Course Definition and 981 Threads

A full-course dinner is a dinner consisting of multiple dishes, or courses. In its simplest form, it can consist of three or four courses; for example: first course, a main course, and dessert.

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  1. E

    Can I Handle Landau and Lifschitz Books on Theoretical Physics?

    Hello I just finished my second year at university, my major is electrical engineering.I took classical mechanics and electricity & magnetism and I really liked them.Do you think I can handle Landau and Lifschitz books on theoretical physics.I am concerned about the mathematics in the books, at...
  2. M

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for this course?

    Can anyone please recommend me a good textbook for the course "Complex Variables with Applications" that has lots of practice problems and less theoretical problems? Please tell me the name of the textbook, edition, and the author. Thanks.
  3. M

    Is this course taken after Differential Equations?

    Is the course "Complex Variables with Applications" taken after Differential Equations? Is this course applied or pure math? Can someone recommend me a good textbook for this course?
  4. MathematicalPhysicist

    A First Course in String Theory.

    Hi, if you remember back a decade ago we had a discussion on solutions to the first edition of Zwiebach's undergraduate textbook in string theory. (I have a copy of the solutions in my computer). Does someone have solutions to the updated second edition of the textbook? I tried looking for...
  5. D

    Should I Take Another Summer Course?

    I'm a 20 year old Engineering Major, and a sophomore at college, and my dilemma is a bit shaky. I'm a semester behind due to depression, which affected me greatly during the Spring of 2013. To top it off I joined college needing remedial Math, in which I didn't complete until the Summer, and...
  6. G

    Confusing integral (from a QM problem, of course)

    Homework Statement The mathematical complication I'm having comes from Problem 1.9 in Griffiths' Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. I'm just going to provide the mathematics here: The norm squared of the wave function is \ \left|\Psi \right|^{2} = (\frac{2am}{h\pi})^{1/2}...
  7. K

    How Can a Satellite Move to a Larger Orbit?

    Homework Statement A satellite orbits, what should it do to move to a larger orbit (a greater radius) Homework Equations Velocity in orbit: ##v=\sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}## The Attempt at a Solution There are 2 options. the first, to my opinion, is to increase the velocity in the direction of...
  8. M

    Need an extra course, any ideas?

    In the fall I currently only have 11 credits and no physics courses will fit in my schedule with the way the times are set up. I was going to either take a math or a computer science course(leaning towards math). Besides PDEs/intro linear algebra course, which math courses would generally be...
  9. tridianprime

    Good book for First Course in Calculus based Classical Mechanics

    I have taken a look at Kleppner and Kolenkow and that seems around the right level of difficulty but I was wondering if there were any other books that worked well alongside the Walter Lewin lectures on OCW. Would K&K? Also, where does K&K go up to? Does it include all undergraduate...
  10. T

    What to expect in 8-week calculus course 1 summer

    Hello everyone; Starting in a week I will be attending a 8 week-4 days a week calculus I semester course. Here is a course description; MATH 265A - Calculus I Presents a study of analytic geometry, limits, continuity, the calculus of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic...
  11. M

    What do you think would be the best way to structure a math course?

    What do you think is the best way to structure a maths course in general? Be it algebra, calculus, analysis, probability, geometry, etc. What I mean by structure is number of exams, their percentages, type of exams, and timing of exams. I am looking for a structure that best helps students...
  12. G

    Schutz First Course in GR Problem 15b, chapter 1. Mistake?

    Homework Statement Suppose that the velocity of an observer O' relative to O is nearly that of light, |v|=1-ε, 0<ε<<1. Show that the Lorentz contraction formula can by approximated by: ∆x≈∆x'/√(2ε)Homework Equations Lorentz contraction, ∆x=∆x'/γThe Attempt at a Solution I think it should be...
  13. kq6up

    Intimidated by an Upcoming Course

    I have been out of school for 15 years (for physics at least), and plan on going back for my masters. I have been teaching chemistry and physics at the high school level for 9 of those years. I have often challenged myself with calculus problems so that I don't loose it completely. I have...
  14. S

    Taking Physics this Fall: General or Analytical?

    Will be taking Physics this fall. General or Analytical? Math background : Will be at the level of Calc 3 and Linear Algebra by fall. Physics background : None..Am a high school dropout. Got my GED and currently enrolled in a community college. Some of my friends and tutors have been...
  15. A

    Preparing for a combinatorics course

    Hi everyone, I'm going to be taking a combinatorics course next fall, and I'd like to prepare over the summer for it. Here is a link to the class log from a few years back. I am currently in a graph theory course, but I've heard the combinatorics course is rather difficult. Does anyone...
  16. B

    Engineering Aerospace Engineering Course requirements

    Hello! I'm here to ask a question regarding Aerospace Engineering. And before I do so, I just want to make sure my definition of Aerospace Engineering is correct. It's a field involved in the design and research of aircraft or spacecraft . And if my definition is correct, I would like to state...
  17. J

    Asteroid on course with planet problem

    Homework Statement A asteroid of mass m=5*10^20 kg , speed u=10km/s is on a direct course to hit earth. If nuclear weapons are used to split it into two equal pieces at a distance away of the moon's orbit, d, what is the minimum energy required for each half to miss Earth by s=600km...
  18. P

    Questions about course of Energy conservation

    Thank you for helping me 1- One end of a rubber band is tied down and you pull on the other end to trace a complicated closed trajectory.If you were to measyre the elastic force F at every point and took its scalar product with the local displacement F→*r→,and then summed all f these . What...
  19. P

    Exploring the Applications of Integral Equations in Physics

    Hi all, my university is offering a graduate level math course in integral equations for the following semester. I'm not at all familiar with them (I'm assuming they're the opposite of differential equations?), and I'm wondering if you guys think they are at all useful in the field of physics...
  20. NATURE.M

    What course have you found to be most useful?

    Hey fellow forum members, I just thought it would be interesting to hear what course you found to be most useful in your current day-to day role (occupation). It can be any course that you've taken at high school, undergraduate level, graduate level, or courses offered on coursera. Thanks
  21. Giant

    Enrollment in C programming course

    I've decided to learn programming in my holidays. And I've enrolled myself in a C programming class (Apparently they don't allow C++ unless you know C). The course requirement says familiarity with "programming techniques" I tried searching it but I din't get the meaning I just got various...
  22. T

    Should I take Calculus IV as a 4 week summer course?

    Hi. I have taken Cal 1-2 and am now wrapping up Cal 3 this Spring semester. My university offers a Cal 4 course during a 4 week summer term. This past summer, I took Calculus 1 during the summer, after a couple years break from mathematics (I'm a natural resources graduate student), and...
  23. S

    Questions from chapter 2 of Zwiebach's A First Course In String Theory

    Hi, I have a couple questions from chapter 2 of Zwiebach's A First Course In String Theory, second ed. 1) Zwiebach says [in the context of compact extra dimensions] "it seems very difficult, if not altogether impossible, to construct a consistent theory with more than one time dimension". Why...
  24. D

    Schools University Course: Engineering or Physics?

    I am currently first year at university studying software and electronic engineering. It is okay... but it isn't very interesting. I find physics much more interesting so I've been thinking about changing to it. I would really appreciate it if someone could answer these questions, 1 - Is...
  25. H

    Programs Failing a non-major(ish) physics course

    I took CS 1 (simple Java stuff) on the first semester, and that was relatively easy for me to do. However, I am not doing so well in my CS2 course, as I just miserably failed one exam to the point of likely losing hope of getting a B on that course. Now, I am a physics and math major, and I am...
  26. Illuvitar

    Transferring from Community College to University: Balancing Course Load

    Well from what I understand when a student transfers from community college to a university they start with a fresh GPA. Its kind of worrying me that by the time I transfer I will have all of my general eds out of the way and will have only engineering courses every semester till graduation. I...
  27. H

    Physics Two, I don't know if I will make it through the course

    I recently decided to start taking Physics two, it has been about 2 years since I took physics one and I am realizing as I am going through the material that I have seemed to have forgotten a lot of material I learned. I was successful in Physics 1 but I am concerned about this course. So far I...
  28. chimath35

    After calculus first pure math course, having a hard time.

    I just started number theory, and I feel completely lost. I never did proofs in calc. I am used to watching the professor do examples, then with solutions manual at home see how the problems are done and use the manual if I get stuck. This book on NT has no homework problems or solutions. I just...
  29. D

    Study buddies for 'A First Course in General Relativity' by B. Schutz

    Hi, I decided to learn about relativity with this book, and I'm looking for people who would like to read it with me and discuss :thumbs:. Since I'm a little busy at the moment the pace will be quite slow, let's say about a chapter each two weeks (or more later for more advanced chapters)...
  30. T

    Schools Does Course Load Really Matter for Grad School?

    Hi, I'm a sophomore undergrad and recently I've been wondering how much weight grad schools in the sciences actually put into your "course load." I've read some conflicting views on the internet, books on grad school admissions, and faculty. The websites for some grad/professional schools list...
  31. J

    Course which focuses on holography

    Hi all, Next period I'll be taking a course which focuses on holography this year (it's a different course every year pertaining to some (very/reasonably) active field in theoretical physics). We have gotten some links to course materials we'll be dealing with (1) The gauge/gravity...
  32. Hercuflea

    Can you assess my course load this semester?

    Hi guys this semester I am graduating this semester with a math degree and I am for sure taking these four classes: 1. Real Analysis 1 2. Numerical analysis 2 (differential equations/pde's, more advanced methods than numerical methods 1) 3. Electrodynamics (griffiths) 4. Spanish...
  33. M

    Suggest a book for this statics course (exams attached)

    Hi, I'm currently studying physics in Europe, and am in some kind of "statics" course. It's a little unclear, as the course name is probably loosely translated from German, and the teacher didn't have any English books to recommend. He's a great prof, but our classes are almost...
  34. P

    GCSE/IGCSE course choice for sciences

    Hello, I live in England, and in the future I would like to study physics or neuroscience at university. I am currently taking my GCSEs, and I have a dilemma with some of the courses I am taking: I'm taking a Science GCSE course which includes Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and I am also...
  35. 1

    Finding the Best Geometry Textbook for My Course

    I'm taking a class on Geometry next semester an I'm in need of a good book. It will be both euclidean and non-euclidean geometry and is a proof based course. Sorry, I know that's rather vague but that's all I know about the class. Thank you!
  36. S

    Computational Physics or E+M course

    Next semester I have a choice to take a computational physics course or E+M 2. The materials covered in the computational physics course are: applications of scientific computational techniques to solutions of differential equations, matrix methods, and Monte Carlo methods used in physics...
  37. T

    Could black holes be empty points of spinning systems? A scientific exploration

    Hi, I had posted wanting a specific question answered and it was closed b/c i kept repeating my thoughts to try and get an answer. I'm not an expert, so I was wondering if any of you intelligent folks could enlighten me. I am not asking for a crash course on black holes, which is what i...
  38. M

    MATLAB Irritated by Matlab should I retake the course?

    Hey fellas how are you all doing? This is my first year as an engineering student and so far I am enjoying most of my classes(Math, chem, programming) except for one, my MATLAB class. This class is really a pain in my ***. This is my first time seeing a programming language and I have a grade...
  39. C

    Is a Finite Element Method Course Right for Me?

    I am thinking about taking a finite element method course. I know what FEM is and how it solves boundary value problems and stuff but I'm wondering how widespread it is used... Is it a useful numerical technique? What industries/research use it? I am interested in research in continuum...
  40. P

    Neutron stars on collision course.

    Simply put, either by chance or a suicidal type-III Civilization, 2 neutron stars, or a neutron star an a large-ish main sequence star are thrown at each other and fall STRAIGHT into each other. What happens? Does the ~1.4 C Newtonian impact speed result in them getting blown up and releasing...
  41. D

    Chemical Thermodynamics Course Help/Advise?

    Hello all! I am new here, although I have been reading on here for a few years now. I'll get right to the point. I don't have a specific homework question exactly, but rather I need help with a course. I am a senior biochemistry major, and I am taking Chemical Thermodynamics, my school's...
  42. T

    Which to take? (Need a decision on a math course)

    For my current set of classes I'm going to be able to take either probability and statistics or college algebra with modeling (could someone explain modeling?) I've always wanted to take prob/statistics but don't want to jump in and miss something important, and also, are prob and statistics...
  43. T

    Taking first course in linear algebra

    I'm going to do linear algebra for first time,so I look online and found Halmos' Linear Algebra Problem Book ,does it fit in the course(does it teach everything without much prequistes?),what book do I use after that? Any suggestion or...
  44. PeteyCoco

    What Should I Study to Prepare for a Probabilistic Methods Course?

    So I'm auditing a course titled Probabilistic Methods in Computer Science this fall and I want to know what kinds of things I should read to help me through it. The book that is being used is The Probabilistic Method by Alon and Spencer. The math I have is mostly calculus with some set theory...
  45. Z

    What is the Hardest Math Course According to David Hilbert?

    What is the hardest math course or end of the line mathematics? the reason i ask is cause an PhD mechanical engineer told me he was doing it and i forgot its name but it sounded like Waisz or something like that weizs not sure.
  46. D

    Integral on the surface of a sphere - course notes

    Hello, In my electrodynamics course, there's a "maths" introduction and there's something i don't get ! Homework Statement It says that : the integral on the surface of a sphere is ∫1/r da = 4πr'/3 with r=|r'-R|, R the vector from the element da to the center. r'=r'*z^ The Attempt...
  47. M

    Studying Taking a course that doesn't rely much on textbook

    Hello, I am taking my first upper division chemical engineering course, which is sort of a survey class that introduces the various topics and methodologies in chemical engineering. This is my first time having a professor that doesn't rely much on the book, and in his own terms "the...
  48. M

    From what book should I start my calculus course?

    Hi, this is my first post. Okay, I am in 1st semester of my university (doing B.E. Electrical Engineering). My Maths (I) is all calculus. So what calculus book should I buy?? The university proposes ----> 1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 9th edition by Thomas and Finney...
  49. C

    How to learn the math needed for more advanced physics course?

    Hi,there, I'm a college student of physics from China, and I've taken most undergrad physics course. when I tried to study some graduate-level books and some journal papers, I got a problem in math . In graduate level books (say, Jackson's for example), There are pages of math tricks I...
  50. B

    Which engineering course makes the most use of particles ?

    Which engineering course makes the most use of particles physics ? as the title says which engineering course uses particles and quantum mechanics the most ? i heard about electrical engineering specifically microelectronics like semiconductors and nano electronics i have also heard about...