Curve Definition and 1000 Threads

In mathematics, a curve (also called a curved line in older texts) is an object similar to a line, but that does not have to be straight.
Intuitively, a curve may be thought of as the trace left by a moving point. This is the definition that appeared more than 2000 years ago in Euclid's Elements: "The [curved] line is […] the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which […] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width."This definition of a curve has been formalized in modern mathematics as: A curve is the image of an interval to a topological space by a continuous function. In some contexts, the function that defines the curve is called a parametrization, and the curve is a parametric curve. In this article, these curves are sometimes called topological curves to distinguish them from more constrained curves such as differentiable curves. This definition encompasses most curves that are studied in mathematics; notable exceptions are level curves (which are unions of curves and isolated points), and algebraic curves (see below). Level curves and algebraic curves are sometimes called implicit curves, since they are generally defined by implicit equations.
Nevertheless, the class of topological curves is very broad, and contains some curves that do not look as one may expect for a curve, or even cannot be drawn. This is the case of space-filling curves and fractal curves. For ensuring more regularity, the function that defines a curve is often supposed to be differentiable, and the curve is then said to be a differentiable curve.
A plane algebraic curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two indeterminates. More generally, an algebraic curve is the zero set of a finite set of polynomials, which satisfies the further condition of being an algebraic variety of dimension one. If the coefficients of the polynomials belong to a field k, the curve is said to be defined over k. In the common case of a real algebraic curve, where k is the field of real numbers, an algebraic curve is a finite union of topological curves. When complex zeros are considered, one has a complex algebraic curve, which, from the topological point of view, is not a curve, but a surface, and is often called a Riemann surface. Although not being curves in the common sense, algebraic curves defined over other fields have been widely studied. In particular, algebraic curves over a finite field are widely used in modern cryptography.

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  1. O

    How to create a function such that area under curve is 250

    Suppose you have a given area under a curve, say 250, and want to come up with a function that produces this value. How would you do this? Although I came up with two basic functions as follows:First: Let y (x) = 5 from 0<x<50 , thus length*width = yx = 5*50 = 250. Second: Area of a...
  2. R

    Unraveling the Stress-Strain Curve: Find Young's Modulus & Yield Strength

    Homework Statement The figure shows the stress-strain curve for a material. The scale of the stress axis is set by s = 280, in units of 10^6 N/m2. What are (a) the Young's modulus and (b) the approximate yield strength for this material? Homework Equations E=stress/strain The Attempt at a...
  3. O

    Momentum, Impulse, Area under curve

    Δ≤ Homework Statement Find final velocity. Knowns: m = 4kg Initial v = 0 m/s F = Asin(xt) F = (2000N)(sin(\frac{1000π}{sec}*t) (0sec ≤ x ≤ .001sec) We need to find the impulse from a Force vs. Time graph. There is a preface to this problem that says if we work out the Force function...
  4. S

    How Do I Use Functions for Curve Fitting in Origin Software?

    I plotted a graph on Origin software and need to do curve fitting to get accurate results. From my understanding, I need to provide a function for the fitting. So how do I derive the function? I am actually provided with the function I(x)=I0-I1cos(x-x0) and this function will fit the lowest...
  5. T

    Converting V-I Curve to B(t) Curve for Magnetic Core: Quick Guide

    Hey, I'm only asking this here because its a bit of a time-critical question (no pun inteded). But if one takes a V Vs I curve (like to measure BH without the equipment to measure flux directly), that is to say, measures the change of increase in voltage and increase in current (where current is...
  6. Y

    Nonlinear Regression Curve Fitting

    This isn't a precise homework question, but this seemed like the most reasonable place to post. If not, please feel free to move it. I have a large set of data points that should fit to a known equation (the Drude-Smith model for conductivity) The equation the data should fit to is: σ(ω) =...
  7. D

    Banked Curve - Minimum Turn Radius

    Homework Statement A car traveling 10 m/s is moving along a track banked at 5 degrees. The tire-road friction coefficient is .3 What is the minimum radius it can travel without slipping? v0= 10 m/s Bank Angle Θ = 5° μ=0.3 Note I am working through prep material for the exam. The solution...
  8. ydonna1990

    How to draw curves (cardioid, lemniscate, devil's curve)?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for visiting my post. I was wondering if you guys know what kind of software I must use to draw complicated curves. I already have the equations. For example, for lemniscate I would use following: 2(x^2+y^2)=25(x^2-y^2) I appreciate the help.
  9. P

    Calculating Vehicle Speed and Acceleration Curve for Game Programmers

    I am programming a game in which there are no outside forces acting on the car aside from the engine. I will not be having gears, so that is not a factor. I just want to know if there is an equation I can use to calculate the car's speed at any given time. The car will start off accelerating...
  10. M

    MHB Calculating Curve Length: A Shortcut for Solving Complex Equations?

    Hi everyone, I have an exercise I haven't solved yet, please help me. Find the length of the curve: y = \frac{{x}^{5}}{6} - \frac{lnx}{4}, 2 \le x \le 4.
  11. S

    Calculating Fragility Index of Polymers with Slope Calculation for Tg=T Point"

    Homework Statement Hi all, I'm trying to calculate a parameter of polymers known as the fragility index. I've attached an image of this curve, which can be either strong of fragile depending on the material. The image also contains the definition for calculating this. However, I don't...
  12. E

    Prove that a given curve is planar

    Homework Statement [/B] Show that the given parametric curve decribed by the following notations: x=cos(t), y=sin(t), z=2+2cos(t) lies in a single plane ,find the normal vector to this plane Homework Equations --- [/B] r(t)=cos(t) i + sin(t) j + 2+2cos(t) k The Attempt at a Solution My...
  13. H

    Molecular desgin for a narrow potential surface curve

    Rather a short question, but what kind of design can be used for a narrow potential surface curvature in molecules?
  14. J-dizzal

    Potential energy curve, turning points

    Homework Statement The figure shows a plot of potential energy U versus position x of a 0.220 kg particle that can travel only along an x axis under the influence of a conservative force. The graph has these values: UA = 9 J, UC = 20 J and UD = 24 J. The particle is released at the point where...
  15. C

    Tangent to a a curve, something seems wrong (Calculus)

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  16. R

    A curve of radius 76 m is banked for a design speed of 100 km/h

    Homework Statement If the coefficient of static friction is 0.38 (wet pavement), at what range of speeds can a car safely make the curve? [Hint: Consider the direction of the friction force when the car goes too slow or too fast.] Homework Equations I am trying to figure out the Vmax 3. The...
  17. vktsn0303

    Understanding Tangent Vectors at Points on a Curve

    I was reading about the tangent vector at a point on a curve. It is formulated as r' = Lim Δt→0 [r(t+Δt) - r(t)] / Δt (sorry for the misrepresentation of the 'Lim Δt→0 ') where r(t) is a position vector to the curve and t is a parameter and r' is the derivative of r(t). All I can...
  18. P

    Does light curve toward ordered

    If I'm correct in thinking light curves towards objects with less entropy; why wouldn't the path of least resistance be towards entropy?
  19. T

    Acceleration of particle along the curve

    Homework Statement Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Since the tangent moves at uniform angular speed ,the particle also moves with constant angular speed . Is it correct ? If it is right then the particle has only radial acceleration given by ##ω^2r## ,where 'r' is the radius of...
  20. S

    As accurately as possible draw a curve in the real space R2

    -3x2 - 8x*y + 3y2 = 1 . Specifie also the axis of the given curve.
  21. S

    Calculating Tangent Vector to Curve: $\varphi$

    Homework Statement Calculate the tangent vector to a curve $$r=R(1-\varepsilon \sin ^2 \varphi)$$ as a function of ##\varphi## Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Ok, I tried like this: I defined a vector $$(f(\varphi),\varphi)=(R(1-\varepsilon \sin ^2 \varphi),\varphi)$$ and than I...
  22. W

    Differentiation(Finding coordinates of a point on the curve)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations (y-y1)/(x-x1)=mThe Attempt at a Solution I have attempted part i but I don't know how to do part ii. As point B is still part of the curve and the normal, do I still sub with the same normal eqn? :/ I have no idea how to start... Please help thanks[/B]
  23. K

    The speed of a curve in different coordinate systems

    Hello, If for a curve in Cartesian coordinates ##||\dot{{\mathbf r}}||=\mbox{const}## (i.e. the curve is constant speed) will the speed of the curve change in cylindrical and spherical coordinates? Could someone experienced share how the transition from flat Euclidian space to curved space...
  24. RileyF1

    Deriving Position WRT time of ball travelling on curve

    Homework Statement [/B] I'm trying to write a program in MATLAB which demonstrates a tautochrone curve and how the starting point of a ball is irrelevant as to the time it takes to get to the lowest point in the curve (without friction). At the moment I'm just trying to model it using a simple...
  25. F

    How to plot stress-strain curve?

    Can we plot stress-strain curve if we only have yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation data? For example if i have: Yield strength = 300 MPa Tensile Strength = 600 MPa Elongation = 50% How to plot the stress-strain curve? Thanks
  26. B

    Gradient Vector is Orthogonal to the Level Curve

    Homework Statement Let f(x,y)=arctan(x/y) and u={(√2)/2,(√2)/2} d.) Verify that ∇fp is orthogonal to the level curve through P for P=(x,y)≠(0,0) where y=mx for m≠0 are level curves for f. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution ∇f={(y)/(x^2+y^2),(-y)/(x^2+y^2)} m=1/tan(k) where...
  27. V

    Determining the Velocities of a Polygon in a Curve

    Hello, everyone! My question is really simple, in fact I even feel a bit ambarrassed of asking it. :x Imagine that a car is making a constant radius turn, of a given radius R. For the purposes of this question is enough to say that the car may be thought as an isosceles trapezium, or even as a...
  28. MisterH

    Curve extrapolation: polynomial or Bézier?

    On a stationary, non-periodic signal (black) a smooth causal filter is calculated (green/red). It is sampled discretely (every distance unit of 1 on the X-axis). My goal is to find which "path" it is "travelling" on so I can extrapolate the current shape until it is completed (reaches a...
  29. S

    Why will a pipe pulled around a curve rotate no torque

    Hello everyone, I am not a physicist nor do I know that much about physics. I do however have a physics question and this seemed like a great place to get an answer. I will present my situation the best I can. I work in the Horizontal Directional Drilling industry. This industry installs...
  30. M

    Find points on a curve when slope is 0

    Homework Statement Find the points on the curve xy^2+x^2y=16 when the tangent line is horizontal The attempt at a solution I found the derivative of the curve -(y(2x+y))/(x(x+2y)) then I found what values of y make the derivative equal 0 y=0,-2x Then I went to plug into the original curve to...
  31. D

    Solving the equation of a line, tangent to a curve

    Having some trouble with this.. Need to find equation of a line with a slope of -1 that is tangent to the curve y=1/(x-1). So, rearranging slope formula as y=-1x+k and setting the equations equal, y=-1x+k=1/(x-1) y=(-1x+k)(x-1)=1 Here is where my multiplication is either totally wrong or I am...
  32. TESL@

    Parametrizing a Complex Curve on a Torus Surface

    Hello, I am currently trying to parametrize a surface constructed by thickening a rather complicated curve, defining its normal, binormal and tangent vectors. Even using Mathematica simplification, the resulting vectors are page long expressions and the reason for it is because I have four...
  33. F

    Find Area Under x=2Sin^2(y) & y=x^2 Graphs

    Find the area of the regions shown in the figures. These are the graphs used : y = x^2 x = 2 Sin ^2 (y) I know that I need to set the two equations equal to each other in order to find the points of intersection, but I run into some trouble when trying to simplify it for y. This is what...
  34. T

    Converting stress-strain curve to shear stress-shear strain

    Homework Statement For a crystalline metal material - Elastic modulus E - Poisson ratio v - A table with test data of stresses vs. total strains, from a monotonic uniaxial tension test, which generates a stress-strain curve. How would you use this data to find the corresponding pure shear...
  35. dodonaomik

    Is the curve a spiral? And what spiral?

    Homework Statement The problem: the distribution of pressure of the left side of the circular cylinder Homework Equations ρ= the density of water γ=ρg P=ρgh circle O = a long wooden circular cylinder The Attempt at a Solution MY QUESTION: Please see the curve...
  36. H

    What is the ideal damper for a passenger car suspension?

    I've been a bit lost figuring out what damper I should be using for the front suspension I am designing. Right now I'm running a wheel rate of 60 lbf/in at the front with a ride frequency of 1.2254 Hz. The front is also supporting a sprung mass of 391.68 lbf. Comfort is the end requirement of...
  37. J

    Redshift of supernova light curve

    I am trying to understand how the width of a supernova light curve depends on the redshift of its component frequencies. Let us make the simple assumption that the light curve is Gaussian. The inverse Fourier transform of a Gaussian is given by: $$\large e^{-\alpha...
  38. T

    Looking for what I thought would be a simple Permeability Q

    Hi, I've been thinking about how to calculate a permeability curve, I thought this would be an easy to find online but unfortunately I haven't had any luck. From what I can graphically see below: It appears to me that mu for a ferromagnetic material is proportional to the derivative of B vs H...
  39. T

    Flux Direction effect on Saturation, Quick Question

    Hi, If you've got an arbitary magnetic Flux1 and Flux2, traveling in the same or opposite directions, through a core, it doesn't matter with regards to the point on the saturation curve does it? Opposing or in the same direction it'll still be at the same point on the mag curve won't it?Thanks...
  40. M

    Are there closed curve solutions for these ODE constraints?

    Are there closed curve solutions for ##\mathbf{v}(t) \in \mathbb{R}^3## satisfying this constraint? $$\mathbf{v}(t) \cdot \frac{d^2}{dt^2}\mathbf{v} = 0 $$
  41. Shackleford

    Calculate closed curve integral

    Homework Statement Calculate ∫C \frac{dz}{z(z+a)} where C is the unit disk Δ(1) with counterclockwise orientation where a is a complex number with |a| < 1. Homework Equations ∫L \frac{dz}{(z-p)}= 2πiν(L,p) The Attempt at a Solution Using partial fraction decomposition, ∫C...
  42. 1

    IV curve for voltage across shunt for probe current (Helimak experiment)

    Homework Statement Let's say I have a Langmuir probe I-V characteristic from the Helimak experiment. The plasma ions are singly ionized argon. The probe has an effective area of 0.000016 m^2. Estimate the floating potential, electron density, and temperature. Based only on the nature of the...
  43. U

    How Does Gradient Impact Sphere Rolling Direction on a Surface?

    Assume perfect sphere lands on a surface given by the function z = 2x2 -3y2 at point (2,1,5). I am trying to find a unit vector of the direction in which this perfect sphere will roll. If I get grad F I'll get a vector field that is perpendicular to the level curves f(x,y) = z = 2x2 -3y2. This...
  44. dragioden

    How is the head-flow curve dependant on reynolds number

    Homework Statement i trying to figure out why the head-flow curve changes at the speeds of 90, 80 and 70 revs and was told that i might want to look into reynolds number for this as the head coefficient is somewhat dependant on this. Homework Equations Ch=gH/(Nd)^2 Cf=Q/Nd^3 pi=f(Q/Nd^3, re)...
  45. M

    MHB How to Parametrize an Ellipse in Cartesian Coordinates?

    Hey! :o Find the curve $\overrightarrow{\sigma}(t)$ that describes the following curve or trajectory. Make a graph. $$\{(x, y) \mid 4x^2+y^2=1\}$$ How can I find such a curve??
  46. PrincessIceFall

    How to draw a curve in Creo that is defined by an equation?

    So I want to draw a parabola in Creo that is defined by the equation y= (h/(b^2))*x^2 Basically it looks something like this: The reason I am asking this is because I need to manufacture a vessel that has curved edges, but I cannot simply give...
  47. M

    MHB Is the Curve a Line or a Point with Zero Acceleration?

    Hey! :o Let $\overrightarrow{\sigma}$ a curve in $\mathbb{R}^3$ with zero acceleration. Show that $\overrightarrow{\sigma}$ is a straight line or a point. Let $\overrightarrow{\sigma}(t)=(x(t),y(t),z(t))$ be the curve. We have that...
  48. Jake Wright

    Unbanked Curve increasing speed

    Homework Statement A race car going around a flat, unbanked circular track gradually increases speed as it completes one full trip around the track. Which of the following can explain why the car gains speed? (A) Energy stored in the fuel is converted to mechanical energy. (B) A component of...
  49. B

    Find area under a decay curve if half life is increasing

    Area under decay curve exp(-0.6969t/h) where t is the time (with t=0 initially) and h is a constant "half life" is analytically integrable, but what if the half life is increasing with time? I. e. if h(t) = H + at. (Note exp(-0.6969) is not exactly 0.5 but close and easy to remember.) This...
  50. Drakkith

    Equation of the Tangent Line to a Curve at a Given Point

    Homework Statement Find an equation of the tangent line to the curve at the given point. Homework Equations y=x¼ Point = (1,1) The Attempt at a Solution [/B] Derivative of y is y' = ¼x-¾ Plugging in the derivative to the equation for a line: y-1=¼(x-1)-¾. My book's answer is Y=¼x+¾, but I...