What is Curve: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In mathematics, a curve (also called a curved line in older texts) is an object similar to a line, but that does not have to be straight.
Intuitively, a curve may be thought of as the trace left by a moving point. This is the definition that appeared more than 2000 years ago in Euclid's Elements: "The [curved] line is […] the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which […] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width."This definition of a curve has been formalized in modern mathematics as: A curve is the image of an interval to a topological space by a continuous function. In some contexts, the function that defines the curve is called a parametrization, and the curve is a parametric curve. In this article, these curves are sometimes called topological curves to distinguish them from more constrained curves such as differentiable curves. This definition encompasses most curves that are studied in mathematics; notable exceptions are level curves (which are unions of curves and isolated points), and algebraic curves (see below). Level curves and algebraic curves are sometimes called implicit curves, since they are generally defined by implicit equations.
Nevertheless, the class of topological curves is very broad, and contains some curves that do not look as one may expect for a curve, or even cannot be drawn. This is the case of space-filling curves and fractal curves. For ensuring more regularity, the function that defines a curve is often supposed to be differentiable, and the curve is then said to be a differentiable curve.
A plane algebraic curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two indeterminates. More generally, an algebraic curve is the zero set of a finite set of polynomials, which satisfies the further condition of being an algebraic variety of dimension one. If the coefficients of the polynomials belong to a field k, the curve is said to be defined over k. In the common case of a real algebraic curve, where k is the field of real numbers, an algebraic curve is a finite union of topological curves. When complex zeros are considered, one has a complex algebraic curve, which, from the topological point of view, is not a curve, but a surface, and is often called a Riemann surface. Although not being curves in the common sense, algebraic curves defined over other fields have been widely studied. In particular, algebraic curves over a finite field are widely used in modern cryptography.

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  1. E

    Velocity of charges or bounding curve features in motional EMF?

    The motional EMF is$$\mathcal{E}_{\text{motional}} = \oint_{\partial \Sigma} (\vec{v} \times \vec{B}) \cdot d\vec{x} = \int_{\Sigma} \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t} \cdot d\vec{S} - \frac{d}{dt} \int_{\Sigma} \vec{B} \cdot d\vec{S}$$(that's because Maxwell III integrates to...
  2. AN630078

    Finding the gradient to the curve using differentiation

    I have attached a photograph of my workings. I do not know if I have arrived at the right solution, nor whether this is the gradient of f(x) at point P. I think I seem to overcomplicate these problems when thinking about them which makes me lose confidence in my answers. Thank you to anyone who...
  3. R

    I Why Torsion = 0 => Planar Curve in this Proof

    I was watching a lecture that made the conclusion about the torsion being equal to zero necessitated that the path was planar. The argument went as follows: -Torsion = 0 => B=v, which is a constant -(α⋅v)'=(T⋅v)'= 0 => α⋅v= a, which is a constant (where α is a function describing the path and...
  4. V

    I Exploring the Nature of Capacitor Voltage: Is it a Hyperbolic Curve?

    Ok Hi everyone! I was working on what would happen if you apply a linear increasing voltage to a series capacitor resistor. The question is : If the capacitor voltage is plotted, is the cap voltage curve hyperbolic? I've done some plots on the cap voltage and it sure looks hyperbolic but I...
  5. nomadreid

    I Why is this not a space-filling curve?

    On a plane with a selected origin point and a selected zero rotation direction, identify each point p with (rp,θp), where rp is the distance to the origin and θp is the angle in [0, 2π). Define an order ≤* between points p and q as b p=*q if they are identical, p <* q if [1] rp < rq, or [2]...
  6. anemone

    MHB Inequality involving area under a curve

    Prove that for every $x\in (0,\,1)$ the following inequality holds: $\displaystyle \int_0^1 \sqrt{1+(\cos y)^2} dy>\sqrt{x^2+(\sin x)^2}$
  7. N

    Material Models Sources: Ludwik, Holomon, Swift, Wok, etc.

    Who can share the primary sources where material models are formulated: Ludwik, Holomon, Swift, Wok, Ludwikson, Hill and others?
  8. Justinboln

    Chemistry Calculating Concentration of Acid using a pH Titration Curve

    Use the equivalence volume from the pH curve to calculate the concentration of the acid, HA. I'm not sure which equation to use or how to approach this question (Attached). Please elaborate on the steps on how to answer the question. Thank you!
  9. physicsbeginnerss

    The Brachistochrone Problem: cycloid curve

    This is 'Boas mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences' homework p484.(Calculus of Variations) problem2 section4 number 2 The bead is rolling on the cycloid curve.(Figure 4.4) And the book explain that 'Then if the right-hand endpoint is (x, y) and the origin is the left-hand endpoint...
  10. S

    Solve this differential equation for the curve & tangent diagram

    Here is my attempt at a solution: y = f(x) yp - ym = dy/dx(xp-xm) ym = 0 yp = dy/dx(xp-xm) xm=ypdy/dx + xm xm is midpoint of OT xm = (ypdy/dx + xm) /2 Not sure where to go from there because the solution from the link uses with the midpoint of the points A and B intersecting the x-axis...
  11. F

    Why does an alpha particle curve less in a magnetic field than a beta?

    Suppose you are analyzing this image. The question to answer is: Explain why the alpha particle's path has a larger radius than either of the beta particle paths. Justify your answer using either momentum or charge-to-mass ratio. When you are answering this, suppose you know that , in...
  12. S

    B Components of Tangent Space Vector on Parametrized Curve

    I'm studying 'A Most Incomprehensible Thing - Notes towards a very gentle introduction to the mathematics of relativity' by Collier, specifically the section 'More detail - contravariant vectors'. To give some background, I'm aware that basis vectors in tangent space are given by...
  13. karush

    MHB APC.3.1.2 shortest distance between curve and origin

    Find the x-coordinate of the point on $f(x)=\dfrac{4}{\sqrt{x}}$ that is closest to the origin. a. $1$ b. $2$ c $\sqrt{2}$ d $2\sqrt{2}$ e $\sqrt[3]{2}$ not real sure but, this appears to be dx and slope problem I thot there was an equation for shortest distance between a point...
  14. A

    A What are the forces acting on an air particle along a fluid streamline curve?

    What forces act at air particle at curved streamline, looking from inertial and non-inertial frame of reference? (show free body diagram)
  15. karush

    MHB -apc.3.3.01 Find the equation of the curve that passes through the point (1,2)

    Find the equation of the curve that passes through the point $(1,2)$ and has a slope of $(3+\dfrac{1}{x})y$ at any point $(x,y)$ on the curve. ok this is weird I woild assume the curve would be an parabola and an IVP soluiton...
  16. F

    I Any surface bounded by the same curve in Stokes' theorem

    In Stokes' theorem, the closed line integral of f=the surface integral of curl f on ANY surface bounded by the same curve. But in Gauss' theorem, the surface integral of f on a surface=the volume integral of div f on a unique volume bounded by the surface. A surface can only enclose 1 volume...
  17. A

    What are the key features to consider when sketching a curve?

    a.) 4 critical values b.) there are no points of inflection c.) 2 local maxes and mins d.)
  18. M

    Solving the same question two ways: Parallel transport vs. the Lie derivative

    a) I found this part to be quite straight forward. From the Parallel transport equation we obtain the differential equations for the different components of ##X^\mu##: $$ \begin{align*} \frac{\partial X^{\theta}}{\partial \varphi} &=X^{\varphi} \sin \theta_{0} \cos \theta_{0}, \\ \frac{\partial...
  19. R

    Angular Velocity of a Car going around a curve

    θ=90°= π /2 so the instantaneous angular velocity dθ/dt= lim∆ t -> 0 (θ(t + ∆ t)-θ(t))/(∆ t) When I calculate it out it is π /2 radians per second. Is this correct?
  20. E

    B Tangents to a curve as functions of different variables

    Let's say we have a curve in 2D space that we can represent in both cartesian and polar coordinates, i.e. ##y = y(x)## and ##r = r(\theta)##. If you want the tangent at any point ##(x,y) = (a,b)## on the curve you can just do the first order Taylor expansion at that point $$y(x) = y'(a)x +...
  21. Saracen Rue

    I Find the area enclosed by the curve y = x csch(x+y)

    The title and summary pretty much say it all. I was wondering if it's possible to accurately determine the area enclosed by the curve ## y=x \text{ csch}(x+y)## and the ##x##-axis? I first tried solving for ##y## and then ##x##, however it doesn't appear possible to solve for either variable. I...
  22. V

    A The map from a complex torus to the projective algebraic curve

    I am following the proof to show that the complex torus is the same as the projective algebraic curve. First we consider the complex torus minus a point, punctured torus, and show there is a biholomorphic map or holomorphic isomorphism with the affine algebraic curve in ##\mathbb{C}^2##...
  23. archaic

    Tangent to a parametrized curve

    ##x(3)=9-6=3##, ##y(3)=27+9=36##. ##\frac{y'(3)}{x'(3)}=\frac{3\times9+3}{2\times3}=\frac{30}{6}=5##. ##y=5(x-3)+36=5x+21##.
  24. LCSphysicist

    Man on a railroad car rounding a curve

    "A man of mass M stands on a railroad car which is rounding an unbanked turn of radius R at speed v. His center of mass is height L above the car, and his feet are distance d apart. The man is facing the direction of motion. How much weight is on each of his feet?" I came five equations, and...
  25. karush

    MHB 4.1.306 AP Calculus Exam Area under Curve

    $\textsf{What is the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by the graph of}$ $$y=e^{x/2} \textit{ and the line } x=2$$ a. 2e-2 b. 2e c. $\dfrac{e}{2}-1$ d. $\dfrac{e-1}{2}$ e. e-1Integrate $\displaystyle \int e^{x/2}=2e^{x/2}$ take the limits...
  26. K

    I The life cycle of a star and the bell shaped energy emission curve

    Do all stars in their life cycle (t) emit energy (E) that follow a bell shape curve? If yes, is the curve symmetrical always? How is this related to nuclear and thermal time scale?
  27. L

    Polar Curve Equation Confusion

    What does "F(r,θ) = 0" mean here?
  28. caesium

    Centripetal force for off-centered cylinders rolling down a curve

    My initial attempt: Total Centripetal force on the cylinder would be given by $$\textbf{F}_{net} = mR\omega^2 \textbf{e}_1+mr_{cm}\omega^2 \textbf{e}_2$$ where the vectors e_1 and e_2 have magnitude 1 and point radially outwards (and continuously changing as the cylinder rolls down) as marked in...
  29. D

    Work of a vector field along a curve

    let ##f : R^3 → R## the function ##f(x,y,z)=(\frac {x^3} {3} +y^2 z)## let ##\gamma## :[0,## \pi ##] ##\rightarrow## ##R^3## the curve ##\gamma (t)##(cos t, t cos t, t + sin t) oriented in the direction of increasing t. The work along ##\gamma## of the vector field F=##\nabla f## is: what i...
  30. K

    Mathematica Finding a function to best fit a curve

    Hello! I want to fit a function to the curve I attached (the first image shows the full curve, while the second one is a zoom-in in the final region). Please ignore the vertical lines, what I care about is the main, central curve. It basically goes down slowly and then it has a fast rise. What...
  31. szopaw

    MATLAB Choosing the optimal curve from a discrete dataset

    Hello, I'm currently working on an assignment which requires me to choose an optimal curve of power generation based on data points generated by a script I wrote (attached for reference, TideHeight1s is the source data for the script, the txt file contains the code for the .m script). The...
  32. T

    Forces On a Moving Train Traveling Around a Curve

    Hello all I am trying to work out the forces involved of a moving train around a curve traveling at a constant speed. I have the following:- The image on the left is a cross section of a train traveling around a curve, you can think of the train moving away from you. The image on the right...
  33. J

    Potential sweep vs current sweep for a Polarization Curve

    Hello, I'm trying to obtain a polarization curve for a fuel cell (two electrodes in HCl). From what I've seen in literatures, current is applied and the voltage is measured. Is it still the same to change the voltage and measure the current instead? For some reason our equipment only have the...
  34. Like Tony Stark

    Finding the period of a pendulum in motion along a curve

    I was solving problems about the period of a pendulum inside an elevator. They're all the same. If the elevator accelerates upwards you have that the period is shorter and it's longer if the direction is downwards. But I tried to solve something more difficult and I thought about a pendulum...
  35. K

    Show that the flywheel inside the train counteracts lean in a curve

    Summary: Consider a train carriage rolling along a curve that forms a left turn on the track. The carriage speed is directed along the y-axis (into the plane of the paper) in the figure. The trolley will have a tendency to curl in the curve in the specified direction. A flywheel is inserted...
  36. brsclownC

    What is the magnitude of resultant force on a car on a banked curve?

    Ok so I think that the equation for centripetal force is the mv^2/r and this SHOULD equal the horizontal component of the normal force on the car. Vertical component of normal force and gravity would cancel out. However, when I input the numbers into the equations I don't get equivalent values...
  37. Celso

    I Curve Inside a Sphere: Differentiating Alpha

    Honestly I don't know where to begin. I started differentiating alpha trying to show that its absolute value is constant, but the equation got complicated and didn't seem right.
  38. S

    I Okay, what exactly makes a timelike curve closed?

    This question has been bothering me for a long time. It is simple enough to determine whether or not a curve is timelike. You simply use this formula: gab(dxa/ds)(dxb/ds) (where x(s) is our parameterized curve). Assuming a (- + + +) signature, if the answer to the above summation is negative...
  39. warhammer

    B Shifting of a Cosine Curve with negative phase angle values

    Continuing on from the summary, the chapter has given a graphed example. We are shown a regular cosine wave with phase angle 0 and another with phase angle (-Pi/4) in order to illustrate that the second curve is shifted rightward to the regular cosine curve because of the negative value. Now, my...
  40. Z

    MOSFET I-Vg Curve: Which Curve is Impossible?

    Homework Statement: Below graph shows the I - Vg curve for different MOSFET, which curve is impossible for MOSFET? Homework Equations: I - Vg I am inclined to select 1), as it is not likely to have a sharp transition from subthreshold to Quadritica region. However, graph 5 also looks strange...
  41. karush

    MHB 210 AP Calculus Exam problem tangent line to curve

    Find the slope of the tangent line to the graph of $$f(x)=-x^2+4\sqrt{x}$$ at $x=4$ (A) $8-$ (B) $-10$ (C) $-9$ (D) $-5$ (E) $-7$
  42. S

    I Is this a closed spacelike curve?

    I've been refurbishing my understanding of some relativistic concepts and I've been specifically studying the concepts of spacelike, timelike and lightlike curves. According to the notes that I have been reading, curves on a Lorentzian manifold can be classified as follows: If you have a...
  43. J

    Equation of motion of a mass on a 2d curve

    So ##T+U=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot{x}^{2}+\dot{y}^{2})-mgy=constant##. If I derive this with respect to ##t## $$\dot{x}\ddot{x}+\dot{y}\ddot{y}-g\dot{y}=0$$ Then I use ##\dot{y}=\dot{x}\frac{dy}{dx},\ddot{y}=\ddot{x}\frac{dy}{dx}+\dot{x}^{2}\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}}## to get...
  44. J

    Unbanked Curve Motion: Friction vs Intuition

    This is just a conceptual question. I get that when a car is turning on an unbanked curve, the friction provides the centripetal force. I don't understand why this is though. I thought friction is supposed to oppose the direction of motion. But that would imply that the direction...
  45. Parzeevahl

    Melting of substance with -ve slope for fusion curve

    The question says that the process is melting, so temperature must increase. Hence, Delta T > 0. Also, it is given that the slope for its fusion curve is -ve, which means that as we increase temperature, the pressure will decrease. So, Delta P < 0. The question asks to prove that the substance...
  46. L

    B Curve Space-time from Spinning disc?

    Please see attached illustration (from Discover September 2004. Einstein 100 years special issue). Is it correct that one key to Einstein's thinking is to analyze a spnning disk. That "Since the rim of the disk travels faster than the center of the disk, the theory of relativity states that the...