Curvature Definition and 917 Threads

In mathematics, curvature is any of several strongly related concepts in geometry. Intuitively, the curvature is the amount by which a curve deviates from being a straight line, or a surface deviates from being a plane.
For curves, the canonical example is that of a circle, which has a curvature equal to the reciprocal of its radius. Smaller circles bend more sharply, and hence have higher curvature. The curvature at a point of a differentiable curve is the curvature of its osculating circle, that is the circle that best approximates the curve near this point. The curvature of a straight line is zero. In contrast to the tangent, which is a vector quantity, the curvature at a point is typically a scalar quantity, that is, it is expressed by a single real number.
For surfaces (and, more generally for higher-dimensional manifolds), that are embedded in a Euclidean space, the concept of curvature is more complex, as it depends on the choice of a direction on the surface or manifold. This leads to the concepts of maximal curvature, minimal curvature, and mean curvature.
For Riemannian manifolds (of dimension at least two) that are not necessarily embedded in a Euclidean space, one can define the curvature intrinsically, that is without referring to an external space. See Curvature of Riemannian manifolds for the definition, which is done in terms of lengths of curves traced on the manifold, and expressed, using linear algebra, by the Riemann curvature tensor.

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  1. R

    Weyl Curvature, Mach's Principle, and Heisenberg Uncertainty?

    I have been reading that the quantity called "Weyl curvature" can exist independently of any matter, or energy, in the universe? :confused: This seems to contradict Heisenberg uncertainty which says there can be no 100% vacuum, because uncertainty in position and uncertainty in momentum...
  2. Loren Booda

    Curvature of reciprocal Euclidean space

    A triangle in Euclidean space can be described as having a hypotenuse of one, and legs of Lorentz parameters \beta and \gamma. What spatial curvature underlies a triangle with hypotenuse one, and legs 1/ \beta and 1/ \gamma?
  3. K

    Curvature and General Relativity

    Did Einstein think that the stress-energy tensor in GR was the cause of the curved paths that particles follow through three dimensional space,or did he think that the curved paths were caused by something more fundamental, given that he searched for a unified field theory?
  4. W

    Parallel lines and space curvature

    ok, i know that this has in someway been answered before, and i am new here, i also am by far not a geometry major, but that is why i am asking here, because you peopl eknow this stuff. so here is the question the standard definition of parallel lines are two lines on the same plane that are...
  5. W

    How gravity arises from spacetime curvature?

    Hi there I've been trying to find out how spacetime curvature actually produce gravity, but all i can find is articles using math, which is far too advanced for me to understand. Can anyone give me a theoretical explanation to how the gravity arise from the spacetime curvature according to...
  6. F

    Projectile motion and radius of curvature.

    Ok, I'm vexed... I was given the following problem: The water is shown leaving the nozzle along a 3-4-5 triangle where the horizontal component is 4 and the verticle component is 3 (or 36.1'ish degrees). So, my question is how do I find velocity given an angle and a curvature? I know...
  7. G

    Understanding Intrinsic and Extrinsic Curvature: An Intuitive Explanation

    Could someone give me an intuitive example of extrinsic and intrinsic curvature. That would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.
  8. Loren Booda

    Probability of (geodesic) curvature configurations (in 4-D spacetime)

    Fields of singular probabilities are inherent to quantum mechanics, but what method determines the statistics of curve segments like random geodesics bounded by definite black hole singularities, horizons or observers? Have Feynman path integrals been of use there, and if so, how?
  9. K

    Figuring Out the Radius of Curvature for Separating CO & N2 on Film

    I have two molecules CO and N2 with masses 28.0106u and 28.0134u respectively. I need to determine the radius of curvature the spectrometer must have if the molecules are to be separated on film by 0.50mm. I don't even know where to begin to solve this. The only equation relating to it in...
  10. M

    If curvature were an exact differential

    If curvature were an exact differential so that the derivative of the curvature were zero, then is it possible to solve for the metric?
  11. A

    Kaluza-Klein Theory and spatial curvature

    In Kaluza-Klein theory, the gauge symmetries for all the fundamental forces are mapped onto the higher spatial dimensions. So the internal symmetries are now externalised. Does this imply that you can extend the analogy with gravity further: so for example, if the 5th dimension contains...
  12. H

    Calc Radius of Curvature & Center P(h,k) + Improper Integrals

    how do you calculate the radius of curvature and the center p(h,k) of the circle with respect to the curve and how do you do improper integrals? kinda forgot improper integrals.
  13. M

    Theorem between Curvature and submanifolds

    I wonder if there are any theorems between changing curvature of some overall manifold and the equivalence of this to the creation of submanifolds. It seems to me that this would be the missing link between the expanding universe of GR and the particles of String Theory. Perhaps this is also...
  14. G

    Electrical potential and surface curvature

    Electrical potential is constant everyplace on the surface of a charged conductor. Also, on the surface of an irregularly-shaped conductor, the charge density is high in convex regions with small radius of curvature (especially, for example, at sharp points), and low in regions of large...
  15. skeeter

    Archived Verify Book Solution for Radius of Curvature Problem

    I was helping someone with the following problem... A projectile is launched from point A at an angle of 25 degrees relative to the horizontal, with initial velocity = 60 ft/s. Determine the speed of the projectile along its trajectory where its radius of curvature is 3/4 of its radius of...
  16. H

    Can Theories Determine the Curvature of an Electric Field?

    Continuing my previous topic on the last Pf server. If an electric field creat a space curvature due to attraction and repulsion of like/opposite electrical influenced particle, are there any theory that is able to determine the curvature?