Coupled Definition and 414 Threads

Coupled is an American reality show that aired on Fox from May 17 to August 2, 2016. It was hosted by television personality, Terrence J and created by Mark Burnett, of Survivor, The Apprentice, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, Shark Tank, and The Voice, as well as Ben Newmark, Dan Newmark and Larry Barron.Filming took place in Anguilla. The cast included Miss Arizona USA 2009, Alicia-Monique Blanco; Miss Colorado USA 2015, Talyah Polee; host, Domonique Price, and American singer-songwriter, TV personality, and former collegiate athlete; Alex Lagemann.
Tyler Gattuso was in the running to be a cast member on Big Brother 17, but was ultimately not chosen due to the news being leaked by online media and his Instagram hinting at the news suggesting he wasn't going to be active for quite a while. A few days later, after the cast for Big Brother was announced, he was ranting on Twitter, shortly deleting them and deactivating his account.On August 8, 2016, Fox canceled the series after one season.

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  1. G

    Analytical solution of these coupled differential equations

    Homework Statement I don't know how to type math equations of I have included a image file. Take initial conditiona as [0 1] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution No idea
  2. H

    Coupled system of 1st order PDEs

    I have the following system of first order PDEs \begin{array}{rcl} \frac{\partial v}{\partial t}+v\frac{\partial v}{\partial x} & = & -\varepsilon\gamma^{-3}(v)E \\ \frac{\partial n}{\partial t}+\frac{\partial}{\partial x}(nv) & = & 0 \\ \frac{\partial E}{\partial t}+E & = & nv \end{array}...
  3. M

    Solving Simple Coupled System Homework

    Homework Statement given a general system, \frac{df}{dt}=k_{1}g(t) \frac{dg}{dt}=-k_{2}f(t) How could one solve for f_{analytic}. I've used wolfram, so I know what they look like. But how does one begin to solve for them? Further, how does one find the eigenvalues, eigenmodes...
  4. T

    Numerical Simultaneous Solution of Non-Linear Coupled Equations

    For the solution to this problem, I have reduced the number of equations down from 17 to 6. Due to algebra reasons, these equations cannot really be solved symbolically (MAPLE tried, and return four full pages packed with symbols, just for one equation). These three equations need to be solved...
  5. H

    Coupled pendulums and wave equation.

    Homework Statement (A) [PLAIN] What happens when you swing pendulum P1? (B) How does the position of the spring affect the outcome? (C) If the length of the string of one pendulum was longer than the...
  6. N

    Coupled partial differential equations

    Hi, I'm trying to solve the following coupled PDE's u_{tt}-gHu_{xx} - gHv_{xy} = -2\frac{g^2}{\omega} \left\{k\frac{\partial^2 |A|^2}{\partial x^2} + \ell \frac{\partial^2 |A|^2}{\partial x\partial y} \right\} v_{tt}-gHv_{yy}- gHu_{xy} = -2\frac{g^2}{\omega} \left\{ \ell\frac{\partial^2...
  7. P

    How Do You Solve These Coupled Differential Equations?

    I have the equations \frac{l}{u^{2}} \frac{du}{dx}=constant and \frac{1}{u} \frac{dl}{dx}=constant. By "eyeball", I can say the solution is l \propto x^{n} \ and \ u \propto x^{n-1}. I can't see how I could arrive at these solutions 'properly', if you know what I mean
  8. D

    A rather interesting type of coupled oscillator.

    Homework Statement The problem can be found here." I am attempting to solve part 3. Homework Equations The Lagrangian of the system is: L= \frac{m\dot{x}^2}{2}+\frac{mr^2\dot{\theta}^2}{2}-k \left(...
  9. D

    System of coupled second order differential equations.

    Hey folks I'm looking for a way to find the characteristic equation for a second order coupled system of differential equations such as... \ddot{x} + A\dot{y} + Bx = 0 \ddot{y} + C\dot{x} + Dy = 0 Where x and y are functions of time. I know I can solve it by setting x and y to standard...
  10. M

    System of coupled masses and springs homework

    Homework Statement A 3-storey building can be modeled as a system of coupled masses and springs as showen in attached document. Where mi is the mass of each floor, ki is the spring constant, xi is the displacement of each floor, and ci is the damping coeffcient. Homework Equations I...
  11. A

    Is MATLAB's ode45 Suitable for Solving 2D Coupled Nonlinear ODEs?

    Can anyone please suggest whether I can use MATLAB ode45 for the numerical solution of the following equations? mx ̈+ c_x x ̇ + k_x x= F_x0+ μ(v_r ) (K 〖VB〗^2 y ̇/v) sgn(v_r ) my ̈+ c_y y ̇+ k_y y= F_y0+ (K 〖VB〗^2 (y/v) ̇ ) Where, m, c_x, k_x, c_y, k_y, F_x0, F_y0, K, v are known...
  12. S

    Coupled differential equations with convolution and correlation

    Homework Statement I have two equations: \frac{\partial}{\partial z}E_{L}\left(z,\omega \right) = i \frac{2 \mu d_{eff}(\omega+\omega_{0})^{2}}{k(\omega+\omega_{0})}\int E_{L}(z,\omega-\omega_{T})E_{T}(z,\omega_{T})d\omega_{T} \frac{\partial}{\partial z}E_{T}\left(z,\omega_{T} \right) = i...
  13. J

    Coupled nuclear decay rate equations

    Homework Statement If we have the following partial decay chain: N1 -> N2 -> N3 where N1 is the number of nuclei of species 1, etc. and N1 -> N2, not via a decay but by the reaction such as N1 + neutron -> N2 + photon and we know this rate of formation of N2, say 'a'. I then get the...
  14. J

    Coupled nuclear decay rate equations

    If we have the following partial decay chain: N1 -> N2 -> N3 where N1 is the number of nuclei of species 1, etc. and N1 -> N2, not via a decay but by the reaction such as N1 + neutron -> N2 + photon and we know this rate of formation of N2, say 'a'. I then get the following rate...
  15. F

    Coupled system of linear elliptic PDE

    Hi, I have a system of coupled PDE's as follows: A1 * (f,xx + f,yy) + B1 * (g,xx + g,yy) + C1 * f + D1 * g = 0 ; A2 * (f,xx + f,yy) + B2 * (g,xx + g,yy) + C2 * f + D2 * g = 0 ; where, f = f(x,y) and g = g(x,y) and ,xx = second partial derivative of the function wrt x and ,yy =...
  16. Y

    Coupled Oscillators Initial Conditions and Phase

    Hello I have a question about coupled oscillators and what initial conditions affect what constants of integration. In the book I have, A.P. French Vibrations and Waves, the guesses at solutions are chosen at random and sometimes do include a phase shift, while sometimes they dont. For...
  17. W

    Coupled oscillators and normal modes question

    Homework Statement Two equal masses are held on a frictionless track by 3 equal springs, attached to two rigid posts. If either of the masses is clamped, the period (t=2pi/w) of one oscillation is three seconds. If both masses are free, what is the periods of oscillation of both normal...
  18. R

    Coupled diffusion equations code

    Hi, I am trying to solve a problem using the central difference scheme in Matlab where there are two coupled diffusion equations (where both diffusion equations depend on S(i,j)). They are as follows: dS/dt = Ds * d^2S/dx^2 - VmaxS/Km+S and dP/dt = Dp * d^2P/dx^2 - VmaxS/Km+S...
  19. O

    Coupled first order differential equations

    I am trying to solve a problem (not homework, too old for that! lol!) which involves the time dependent schrodinger equation for magnetic moment in time-dependent magnetic fields. I end up with the following that needs to be solved: x' = -i*(b*t-a*t^2)*x - i*c*y y' = -i*c*x -...
  20. I

    What are weakly and strongly coupled system

    So I am doing a FEA simulation on Joule heating of a busbar and consequently its thermal expansion. So the idea is that if I only use 1 study step, and have the temperature output from the joule heating as an input for thermal expansion, COMSOL calls this as a weakly coupled system, and they...
  21. P

    Newtons second law for coupled oscillators

    Hello there! Could someone please help me with setting the starting equations for coupled oscillators. I'm having serious troubles with setting the +- signes right (yes, more than with the differental equations :) ). OFF TOPIC: any reading materials about problems with signs in physics will...
  22. A

    Frequency response of rc coupled amp

    greetings, At high frequency (more than 20kHz) the reactance of capacitor is very small and act as short circuit.this increase the loading of next stage.whats the meaning of increse of loading in next stage? RC coupled two stage amplifier circuit is here-...
  23. K

    Radiating mode vs Coupled mode leaky cables

    I am trying to understand how leaky cables work, and especially those that permit higher frequencies (I think about 2.4GHz), but I am quite new to electromagnetics in general. For clarification, leaky cables are usually coaxial cables that have apertures in their outer conductor from where an...
  24. A

    Coupled Oscillator: Solving Initial Forces & Finding Eigenvalues

    Homework Statement Two masses attached via springs (see picture attachment). k_n represents the spring constant of the n^{th} spring, x_n represents the displacement from the natural length of the spring. There are two masses, m_1 and m_2.2. The attempt at a solution My problem is formulating...
  25. A

    Traffic dynamics problem (model as coupled oscillators, traveling wave)

    Homework Statement The problem: You are given the problem of analyzing the dynamics of a line of cars moving on a one-lane highway. One approach to this problem is to assume that the line of cars behaves like a group of coupled oscillators. How would you set this problem up in a tractable...
  26. S

    Damped Coupled Oscillators, Deformations and Energy Lost in Collisions

    I'm doing a research project on collisions and I've come across a part of my theory that requires solutions to coupled damped oscillators. Could anyone please refer me to some text on 2 coupled damped oscillators which isn't extremely math heavy and has conceptual explanations of the...
  27. T

    How Much Force to Apply on m1 to Make m2 Jump Off the Table?

    Homework Statement Hey there, We assume that the spring got no mass and there are no frictions. If you want to push down just as hard on m1 that if you release ... m2 will be just about to jump and leave the table? Homework Equations Newton and Hooke are our very best friends...
  28. S

    Endothermic Reactions: Coupling & Cooling Environment

    Hello, Are all endothermic reaction take their energy from a coupled exothermic reaction? Is it possible that an endothermic reaction would take it's energy from the physical process of cooloing the environment? If so- why are there so many coupled reactions in cell biology if it can just take...
  29. A

    Finite difference method, coupled wave equations, chickens & eggs

    I'm reading a book (Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics by Sadiku) & just finished the section on finite difference methods. As what I thought would be an easy exercise, I tried to apply what I'd learned to the telegraphers equations that describe the voltage, V(x, t), and current, I(x, t)...
  30. B

    How to solve this coupled nonlinear equation?

    Here is the equation I don't know how to solve: \begin{aligned} \left( {\frac{{{{\rm{d}}^2}}}{{{\rm{d}}{t^2}}} + \beta _1^2} \right){u_1} = {g_1}u_2^{}{u_3} \\ \left( {\frac{{{{\rm{d}}^2}}}{{{\rm{d}}{t^2}}} + \beta _2^2} \right){u_2} = {g_2}u_1^{}{u_3} \\ \left(...
  31. F

    Coupled ODE with missing connecting derivatives

    Hi, I have a coupled system of ODE like: w1'' = A w2'' + B w1 + C w2 w2'' = D w1'' + E w1 + F w2 I need to solve it analytically but it seems it cannot be solved using eigenvalue method. My concern is first that if this system have sufficient equations and if so how it can be solved...
  32. T

    Exploring Coupled Masses with Hooke's Law: Homework Equations and Solutions

    Homework Statement There are 3 masses connected by springs of the same spring constant (k). The end masses are connected to solid walls via 2 more springs. Assuming simple harmonic motion find the angular frequencies (\omega) for each of the normal modes of vibrations...Homework Equations The...
  33. S

    White Dwarf Star Coupled Runge-Kutta

    Homework Statement Use a coupled fourth order Runge-Kutta, to find the structure of white dwarf stars. I think I am applying the Runge-kutta method wrong? Variables defined in C code notes Homework Equations Equations in c code. and in attached images. The Attempt at a Solution This is...
  34. M

    Solving Coupled System of ODEs in MATLAB

    Homework Statement I am asked to solve a coupled system of 5 ODEs. There is also a function, f, which describes the release of carbon dioxide over time. I am given the release rates at certain values of t and asked to interpolate for other values of t in the interval [1000 3000]. After...
  35. cepheid

    Coupled 2nd-Order Non-linear ODEs

    Homework Statement I'm trying to solve the equations: \ddot{\phi} + 2\left(\frac{\cos \theta}{\sin \theta}\right) \dot{\theta}\dot{\phi} =0 and \ddot{\theta} - \sin \theta \cos \theta \dot{\phi^2} =0 for \theta(\lambda), \phi(\lambda) where the dots represent differentiation w.r.t...
  36. U

    Two coupled Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problems in 2-D

    Hello everybody, I have been trying to solve coupled two eigenvalue (Sturm-Liouville) problems in terms of two (eigen) functions u[x,y] and v[x,y]. I have been using Mathematica trying to solve the coupled equations analytically in their original form, but the Mathematica doesn't seem to...
  37. V

    Find the general solution of a coupled differential equation:

    Homework Statement I want to find the general solution of these two equations, \ddot{y}=\omega\dot{z} \ddot{z}=\omega\left(\frac{\mathbf{E}}{\mathbf{B}} - \dot{y}\right) Homework Equations These two equations are the result of quantitatively solving to find the trajectory of a charged...
  38. F

    Engineering Energy Stored In a Magnetic Coupled Circuit

    Homework Statement In this circuit i m given that Vs=12cos10t V Calculate the energy stored at t=15ms Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i have got I1 and I2 but i m confused how i can get the energy by using dot convention. Should i use -Mi1i2 or +Mi1i2 while...
  39. L

    Solution to Second Order Coupled PDE in x,y,z, and time

    I'm trying to solve equation in the attached pdf, which describes anistropic diffusion in 3D with an additional term to account for hydrogen bonding and unbonding of the diffusing substance to the medium. I've considered Laplace transforms, then solving in the Laplace domain, then inverting...
  40. J

    How to Reexpress y''=sin(3y(t)) as Coupled First Order Equations?

    Homework Statement I have a large project involving Runge Kutta numerical solutions of differential equations. I understand the Runge Kutta method and I've done it before, but my problem involves taking the differential equation y''=sin(3y(t)), t>=0 and reexpressing this IVP into coupled...
  41. J

    Coupled Differential Equations: How Do They Depend on Each Other?

    I have a large project involving Runge Kutta numerical solutions of differential equations. I understand the Runge Kutta method and I've done it before, but my problem involves taking the differential equation y''=sin(3y(t)), t>=0 and reexpressing this IVP into coupled first order...
  42. D

    Puzzled by A coupled system of PDEs

    Sorry about the format, bit I have no knowledge of LateX. A,B - are real constants U=(Ux,Uy,Uz) I have a system of three coupled linear second order differential equations (di)^2(Ui) +A*Laplacian(Ui)+ B*di[Divergence(U)] Note: The first term is not a sum. 0<z<H, while x & y can...
  43. M

    Coupled pendulum without attaching springs

    Homework Statement I conducted an EEI on coupled pendulums without the springs, thinking that it would be a basic experiment. Yet when the length of the pendulum and the distance apart was equal, the pendulums oscillated for more then 30 mins while the others with different length only...
  44. M

    How to Solve Coupled Differential Equations?

    Hi all, I want to solve equations of the form: \dot x + x + y = sin(\omega t) \dot y = \dot x - y This is not a standard type of form for Runge-Kutta or linear systems of equations because \dot y = f(\dot x, y, t) instead of \dot y = f(x, y, t). Any hints or links to place for...
  45. P

    Understanding Coupled Oscillator Equations of Motion

    Hi, this is a fairly basic part of the whole coupled oscillators area, but I don't really get it. My problem is with the equations of motion of a coupled oscillator: F_A=-kx_A -2k'x_A and m\ddot x_A = -kx_A -k(x_A-x_B) Everywhere I've read seems to take it as intuitive, but I don't see...
  46. J

    Coupled oscillators - mode and mode co-ordinates

    For this question I'm not going to introduce the particular problem I am working on, rather, I am merely wanting some explanation of a concept which I can't seem to find in any of my textbooks. I suspect the authors think it is just too obvious to bother explaining :smile:. I'm revising for a...
  47. M

    How to Solve Linear 1st Order Coupled Differential Equations?

    This has got me really stumped. I've started out with an equation for the differential of a 2x2 matrix: \frac{d[N]}{dz} = f(z)[E][D] - \{[W],[N]\} - c\sigma_1[N] - d\sigma_2[N] where all terms in [] are matrices, {} denotes anti-commutator, and the \sigma's are the Pauli matrices...
  48. Q

    System of second order linear homogenous differential coupled equations

    my question is: what is the general solution of this system of coupled diff. equations: f ''i = Cijfj C is a matrix, fj(z) are functions dependent of z.
  49. P

    Normal Modes and Frequencies of Coupled Oscillators?

    Homework Statement Two identical undamped oscillators are coupled in such a way that the coupling force exerted on oscillator A is \alpha\frac{d^2x_a}{dt^2} and the coupling force exerted on oscillator B is \alpha\frac{d^2x_b}{dt^2} where \alpha is a coupling constant with magnitude less than...
  50. P

    Coupled oscillation: time interval between maxima

    Homework Statement I calculated T_o to be 1.27 seconds and "T_o"' to be 1.23 seconds, each representing a normal mode of oscillation. These are correct according to the text. Here is the question: what is the time interval between successive maximum possible amplitudes of one pendulum after...