Course Definition and 984 Threads

  1. D

    What is the proof that M is a convex and closed subset of C[0,1]?

    I am taking a self-study individual course on convex analysis but I'm having some troubles with the basics as I'm trying to do the exercises in my notes. I'm asked to consider the space C[0,1] of continuous, complex-valued functions on [0,1], equipped with the supremum norm \|\cdot\|_{\infty}...
  2. A

    Courses Freshman Year Second Semester Course Selection

    Hey everyone, I am a first year physics student and just signed up for my second semester classes around a week ago. This is what I am taking: General Chemistry II - 4 credits Calculus II - 4 credits Physics I (Mechanics) - 4 credits German I - 4 credits Freshman Composition...
  3. D

    Courses Comparing Introductory CS Courses for Physics and CS Majors

    Hi, there's a couple of intro courses of CS that I might take in the Spring. Are these 2 are different or not? Which would be better for a Physics possibly CS major. CSC 116 Logic and Program Design 3 Credits Introduces computer program design using concepts of structured programming and...
  4. D

    Courses Computer Science course (Hardware/Software interaction)

    What is a CS course that covers how software and hardware are connected? This probably seems simple to most but I have no clue as to how this interaction works. A lot of the courses I've looked up seem to be either hardware or software only. Also, is there a name for this area of CS so I can...
  5. Q

    Courses Upper atmosphere & space physics - expected course difficulty?

    I'm taking this 400 level astrophysics course next semester, and I'm not sure what sort of difficulty level to expect, since I'm unfamiliar with the material. Any ideas? The course listing in the calendar reads: "Basic space plasma pheonema: the Earth’s plasma and field environment; the...
  6. F

    Courses Well, I once again enrolled myself in a weeder course

    Computer Science for beginners, or so I thought... I used to (at least for a month) to be competent in the subject, then the midterm came and I shook my head as I read the numbers on my score. To "encourage" us, the professor told us the average for this course is usually 60% (I got 55%...)...
  7. E

    Navigating Purcell's Physics Course: Challenges & Solutions

    My honors physics course is working with Purcell's textbook, but I've found some sections of the book are quite wordy and hard to follow, and i don't have any way to check my practice work: there are virtually no answers to any of the practice questions. thanks in advance!
  8. C

    Courses Can't Decide What Math Course To Take Next

    Currently, I am a bioengineering major, but I have been taking math electives the past year and a half, and now I am finding myself liking pure mathematics much more than engineering and only two classes away from a degree. The two courses I need are Real Analysis and Abstract Algebra...
  9. S

    Resources for Engineering Statics? (1st year course)

    Hi PF members. I'm a first year engineering student, and recently got my midterms back and was highly disappointed with the statics mark, 55% compared to the class average of 23.8/40, SD 9.1. I did a very large amount of practice from Hibbeler's Statics textbook, 12e, but it seemed that the...
  10. C

    Courses Should I retake this course for my applied math major?

    I intend to eventually go to graduate school for some type of applied math...I'm leaning towards either computational or statistics. I just recently transferred to a major research university from a small teaching college, and academically it was a bit of a shock for me. I took mechanics...
  11. H

    Math Course Notes: Downloadable Resources

    I teach an introductory maths course which includes function, algrbra, co-ordainate geometry, quadratic equations, limits, differentiationm trigonometry, exponentials, logartithms and complex numbers. Is there a way I can post these notes somewhere on this site for people to download?
  12. C

    What is the Difference Between Factor Space and Equivalence Classes?

    FACTOR SPACE is defined in my book as the set whose elements are the equivalence classes defined by the equivalence relation R .denoted by S/R i cannot understand where this is different from equivalent class? page 8 - a coursein modern mathematical physics - szekeres any help will be...
  13. S

    Courses Masters course in Physics in Germany

    I am a student doing Bachelors studies in Physics at a reputed university in India. I am presently in 5th semester of my course and I desire to do my masters course in the same subject in Germany. I will be obliged if someone helps me out in this matter by suggesting the names of competent...
  14. K

    Ideas for High School Astrophysics Course Syllabus

    A quick explanation for my thread - I've been a physics teacher for 10 years, but I've always wanted to learn more about stars and space. So I took two years off to study for an MSc. in Astrophysics. I'm writing my thesis on something pretty non-standard for astro nerds: I'm trying to write a...
  15. V

    Convergent series and their corresponding sequences (analysis course)

    If a_n >= 0 for all n, and the series a_n converges, then n(a_n - a_n-1) --> 0 as n --> infinity. Prove or disprove the statement using a counterexample. I know that the statement is false...I am just having terrible difficultly finding a counterexample...
  16. J

    Would I work for NASA as an astronaut with a course in Aerospace Engineering?

    Hey, I'm interested in studying Aerospace Engineering when I leave high school. I have still 2 more years to go before I leave, but I'm really interested in space exploration, rockets, etc. The ultimate goal would be to work for NASA as an astronaut. At this moment, I'm taking Physics, Maths...
  17. N

    Calculate Cost of Using 2 Electrical Devices/Month

    Determine the cost of using 2 different electrical devices over the course of a month. - An item like a cellphone or something else that plugs in the wall. Use $.20 per kilowatt-hour as your base energy cost. I have no idea how to start this as this is a project we have to do as...
  18. S

    Courses Choosing modules for theoretical Physics from Math Graduate Diploma course

    Choosing modules for theoretical Physics from Math Graduate Diploma course: Hi forum members, I am studying Math Graduate Diploma at Kings College london. I am going to do M.Sc Theoretical Physics next year. I need your advice in choosing Math Grad Diploma modules closely related to the...
  19. J

    Courses Is it worth retaking this course?

    First let me give you some information about myself. I am currently a freshmen in college who is planning on getting an undergraduate degree in Physics. During my junior/senior years at high school i took two years worth of college courses. The problem is that I got a D in an upper level English...
  20. M

    Courses Is this normal for a first calculus based physics course

    my course uses university physics with modern physics but it only goes through chapter 1 -10 and if time permits 13 they are: 1 Units, Physical Quantities, and Vectors 2 Motion Along a Straight Line 3 Motion in Two or Three Dimensions 4 Newton's Laws of Motion 5 Applying Newton's Laws 6 Work...
  21. B

    Need help with complicated algebra for graduate engineering course

    Homework Statement w=(PI*(P0-PL)*R^4*epsilon^3*row)/6*mu*L)*(1-1/2*epsilon) show that this can be obtained using w=(PI*(P0-PL)*R^4*row)/8*mu*L)*((1-kappa^4)-((1-kappa^2)^2/ln(1/kappa)) by setting kappa equal to 1-epsilon and expanding the expression for w in powers of epsilon. this requires...
  22. C

    Studying Suggestions about books for Theoretical physics master course

    Hello. I am enrolled for this year in the theoretical physics master offered by ecole normal superieure in paris. It is an enormous task to pull off and so I need (and beg) some advise to speed up my progress from the most knowledgeable of the lot. So I completed a five year course in...
  23. J

    Courses Can you recommend a good online course ?

    I came across this site while doing some algebra searching and I hope this is the right place to post my question, but if not then please move or delete my post. Q: I would like to take some online math classes and would like to hear if you have any recommendations. My background is this...
  24. F

    Courses What is the course Classical Mechanics ?

    What is the course "Classical Mechanics"? What is this course? Just a little harder version of calculus intro. to physics I? It's on the schedule as a sophmore course, and I have heard of a graduate course with the title too. What do you learn in it? I don't want to be retaught the very basics...
  25. C

    Engineering Course Plan: What's Best?

    So I am an EE major currently taking Physics I and Calc II. Originally my plan was to take Physics II, Calc III, and Statics together with ODE and Circuit Analysis in the summer. A friend of mine made a point that ODE can come after Calc II rather than III. So now I have an option of...
  26. Shackleford

    Vector Analysis Review for Mechanics course

    Okay. How the heck do I integrate this sum? I have to be doing something wrongly.
  27. X

    Evaluating Renewable Energy Projects for Senior Design Course

    Hi all, I am an EE senior in college and am taking a senior design course this semester before I graduate. It involves either choosing to undertake an educational project that one of the class professors suggests or using one of our own ideas. The course lasts a single semester and we are in...
  28. Gamma

    What Are the Best Textbooks for Teaching Calculus-Based Physics?

    I need to develop a calculus based physics curriculum for a small 2-year college. Do you have any suggestions for texts that might be useful to me in this process? If you are currently teaching a calculus based physics course, which text are you using? Thank you in advance. Gamma
  29. S

    Courses Which course should I do to study advanced nanotechnology?

    Which course should I do to study "advanced" nanotechnology? Hi, By "advanced" I mean futuristic concepts like nanorobotics, micro/nano electromechanical systems, programmable matter, metamaterials, etc.. Right now I am studying nanotechnology as part of the BSc (Uni of Western Australia)...
  30. M

    Courses Stay on Theoretical Physics course or switch to Maths & Physics?

    Hey guys, I know this is predominately an american centred forum but I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I've completed the first year of a Theoretical Physics 4 year course at Durham (in the UK). However with the modules that I chose I do still have the option to swap over to...
  31. Telemachus

    Which book is best for getting started on mechanics?

    Hi there. I'm about to start my first course on mechanics. I'm a physics student just starting, and is the first time I'll study physics with some profundity. So I wanted your opinion and advices for my course. In the first place I wanted you to recommend me a book. Which book you think is the...
  32. S

    Schools Weird marking scheme for university course -

    Hi, I am doing this really crazy course at university, i need some help in understanding the final course mark calculation which is: Course mark = 0.6max{ T, F} + 0.4min{T, F} T = term mark = 0.3( average percentage on assignments) + 0.7( average percentage on term tests) F = final exam...
  33. S

    Having second thoughts about my course

    Hey everyone, As the name of the thread suggests, I'm having second thoughts about my BSc degree. I'm studying a nanotechnology course, and yeah i know that probably sounds cool, but what deters me is the fact that it's my second year, i have 2 nanotech units, and neither of them have...
  34. E

    Courses Which Introductory Physics Course Sequence Should I Take?

    I'm going to be a freshman next year in college and the school I'm going to offers two sequences for possible physics majors. The "highly recommended" sequence is a modern introduction made up of three courses which introduces physics by incorporating relativity from the beginning. The other...
  35. D

    Courses Is Classical Mechanics Easier Than Electromagnetism for a Physics Major?

    Hello, ladies and gentlemen! For the 2010-2011 academic year, I will be a Senior Physics major at my university. Before I ask my question, I need to present some information for you. I have taken some of the following courses in the math/physics sequence: - Differential Equations - Linear...
  36. M

    Is my physics course following acceptable standards?

    Hi I am enrolled in first year physics we use Halliday and Resnick Fundamentals of physics and in uncertainty we haven't learned something called Gaussian error propagation. for errors in measures which people I know from other universities did. Is that ok or does my course have problems...
  37. N

    Courses What math course is best for me?

    I took High School Geometry and I am going to Finger Lakes Community College in less than a month. FLCC recommended that I take Pre-Calculus but I signed up for College Algebra but I do not know Trigonometry. Also the college offer Trigonometry Course After FLCC I want to go into nuclear...
  38. B

    Courses Computer Science for the Sciences. course?

    what do you do in this course I'm taking it in the winter what's it about, what should i do ahead of time of it gives me some advantage. talking realistically. this is the course code CSCA20H for UofT S.C. if you anyone took it tell me something about it. edit: do i have to know programing...
  39. B

    Courses What are some practical courses for non-career advancement?

    I currently work at a community college and as a result have the oppertunity to take "free" courses (I still have to pay for books and some fees). I already have BS/MS in Environmental Technology/Management, so I have a fairly good foundation in chemistry, math, geology, and environment...
  40. S

    Courses Is a 17-Credit Semester with Advanced Math and Science Courses Manageable?

    Registered my classes for the upcoming Fall 2010 semester; these classes are only courses I need in order to transfer to USF. I've already completed all other requirements except Chem I + Lab. Registered courses: (17 credit hours total) Calculus III - M/T/W/TH Physics II + Lab - T/TH...
  41. C

    Schools How do grad schools perceive a course audit on an undergrad transcript?

    I'm thinking of auditing a course this Fall, since I find it very interesting and would love to take it, but I don't have time to do the homework and papers and such. It's called "Science and Religion" and is just a two hour lecture every Wednesday evening. What would a graduate school think of...
  42. S

    Courses Question about order of topics covered in a physics course

    Hi, I was wondering what does a standard introductory, algebra-based course cover first, rotational motion/torque or energy and conservation? Thanks
  43. S

    Question about order of study of topics in a standard physics course

    Homework Statement Hi, I was wondering what does a standard introductory, algebra-based Physics course cover first, rotational motion/torque or energy and conservation? This is the time period right after Newton's Laws. What usually comes next? Circular/Rotational Material or Energy? Thanks...
  44. P

    Courses About a course - Should I take it?

    Hello, I have interest on a course and I would like your opinions. I don't have much of an electronics lab experience except for freshman physics labs. I just finished my sophomore year. I'd like to take an Intro to MEMS course, whose syllabus is as below: Fundamentals of...
  45. M

    Courses Which Undergrad Prob/Stat Course Should Physics Majors Take?

    My university has a a few different probability and statistics courses. I'm a physics major, and I want to take one of these two courses. The first one has Calc. I for a prerequisite. Here are some of the topics covered in this course: Basic probability & statistical inference...
  46. O

    Question On University & Course

    Hello everyone, Can anyone please tell me which university and what postgraduate course/program for learn and built a CNC machine? Thanks in advance Huygen
  47. H

    Courses Style of learning course material

    Hi, I was wondering how you guys read from a book. Let me be clearer. When reading a paragraph in a book, do you read very slowly with full concentration until you understand every fact in that segment and make relevant notes, or do you read the material a few times, understand all (or...
  48. G

    Courses You know how they say a B in a difficult course > A in an easy course?

    Like when you apply to grad school, doesn't everyone have like As in those difficult courses? If so, would it be better to just enroll in an easy course? Thank you
  49. A

    Courses Question regarding change of course.

    Dear People, I had a tiny question and since i didnt find my answer in the forums i decided to make a threat. I like in United Arab Emirates and I would like to study aerospace (and later astronautics). Over here I can only recall a single university that has aerospace courses. On the...
  50. C

    Courses Is a PGRE Prep Course Worth It? Insights from Students Who Have Taken One

    Hey there, I am currently studying for my physics GRE which I will be taking in October of this year. Recently I made a comment to my schoolmates on my study strategy and I mentioned that I would not be taking a prep course but rather studying on my own for the exam. Many of them gave me a very...