Correlation Definition and 370 Threads

  1. S

    Frequency correlation between two non stationary signals

    Hi all, I have measured the torque and the speed of a shaft when running at a variable speed. From the measurements, torque fluctuations are in the torque signals and I have the feeling that the fluctuations frequency is the shaft speed. I need to verify this with some signal statistics...
  2. nikosbak

    Compute 3-Point Function QFT Homework with Fermions

    Homework Statement I'm working on path integrals for fermions and I came across an exercise that ask to compute the three point functions , one of that is the: $$<0|J^{\mu}(x_1)J^{\nu}(x_2)J^{\rho}(x_3)|0> $$ where $$J^{\mu}$$ is the current $$J^{\mu}=\bar{\psi}\gamma^{\mu}\psi$$. ***Can you...
  3. D

    Correlation, simple formula, meaning

    Homework Statement Hello! Here is the quote of mathisfun explanation of correlation formula and after ## my understanding or questions: Let us call the two sets of data "x" and "y" (in our case Temperature is x and Ice Cream Sales is y): Step 1: Find the mean of x, and the mean of y Step 2...
  4. V

    Least squares parameter correlation

    I am trying to solve a large least squares inversion (inverting data for the modeled sources), and find that my parameters describing 1 source are highly correlated with the parameters describing the second source. Can anyone recommend a technique or reference which discusses how to reduce the...
  5. sheila92lala

    Correlation between a continous and nominal data in SPSS

    How do i check for correlation or test for association between a continuous data and nominal data in SPSS? My nominal data is the "type of GPS receiver" and the continuous data is "latency" in seconds.
  6. D

    Compute 1D Ising Correlation w/ Periodic, Anti-Periodic BDs

    Homework Statement Compute correlation functions ##<\sigma_r \sigma_{r+l}>## for the 1D Ising model of length L with the follow BD conditions (i) Periodic (ii) Anti-Periodic (iii) ##\sigma_1 = \sigma_{L+1}=1## (iv) ##\sigma_1= -\sigma_{L+1}=1## Homework Equations ##<\sigma_r \sigma_{r+l}> =...
  7. fluidistic

    0.7 correlation but almost 0 p-value, how to interpret?

    Hi guys, I've compared 2 samples of data from which I expected some correlation. The result is that the correlation is about 0.7 while the p-value (calculated by a software) is about ##10^{-92}##. I don't really know how to interpret this low p-value. Does that mean that I can fully trust that...
  8. Th3HoopMan

    Correlation between Iterative Methods and Convolution Codes

    Hey guys so I have this Calc 3 project and the end is throwing me for a loop. I've done the encoding part, and I've coded the standard iterative methods, but I don't see how the two correlate so I can use the iterative methods to decode a "y stream" with the inputs specified...
  9. R

    Fun maths question, correlation?

    Say i m in the cinema and there are 4 seats. say the closest seat is the best view which is 4 meters away. say the further the distance away the worse the viewing quality. eg [5,6,4,9] are the distances of seats away from screen. Now let's say people sitting in front of you also effects viewing...
  10. S

    Help to 2-point correlation function in $ \phi^{4} $-theory

    Hi everyone! After a few slow days in the office I thought I would like to derive the 2-point correlation function within statistical(Euclidian) ## \phi^{4} ##-theory but I ran into some problems. For the sake of clarity I will show you from where I startet and ask questions when I need help...
  11. fluidistic

    1-D Ising's model without B field, stat. mech., correlation

    Homework Statement Hi guys, I'm going nuts on a problem. Out of memory the problem was a system of N pairs of atoms that interact between each others so that the Hamiltonian of the whole systeme is ##H=-J \sum _{n=1}^N \sigma _i \tau _i## where the only possible values of the ##\tau _i##'s and...
  12. T

    MHB Covariance and Correlation matrix

    I would love to learn more about those two matrices. What do they tell us,how to calculate them? Maybe in R Studio? I was searching for some good explanations on google,but i didnt find them. And another question,i apologize if is not in right forum... How do i know how much dispersion can i...
  13. T

    Pearson Correlation in Sleep Studies

    Hi guys, so I've been researching sleep studies and I've been looking at comparison on devices used, and most of them seem to obtain a magnitude value based on the acceleration seen on the device by the user. What I'm wondering about though is that the comparison between devices seem to be...
  14. D

    Correlation between Test Scores and Academic Success

    I recall reading that, while it is not true for all fields, there is a correlation between standardized test scores and academic performance in math and science. I did a quick search, but couldn't find much information that was specific to math and science. I teach AP Calculus and this subject...
  15. D

    Simplifying correlation coefficient

    Homework Statement The linear prediction of one random variable based on the outcome of another becomes more difficult if noise is present. We model noise as the addition of an uncorrelated random variable. Specifically, assume that we wish to predict ##X## based on observing ##X + N##, where...
  16. J

    Differentiating semi-classical Kubo trans. correlation functions wrt t

    I do not fully understand how non local correlation functions are derived from the differentiation of local ones. Specifically how in the following paper equation 23 is derived from 21 since the paper implies H and dpdq are invariant under time...
  17. B

    Two-point correlation function in path integral formulation

    Suppose that I have already calculated the two-point correlation function for a Lagrangian with no interations using the path integral formulation. \langle \Omega | T[\phi(x)\phi(y)] | \Omega \rangle = \frac{ \int \mathcal{D}\phi \phi(x)\phi(y) \exp[iS_0] }{ \int \mathcal{D}\phi \exp[iS_0] }...
  18. D

    How to Analyze Correlation Between Variables

    Homework Statement I'm doing a research project in which there's a survey given to respondents from 3 different groups of education(high school vs university etc) related to STD contraction rates. On the survey there's a question asking how many STD's they have contracted over their lifetime...
  19. C

    Correlation functions and Ward identities

    The definition I have for a 2-point correlator is $$\langle \phi_1(x_1)\phi_2(x_2)\rangle = \frac{1}{Z} \int \mathcal D \phi \,\,\phi_1(x_1)\phi_2(x_2) \exp-S[\phi],$$ where ##Z = \int \mathcal D \phi \,\,\exp-S[\phi]##. I am trying to understand the overall physical meaning of such a quantity...
  20. H

    Correlation operation as measure of similarity between two functions

    Hello, I recently started going through some lecture notes on linear systems and Fourier optics. (By the way, I just started with these, but so far the lecture notes are excellent. If anyone is looking to learn the subject but doesn't want to spend money on a textbook, the lecture notes, and...
  21. WannabeNewton

    2-point correlation functions for curvature perturbations

    Does anyone have a good reference or references that go into detail on rigorous/formal developments of 2-point correlation functions for curvature perturbations (and related perturbations) in the cosmological context? I'm using the TASI lectures in inflation, Mukhanov, and Dodelson but none of...
  22. F

    Correlation function poles in Peskin's derivation of LSZ formula

    Hi folks, Been trying to fill some of the more formal gaps in my knowledge by tackling the more technical stuff in P&S Chapter 7. Their derivation of the LSZ formula is quite different to those of books like, say, Srednicki, as they basically Fourier transform the whole argument as I...
  23. M

    Serial correlation coefficient (random data)

    I have a byte array of length 16384 bytes obtained from There is a random number sequence test program available from that, when run on my byte array, returns the following: Entropy = 7.989469 bits per byte. Optimum compression would reduce...
  24. P

    Correlation between degree of two vertices in a n-vertices graph

    Hi! I'm a bit stumped on this computer-science-related statistics (I think that's what it would fall under) problem. It's over here: It would be...
  25. J

    Probability, Correlation, Variance Statistics Homework Help.

    Homework Statement 1. Assume each birth in a hospital on a given day is independent of one another, and each birth, P(boy)=0.48. What is the probability that the 8th baby born is the 5th girl. 2. Two random variables X and Y have joint distribution given by. What is their correlation. 3. Z...
  26. ╔(σ_σ)╝

    Using correlation coefficients as x in a regression?

    Using correlation coefficients as x in a regression?? I was reading an article in the Wall street journal and the author was using a rolling correlation coefficient, on a set of variables, as his predictor variable in a linear regression. Basically it was a uni-variate linear regression , y=...
  27. A

    MHB Determining Positive Correlation from Table

    i was given a table for calculating joint and marginal distribution. then i was asked if the variables are positively correlated or not. i know what positive correlation is, but how do i determine that from a table?
  28. S

    Why is correlation coefficient -1 to +1

    Homework Statement Why is the correlation coefficient between -1 and +1? Homework Equations we know correlation coefficient \rho = \frac{E[xy]-E[x]E[y]}{\sqrt{\sigma_{x} \sigma_{y}}} OR r = \frac{\sum ^n _{i=1}(X_i - \bar{X})(Y_i - \bar{Y})}{\sqrt{\sum ^n _{i=1}(X_i -...
  29. mhsd91

    Correlation Function of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

    Basically, The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process (and its time-integral) decribes the velocity of a brownian particle. The OU process is Stationary (in time), Stochastic AND Markovian. Now, I've done an exact, one dimensional, numerical simulation of the OU process similar to D. T. Gillespie in...
  30. C

    Correlation confused on integration

    x(n)=exp(i(x*n+theta1)) +exp(i(y*n+theta2)) x and y are constants , theta1, theta2 are uniform random on [0,2*pi] R(f) =E[{ exp(i(x*n+theta1)) +exp(i(y*n+theta2)) }exp(-i(x*(n-f)+theta1)) +exp(-i(y*(n-f)+theta2)) }] = 4 products 2 of which will be similar but with the opposite constants...
  31. C

    Where did the correlation formula come from?

    So I am still studying for CFA level one, and it has been years since I took a statistics course. Anyway, the formula is Correlation=Covariance(x,y)/(standard deviation of x times the standard deviation of y) It is easy enough to calculate...but where did the formula come from? As in...
  32. S

    Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) the appropriate method?

    Homework Statement I wish to determine whether a SINGLE instrument provides reliable measures (test-retest reliability). This single instrument is not random (it's the only one available), and I will take 10 measurements for each individual that is part of a control group (and then again for...
  33. gfd43tg

    Lee/Kesler Correlation: Accuracy & Complexity

    Hello, I have been doing Lee/Kesler correlations ad nauseum to compare with calculated values for residual enthalpy and entropy with the Redlich/Kwong equation. My enthalpy values have varied as much as 400 J/mol with the correlation compared to the equation (enthalpy's in the 2500 J/mol...
  34. Telemachus

    Brownian motion, correlation functions

    Hi. I have a doubt on the derivation of the correlation function for the velocity and position in Brownian motion from the Langevin equation. I have that for a brownian particle: ##\displaystyle v(t)=v_0e^{-\frac{\gamma}{m}t}+\frac{1}{m}\int_0^{t}dse^{-\frac{\gamma}{m}(t-s)}\xi(s)## (1)...
  35. A

    What is Correlation Length and How is it Related to Surface Roughness?

    What is "Correlation length"? Hi everyone, I want to know meaning of "correlation length". Correlation function is usually used in statistics, so I think correlation length also similar meaning. But some paper used correlation length to explain roughness factor. Plz, anyone reply...
  36. N

    How to prove zero correlation between residuals and predictors?

    Hi, I'm trying to figure out something I'm pretty sure is true, but don't know how to prove it. I couldn't find the answer with a google search, but hopefully someone here knows the answer! So I have a linear least squares multiple regression model: Y=a+bX1+cX2+e where a is the intercept, X1...
  37. Safinaz

    Spin Correlation: Exploring its Relation to Narrow Width Approximation

    Hi all, Do anyone know what is the spin correlation and what its relation to theNarrow Width Approximation. Regards, Safinaz
  38. C

    Calculating errors and trendline - different correlation coefficients?

    Background: My lab group has taken a number of measurements of gas levels over 15 minute period every 15 seconds. We actually used a gas sensor and computer interface to do it so it pretty much did all the work. In calculating the errors for the data, using the uncertainties given in the user...
  39. C

    Understanding N-point Correlation Functions in Particle Scattering Processes

    For a two-point correlation function, it's my understanding we can interpret this as the amplitude for a particle to propagate from one point to another. Is there a similar interpretation for 3- or higher-point correlation functions? When are these used? Thanks!
  40. dlgoff

    Decoherence: What is a Robust Correlation

    While reading Zurek paper Decoherence and the transition from quantum to classical -- REVISITED, he makes the statement: What exactly is a "robust enough" correlation (from a interaction with the environment)?
  41. S

    How to evaluate quality of correlation?

    Hi, I would like to know, how do I evaluate the quality of correlation? Specifically, I have a set of N datapoints, each represented by k features. I want to know how the k features correlate with each other, and therefore, I created a k by k correlation matrix. I am using R-value, so the...
  42. C

    Correlation of U=Z+X and V=Z+Y

    Homework Statement ##X##, ##Y## and ##Z## are uncorrelated random variables with variances \sigma^{2}_{X}, \sigma^{2}_{Y} and \sigma^{2}_{Z}, respectively. ##U=Z+X## and ##V=Z+Y##. Find \rho_{UV}. Homework Equations \rho_{UV}=\frac{Cov(U,V)}{\sqrt{Var(U)Var(V)}} The Attempt at a Solution...
  43. J

    Scattering matrix and correlation functions

    I've been reading Coleman's notes and the book on QFT by Ticciati. There they both place a lot of emphasis on computing the scattering matrix S. I can follow their computations (using Wick's theorem etc.) but I don't really have a good understanding of what S actually tells you. Ticciati even...
  44. K

    Correlation and condjtional probabilty

    Hello, I have just started learning these things, would really appreciate any help on this. There are 4 nodes in a network (say A,B,C,D)and each node has certain failure probabilities( P(af),P(bf),P(cf),P(df) ). Then,I have this 4x4 correlation Matrix which contains the correlation...
  45. R

    Correlation function of damped harmonic oscillator

    The model of damped harmonic oscillator is given by the composite system with the hamiltonians ##H_S\equiv\hbar \omega_0 a^\dagger a##, ##H_R\equiv\sum_j\hbar\omega_jr_j^\dagger r_j##, and ##H_{SR}\equiv\sum_j\hbar(\kappa_j^*ar_j^\dagger+\kappa_ja^\dagger...
  46. S

    Entanglement swapping - any correlation between previous partners?

    Entanglement swapping - any correlation between previous partners? Is there any correlation between previous partners/group in entanglement swapping? The question is illustrated with an example below: Alice has A & B entangled Bob has C & D entangled Charlie entangles B & C, which...
  47. E

    Correlation between two particles problem

    Homework Statement Consider a physical system made of 2 particles , particle (1) and particle (2)of the same mass m, which don’t interact with each other and which are both placed in an infinite potential well of width a. Denote H(1) and H(2) the Hamiltonians of each particles by |ψ1> and...
  48. S

    Product Moment Correlation coefficient

    Homework Statement Homework Equations r=\frac{S_{xy}}{S_{x} S_{y}} S_{x}=\sqrt{\Sigma(x-\bar{x})^2} The Attempt at a Solution I have calculated the value of Sx several times and I got 43.3 but the answer key said that Sx = 11.2 1. Is my formula correct? 2. If yes, is my...
  49. D

    How to count Spearman Rank order correlation

    Homework Statement calculate the rank order correlation between the following data: 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 3, 8, 3, 7, 6, 7, 5, 5, 4, 2, 7, 6, 2, 4, 6 4, 3, 6, 7, 6, 7, 1, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 7, 1, 2, 9, 5, 4 Homework Equations Following the output from...
  50. Barioth

    Correlation and mathematical expectation question

    Hi, I have these 2 problem, that I'm not so sure how to handle. 1-Let X_1,X_2,...,X_n independant Random variable that all follow a continuous uniform distribution in (0,1) a) Find E[Max(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)] b) Find E[Min(X_1,X_2,...,X_n)] where E is for the mathematical...