Cylindrical coordinates Definition and 234 Threads

A cylindrical coordinate system is a three-dimensional coordinate system that specifies point positions by the distance from a chosen reference axis, the direction from the axis relative to a chosen reference direction, and the distance from a chosen reference plane perpendicular to the axis. The latter distance is given as a positive or negative number depending on which side of the reference plane faces the point.
The origin of the system is the point where all three coordinates can be given as zero. This is the intersection between the reference plane and the axis.
The axis is variously called the cylindrical or longitudinal axis, to differentiate it from the polar axis, which is the ray that lies in the reference plane, starting at the origin and pointing in the reference direction.
Other directions perpendicular to the longitudinal axis are called radial lines.
The distance from the axis may be called the radial distance or radius, while the angular coordinate is sometimes referred to as the angular position or as the azimuth. The radius and the azimuth are together called the polar coordinates, as they correspond to a two-dimensional polar coordinate system in the plane through the point, parallel to the reference plane. The third coordinate may be called the height or altitude (if the reference plane is considered horizontal), longitudinal position, or axial position.Cylindrical coordinates are useful in connection with objects and phenomena that have some rotational symmetry about the longitudinal axis, such as water flow in a straight pipe with round cross-section, heat distribution in a metal cylinder, electromagnetic fields produced by an electric current in a long, straight wire, accretion disks in astronomy, and so on.
They are sometimes called "cylindrical polar coordinates" and "polar cylindrical coordinates", and are sometimes used to specify the position of stars in a galaxy ("galactocentric cylindrical polar coordinates").

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  1. O

    Electron in Constant B-Field (Cylindrical Coordinates)

    Homework Statement The position of a proton at time t is given by the distance vector \vec{r}(t) = \hat{i}x(t) + \hat{j}y(t) + \hat{k}z(t) A magnetic induction field along the z-axis, \vec{B} = \hat{k}B_{z} exerts a force on the proton \vec{F} = e\vec{v}\times\vec{B} a.) For...
  2. N

    Area integral with cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement find the area of the surface defined by x2+y2=y, with yE[0,4] The Attempt at a Solution I tried setting it up with cylindrical coordinates, but it doesn't work. Why? ∫40∫2pi0r*dθ*dy, where r=√y Is it because my height, dy, has a vertical direction while its...
  3. M

    Change of variables cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Let S be the part of the cylinder of radius 9 centered about z-axis and bounded by y >= 0; z = -17; z = 17. Evaluate \iint xy^2z^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I use the equation x^2 + y^2 \leq 9, meaning that r goes from 0 to 3 Since y...
  4. F

    Cross product in cylindrical coordinates

    In my physics textbook we have d\vec{l}=\hat{z}dz and then it says d\vec{l}\times \hat{R}=\hat{\phi}\sin \left (\theta \right )dz How so? What is \hat{z}\times\hat{R}? If it is \hat{\phi} then where does the sine come from?
  5. W

    Cylindrical coordinates of line through a point?

    Homework Statement Use cylindrical coordinates to describe the line through the point (1,1,0) and parallel to the z-axis. Homework Equations How does one go about this? Even my course book was unclear about this. Any general overview about how to do such a question will be helpful. The...
  6. L

    Triple integral in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid that lies between z=x2+y2 and x2+y2+z2=2 Homework Equations z=r2 z=√(2-r2) The Attempt at a Solution So changing this into cylindrical coordinates, I get z goes from r2 to √(2-r2) r goes from 0 to √2 theta goes from 0...
  7. M

    MATLAB Solving Heat Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates with MATLAB's pdepe

    hello i am solving heat equation in cylindrical coordinator. i am using MATLAB "pdepe" solver to solve the partial differential equation. can anyone suggest me how to choose the initial condition?
  8. dexterdev

    Derivation of Del Operator in Spherical & Cylindrical Coordinates

    Hi all, Del = i ∂/∂x + j ∂/∂y + k ∂/∂z in x y z cordinate similarly I require to see the derivation of del in other coordinates too. Please give me a link for the derivation.
  9. E

    Heat Equation in cylindrical coordinates

    Large, cylindrical bales of hay used to feed livestock in the winter months are D = 2 m in diameter and are stored end-to-end in long rows. Microbial energy generation occurs in the hay and can be excessive if the farmer bales the hay in a too-wet condition. Assuming the thermal conductivity of...
  10. O

    Cylindrical coordinates, finding volume of solid

    Homework Statement Find the volume of the solid that the cylinder r = acosθ cuts out of the sphere of radius a centered at the origin.Homework Equations Cylindrical coordinates: x = rcosθ, y = rsinθ, z=z, r2 = x2+y2, tanθ = y/xThe Attempt at a Solution So I know that the equation for the sphere...
  11. B

    Converting a triple integral from spherical to cartesian, cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Consider the interated integral I=∫∫∫ρ^3 sin^2(∅) dρ d∅ dθ -the bounds of the first integral (from left to right) are from 0 to pi -the bounds of the second integral are from 0 to pi/2 -the bounds of the third integral are from 1 to 3 a)express I as an interated...
  12. M

    Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates (integration question)

    There has been a few times when I switch from Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates to integrate I would get the wrong because I used the wrong substitution. For instance I would use x = rcos(θ) and y = rsin(θ) where r and θ are variable when I was suppose to leave r as a constant. Question...
  13. O

    Transformation from cartesian to cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I'm trying to get to grips with Godel's 1949 Paper on Closed Time-like Curves (CTCs). Currently I'm trying to confirm his transformation to cylindrical coordinates using maple but seem to keep getting the wrong answer. Homework Equations The line element in cartesian...
  14. C

    Log transform on cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I'd like to do a log transform on the radius variable of the heat conservation equation: qr - qr + Δr= ΔE/Δt where qr= -kA(dT/dr) My solution for this equation in cylindrical coordinates is: Tt+Δt=Tt+(Δt*k)/(ρ*c*Δr^2)* [(Tt-1-Tt)/(ln(rt/rt-1) - (Tt-Tt+1)/(ln(rt+1/rt)]...
  15. 3

    What is the triple integral of z^2(x^2 + y^2) over a bounded cylindrical region?

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  16. G

    Velocity of flow in cylindrical coordinates

    An infinitely long cylindrical bucket with radius a is full of water and rotates with constant angular velocity \Omega about its horizontal axis. The gravity is in the vertical direction. The velocity of the flow in cylindrical coordinates (whose z axis is the horizontal axis of the bucket) is...
  17. M

    Why Is 0≤z≤1 in Cylindrical Coordinates for x² + y² = 2y?

    From this equation x2 + y2 = 2y I was wondering how in the solutions manual it was decided that 0≤z≤1 ? Edit: Don't read... I was looking at a solution to a different problem
  18. C

    Describe the surface in cylindrical coordinates?

    Homework Statement The surface is x^2/y*z=10. Put this into cylidrical coordinates. in the form r=f(theta,z) Homework Equations No clue The Attempt at a Solution No clue
  19. V

    Simple integral in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement As a part of bigger HW problem, I need to calculate the integral: \oint[\hat{r}+\hat{z}]d\phi Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution In cylindrical coordinates: =[\hat{r}+\hat{z}] \ointd\phi =2∏[\hat{r}+\hat{z}] On the other hand if I convert it to...
  20. T

    Derivation of Laplace Operator in Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates

    Hey Guys, Does anyone know where I can find a derivation of the laplace operator in spherical and cylidrical coordinates?
  21. T

    Cylindrical coordinates question

    Homework Statement The Attempt at a Solution Okay so I found r = 2.24 and z = -3. However I am stuck at finding theta. I think I just don't understand what the question means when it says "In addition, the line defined by theta = 0 in...
  22. T

    Triple integral for cone in cylindrical coordinates.

    Homework Statement Find limits of integration for volume of upside down cone with vertex on origin and base at z=1/sqrt(2). Angle at vertex is pi/2. Do this in cylindrical coordinates. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution My inner integral conflicts with the books...
  23. Z

    Integral in cylindrical coordinates

    I recently did an integral of the form: ∫∫1/ρ dρρdθ the extra ρ between dρ and dθ is the cost of switching to cylindrical coordinates. Now I want to know, do you carry out the integration in ρ, keeping the ρ outside the integration (since it's technically a scaling factor that belongs to...
  24. G

    Vector product question in cylindrical coordinates

    I am trying to work the following problem; A rigid body is rotating about a fixed axis with a constant angular velocity ω. Take ω to lie entirely on th z-axis. Express r in cylindrical coordinates, and calculate; a) v=ω × r b)∇ × v The answer to (a) is v=ψωρ and (b) is ∇ × v = 2ω...
  25. Z

    Sketch in Cylindrical Coordinates for z=6

    Homework Statement In cylindrical coordinates, sketch the surface defined by z=6 The hand drawn sketch shown in the answer I have appears to be a rectangular or square plane at z=6 Should the plane be square/rectangular or should it be circular? To illustrate, the blue plane in the diagram...
  26. R

    Integral in cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement I need to calculate the integral where the region is given by the inside of x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 2 and outside of 4x^2 + 4y^2 - z^2 = 3 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So far, I think that in cylindrical coordinates (dzdrdtheta): 0 <= theta <= 2pi sqrt(3)/2 <=...
  27. S

    Vector Fields in Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates, The Curl

    All necessary information is attached except the answer in Cartesian coordinates, which is -ix-jy+2kz and my work converting back from cylindrical to Cartesian, which I used WolframAlpha for, as the trig is a mess (that is, if the way I am doing this is correct)...
  28. S

    Vector Fields in Cartesian and Cylindrical Coordinates, The Curl

    All necessary information is attached except the answer in Cartesian coordinates, which is -ix-jy+2kz and my work converting back from cylindrical to Cartesian, which I used WolframAlpha for, as the trig is a mess (that is, if the way I am doing this is correct)...
  29. N

    Electromagnetic tensor in cylindrical coordinates

    I can find the metric tensor in cylindrical coordinates to be [1,-1,-1/r^2,-1] but how about the electromagnetic field tensor and thus the energy stress tensor? Is it just change the Ex,Ey,Ez to Eρ,Eθ,Ez? Is FσρFσρ still equal to 2(B^2-E^2)
  30. Peeter

    Fluid stress tensor in cylindrical coordinates?

    For fluid with viscosity \mu our stress strain relationship takes the form \sigma_{ij} = -p \delta_{ij} + 2 \mu u_{ij}. I was wondering how to express this in cylindrical coordinates. The strain tensor I can calculate in cylindrical coordinates (what I get matches eq 1.8 in [1]). But how...
  31. J

    Eulers equation in cylindrical coordinates

    find the geodesics on a cylinder, where R^2 = x^2 + y^2 ---------------------------- so the goal is to find a function F, that gives the minimum distance between any two points on the cylinder. in cylindrical coordinates, dl = sqrt( ds^2 +(sdθ)^2 +dz^2 ) since we are on the surface...
  32. A

    What are the differences between cylindrical and cartesian coordinates?

    Consider the attached picture, where they express the unit vectors in cartesian coordinates with the unit vectors in a cylindrical coordinate system: The questions might be a bit loose, but try to get what I mean and answer as well as you can please :) 1) I find the expression for i, j and k a...
  33. J

    Computing for Electric Field given cylindrical coordinates of v.

    Homework Statement If the scalar electric potential v in some region is given in cylindrical coordinates by v (r, \phi, z) = r^2 sin \phi e^{\frac{-3}{z}} , what is the electric field \vec{E} in that region? Homework Equations E = -\nabla v The Attempt at a Solution So...
  34. J

    Solving cylindrical coordinates system, just want to check my answer

    Homework Statement .. Here is the question; In cylindrical coordinate system , (a) If r = 2 meters , \varphi = 35° , z = 1 meter , what are x,y,z? (b) if (x,y,z) = (3,2,4) meters, what are (r, \varphi, z) Homework Equations x = r cos \varphi y = r sin \varphi z = z r =...
  35. C

    Chain rule and cylindrical coordinates

    I'm trying to understand this one derivation but this one part keeps messing me up; theta = tan^-1 (y/x) r^2 = x^2 + y^2 d theta/ d x = y/ (x^2 + y^2) how did they get this line?
  36. K

    Triple integral & cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement When you are doing a triple integral and convert it to cylindrical co ordinates, how do you find the new ranges of integration? I understand the new range of z, if z is between f(x,y) and g(x,y), you just sub in x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ to find the new functions...
  37. I

    Spherical & Cylindrical Coordinates

    Are spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems only a physical tool or is there some mathematical motivation behind them? I assume that they can be derived mathematically, but multivariable calculus texts introduce them and state their important properties without much background information...
  38. M

    Orthogonality Relationship for Legendre Polynomials in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Hello everyone, Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum, I wasn't sure exactly where to place it. I was wondering if there is an orthogonality relationship for the Legendre polynomials P^{0}_{n}(x) that have been converted to cylindrical coordinates from spherical coordinates, similar to...
  39. Q

    How to visualize in spherical and cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement i just want to know how to visualize in spherical and cylindrical coordinates I am really having a rough time doing that for example why is that when we keep r constant we get a sphere and θ constant a cone why?? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  40. K

    Finding the volume using cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Use cylindrical coordinates to find (a) the volume and (b) the centroid of the solid S bounded above by the plane z=y and below by the paraboloid z=x2+y2. Homework Equations V= ∫∫∫dv x= r cos θ, y=sin θ, z=z The Attempt at a Solution For the first integral I got...
  41. D

    Cylindrical Coordinates Domain

    Homework Statement Let W be the region between the paraboloids z = x^2 + y^2 and z = 8 - x^2 - y^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution for each domain, 0 ≤ z ≤ 8 0 ≤ r ≤ 2 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2\pi So... \int^{2\pi}_{0}\int^{2}_{0}(8-2r^{2})r drdθ
  42. X

    Center of mass of cone using cylindrical coordinates

    Homework Statement Set up intergral expression for center of mass of a cone using cylindrical coordinates with a given height H and radius R Homework Equations rdrddθdz is part of the inter grand. M/V=D volume of cone is 1/3π(r^2)H The Attempt at a Solution dm=Kdv dv=drdθdx K...
  43. D

    Triple Integrals with Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement Evaluate the integral, where E is the solid in the first octant that lies beneath the paraboloid z = 9 - x2 - y2. ∫∫∫(2(x^3+xy^2))dV Homework Equations x=rcosθ y=rsinθ x^2+y^2=r^2 The Attempt at a Solution θ=0 to 2π, r=0 to 3, z=0 to (9-r^2)...
  44. H

    Gradient of a tensor in cylindrical coordinates

    Hi all, I have been struggling (really) with this and hope someone can help me out. I would just like to compute the gradient of a tensor in cylindrical coordinates. I thought I got the right way to calculate and successfully computed several terms and check against the results given by...
  45. R

    Godel's metric in cylindrical coordinates

    Hello, In Godel's paper: an example of a new type of cosmological solutions of einstein's field equations of gravitation, he passes from his original metric to cylindrical coordinates by giving some transformation formulas. Can someone tell me how is this transformation obtained, or at least...
  46. Y

    Derivative in cylindrical coordinates.

    This is calculus question, but I don't think calculus really cover this topic in either multi-variables or even vector calculus classes. This is really more common problem in electrodynamics. Let R be position vector that trace out a circle or radius a with constant velocity. In rectangular...
  47. L

    Finding the bounds of a triple integral in cylindrical coordinates?

    Homework Statement I took a picture of the problem so it would be easier to understand. All I need to know is what the bounds are. Homework Equations In cylindrical: x=rcos(theta) y=rsin(theta) z=z The Attempt at a Solution I don't know why we should change this to...
  48. Telemachus

    Volume for a cone in cylindrical coordinates.

    Homework Statement Hi there. I haven't used iterated integrals for a while, and I'm studying some mechanics, the inertia tensor, etc. so I need to use some calculus. And I'm having some trouble with it. I was trying to find the volume of a cone, and then I've found lots of trouble with such a...
  49. C

    Resolving a unit vector from Cylindrical coordinates into Cartesian coordinates

    Homework Statement Question 3 (a)A long metal cylinder of radius a has the z-axis as its axis of symmetry.The cylinder carries a steady current of uniform current density J = Jzez. Derive an expression for the magnetic field at distance r from the axis,where r<a. By resolving the...
  50. M

    Calculating Electric Field E^pho in Cylindrical Coordinates

    How would I go about working out the Electric Field E(X) in cylindrical coordinates? The question is, Suppose pho = pho(r) find E^pho. Suggestion to use Greens & Gauss theorem