the function
f: ℝ² → ℝ : (x,y) |--> {{x^3-y^3}\over{x-y}} if x ≠ y
be defined on the line y=x so that we get a continuous function?Is this correct?: If x=y --> f=0
How can the function
f: ℝ² → ℝ : (x,y) |--> {{x^2+y^2-(x^3y^3)}\over{x^2+y^2}} if (x,y) ≠ (0,0)
be defined in the origin so that we get a continuous function?When I take 'x=y' (so (y,y)) and 'y=x' (so (x,x)) I get:
So for the first one I get '1'...
The definitions of a harmonic function u are: It has continuous 1st and 2nd derivatives and it satisfies \nabla^2 u = 0.
Is the second derivative equal zero consider continuous?
Example: u=x^2+y^2 ,\; \hbox{ 1st derivative }=u_x + u_y = 2x+2y,\; \hbox{ 2nd derivative }=u_{xx} + u_{yy} +...
Homework Statement
Suppose that f is continuous on (0,1) and that
int[0,x] f = int[x,1] f
for all x in [0,1]. Prove that f(x)=0 for all x in [0,1].
Homework Equations
We know that since f is continuous on (0,1), F(x) = int[0,x] f and F'(x) = f(x) for x in (0,1).
The Attempt...
Homework Statement
A continuous random variable ,X represents the period, of a telephone call in the office. The cdf of x is given by
F(x)= x^2/8 for 0<=x<=2
=1-4/x^3 for x>2
Find pdf , mean and variance.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
f(x) = 1/4...