Curve Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a curve (also called a curved line in older texts) is an object similar to a line, but that does not have to be straight.
Intuitively, a curve may be thought of as the trace left by a moving point. This is the definition that appeared more than 2000 years ago in Euclid's Elements: "The [curved] line is […] the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which […] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width."This definition of a curve has been formalized in modern mathematics as: A curve is the image of an interval to a topological space by a continuous function. In some contexts, the function that defines the curve is called a parametrization, and the curve is a parametric curve. In this article, these curves are sometimes called topological curves to distinguish them from more constrained curves such as differentiable curves. This definition encompasses most curves that are studied in mathematics; notable exceptions are level curves (which are unions of curves and isolated points), and algebraic curves (see below). Level curves and algebraic curves are sometimes called implicit curves, since they are generally defined by implicit equations.
Nevertheless, the class of topological curves is very broad, and contains some curves that do not look as one may expect for a curve, or even cannot be drawn. This is the case of space-filling curves and fractal curves. For ensuring more regularity, the function that defines a curve is often supposed to be differentiable, and the curve is then said to be a differentiable curve.
A plane algebraic curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two indeterminates. More generally, an algebraic curve is the zero set of a finite set of polynomials, which satisfies the further condition of being an algebraic variety of dimension one. If the coefficients of the polynomials belong to a field k, the curve is said to be defined over k. In the common case of a real algebraic curve, where k is the field of real numbers, an algebraic curve is a finite union of topological curves. When complex zeros are considered, one has a complex algebraic curve, which, from the topological point of view, is not a curve, but a surface, and is often called a Riemann surface. Although not being curves in the common sense, algebraic curves defined over other fields have been widely studied. In particular, algebraic curves over a finite field are widely used in modern cryptography.

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  1. S

    Which points on the same curve?

    Hi everyone ın fact at the beginning ı want to select three points every curve Idid it But now I shold find which points ont the same time AND THEN I shold save its How can do it My code is here #include <iostream> #include <iostream> #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include...
  2. Sirluke

    Vapor pressure curve for carbon dioxide

    Hello to everyone. I would like to ask a question: I'm analyzing the properties of CO2 for a project and I have noticed that for temperatures between 220 -300 K the Clasius Clapeyron curve is linear on 1/T, that is in the Antoine equation of the form logP = A-B/(T+C), C is almost 0. In my...
  3. Z

    How to Calculate Rotation Curves for a Spiral Galaxy?

    I hope this is in the right forum. I'm trying to see how to calculate rotation curves for a spiral galaxy. The data I have is brightness profile (mag/arcsec^2) and observed rotation curve - to see how it fits. from what I found I need the total mass, and for that I need the surface mass density...
  4. Calpalned

    What distinguishes a level set from a level curve in multi-variable calculus?

    Whats the difference between a level set and a level curve, with regards to multi-variable calculus?
  5. L

    Engineering Calculating angle of lean on a motorbike on a banked curve

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with calculating the angle of lean on a motorbike on a banked curve (with friction). If possible proofs would be very useful. Thanks Lee
  6. T

    Does every curve have a function?

    Let's say I want to calculate some instantaneous speeds during a trip from city a to city b. I start down the highway from an initial speed of zero then increased to 55. After 15 minutes I increase to 70. Down to 60 for 2 minutes. Then up to 80 for 15. Back down to 70. Then a slow decrease to...
  7. P

    Integral curve fitting in origin

    Dear users, I deal with following problem. I've got a data of Intenzity of chemiluminezcence as a function of temperature. The data should be fitted by following equation: I found that in origin one can fit also data with integral function, with fittin parameters P, A, i, E. The beta and...
  8. RJLiberator

    How to identify the curve at intersection of level surfaces

    Homework Statement Sketch a picture of the cone x = sqrt(y^2+z^2) , and elliptic paraboloid x = 2−y^2−z^2 on the same grid. Although the picture does not have to be perfect, indicate clearly the orientation of both figures relative to coordinate axes. Identify the curve at the intersection of...
  9. RJLiberator

    Domain and how it relates to a Level Curve

    Homework Statement Find the domain of the function f(x,y) = 1/sqrt(x^2-y). Sketch the level curves f=1, f=1/2, f=1/3. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Domain is rather simple to find: x^2>y AND x^2-y cannot equal 0. Level curves are also simple to find. They are simply parabolas...
  10. Amy Marie

    Green's Theorem and simple closed curve

    Homework Statement Use, using the result that for a simple closed curve C in the plane the area enclosed is: A = (1/2)∫(x dy - y dx) to find the area inside the curve x^(2/3) + y^(2/3) = 4 Homework Equations Green's Theorem: ∫P dx + Q dy = ∫∫ dQ/dx - dP/dy The Attempt at a Solution I...
  11. gracy

    Which Stress vs Strain Curve Has a Larger Slope?

    How can we determine which curve has larger slope just by looking at curves. Which curve has larger slope?
  12. Archit Nanda

    Optics -- caustic curve equation

    I went through this article: But I think that when we do F=0, we are assuming the centre of the curve to be the origin and assuming the curve to be a circle, because only then will we be able to say that OP=ON...
  13. J

    Centripal Force - Friction needed to keep a car tracking a curve

    Homework Statement The question is- What is the minimum coefficient of static friction that would keep the car from sliding off the curve? The Cars mass is 13500KG and it is traveling at 50.0hm/hr(13.9m/s) and the curve has a radius of 2.00 x102 m. I know the centripetal acceleration of the car...
  14. M

    MHB Finding the equation of a curve given the tangent equation

    I have a calculus question and I am not sure where to get started. The question states:"Find the value of c>0 such that the line y=x+1 is the tangent line to the curve c√x (i.e. intersects the curve at one point and shares the same slope at that point)." Thanks
  15. M

    Curve of intersection of a plane and function

    Homework Statement f(x,y) = x^2 + xy + y^2 and z=2x+y intersect, find a parameterization of the curve where they intersect. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am lost. I know that z is the partial derivative of the original function, if that's of any use. I can visualize it but not...
  16. A

    MHB Max or Min curve on a graph question

    a) Find the roots of the equation x^{2}+5x-6 b) Sketch the graph of the function x^{2}+5x-6 labeling the points at which the graph crosses the axes and the co-ordinates of the maximum and minimum of the curve c) Find the equation of the tangent at the point where x=2 on the curve of...
  17. N

    Absorbtion coefficent and radiation curve

    Homework Statement I have data of an experiment to find absorbtion coefficent of a sample. one curve shows intensity of original beam, the other one is intensity with sample (with wavelenght). Here is the data : Homework Equations Where: I = the intensity of photons transmitted across...
  18. K

    Curve Matching Techniques for Rotated Curves in Geometric Analysis

    I need to perform geometry matching of curves (see ). As it can be seen, the big problem is that curves might be rotated, though they have similar shape. Do I need to make curve fitting and look at the parameters of analytical models? But, I guess...
  19. K

    How to evaluate avg speed at which a driver approaches curve

    There is a 2D array of x and y positions of a vehicle measured at an interval of one second, e.g.: x y 1, 5 1, 6 1.5, 6.8 ... I need to somehow quantify how a given driver approaches curves (i.e. driving style - does he/she drives aggressively or not). For this, I divided the problem into two...
  20. oreo

    Bank Curve Problem: Normal Force on Moving Car

    Is normal force on moving car on a track a component of weight or vice versa.
  21. oreo

    Solve Banked Curve Problem: tan θ = ν^2/rg

    A problem states " For a banked curve, ignoring friction, prove that tan θ = ν^2/rg". I tried to prove but I thought that as the normal force is at right angle to track then how could be the component of normal force provide the centripetal force as my book is saying. Please someone help. I...
  22. Q

    How to - regression of noisy titration curve

    I'd appreciate advice on the correct statistical method to analyse a dataset - Dataset is basically a titration curve consisting of [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] pg of starting material and 8 replicates in each 'pg bin'. In 'stage 1' of the process each bin is labeled separately, in 'stage 2' all...
  23. evinda

    MHB Showing $-3P_1-2P_2+6P_3=0$ on an Elliptic Curve

    Hello! Merry Christmas! (Beer) (Party) (Bigsmile)If $E/\mathbb{Q}$ the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+x^2-25x+29$ and $$P_1=\left (\frac{61}{4}, \frac{-469}{8}\right ), P_2=\left ( \frac{-335}{81}, \frac{-6868}{729}\right ) , P_3=\left ( 21, 96\right )$$ I have to show that these points are...
  24. Randall

    How do I find the tangent to this parametric curve?

    Homework Statement Let C be the curve given parametrically by x = (t^3) - 3t; y = (t^2) - 5t a) Find an equation for the line tangent to C at the point corresponding to t = 4 b) Determine the values of t where the tangent line is horizontal or vertical. Homework Equations dy/dx =...
  25. M

    Exploring the Quantum Breakthrough: Plank's Formula and Black-Body Radiation

    According to the documents I have read, Plank made two changes to Rayleigh-Jeans approach in order to produce an equation that matched the black-body radiation, experimental curves: 1) As a mathematical convenience he assumed that the oscillators in the walls of black-body cavity could only have...
  26. B

    MHB Fitting a function to a sinusoidal curve

    Hi Folks, I have a curve that varies sinusoidally calculated from a numerical program as attached "Trace.png". I would like to fit this amplitude modulation expression to it. f(t)=A[1+B \cos(\omega_1 t+ \phi)] \cos(\omega_2 t+ \theta) I managed to adjust the parameters manually to get a very...
  27. B

    Calculating an Integral with a Parameterized Curve Oriented Clockwise

    Homework Statement Calculate ##\int_C z^{1/3} dz##, where ##C## is the circle of radius ##1## centered at the origin oriented in the clockwise direction. Use the branch ##0 \le \arg z \le 2 \pi## to define ##z^{1/3}##. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I was hoping that...
  28. T

    MHB Stats question about a bell curve

    Hey I am new here and not exactly sure how it works. I am stuck on this problem from my professor and would love any help anyone has!When one thinks of the normal distribution the first thing that comes to mind is the bell curve and grades. While this is one example of a normal curve that is...
  29. R

    Why Does Fluorescence Decrease During the Lag Phase in 3T3 Cell Growth Curves?

    Hi All, Having plotted a cell growth curve (fluorescence vs days), I have found that during the lag phase, the fluorescence values decrease. I haven't come across this previously during lectures and can't seem to find any examples online to help explain it. My only thought was that cell death...
  30. dwn

    Navigating a Complex Plane Curve: A Homework Guide

    Homework Statement Attached Image Homework Equations this is not a simple plane curve or a close plane curve so I use the formula: ∫ F ⋅ dr/dt dt The Attempt at a Solution From the point (0,0) to (2,4) Direction Vector v(t) = <2-0, 4-0> Parametric Equation: r(t) = (2t + 0) i + (4t + 0) j...
  31. N

    Line integral over a given curve C

    Homework Statement Evaluate the line integral over the curve from to . ∫-ydx+3xdy (over the curve C)...
  32. M

    Euler's method for a mass sliding down a frictionless curve

    Homework Statement Consider a mass sliding down a frictionless curve in the shape of a quarter circle of radius 2.00 m as in the diagram. Assume it starts from rest. Use Euler’s method to approximate both the time it takes to reach the bottom of the curve and its speed at the bottom. Hint...
  33. B

    Re-Parameterizing a Curve: How to Transform from t to tau?

    Homework Statement ##C(t) = t =it^2##, where ##-2 \le t \le 2##. Re-parametrize the curve from ##t## to ##\tau## by the following transformation: ##\tau = \frac{t}{2}##. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So, the variable ##\tau## is half of every value ##t## can be. Therefore, I...
  34. S

    Circular motion banked curve questions

    Relative equations: F = ma a = v^2/r Fcent = mv^2/r ωf^2 – ωi^2 = 2αs s = θr ω = v/r Problem statement and work so far are all included: (I am having trouble with 5 and no clue how to start on 7-9) You are designing a roadway for a local business, to include a circular exit ramp from the...
  35. gfd43tg

    Autocatalytic reaction and S-shaped curve

    Hello, I was working on a textbook problem that was referencing a paper regarding the mechanism for the production of Terephthalic acid (TPA). It piqued my interest so I found the original paper and did some reading. At least in 1987 when this paper was published, the intermediate reactions were...
  36. S

    Queries regarding Inflection Points in Curve Sketching

    Homework Statement Let A be a set of critical points of the function f(x). Let B be a set of roots of the equation f''(x)=0. Let C be a set of points where f''(x) does not exist. It follows that B∪C=D is a set of potential inflection points of f(x). Q 1: Can there exist any inflection points...
  37. R

    Why is the Braking Coefficient - Slip curve of this shape?

    Hi all, I want to know the why the Braking force coefficient is increasing first and then decreasing with respect to wheel slip. I attached the graph for your reference
  38. D

    A point moves along the curve y=2x^2+1

    A point moves along the curve y=2x^2+1 in such a way that the y value is decreasing at the rate of 2 units per second. At what rate is x changing when x=(3/2)?Ok here's what I've done... Dy/dt=(4x)(dx/dt) -2 = (4*3/2)(dx/dt) So dx/dt=-1/3 (ie decreasing by 1/3 units per second) First, is...
  39. N

    How Does Frequency Affect the I/V Curve of a Lightbulb?

    The question I've been given this question by a teacher and I'm clueless as to what b) and c) are. Could you please help? I would really appreciate it. The prize is a place to see a lecture on quantum simulation at our local University. Thank you :)
  40. A

    MATLAB [Matlab] Which is the good solution My vs. School - curve fitting?

    Hy, I wonder which is the good solution for this problem: Nonlinear least square problem: function: y = x / (a + b.x) linearization: 1/y = a/x + b substitution: v = 1/y , u = 1/x >> model v = b + a.u What we did in school: x = [1 2 4 7]; y = [2 1 0.4 0.1]; v=1./y; u=1./x; n = length(x)...
  41. J

    Trying to derive the equation for an ideally banked curve

    I'm confused trying to understand the previous steps that lead to the formula for the angle of an ideally banked curve. In absence of friction, this is the angle where the Centripetal Force is provided by the horizontal component of the Normal Force. I understand that the Normal Force is...
  42. T

    Rectifying Curve: John Oprea's Differential Geometry Book

    In john oprea's differential geometry book he discusses the notion of a rectifying curve. where the difference of the position vector along the curve and some constant vector lies in the rectifying plane defined by the tangent and binormal vector of the Frenet Frame. I'm having a hard time...
  43. C

    MHB Mapping an exponential curve between two points

    Hi, I'm building a fluid model and using the method of characteristics to solve it. I'll not go into the details as they aren't necessary. Basically I have two points $(-\epsilon,70)$ and $(\epsilon, 0)$ and need to create an exponential curve between them. Could someone please tell me of a way...
  44. T

    MHB At what point on the curve is there a tangent line parallel to the line

    At what point on the curve $$y = e^x$$ is the tangent line parallel to the line $$y = 2x$$ The derivative of y is $$\frac{dy}{dx} = e^x$$ But I'm unsure how to proceed from here.
  45. L

    Banking a Curve without Friction

    Homework Statement A highway curve of radius 80 m is banked at 45°. Suppose that an ice storm hits, and the curve is effectively frictionless. What is the speed with which to take the curve without tending to slide either up or down the surface of the road? r = 80m \theta = 45^o g = 9.8m/s^2...
  46. D

    How can a funnel be both paintable and unpaintable at the same time?

    NB. first time using Latex so apologies if something came out wrong, I've done my best to double check it. Consider the curve y = \frac{1}{x} from x=1 to x=\infty. Rotate this curve around the x-axis to create a funnel-like surface of revolution. By slicing up the funnel into disks with...
  47. S

    What is the Radius of Curvature for a Banked Curve with Ice on the Road?

    Homework Statement A civil engineer is asked to design a curved section of roadway that meets the following conditions: With ice on the road, when the coefficient of static friction between the road and rubber is 0.12, a car at rest must not slide into the ditch and a car traveling less than 70...
  48. Y

    Measurement points for fan performance curve

    For finding fan performance curve where better to put static pressure probes - near the surface or near the center of the duct ?
  49. P

    How to prove Any curve in space can be written as for a parameter

    how to prove Any curve in space can be written as for a parameter
  50. G

    Help needed to understand dispersion curve of a 1D lattice with diatomic basic

    Hi there, I am trying to understand the dispersion curve(as shown below) of a 1D lattice with diatomic basic. Here are my questions 1) Can both optical and acoustic branch of phonon can simultaneously exist in crystal? 2)Why there is a band gap between optical and acoustic phonon...