Cylindrical coordinates Definition and 234 Threads

A cylindrical coordinate system is a three-dimensional coordinate system that specifies point positions by the distance from a chosen reference axis, the direction from the axis relative to a chosen reference direction, and the distance from a chosen reference plane perpendicular to the axis. The latter distance is given as a positive or negative number depending on which side of the reference plane faces the point.
The origin of the system is the point where all three coordinates can be given as zero. This is the intersection between the reference plane and the axis.
The axis is variously called the cylindrical or longitudinal axis, to differentiate it from the polar axis, which is the ray that lies in the reference plane, starting at the origin and pointing in the reference direction.
Other directions perpendicular to the longitudinal axis are called radial lines.
The distance from the axis may be called the radial distance or radius, while the angular coordinate is sometimes referred to as the angular position or as the azimuth. The radius and the azimuth are together called the polar coordinates, as they correspond to a two-dimensional polar coordinate system in the plane through the point, parallel to the reference plane. The third coordinate may be called the height or altitude (if the reference plane is considered horizontal), longitudinal position, or axial position.Cylindrical coordinates are useful in connection with objects and phenomena that have some rotational symmetry about the longitudinal axis, such as water flow in a straight pipe with round cross-section, heat distribution in a metal cylinder, electromagnetic fields produced by an electric current in a long, straight wire, accretion disks in astronomy, and so on.
They are sometimes called "cylindrical polar coordinates" and "polar cylindrical coordinates", and are sometimes used to specify the position of stars in a galaxy ("galactocentric cylindrical polar coordinates").

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  1. Hannibal247

    One-dimensional steady state conduction in Cylindrical coordinates

    Hello, Im having some issues with my task. 1. Homework Statement The heat generation rate of a cylindrical fuel (D=0.2 m and 1 m long) is 160 kW. The thermal conductivity of the fuel is 100 W/mK and its surface temperature is maintained at 283 K. Determine the temperature at the axis...
  2. dykuma

    Partial Differential equation, Temp in a Cylinder

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Because we are only looking at a cross section, I tried to reduce 5.3 down to just being a function of R and Theta. However I reasoned that there should be, based on this problem, no dependence on Theta either, so I figured I...
  3. M

    A Wave equation in cylindrical coordinates - different expression?

    Hello to everybody, I am solving some examples related to wave equation of shear horizontal wave in cylindrical coordinates (J.L Rose: Ultrasolic Waves in Solid Media, chapter 6), which is expressed as follows: ∇2u=1/cT2⋅∂2u/∂t2 The Laplace operator in cylindrical coordinates can can be...
  4. toforfiltum

    Sketching surfaces described in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement The surface is described by the equation ## (r-2)^2 + z^2 = 1 ## in cylindrical coordinates. Assume ## r ≥ 0 ##. a) Sketch the intersection of this surface with the half plane ## θ= π/2 ## Homework Equations ## r= psin φ ## ## p^2 = r^2 + z^2 ## The Attempt at a Solution...
  5. N

    Triple integral in cylindrical coordinates

    1. Homework Statement I am trying to solve a triple integral using cylindrical coordinates. This is what I have to far . But I think I have choosen the limits wrong. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution [/B]
  6. TheSodesa

    Calibrating a rain gauge (problem interpreting question)

    Homework Statement We wish to make a precipitation meter shaped like a paraboloid ##z = x^2 + y^2, 0 \leq z \leq 10##. Devise a scale on the z-axis that tells you the amount of precipitation in cm. In other words, at what height ##z = h## is the surface of water in the dish when there has been...
  7. TheSodesa

    A sphere with a hole through it (a triple integral).

    Homework Statement A sphere has a diameter of ##D = 2\rho = 4cm##. A cylindrical hole with a diameter of ##d = 2R = 2 cm## is bored through the center of the sphere. Calculate the volume of the remaining solid. (Spherical or cylindrical coordinates?) hint: Place the shape into a convenient...
  8. P

    Calculating Center of Mass in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Determine the center of mass in cylindrical coordinates of a cone with constant density ##\rho(\vec{r})##. (The cone is inverted, i.e. it's thinnest point is at ##z=0##.) Homework Equations ##m=\int\int\int_C \rho r \, drdzd\theta## ##\overline{r}=\int\int\int_C r\cdot r\...
  9. L

    Vector field in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Sketch each of the following vector fields. E_5 = \hat \phi r E_6 = \hat r \sin(\phi) I wish to determine the \hat x and \hat y components for the vector fields so that I can plot them using the quiver function in MATLAB. Homework Equations A cylindrical coordinate...
  10. E

    Field form in the optic fibers from Maxwell's equations

    Hello! In this document a solution of Maxwell's equations in cylindrical coordinates is provided, in order to determine the electric and magnetic fields inside an optic fiber with a step-index variation. The interface between core and cladding is the cylindrical surface r = a. For example, the...
  11. L

    Confusion regarding the scalar potential

    Homework Statement Consider the following in cylindrical coordinates \rho,\varphi,z. An electric current flows in an infinitely long straight cylindrical wire with the radius R. The magnetic field \mathbf{B} outside of the thread is...
  12. M

    Surface element in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement \vec J_b = 3s \hat z \int \vec J_b \, d\vec a I need to solve this integral in cylindrical coordinates. It's the bound current of an infinite cylinder, with everything done in cylindrical coordinates and s is the radius of the cylinder. The answer should end up with a phi...
  13. phys-student

    Dot products in spherical or cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I'm doing a question that requires me to take the dot product of 2 vectors in spherical coordinates. Both vectors have only an r component, can I just multiply the r components? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  14. Saurabh Sharma

    Why phi component is not taken into account for vector R ?See attachment.

    Why phi component is not taken into account while calculation electric field intensity due to line charge?See attachment for details.
  15. SarahAlbert

    Laplace in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement I'm suppose to verify the given Laplace in (a) Cartesian (b) Sperical and (c) Cylindrical coordinates. (a) was easy enough but I need to know if I'm doing (b) and (c) correctly. I don't need a solution, I simply need to know if the my Spherical formula is correct, my...
  16. W

    Volume integral in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement OK, I thought once I knew what the question was asking I'd be able to do it. I was wrong! Consider the volume V inside the cylinder x2 +y2 = 4R2 and between z = (x2 + 3y2)/R and the (x,y) plane, where x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates and R is a constant. Write down a triple...
  17. nettle404

    Deriving the heat equation in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Consider heat flow in a long circular cylinder where the temperature depends only on t and on the distance r to the axis of the cylinder. Here r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2} is the cylindrical coordinate. From the three-dimensional heat equation derive the equation U_t=k(U_{rr}+2U_r/r)...
  18. MexChemE

    Shell balances in cylindrical coordinates

    Hello, PF! I have some doubts about setting up shell balances in a cylindrical geometry. Consider a fluid flowing down a vertical pipe. In order to perform the momentum balance, we take a cylindrical (annular) shell of length L and width Δr. The analysis of such system can be found in chapter 2...
  19. C

    Can You Help With Finite Element Analysis in Cylindrical Coordinates?

    I am trying to numerically calculate the electric potential inside a truncated cone using the finite element method (FEM). The cone is embedded in cylindrical coordinates (r,phi,z). I am assuming phi-independence on the potential, therefore the problem is essentially 2D; I am working only with...
  20. ognik

    MHB Discretising Elliptic PDE in cylindrical coordinates

    Given an energy functional $ E=\int_{0}^{\infty} \,dr.r\left[\frac{1}{2}\left(\d{\phi}{r}\right)^2 - S.\phi\right] $ I am told that discretizing on a lattice ri=ih (h=lattice size, i is i axis) leads to : $ 2{r}_{i}{\phi}_{i} - {r}_{i+\frac{1}{2}}{\phi}_{i+1} - {r}_{i-\frac{1}{2}}{\phi}_{i-1}...
  21. M

    Converting a 2D Gaussian in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Given the equation for a Gaussian as: ##z = f(x,y) = Ae^{[(x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2] /2pi*σ^2 }## , how would I go about converting this into cylindrical coordinates? The mean is non-zero, and this seems to be the biggest hurdle. I believe I read earlier that the answer is ~ ##z = f(r,θ) =...
  22. kostoglotov

    Laplace in Cyl. form: one step I'm not sure about

    I have completed the exercise, but I did something weird in one step to make it work, and I'd like to know more about what I did...or if what I did was at all valid. 1. Homework Statement Show that Laplace's equation \frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial...
  23. AdityaDev

    Acceleration due to gravity at the centre of a hemisphere

    Homework Statement find the acceleration due to gravity at the centre of a solid hemisphere. Homework Equations ##F=\frac{GMm}{r^2}## The Attempt at a Solution i decided to go for cylindrical coordinayes (which is way beyond my syllabus). I did some research though. let me take a point...
  24. B

    Differentiate time derivative w/ respect to generalized var.

    Homework Statement Solve ∂v/∂θ and ∂v/∂r. (refer to attached image for equations) Homework Equations Refer to attached image. note that the velocity is expressed in cylindrical coordinates and attention must be paid to the directional unit vectors eθ and eρ.[/B] The Attempt at a Solution...
  25. Calpalned

    Triple integral in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Evaluate ## \int \int \int_E {x}dV ## where E is enclosed by the planes ##z=0## and ##z=x+y+5## and by the cylinders ##x^2+y^2=4## and ##x^2+y^2=9##. Homework Equations ## \int \int \int_E {f(cos(\theta),sin(\theta),z)}dzdrd \theta ## How do I type limits in for...
  26. S

    Expressing electric field in cylindrical coordinates.

    Hi everyone, I am new to the physics forums and I need your help :) I understand that depending on the symmetry of the problem, it may be easier to change the coordinate system you are using. My question is, how would I convert the electric field due to a point charge at the origin, from...
  27. M

    MHB Cylindrical coordinates - Orthonormal system

    Hey! :o Using cylindrical coordinates and the orthonormal system of vectors $\overrightarrow{e}_r, \overrightarrow{e}_{\theta}, \overrightarrow{e}_z$ describe each of the $\overrightarrow{e}_r$, $\overrightarrow{e}_{\theta}$ and $\overrightarrow{e}_z$ as a function of $\overrightarrow{i}...
  28. A

    Acceleration and cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement The question and my attempt are attached as pics Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I can't seem to find r¨ and θ¨. Assuming I already got r˙ and θ˙ (the answers are written after the question). The idea I tried was to get the acceleration equation in cylindrical...
  29. B

    Finding flux through ellipsoid in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Using Cylindrical coordinates, find the total flux through the surface of the ellipsoid defined by x2 + y2 + ¼z2 = 1 due to an electric field E = xx + yy + zz (bold denoting vectors | x,y,z being the unit vectors) Calculate ∇⋅E and then confirm the Gauss's Law Homework...
  30. V

    Laplace's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates (Potential)

    Homework Statement A hollow cylinder with radius ##a## and height ##L## has its base and sides kept at a null potential and the lid on top kept at a potential ##u_0##. Find ##u(r,\phi,z)##. Homework Equations Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates...
  31. K

    Transform Cylindrical coordinates into Cartesian Coordiantes

    I've learned that a vector in coordinate system can be expressed as follows: A = axAx+ayAy+azAz. ai, i = x, y, z, are the base vectors. The transformation matrix from cylindrical coordinates to cartesian coordiantes is: Ax cosΦ -sinΦ 0 Ar Ay = sinΦ cosΦ...
  32. R

    Solving Laplace Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates - Potential Outside Cylinder

    The potential on the side and the bottom of the cylinder is zero, while the top has a potential V_0. We want to find the potential outside the cylinder. Can I use the same boundary conditions as for case of inside cylinder potential? What is different?
  33. D

    2D quantum harmonic oscillator in cylindrical coordinates (radial part

    Dear kind helpers, actually I am not 100% sure whether this is the right place to post, as it is not a homework in the sense of an exercise sheet. But I think it could be because it feels pretty basic and that I should be able to solve it. Though I really searched for a solution but could not...
  34. G

    Discretization in cylindrical coordinates, unit thickness for azimuth?

    I am setting up a numerical simulation from a 2D discretization of the heat equation in cylindrical coordinates. my spatial variables are radius (r), height (z), and azimuth (ø). The assumption is that there is no gradient along the azimuth direction (if temperature is T then dT/dø = 0)...
  35. S

    Poisson's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Possions Equation and boundary conditions... The Attempt at a Solution First Part that I think is right... However when I try and apply the boundary conditions ie V(a)=V(r)=0... I can't get the answer! And for the last...
  36. PsychonautQQ

    Question about cylindrical Coordinates

    I'm confused why when using cylindrical coordinates three unit vectors are needed. My book says that the three unit vectors are one for the radial direction which is bound to the xy plane and then a unit vector in the z direction. It goes on to say that there is another unit vector associated...
  37. J

    Triple Integral Problem in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Use cylindrical coordinates to find the volume of the solid that the cylinder r = 3cos/theta cuts out of the sphere of radius 3 centered at the origin. Homework Equations Why do we evaluate theta from 0 to pi instead of from 0 to 2pi? Don't we want to go all the...
  38. H

    Charge density of a disk with radius a in cylindrical coordinates

    To write the uniform charge density of a disk with radius a in cylindrical coordinates, If we do this form: \rho (x)=\frac{A\delta(z)\Theta (a-\rho)}{\rho} (A is constant that sholud be determined and \theta is step function), we get A=\frac{Q}{2\pi a} and so: \rho (x)=\frac{\frac{Q}{2\pi...
  39. JasonHathaway

    Unit vector in cylindrical coordinates

    Hi everyone, I've two vectors in cylindrical coordinate - (-1,\frac{3\pi}{2},0),(2,\pi,1) - and I want to find the perpendicular unit vector of these two vector. Basically I'll use the cross product, then I'll find the unit vector by \hat{u}=\frac{\vec{u}}{||\vec{u}||}. But do you I...
  40. M

    Representing displacement vectors in cylindrical coordinates

    Hello, In Cartesian coordinates, if we have a point P(x1,y1,z1) and another point Q(x,y,z) we can easily find the displacement vector by just subtracting components (unit vectors are not changing directions) and dotting with the unit products. In fact we can relate any point with a position...
  41. Ed Aboud

    Double integral, cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement The problem states: Use cylindrical coordinates to evaluate \iiint_V \sqrt{x^2 +y^2 +z^2} \,dx\,dy\,dz where V is the region bounded by the plane z = 3 and the cone z = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} Homework Equations x = r cos( \theta ) y = r sin( \theta ) z =...
  42. C

    Integrals in cylindrical coordinates.

    Integrate the function f(x,y,z)=−7x+2y over the solid given by the "slice" of an ice-cream cone in the first octant bounded by the planes x=0 and y=sqrt(263/137)x and contained in a sphere centered at the origin with radius 25 and a cone opening upwards from the origin with top radius 20. I...
  43. P

    Volume in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Find the volume using cylindrical coordinates bounded by: x2+y2+z2=2 and z = x2+y2 Homework Equations Converting to cylindrical coordinates: z = √2-r2 and z = r2 The Attempt at a Solution I figured z would go from r2 to √2-r2 r from 0 to √2 and θ...
  44. stripes

    The length element in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Show that in cylindrical coordinates x = \rho cos \theta y = \rho sin \theta z = z the length element ds is given by ds^{2} = dx^{2} + dy^{2} + dz^{2} = d \rho^{2} + \rho^{2} d \theta ^{2} + dz^{2} Homework Equations -- The Attempt at a Solution...

    Curl of field in cylindrical coordinates

    I am asked to compute the Curl of a vector field in cylindrical coordinates, I apologize for not being able to type the formula here I do not have that program. I do not see how the the 1/rho outside the determinant calculation is being carried in? Not for the specific problem - but for...
  46. W

    Deriving a forumla for the gradient in cylindrical coordinates

    Problem: Starting from the gradient of a scalar function T(x,y,z) in cartesian coordinates find the formula for the gradient of T(s,ϕ,z) in cylindrical coordinates. Solution (so far): I know that the gradient is given by \nabla T = \frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\hat{x}+\frac{\partial...
  47. W

    Compensation factor for converting dy dx to cylindrical coordinates?

    Homework Statement What is the compensation factor for converting dy dx to cylindrical coordinates? Homework Equations None that I know of besides the bottom ones as part of the attempt The Attempt at a Solution So I know that the conversion formulas for going from Cartesian (x,y,z)...
  48. J

    Triple integral problem: cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I have a graph 1/x^2=y^2+z^2 where z=rsin(θ) and y=rcos(θ) where 0≤r≤1 and 0≤θ≤2∏ on the zy-plane The end result is attached (sorry, I'm not aware of how to use Latex :[ ) I can kind of understand how they determined the first bounds for the integral: the lowest x...
  49. IridescentRain

    Solution to the scalar wave equation in cylindrical coordinates

    Hello. I don't know how to prove that a certain function is a solution to the scalar wave equation in cylindrical coordinates. The scalar wave equation is \left(\nabla^2+k^2\right)\,\phi(\vec{r})=0,which in cylindrical coordinates is...
  50. C

    MHB Integral - cylindrical coordinates

    Hello, my best problem is about find the integration limits. in cylindrical coordinates- where V is limited by the cylinder y^2+z^2=9 and the planes x = 0, y = 3x and z = 0 in the first octant.