Crash Definition and 206 Threads

Crash Bandicoot is a video game franchise, originally developed by Naughty Dog as an exclusive for Sony's PlayStation console and has seen numerous installments created by numerous developers and published on multiple platforms. The series consists predominantly of platform games, but also includes spin-offs in the kart racing and party game genres. The series was originally produced by Universal Interactive, which later became known as Vivendi Games; in 2007, Vivendi merged with Activision, which currently owns and publishes the franchise.
The games are mostly set on the fictitious Wumpa Islands, an archipelago situated to the south of Australia where humans and mutant animals co-exist, although other locations are common. The main games in the series are largely platformers, but several are spin-offs in different genres. The protagonist of the series is a genetically enhanced bandicoot named Crash, whose quiet life on the Wumpa Islands is often interrupted by the games' main antagonist, Doctor Neo Cortex, who created Crash and wants him dead as he is a failed experiment. In most games, Crash must defeat Cortex and foil his plans for world domination.

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  1. B

    Inelastic Head-On Collision: Understanding Momentum and Kinetic Energy

    Homework Statement I could not find anywhere an example of inelastic head-on collision, all examples are of bodies crashing into an object at rest. I do not have a specific question, if you have, I'd appreciate it. I just want to know in general: suppose a ball A (of mass 100 kg rolling at...
  2. Y

    Adobe flash player crash on both my computers repeatily.

    Hi The Adobe flash player kept crashing and really slow down both my laptops. One is Win 7 Pro and the other is Win 8. I can hear the fan running hard, the mouse is very slow responding. Then finally a pop up saying the Flash player crashed and ask whether I want to stop the plug in. It happens...
  3. P

    Crush vs. Crash Analysis: What's the Difference?

    What is the difference between crush and crash analysis. I understand that, crush analysis is much a static analysis unlike crash analysis which is a dynamic analysis. What I am looking at is the results that anybody would like to get / view /understand from a crush analysis and crash...
  4. T

    Kinematics Crash Simulation Question

    1. In a crash simulation, a car traveling at x m/s can stop at a distance d m with a maximum deceleration. If the car is traveling at 2x m/s: A. Stopping time is doubled B. Stopping distance is doubled C. Stopping distance is quadrupled D. Both A and C Ok, so I thought this was a...
  5. BrainMan

    Car crash conservation of momentum problem

    Homework Statement A 2200-kg van traveling north along the interstate at 25 m/s is involved in a perfectly inelastic collision with a 1500-kg automobile driven by a careless motorist who emerges at a speed of 15 m/s form an entrance ramp that makes an angle of 20 degrees with the highway. Find...
  6. C

    A satellite will crash into the Earth if its velocity:

    Homework Statement A satellite will crash int the Earth if its velocity: stays constant increases dramatically decreases dramatically Answer: decreases dramatically.??
  7. Greg Bernhardt

    News Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 crash

    I think this is a very interesting story. Let's get some discussion on it! At the moment CNN is reporting "Tickets linked to stolen passports for missing Malaysia flight were purchased by Iranian man, authorities say"...
  8. T

    Could black holes be empty points of spinning systems? A scientific exploration

    Hi, I had posted wanting a specific question answered and it was closed b/c i kept repeating my thoughts to try and get an answer. I'm not an expert, so I was wondering if any of you intelligent folks could enlighten me. I am not asking for a crash course on black holes, which is what i...
  9. nsaspook

    What Caused the Proton Rocket to Crash? Seems like a simple mechanical interlock (notch or flat) could have prevented this problem.
  10. lisab

    Boeing Boeing 777 Crash Lands in San Francisco I hope everyone got out safely. Scary photos!
  11. K

    Crash Impact Sensors: How Do They Work in Airbag Systems?

    Hi, Can anyone please tell me how does crash impact sensors work in an airbag system? Like, I want to know at what force does the sensors send the signals to the airbag control unit. And can these sensors be incorporated to the rear bumper as well? I am planning to incorporate this sensor for...
  12. T

    School bus crash resulting in death

    My sister was recently killed in a car crash, she was the driver of the vehicle, making a left turn at an intersection heading north and was stuck by a school bus that was heading east towards her. The police report claims the driver was driving at a speed of 45 miles an hour at point of impact...
  13. Andre

    News Afghanistan B747 Crash: Inbalance Loads Lead to Stall

    A hair raising crash From what can be observed on the video, a sharp pitch up and stall supports the supposition of the article: When the center of gravity exceeds limits, due to inbalanced loads, there is not a lot you can do. Sad.
  14. R

    Car Crash Problem: Solving Speed Before Impact

    **Not a homework problem but I was directed here** Hello, over the weekend I was involved in a car accident and received a careless driving ticket because the officer believed that I was going an insane amount of speed. My first instinct to react to this would to be to sit down and do the...
  15. J

    Solving the Mystery of a 4-Way Car Crash

    Homework Statement The problem is that there are too cars and they crash and we have to gigure out which one was the one that caused the crash? Also it is a four way stop here is a pic that would help Homework Equations Find Velocity The Attempt at a Solution I don't...
  16. Jonnyb42

    Crash Courses in Physics Topics?

    Does anyone know of any "crash courses" in various physics topics such as classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, theories of relativity, field theories, etc free online? By "crash courses" I mean PDF's for example with good examples, since I learn the quickest with examples. I know it is rather...
  17. DiracPool

    Was the Hindenburg Disaster Caused by Static Electricity?

    Yes, folks, it was static electricity. You can get all the details here: And I suggest you listen to this song as some background accompaniment while you do so: "Oh the humanity...'
  18. Andre

    What caused the massive explosions in Russia?

    Apparantly there is no thread about it yet. Check the dashboard cam...
  19. K

    Average force to keep something in place during an automobile crash?

    Homework Statement Suppose that a seat-belted mother riding in an automobile holds a 10 kg baby in her arms. the automobile crashes and decelerates from 50km/h to 0 in .1 s. what average force would the mother have to exert on the baby to hold it?? do you think she can do this? Homework...
  20. J

    How Does Velocity Change in a Car Crash Impact?

    Homework Statement A problem in the text shows a 1700kg car hitting a wall and crushing the front of the car. The car is moving at 49 km/hour constant velocity just before the impact. After the impact a camera frame shows that the car has moved or crushed about 2/9 of 2 meters in 5 x...
  21. Z

    Car Crash Physics: Velocities & Energy Lost in Collision

    I need to know the velocities before and after the collision and the engery lost. I have some of it figured out I am just stuck and could use some help. Here is the entire problem. The situation: a patron has just entered his car after lunch in the parking lot of the Cliff-Side Café. Suddenly...
  22. V

    Car Crash Motion in 1 dimension Question

    Homework Statement During a car accident, a vehicle with an intial velocity of 100km/h hits a concrete wall. The "crumple zone" in the front of the vehicle is a space that makes up the engine compartment that is designed to allow the passenger compartment to continue forward a distance of...
  23. 1

    Forces applied to occupants in car crash (important for assignment )

    Forces applied to occupants in car crash (important for assignment!) Ok so I'm in grade 10 at school and for my physics assignment I'm comparing the forces applied on the vehicle (or occupants) in a collision, where one car has a crumple zone and the other one doesn't. If they were both...
  24. G

    Car Crash Physics Involving Skid Marks

    Homework Statement Two vehicles crash at an intersection Mass of vehicle one: 1858kg Mass of vehicle two: 2865Kg Vehicle one was headed North Vehicle two was headed East The two vehicles stuck together in a t-bone fashion and the two vehicles left the intersection stuck together, moving at...
  25. E

    Speed and distance in a car crash

    I had a car accident and need to go to court to prove my case. Please help me figure this out with what formulas I need to use. Also please explain details so I can explain it to the judge. Thanks. Here it is: I was traveling when I hit a car that pulled out in front of me. She claims she was...
  26. T

    Crash Momentum: 1500kg Boulder, 500kg Truck

    Homework Statement A boulder that weighs 1500 kg is moving 10m/s in a Westerly direction, until it collides with a truck of mass 500kg traveling at 20m/s at a direction S30°W. After the collision the boulder moves away at 5m/s at a direction of S70°W. Find the speed and direction of the truck...
  27. A

    Speed and relative damage in car crash

    Hi, This week I was in an accident - one track road head on round a bend. My impression was that the other car was faster and yet their car was more damaged. I know that make and design is a huge issue in this but trying to recall my physics and failing. In the not real, frictonless...
  28. C

    Calculating Momentum Change of 70kg Passenger in Car Crash

    1.A 70 kg front seat passenger is in a car moving initially at 24m/s and is brought to rest by an airbag in 0.4 seconds after a crash. 2. What is the change of momentum of the person in the car 3. mΔv = (70kg)(24m/s) = 1680kg m/s Am I calculating this right? Is FΔt=mΔv...
  29. P

    Linear Motion - Minimum Retardation to Avoid Crash?

    First post! I would be grateful if anyone could give me any advice on this particular type of problem (i.e min retardation to avoid a crash). I'm not necessarily looking for the answer to this specific question, I would rather if someone could point me in the right direction as to how to go...
  30. A

    Is Computer Crash Simulation Post A Virus?

    i haven't clicked on it. better safe than sorry.:smile: if it is somebody ought to remove it. Have A Nice Day!
  31. T

    How Does Energy Transfer Differ Between Two Airplane Crash Scenarios?

    Thought experiment (hopefully we don't need to crash a plane to figure this out); Let's say we lift a commercial airliner up to 40,000 feet with a large balloon and then drop the airplane. It will hit the ground sometime later somewhere short of the speed of sound (600 mph or so, depending...
  32. Borg

    Could You Believe This $4M Ferrari Crash?

    14 cars with eight Ferraris
  33. M

    How to back calculate vehicle speed after crash?

    I am struggling on solving a car crash question. Could anyone help me out? Statement: Car 1 (C1) weighs 3,000kg, C2 weighs 12,00kg. C1 was at rest and hit by C2 from side. Both vehicles moved 4m in 1 second before total rest. In other words, C1 was pushed away from side for 4m and C2...
  34. George Jones

    Vancouver Plane Crash: Latest Updates As more information becomes available, the story at the above URL should update. In order for me to fly anywhere, I first have to fly to anywhere, I first have to fly in a small passenger plane to this...
  35. Philosophaie

    Will Pluto Crash into Neptune?

    The orbit of Pluto crosses the orbit of Neptune because the eccentricity of Pluto is much greater than Neptune and the rest of the Planets. This causes Pluto to stray into the path of the orbital plane of Neptune. Using a present day model to calculate a happenning of more than 100 years is a...
  36. P

    Acceleration car crash g's experienced?

    acceleration car crash g's experienced?? Homework Statement Acceleration is sometimes expressed in multiples of g where g=9.8m/s^2 is the acceleration due to the Earth's gravity. In a car crash the cars velocity may go from 26m/s to 0m/s in 15s. how many g"s are experienced on average by...
  37. I

    Crash with the police car /suvat problem

    Homework Statement You are arguing over a cell phone while trailing an unmarked police car by 25.0 m; both your car and the police car are traveling at 110 km/h. Your argument diverts your attention from the police car for 2.0 s (long enough for you to look at the phone and yell,“I won't do...
  38. Jonathan Scott

    Red Arrows Bournemouth air show crash

    We are on holiday in Cornwall and took the kids to see the Red Arrows (Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team) display at Fowey Regatta on Thursday 18th August, which was extremely spectacular, although they couldn't do the vertical stuff because of relatively low cloud. Today we saw on the news that...
  39. Borek

    Plane crash during air show in Płock, Poland,1,4473102,wiadomosc.html (it starts with ads, commentary doesn't make much sense, as journalist knows nothing about aerobatics and planes) So far no information about pilot, Marek Szufa (one of the best aerobatics...
  40. D

    Force of the average car crash

    I was wondering is there any research that has been done into the typical amount of force generated duing a car crash. Eg, when the car hits a wall for example does anyone know the average force needed to stop it? thoght it'd be interesting to know since I'm doing similar research on this...
  41. T

    Seal Team Six Helicopter Crash 5/1

    As I guess everyone knows, during the Bin Laden raid the Seal's stealth helicopter crashed. Several things were offered as possible reasons: the stealth modifications altered the flight characteristics in unpredictable ways, it was more humid or hot than they expected, and that the high walls...
  42. D

    Does a Seat Belt Increase Risk of Injury in a Car Crash?

    I'm doing a project for physics involving crashing cars into walls and recording the forces generated... I've heard that a seat belt actually causes most deaths in the instance of a crash... is this true? Thanks, "Practice is necessary to improve an athlete’s performance without it, the...
  43. I

    Force of a car crash basic physics.

    Hello all. Firstly, I want to note that I'm sure you've all heard this question multiple times but I don't know what search phrases I would use to find it - so I'm sorry for asking a boring basic question. OK, I'm learning extremely basic introductory physics and I was having a look at...
  44. G

    Calculating Distance Using Spring Constants: 20-Minute Crash Course

    Calculating distance using spring constant, mass and velocity? (Really basic stuff!) Hi I have a physics exam tomorrow, and I just realized we haven't covered either impulse or spring constants, and about 1 1/2 hours left to study. From a practice exam, please someone help me out? Homework...
  45. O

    Car crash stimulus calculations

    there is a car crash where car A is resting at the traffic lights and car B is driving at 100km/hr and at 45m saw the car and stepped on the brakes. the velocity of car B is 27.8m/s the deceleration is -6.7 m s^-2 the thinking distance is 41.7m weight of car B is 1385 kg weight of car...
  46. K

    Solid Angles 101: A Crash Course

    Hey I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of solid angles and finding the solid angle of any area on the surface of a sphere I'm basically asking for a crash course none of my textbooks explain it well at all
  47. I

    Avg force on car during crash test?

    In a crash test a car with mass 746.9 kg collides with a wall and recoils backwards. The velocity of the car before the collision is 36.8 m/s and the velocity after the collision is -20.8 m/s. What is the average force (in N) on the car if the collision lasted for 0.85 sec?
  48. JJBladester

    Mass center of system (airplane and helicopter crash)

    Homework Statement A small airplane of mass 1500 kg and a helicopter of mass 3000 kg flying at an altitude of 1200 m are observed to collide directly above a tower located at O in a wooded area. Four minutes earlier the helicopter had been sighted 8.4km due west of the tower and the...
  49. B

    LOG: Understanding Car Crash Velocity and Acceleration Calculations

    I'm trying to figure out what information I'm lacking that I need and what formulas to use in order to calculate velocities and accelerations in a car crash. For the first part of the crash, it was a sideways slide in grass, and I've got that part. Then the side wheels catch and the car starts...