What is Cs: Definition and 213 Discussions

The compound 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile (also called o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile; chemical formula: C10H5ClN2), a cyanocarbon, is the defining component of tear gas commonly referred to as CS gas, which is used as a riot control agent. Exposure causes a burning sensation and tearing of the eyes to the extent that the subject cannot keep their eyes open, and a burning irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and throat, resulting in profuse coughing, nasal mucus discharge, disorientation, and difficulty breathing, partially incapacitating the subject. CS gas is an aerosol of a volatile solvent (a substance that dissolves other active substances and that easily evaporates) and 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile, which is a solid compound at room temperature. CS gas is generally accepted as being non-lethal. It was first synthesized by two Americans, Ben Corson and Roger Stoughton, at Middlebury College in 1928, and the chemical's name is derived from the first letters of the scientists' surnames.CS was developed and tested secretly at Porton Down in Wiltshire, UK, in the 1950s and 1960s. CS was used first on animals, then subsequently on British Army servicemen volunteers. CS has less effect on animals due to "under-developed tear-ducts and protection by fur".

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  1. B

    Is CS better paired with Physics or Math?

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  2. M

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  3. B

    How to prove Cs is a subgroup of C3v?

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  4. C

    Is balancing full-time work and school while pursuing a CS degree manageable?

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  5. M

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  6. B

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  7. E

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  8. I

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  9. M

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  10. G

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  11. T

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  12. B

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  13. A

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  14. O

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  15. J

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  16. M

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  17. P

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  18. M

    Math/FARM or CS at Waterloo: Which program offers better career options?

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  19. K

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  20. L

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  21. I

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  22. D

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  23. L

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  24. D

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  25. S

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  26. P

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  27. D

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  28. A

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  29. B

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  30. H

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  31. B

    Need Advice: Ditch engineering for CS?

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  32. B

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  33. M

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  34. I

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  35. R

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  36. R

    What Advice is There to Become a Successful CS Student?

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  37. S

    Reaching for CS Engineering at OSU - Can I Catch Up?

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  38. A

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  39. F

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  40. M

    Hi.I'm finishing my first year of Undergraduate CS with relative

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  41. P

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  42. A

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  43. PainterGuy

    Are words argument and parameter interchangeable cs

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  44. M

    MSE vs CS vs CE vs everything else

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  45. C

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  46. T

    CS for Neurology Research: Is It Possible?

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  47. R

    Programs Physics and Philosophy major (Or CS + Physics)

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  48. N

    Calculating Power Supplied by CS and VS Sources

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  49. F

    Are Events A and B Independent Based on Given Probabilities?

    Homework Statement Suppose P(A) = .6, P(\overline{A} | B) = .4. Check whether events A and B are independent. Homework Equations Two events A and B are said to be independent if P(A|B) = P(A). This is equivalent to stating that P(A \cap B) = P(A)P(B) If A and B are any two events, then...