At the moment, my first choice for a major is in Economics, and after doing some research, I've found out that the mathematics courses required for a PhD are Probability and Statistics, Single-Variable Calculus (Calc. 1 and 2), Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra and both Ordinary and Partial...
Hello everyone. I am going to be majoring in applied math. Outside the math courses, I would like to know the recommended courses to take that will be of interest to an applied mathematician. From fields like computer science, physics, engineering, and the like..
I want to major in aero. engineering and mathematics. Over fall semester I will be taking Object-Oriented Programming, Calc/Analytic Geom I, and General Physics I lecture and lab.
I really enjoy math and want to take any courses that will improve my math skills that is why I am taking a...
I'm going into my 3rd year of Mechanical Engineering and for this Fall 11' my major courses are:
ME 211—Fluid Mechanics I 4
ME 325—Intermediate Thermodynamics 3
I need to add 2 more classes from the following list:
ECE 210—Electrical Circuit Analysis 3
CME 261—Materials for Manufacturing 2...
Hey guys, this is my first thread here, and I have a question about courses to take during my undergraduate.
I am currently in Engineering Science at the University of Toronto, in the physics option (so basically eng phys). I am going into my third year and I have a large degree of...
I'm so tired of these pointless liberal art courses. The size of the general ed curriculum at my university is about the equivalent of a B.S. degree.
For example, I have to take four writing intensive courses, and they only offer liberal arts crap. Nothing like technical/science writing...
Hey, I am choosing school courses and their times. I noticed that they all will be very close together in time range. Are there any recommendations or tips that I should follow when selecting my classes?
I am going into my first year of university in science, it is a general first year and I want to leave the door open to go into either physics(particle) or biochemistry. The courses I took are general chemistry, biology, integral and differential calculus, linear algebra and finally physics...
Hey guys,
I'm currently looking to take Physics I over the summer to get into AP Physics II C next year, and due to my schedule over the summer with multiple tennis camps and such, I cannot take it at my local community colleges because the professors will not let me miss X number of days...
Hi, I am entering Rice University this fall as a Physics major, with the intention of double-majoring in Mathematics. Although I'd like to take every math class they have to offer, I need some advice on which math classes are crucial in providing a mathematical foundation and possibly a timeline...
I just enrolled at the local college for electrical engineering and was wondering what order I should take my classes in? Should I take physics before calc or no? also differential equations, what's it like?
Hi, I searched the forum but couldn't come up with any answers, so here goes my question: What are the topics/ courses that are used in Financial Engineering?
I have the chance to take up to 4 courses (usual UG Physics courses) and my pick was Mathematical Physics & Statistical Mechanics, but...
Could someone tell at what level the Quantum Field Theory appears in a typical physics coursework? Undergrad? Grad?
Also, from my understanding, the first 1.5 years of grad work aim to prepare the student for preliminary exams on the knowledge of undergraduate physics. That said, how much of...
I have a problem. The amount of units I have taken up until now (this coming semester I'll be starting my Junior year) and the amount of time I have left is restricting my options for math courses. I do want to become a physics major and I intend on going to grad school. I have a strong...
I just took a first semester of a first year physics course for scientists and engineers. Even though I thought that course work was rather rigorous, I did well and got an A in the course. I'm thinking about going into biophysics, but need to have a GPA in the range of 4.0-3.9 since I plan to...
Hey guys, I'm in my final year of high school and, like many, am struggling to decide what to do at uni next year.
*Random boring stuff* I do all science and maths subjects and am usually in the top three or so for each depending on the time and how hard I work (if at all), but generally I'm...
I'm taking calculus for scientists and engineers and was wondering how much harder are upper division courses like partial differential equations, ordinary differential equations, and complex analysis than calculus?
I know you need a year of calculus linear algebra and differential equations and vector calculus, but I was what would be some other really useful math courses for physicists?
I want to know some "academic books" in some aerospace courses and the college or the university that rely on that book ..
the courses are :
1 - Gas Dynamics
2- Aerospace System and control
3- Aerospace safety & air traffic control
4- Aerospace system maintenance
I really need your...
Like with all the opencoursewares universities have opened, is it possible that you can just visit their lectures if you miss class? I have visited pretty much every universities and videos out there and have made a list
PreCalculus& Algebra Physics
First Year...
What do you think of the following courses in my last two years, if I intend to apply for a good PhD in a more Theoretical area of Physics:
In the Physics dept:
Mathematical Methods 1
Waves & Diffraction
Quantum Mechanics
Thermal Physics
Electromagnetic Theory 1
Solid State Physics...
I am currently taking pre-reqs to go back to school for engineering, and I just found out that I will need to take an "elective" in order to have enough hours for financial aid this fall.
Here are my two choices, and my desired major is Petroleum Engineering:
1) Introductory course in Java...
what are some methods used by talented students in technical courses that get good grades? I always hear its as simple as reading the textbook and then doing problems. However, i find if you don't understand the theory well enough practicing will be very difficult. Is there a way to study more...
Salutations math elders,
Firstly, when i discovered this site i rejoiced because of all the amazing resources. You can expect to see more of me, asking lots of questions.
I am about to make a (hopefully liberating) life-changing decision and I figured that this was the best place to...
I am 17 and planning on being an engineer. I want to study before hand to prepare for the difficult courses. What courses are particularly the most challenging in your opinion, things you struggled with?
Hello, I'm currently a 3rd year physics student (will be finishing next year) with some questions about recommended courses which would facilitate my ability to tackle graduate courses. First, due to financial issues I cannot take more than a fixed number of hours in the coming year so I have to...
I'm looking for any recomendations for review materials for upper level courses, particularly QM and solid state. I graduated in 2008 will a degree in Physics education, and as a result have a decently strong theoritcal background, however as you might imagine some of the education classes did...
Does taking them as an undergraduate look good on an application for grad school? Undoubtedly, I would say yes. But the problem is that the school I'm at will only let me use 12 hours of graduate credit for undergraduate credit. Also, does the more courses (and the more advanced those courses...
What is the scope of these courses??
Hi guys,
I did B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2009 and now I am going for postgrad. I am very much interested in research as a career. I am considering M.Tech but I am not yet sure about which course to take. So I require some guidance...
Can you get "de-majored" if you don't the right courses?
I am declaring myself as a Physics Major next year, but I realize my schedule next year is going to have two Physics courses and like four Math courses lol
I will only have a total of 8 courses (24 credits, 3 credits each) next year...
Advise --choosing final year undergrad courses
I need to pick my module choices for my 3rd and final year, and I am stuck on the final few modules I should choose.
For my final year, I already plan to do courses in complex analysis, functional analysis, stochastic processes, and advanced...
So I know there's another thread but I don't want to hijack it, and I'm going to math major as well so I'll be taking another 8-10 or so semesters beyond calculus/linear algebra. I'm interested in doing physics with a theoretical bent.
From what I've gathered, group theory and differential...
Does anyone know of a good place to look to take a course in quantum physics online? I am a teacher and recently did a unit on black holes, and I found them fascinating. My background is in liberal arts, but I think with a lot of work I could get through it. Thank you in advance for all who...
I want to end up in theoretical physics but would rather do a maths major. I'm just starting second year undergrad at the moment. If I did a maths major, the courses I'd have under my belt would include:
differential geometry
general relativity
a lot of linear algebra and...
I know that it's technically not allowed. But some professors allow (and even encourage) motivated individuals to do it anyways.
In any case, has anyone else done this? I'm considering doing this after I graduate, as there are some labs I really want to take (they're mostly computer labs). Of...
Hello All,
Im from the UK and am currently at University studying Graphic Design, while I enjoy that course I feel I would enjoy physics more.
I'm a mature student and only have GCSEs, C grades in Maths, English Lang, and Double C in Science. A few Ds in other subjects.
I was considering...
Can one apply to the US grad school and skip masters level courses to start working on PhD in the first year? Because in Europe, masters degree is usually obtained instantly after undergrad, whereas PhD level studies are separated. One really wouldn't want after obtaining masters and getting...
Hi there,
I'm Rafid and I'm a highshool student from Bangladesh. I would like to pursue a physics major in my bachelors studies.
I have searched some universities in Sweden, all of which are great, but the language of instruction for all of them is Swedish. Are there any good universities...
I am an undergrad planning on transferring to UW-Madison for nuclear engineering and will also likely pick up a secondary major in physics.
The physics major is more of a safety, because I don't know what I am really interested in at this point... Having both leaves options open...
Experimental Physics Courses??
Hi everyone,
I have some problems with Experimental Physics courses. I'm senior physics student and I have taken 2 experimental course (out of 3) so far. In my university we spend six hours doing one experiment and submit a report at the end of the lab.
I'll be graduating next Spring with a B.S. in Mathematics with a Physics minor. I work part-time and attend school at least part-time.
If possible, I'd like to start taking graduate classes Fall 2012, probably in mathematics. Would it be possible to have the same schedule? Or are the graduate...
What is the difference between these two courses? ODE vs EDE?
Hopefully this is the right place to ask.
Does anyone know the difference between these two courses? And which one I should take?
I'll be taking Linear Algebra (2nd semester of LA) with either one.
I haven't decided which one to...
I'm currently a freshman and these are all the math courses I plan on taking in 4 years.
- Calc II (taken), Calc III, Linear Algebra I, Linear Algebra II, Real Analysis I, Real Analysis II, Ordinary Differential Equations, Intro to Abstract Algebra, Complex Variables, Survey of...
I am currently at a university and will be moving to another, the university that I am at has a really poor analysis sequence(due to the teacher being incompetent at teaching).
I am wondering if it's detrimental to me to take the analysis sequence at my current university since I almost...
Hey guys!
I'm currently scheduled to take General Chemistry 1 w/ lab, General Physics 1 w/ lab, Calculus w/ AG 3 and Differential Equations this semester. But I was reading on a site that Linear Algebra teaches you tools that are very useful when learning DE and Calc 2/3. So I'm considering...
This website is a compilation of all of the university courses that have been filmed and posted on the internet: This would be more suitable in the Learning Materials section and if someone could move it there, that would be great.
I can graduate a semester early or stay and take some grad classes.
In the later scenario I want to transfer them to a PHD program (in statistics).
However some PHD programs say transfer credits must be taken with graduate status; or they don't accept transfer credits period.
In that case...
What courses count as "upper-division physics?" (also, which GPAs to list)
Okay, here is my department's course catalog:
Anyways, does a "Elementary Mathematical Physics" course count as upper-division physics course? What about a "modern...