Courses Definition and 664 Threads

  1. Z

    Courses Transferring and reading courses

    I'm trying to decide whether to stay where I'm at (a big public state school) or transfer to Rice next semester (I just got accepted). I'm a pure mathematics major, and my ambitions for graduate school are high. I spoke with my advisor today for nearly an hour about my schedule next semester...
  2. N

    Courses What courses should I have taken before Numerical Methods?

    Hey everyone, I hope this is the right place to put this. I was wondering if you could answer this question. Basically, I'm having trouble with my Numerical Methods course. The only college-level math course I took before this was the Calculus 1 course. I'm wondering if because I hadn't yet...
  3. T

    Schools Graduate School: Defiency Courses

    I've always wondered, do graduate schools really admit students from other disciplines by having them take defiency courses? or do they just say that as a "formality"?
  4. L

    Schools Question about classes at 2 year college vs. university level courses

    How much more rigorous are the science and math courses at a university compared to science and math courses at a 2 year college. On this website called , it shows you all of the classes you would need to take at a particular 2 year college to get to transfer to a 4 year college...
  5. L

    Schools Accelerated, rigorous courses for college credit

    this may be too much to ask of you, but if possible, please give me ideas, have you any knowledge of anything in the us that will give one college credit for a high school student? not some trivial sh*t like ap/ib calculus, multivar calculus, or diff eqs... something more proof based, like...
  6. qspeechc

    What are the Pros and Cons of Weed Out Courses?

    "Weed Out" Courses. Hi everyone. I wanted to know what PFers thought about "weed out" courses. A weed out course is where the course is made very difficult, intentionally, so that many students drop out. I've had one such course so far, a sophmore physics course. We covered about 500 pages...
  7. seouldavid

    Audio/video courses and lectures on chemistry

    There are many online resources that provide audio/video courses and lectures from colleges/universities. The following site is one of them and contains many links to websites offering audio/video courses and lectures on chemistry...
  8. M

    Courses Useful courses for topological quantum computing

    I recently took a great interest in topological quantum computing - so great an interest I am even considering it as a thesis topic for grad school (though I am still a junior undergrad and have awhile to figure that out). What would be some useful courses to take to pursue theoretical research...
  9. S

    Courses More Math Courses vs a potential lower GPA

    Hi, Right now i am on my fourth semester (sophomore) studying Mathematics at a rather small University. The math department here is not that rich couse-wise. In other words there are not a whole lot of Math courses one could take here. From the upper level math courses the only ones that they...
  10. D

    Freshman at BMCC: Is Success Possible Despite Remedial Courses?

    i am a freshman student at BMCC (cuny). in new york. its a community college. i just wanted to know if it is possible for me to be very successful also i am taking all remedial. yes i have failed the ACT that is needed to take before you start going there.
  11. O

    Courses What Math Courses Should an Aspiring Aerospace Engineer or Physicist Consider?

    I'm debating doing a double major in aerospace engineering and physics. What are some math courses that would be beneficial to each major (In case I chose to go with only one) that are not usually required by the department?
  12. V

    Schools Is it Normal to Take Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus Together in High School?

    My son is a sophomore this year and his counselor put him in a Trig. class this year and a pre-calc class. Is this normal to take both classes at the same time? and with 2 different teachers who teach differently? Help. thanks. He has already taken Alg. I and II and Geom.
  13. V

    Are Pre-Calculus and Trigonometry Necessary for High School Math?

    Homework Statement My son is a sophomore in High school and his counselor has him in a Pre-Calc. class and then a Trig. class. is this normal. Does he need both and in the same year? thanks. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  14. H

    Courses Math Courses & Transferring to UCLA or UC Berkeley

    Hey, I'm currently attending a community college and I'm a Math/Econ major (yes, I know some of you think it's a joke). Anyway, I want to transfer to UCLA or UCBerkeley, but I just had a general question about math classes and such. This semester, I'm not taking any math classes because I...
  15. L

    Courses Swapping Courses: How to Decide When Changing Majors

    Hello all. So, let me explain my situation. Originally, I signed up for an Engineering major, figuring it was what I should do, since I liked math. So, I signed up for my classes, and it was all good. However, a lot of things happened over the summer. Things that've changed my views on the...
  16. T

    Courses Looking for the following online courses

    Electromagnetism(For EE students) Engineering Statics
  17. T

    Programs School policies about taking courses out of major?

    What the general school policies when students take courses that aren't required for their major and take them as free electives or just for knowledge to their field of work. For example, a civil engineering student takes Power engineering classes in electrical wiring design for buildings...
  18. M

    Courses Advice on intro phys/calc courses

    Hey, does anyone know what I should expect from my 1st year PHYS 111/112 and Math 121/122/Biometrics courses? I have a basic understanding of some calculus concepts (derivatives and functions) and I know a bit more about chem, meaning that my physics knowledge is probably better than my...
  19. B

    Math Can Math Courses Help You Learn Stock Market Investing?

    Are there math courses in university that teach you how to invest in the stock market? If so can you link me a website that explains what the course teaches. Also I am thinking about getting into Mathematics or Physics as teaching career. Which one do you think would be better to make money...
  20. R

    Courses Skipping basic courses for advanced ones

    I'm about to start my first year of studying mathematics. My university requires me to take quite a lot of basic courses in the first year and after that there are some strict limits on the number of courses I can take. This means that I will not be able to take all the courses I would like to...
  21. B

    Courses How Many Courses Should I Take in Graduate School for Theoretical Physics?

    I want to know something: does it look bad if you don't take that many courses? In my grad career, my first semester is going to have only 2 grad courses I'll be taking. I want to take more, but my advisor/person I'm doing research for is telling me not to. (E.g., he's also going to be writing...
  22. M

    Courses Is Quantum Mechanics Really That Hard or is it Just Poor Teaching?

    I hate to post two threads in a row, but I have too many physics questions going in my head to sleep. My TA last semester told us he was taking a QM course and told us his uncurved class average was a 37. This leads me to think that no undergrad can grasp QM. Now I know only the most basic of...
  23. B

    Courses Specialized mathematics courses a physicist should take?

    Hi everybody, I'd like to ask: besides your "calculus", "ordinary/partial differential equations", "complex numbers", "probability", and "linear algebra" that a physicist should be familiar with, what else should I study? My goal to studying this math is to understand my...
  24. R

    Which advanced math courses are favored by top graduate programs?

    Hey all. I'm actually a math and chemistry major at the Univ. of Illinois Chicago. I have a competitive GPA, research experience, and an overal good academic history. What I'm trying to do is plan my advanced math courses to not only be functionable within my area of interests (engineering...
  25. R

    Programs Recommend Maths and CS Courses for Physics Major

    Hi there, I'm planning on double major in Physics and Mathematics...and i could really use some help from you guise (Physics major in particular). First off, i recon that i'll be needing some skills in CS, being able to operate some programs like Maple, Matlab etc. I'm already working on...
  26. F

    Focus on courses or work with high school teachers

    I have my BA in physics and two years of graduate work at Auburn. I had an excellent experience there as a TA, but my own courses suffered. Quite a bit of my time was spent messing around in the intro lab. I am currently accepted at University of Alabama Huntsville to start up with their...
  27. N

    Courses Courses: Nuclear and particle physics?

    Hi all. Would you believe that it is necessary for me to take a course in "Nuclear and Particle Physics" in order to be able to do graduate work in condensed matter physics/quantum optics? Thank you in advance. Niles.
  28. B

    Question about mathematic courses I need

    I've read through a lot of different threads on the topic of prerequisite knowledge required to take a course in quantum physics and I was wondering about what mathematics I should take (I want to order the textbooks online) Ive done calculus and have finished a college physics textbook Now...
  29. E

    Courses Need help picking math courses for CS.

    Hello. I'm a Computer Science major at a liberal arts college that doesn't require many mathematics courses. So I've decided to minor in mathematics because it seems important. My school gives a lot of freedom on which courses I can take to achieve this minor, and I have no idea which would be...
  30. N

    Courses Courses: Which one to choose for CMP?

    Hi all. I have to make a decision in ~1 month, whether I want a course in "Analytical Mechanics", "Introduction to Nuclear- and Particle Physics" and "Programming for Physicists". The thing is, I wish to work in condensed matter physics (whether that may be computional, theoretical or...
  31. N

    Courses What classes should I choose to guarantee a job and TA position in my field?

    So course registration is next Wednesday for me, and I've got some choices with the classes I can take next quarter. I'm a math/physics double major, and I'm looking to go to grad school in physics (theoretical). Two of my classes are fixed: Many Particle Physics (basically a 4th quarter of...
  32. thrill3rnit3

    Stanford EPGY Math Courses - Unravel the Mysteries of Mathematics Has anyone tried learning from EPGY before? If yes, what do you think about it? Is it worth wasting money on this?
  33. T

    Biochemistry Courses: Tips & Advice for Achieving an A

    Hello everyone, So I was interested in knowing how much work is usually needed to end up with a good grade (A) in this course? I am going to be taking this course sometime in the future, probably next year, the first part will be about structures and physical properties of biomolecules and...
  34. M

    Would practical courses like welding and machining be useful?

    Just a quick question from a potential mech. engineering student. I'm probably going to start soon on my formal MechE classes soon but I know that to be a good engineer, you need to do more than get good grades. I've asked a lot of working MechEs about what you need to know, specifically if...
  35. F

    Reference Material for Undergraduate Level Vibrations Courses

    Hello everyone, I am a junior Mechanical engineering student with a midterm in my Vibrations I class on Thursday. I've been studying but I'm having some issues really nailing the concepts fundamentally. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut of doing the problem like in the example, but not really...
  36. K

    Schools MS Courses in the U.S for British Students - Good Universities

    Hi all, I'm currently enrolled on a four year MSc course at Durham University in the U.K. Instead of completing this course in its entirety I am hoping to be able to move to the States (after completing my BSc) for a year or two and complete either an MSc or (as I think it'll have to be) an...
  37. C

    Courses What applied math courses should i take?

    i only need 3 more for the B.S. degree. I know for sure I have to take Intro to Stats B, so I need to pick 2 more classes from: Numerical Analysis A, Combinatorics, Optimization, Abstract Algebra (I dropped the honors version), Topology, Fourier Analysis, Real Analysis B i'm scared to take real...
  38. O

    Courses Theoretical Physics MSc courses

    I'm looking for graduate courses with focus on non-string theoretical physics beyond the standard model (or at least, courses preparing for research in that field). I'm also open to string content, but I find other approaches more intriguing. Recently I came across Imperial College's MSc course...
  39. F

    Courses Suggested Math and Physics Courses for Plasma physics/Fusion Engineering?

    Hello all, I am currently a second year engineering physics major, specializing in Nuclear Engineering. What would be the best Math and Physics courses to get an idea of what fusion engineering and/or Plasma physics is like (My university does not offer any formal fusion engineering classes)? I...
  40. V

    Schools Recommended College Math Courses

    which courses would you recommend a math major to take beyond the major requirements? I feel like 2 semesters in algebra, analysis, and topology are the basic necessities. Should I look at anything else? Any suggestions in applied maths?
  41. R

    Studying How important is it to buy textbooks for university courses?

    Hello all, I'm entering my second year of university (Physics/mech engineering major) and am wondering whether it is worthwhile spending money on the textbooks? In my first year, I found there were some subjects where I didn't touch the textbooks - primarily Calculus I and II (Calculus...
  42. M

    Math Courses for Electrical Engineering Degree

    I've decided I want to go to school and start taking some math courses toward an electrical engineering degree.I basically want to work on desktop's and laptop computers.My question is what level of Math should I stop at for an electrical engineering degree? is calculus acceptable enough or...
  43. X

    Courses How different are intro physics courses from intermediate or advanced ones?

    For example what is the difference between an intro mechanics or E&M course and an intermediate level one? What about an advanced one that you would take in grad school?
  44. B

    Students who cheat in introductory physics courses

    Seriously, do they not realize that we have the solutions manual right in front of us when we're grading? lol
  45. D

    Online math & physics courses (not just the material)

    Greetings all, I'm looking for universities that offer online (distance learning) math and/or physics courses, that may be taken over the summer for example. Anybody know of schools that offer this? Thanks a lot!
  46. J

    Courses What Courses Should a Chemistry Major Take for a Future in Chemical Physics?

    Hi, I am a junior chemistry major. I am interested in studying physical chemistry or possibly chemical physics in grad school. I've got a couple questions: 1) Would a physics course in optics be good to take as an undergrad? I thought it might be helpful to learn about lasers, spectroscopy...
  47. M

    Courses Freshman: 107 hours of Straight Technical courses. How to deal? Tips?

    I'm currently a freshman physics major at UIUC. I really want to do engineering so I'm thinking of doing a double major in Physics/Engineering (some sort). Due to an a lot of AP credit, I'm all finished with my general education requirements, leaving only math, physics, and engineering classes...
  48. A

    Courses Is it bad to take easy courses to raise my GPA?

    Is it bad to take easy courses to raise my GPA? I'm a senior engineering major right now. I have one more spring term left until I graduate. I could also take a winter course, too. I have a decent GPA: 3.4/4.0 overall and a 3.85 for my engineering GPA. I have a job offer already for GE's ELDP...
  49. K

    Testing Preparing For the GRE: Advice & Courses to Take

    Ok, so next year I should be taking the GRE. I was wondering what advice you guys would have when preparing for it? Like what courses should I definitely make sure I have a good background in?
  50. clope023

    Courses How can I plan my spring semester courses with limited options?

    Hi, basically the thread title says it all; I'll be finishing differential equations, calc 3 and linear algebra this semester and was hoping to start getting into the actual upper division physics classes, I was wanting to take Modern Physics, thermodynamics and one other; the problem is my...