What is Convert: Definition and 586 Discussions

In computing, convert is a command-line utility included in the Windows NT operating system line. It is used to convert volumes using the FAT file systems to NTFS.

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  1. S

    MHB Convert to a equation in RECTANGULAR coordinates

    What am I doing wrong? Convert r = 2sin\theta to an equation in rectangular coordinates.. x^2 +y^2 = r^2 x^2 + y^2 = 2y x^2 + y^2 - 2y = 0 x^2 + y^2 - 2y - 1 = 1 x^2 + (y-1)^2 = 1 Coordinates are (0,1) yes?
  2. K

    MHB How Can You Convert \( \frac{1}{1+x^{2m}} \) from a Product to a Series?

    I would like to convert: \frac{1}{1+x^{2m}} into a sum of terms. Preferably m terms but 2m terms would be OK. I start off with: \frac{1}{1+x^{2m}}=\frac{1}{\Pi^k_1(x-e^{i\frac{2k-1}{2m}\pi})(x-e^{-i\frac{2k-1}{2m}\pi})}=\frac{1}{\Pi^k_1 (x^2-2x \cdot cos \frac{2k-1}{2m}\pi +1)} where k = 1...
  3. D

    How can I calculate the maximum safe drop height for a laptop rated at 1500 gs?

    A certain laptop says it can withstand 1500 gs. Assuming that it's dropped onto a hard surface, and ignoring air resistance, how would I calculate how many times Hubby can come home late without calling the max "safe" drop height?
  4. M

    Trying To COnvert inherited code to F90

    I have least squares code which I am trying to rewrite in FORTRAN90. I have a pair of allocatable arrays declared in MAIN. I pass those unallocated arrays to a subroutine where the arrays are allocated and data is assigned. However, I get segmentation faults every time I try to run this...
  5. C

    How to convert ethene to but-1-yne?

    Homework Statement How is ethene converted to but-1-yne? Homework Equations Alkenes can be converted to alcohols or halides. The Attempt at a Solution Don't remember much of the conversions in Chemistry...really need the help!
  6. K

    Convert $/Ah to $/kWh: Simple Explanation

    It has been years since my college physics class and I'm struggling to get an answer that makes sense. I'm trying to convert the price of battery cells from $0.76/Ah (for a 2.8-3.0 Ah battery cell) assuming 3.6 V to $/kWh. This is likely really simple, but I really want to understand how to...
  7. K

    Convert but-2-yne to 2,2,3-trichlorobutane

    Homework Statement Show by means of equations how you could convert but-2-yne to 2,2,3-trichlorobutane The Attempt at a Solution So, as far as I know, to make 2,3-dichlorobutane, all that is required is the addition of one mole of Cl2 in the presence of an organic solvent. My...
  8. Z

    How to Convert .4350 into Cubic Centimeters?

    Hello all: Can someone please convert .4350 (math is not one of my stronger areas) into cubic centimeters for me? If this is not the right forum, please direct me to where i need to be. Thanks, "Z."
  9. R

    Is it possible to convert 2D coordinates of point to 3D form ?

    Hello everyone ,i have captured car positons at differents frames.http://www.imagesup.net/pt-7140205392313.png%5D%5BIMG%5Dhttp://www.imagesup.net/dt-7140205392313.png Suppose car's(left side car which is coming towards us) centroid is at video frame1 is P(x1,y1) and Q(x2,y2) at video frame4...
  10. S

    How to Convert $/Energy to $/Power

    Homework Statement Convert: $29/MW-h to $/W That is, convert energy to power Homework Equations energy = power * time power = energy / time The Attempt at a Solution $29/MW-hr x 1MW/1,000,000W = $2.9e-5/W-hr However I feel that this is wrong, and it also still has hr in...
  11. A

    How does energy convert into mass?

    I've been wondering this question for a long long time. In my world view, all energy is vibration/frequency/waves etc. and it's quite easy for me to imagine. But then there's mass. To me it's like a compressed form of energy, where loads of energy is inside an imaginary ball or inside a path...
  12. B

    Convert N/m^2 to Newtons, beam problem

    Homework Statement I want to convert 110.0 x 10^6 N/m^2 to Newtons. How do I do this? Reason: I have the following problem and the following question to answer: P: A heavy mass is supported by a beam-cable system as shown in the figure. The beam is 5.000 m long with a mass of 36.00 kg. The...
  13. marellasunny

    Can I use a ordinary 1K ohm potentiometer to convert 12V to 5V?

    I have a 1K ohm potentiometer.(datasheet is attached below). My aim is to convert 12V to 5V,which I would then apply to power the Arduino microcontroller. I'm not quite sure if I CAN use the potentiometer I have ie T93 YA 1K 1035 to do this conversion. The datasheet says that the maximum...
  14. Q

    How Do You Convert Orbital Speed into Integral Form?

    Homework Statement I had to calculate an orbital speed for an arbitrary density ρ(r) I got: V = r*sqrt(G*ρ(r)*4π/3) Homework Equations I am supposed to leave this in integral form, which I don't know how to do as I do not understand calculus. ρ(r) is density of r, hence the...
  15. S

    How do I convert an inertia tensor from body space to world space?

    I've been trying to solve the following problem involving Angular Acceleration and the inertial tensor for about 2 weeks now. I know it's bad ask for a question to be solved, but I'm really at a loss here folks. I'm a high school student who has taken a physics class. What I'm Trying To Do...
  16. E

    How to convert a username to a 2 digit number?

    I am trying to figure out how to convert a username into a number between 10 to 99. It would be preferable that a username will end up being 10 just as much as 99, covering the whole range without a tendency to be low or high.. This method needs to be a simple as possible so that someone can...
  17. F

    How to convert Sturm Liouville to into Bessel's eqn.

    Hello, I've been given a Sturm Liouville problem to solve: xy" + 2y' + λxy = 0 y(∏) = 2, y(2∏) = 0 I'm not sure how to solve this problem. However, it looks similar to Bessel's equation. Any ideas? Thanks, Daniel
  18. Lebombo

    Convert the polar equation to rectangular form.

    Homework Statement r = 3sin\theta since x= rcos\theta x = 3sin\thetacos\theta and since: y = rsin\theta y = 3sin^2\theta Then I'm sort of stuck..
  19. J

    How does E=MC^2 convert to Joules?

    How does E=MC^2 convert to Joules? How can the speed of light measured in m/s and mass measured in grams convert to joules?
  20. M

    MHB Convert the grammar into Chomsky Form

    Hey! :o I am asked to convert the following grammar into Chomsky Form $$\Sigma=\{a,b,c,+\}, \Sigma_Q=\{S,V\},I=S$$ $$S -> S+S|V$$ $$V -> a|b|c$$ My idea is the following: $$S_0 \rightarrow S$$ $$S \rightarrow ST|V$$ $$T \rightarrow +S$$ $$V \rightarrow A|B|C$$ $$A \rightarrow a$$ $$B...
  21. C

    Convert between sinusoidal / phasor, find average power, impedance

    Homework Statement http://imageshack.us/a/img834/8450/4y0t.jpg Given V(s)t = 100cos100t volts, find the average power supplied by the source and the current i2t in the network. Homework Equations V = IR V = IZ Z = V/I inductor impedance: ZL = ωLj capacitor impedance: Zc =...
  22. S

    What is the equation for the given curve in polar coordinates?

    Homework Statement x = eKcos(k) y=eKsin(k) -∞ < K < ∞ Find an equation in polar coordinates for the above curve The Attempt at a Solution I am not fully clear as to what the question is asking. If its asking for (r,k), where K is normally a theta value then it would be...
  23. karush

    MHB Convert r = 5sin(2θ) to rectangular coordinates

    convert r=5\sin{2\theta} to rectangular coordinates the ans to this is $\left(x^2+y^2\right)^{3/2}=10xy$ however... multiply both sides by $r$ to get $r^2=5\cdot r \cdot \sin{2\theta}$ then substitute $r^2$ with $x^2+y^2$ and $\sin{2\theta}$ with $2\sin\theta\cos\theta$ and divide each side...
  24. M

    Convert this arithmetic to calculus

    a = b : this set = this many pieces a % b = c : this set % this many pieces = this many sets c * b = a : this many sets * this many pieces = this set a : c = b : this set % this many sets = this many pieces per set step 1.) a = 8 pieces step 2.) a / 4 pieces per set = 2 sets step 3.) 2...
  25. A

    Heat required to convert ice at certain temp. To water at certain temp

    Homework Statement How much heat is required to convert 200 g of ice at -9°C to water at 9°C? Homework Equations I tried the equation Q= cmT. So I took 200 g x 1 cal/gram x 18 degrees. This was incorrect though. The Attempt at a Solution Attempt shown above. Any help would be...
  26. S

    MHB Convert the following numbers to their floating point binary equivalent.

    Convert the following numbers to their floating point binary equivalent. Can someone check my work? a) 18.25 so I got 10010.01 I couldn't find an online conversion calculator anywhere. can you also check my answer for this one? b) 1027.375 I got 10000000011.010
  27. G

    How to convert angular velocity to rotation matrix?

    Hi, I have two questions related to angular velocity: 1. According to rotational damper, Torque = Viscous Damping Coefficient * Angular Velocity. This equation gives the unit of Angular Velocity as meter square per second. How is it equivalent to rad per second? 2. If I have an angular...
  28. K

    Convert the output of a small geophone

    Need some help, I need to convert the output of a small geophone (30mv to 1 v) to an audible signal so it can be recorded. The impedance is 375 Ω. Most available preamp circuits have a lower max input. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  29. A

    How can I convert force (N) to RPM for my plant uprooting device?

    Hi, I have a question hope you can help me with. I am working on measuring plant uprooting force by using a denamometer. I want to convert this force (10 N) to RPM to apply this on my uprooting device. Thanks!
  30. H

    Convert differential equation to finite difference equation

    I have the differential equation \frac{dM}{dt}=4\pi \rho(r,t)r(t)^2\frac{dr}{dt} which is the first term from M(t)=4\pi\int_0^{r(t)}C(r,t)r(t)^2dr This describes the change in mass (M) of a sphere from a change in radius (r) given a density (rho) that depends on radius and time (t). My...
  31. B

    When using a FFT should I convert the AtoD samples into a Voltage?

    when using the FFT for DSP should I convert the A to D samples back into a Voltages ? so A to D sample = sample voltage * ( bits / max Voltages) so sample Voltage = (A to D sample ) *(max Voltages/ bits) that is right, right? anyhow should I keep the samples as digital...
  32. C

    Convert sentences into First Order Logic

    Hello there, I have 3 sentences. They are: 1) If someone is not in the class then that person is either ill or lazy. 2) Ill people do not go for shopping. 3) The class teacher noticed that James is not in the class but she has seen James come out of the Candy...
  33. R

    Converting Units for Thermal Conductivity: A Scientist's Guide

    Dear reader, I thought I was getting the hang of converting units but came across a thermal conductivity value and the unit was given in: BTU/hr-ft-R :eek: I assume the 'R' means 'Rankine'. I want to convert to the SI unit for Thermal Conductivity: W/(m·K) Any ideas? Or if you know where to...
  34. W

    Convert command line to windows

    Is anybody interested in having a software for converting command line applications to graphical/windows versions? For example you have old program which can be launch only from command line. After converting it, you will get window with parameters to fill in, files to choose and buttons to run...
  35. A

    Convert unit vector from cartesian to spherical coordination

    i have a problem : A small loop antenna in free space and centered about the origin on the xy-plane is producing a (far-field) radiation electric field (in phasor notation) : http://postimg.org/image/63tm76h5l/ and their solution : http://postimg.org/image/6mdm6roh9/ i don't understand how...
  36. T

    Convert Magnetic Tape Faster Than Real Time?

    Convert Magnetic Tape Faster Than Real Time? I am new to the physics world but considering majoring in physics with an acoustics emphasis, I'm really excited! In my magnetism and electricity class there was a little section on magnetic tape. I found it very interesting though I don't understand...
  37. R

    Trying to convert an old Dell ATX power supply into a lab power supply

    Hi everyone, I am having some trouble and I really hope someone here can point me in the right direction. I have been following this wikihow: http://www.wikihow.com/Convert-a-Computer-ATX-Power-Supply-to-a-Lab-Power-Supply. In general, my power supply seems similar, although the coloring...
  38. F

    Learning to Convert Numbers to Different Bases

    Please I have read texts about changing the bases of numbers but still I have difficulties in doing, may s'body instruct me for example.. Change 3145 to base 8 Thanx..
  39. S

    Terminology of Convert: What's the Right Term?

    My language is not English and i have got some problem in terminology . In physics , what's the meaning of "convert" ? Somewhere like Wikipedia claims that mass is not converted to energy since mass and energy can not be destroyed but Elsewhere claims that Energy can be converted into matter...
  40. S

    How do you convert flash/min to rev/s using stroboscope

    mass of color wheel is 133.4g and raidus is 12.7cm. The moment of inertia for disk is I = (1/2)mr^s. We used strobescope and color wheel and measured the time of how long it took till color wheel's yellow part looked stop. It took 2.1s for speed up and 1.5 second for speed down. Maximum value we...
  41. S

    Help needed to convert angular velocity to angular acceleration

    hi, I've calculated ω=5 rad/s How can I calculate angular acceleration (α) I've Mass, M=4Kg Radius, R = 2m and time taken by each single revolution, T=3sec.
  42. M

    Weighting calculation to convert weather data from 6 stations into one

    I currently have hard-coded in my forecasting model, 6 weightings (totaling 100%) for 6 weather stations and wish to determine a methodology to produce these weighting or conversion factors % to form an artificial single weather station. This is part of forecasting the electricity load in my...
  43. W

    Convert vector-field from cylindrical to cartesian

    Homework Statement I have a vector field (which happens to be a magnetic field) H = -\frac{I }{2 \pi r}u\varphi u\varphi is the unit vector which is in the cylindrical coordinate system with only the \varphi component nonzero so it circles around the z-axis. r is the radius of the circle...
  44. P

    Best Way to Convert LPG or Kerosene to Electricity?

    I'm just wondering if there are more efficient ways of generating electricity from fuel sources such as lpg and kerosene that are more efficient than thermophotovoltaics, thermoelectrics, and heat engines like stirling & steam. Would it be a fuel cell such as this? Also, what type of fuel...
  45. E

    Can UV photons spontaneously convert into IR photons, and vice versa?

    My general question is: can high energy photons convert into many lower energy photons? Could the reverse reaction occur spontaneously? Let's say we have a single photon that was emitted from a distant supernova. We detect it here on Earth. The photon hasn't converted into multiple lower...
  46. S

    How to Convert (1G8A.23) Base 17 to Base 15?

    Homework Statement Convert (1G8A.23) base 17 into it's equivalent in base 15. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution How would I go about doing this? I haven't worked with letters yet so the only way I would know of is dividing 1G8A individually by the target base and...
  47. T

    MATLAB How to convert GO TO (Fortran77) to Matlab

    I'm translating some code from Fortran77 to Matlab and I'm struggling due to the sentence GO TO is not valid in Matlab. Usually using sentences while I can solve the problem but in a particular case I don't know how to face it. To put in situation, i.e: code line 1 line 2 ... 128...
  48. J

    Coupled 2nd Order DE: Convert to system of 1st Order

    It's been a while since I've played with systems of ODEs, and I seem to have forgotten some of the tricks. As an example, I have two coupled nonlinear DE that I want to convert to a system of four 1st order nonlinear DE. But, the normal way of making variable substitutions is not working of...
  49. baby_1

    Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical shape

    Hello how can Convert Cartesian coordinates to spherical with shape? for clear my question i explain a way to convert my coordinates in different spherical. for example i use this diagram to convert Cartesian coordinates to Cylindrical(with image to axises) for example: now how can i do...