Dark energy Definition and 559 Threads

  1. .Scott

    B Debunking Dark Energy Theory: New Evidence Challenges Estimated Age of Universe

    Here is a link to the Phys.org article: New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error Is this going to affect the estimated age of the universe?
  2. Buzz Bloom

    I Some new evidence that the Dark Energy Concept is wrong

    The reference in the summary refers to an article which has been recently accepted by The Astrophysical Journal. A draft version of the article dated December 10, 2019 is https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.04903.pdf . The content of the draft article is way over my head, so I am hoping that...
  3. PeterDonis

    A Theoretical status of hypothesized Generic Objects of Dark Energy

    I have come across some online references to Generic Objects of Dark Energy (GEODEs). They are briefly described in this Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_object_of_dark_energy The only reference from that article that I have been able to find online is this paper...
  4. P

    I Dark energy questioning Relativity?

    Forgive my naive understanding of these topics. I have a layman's interest in science and follow all the popular science I can, but I'm certainly not a physicist and even my degree in mathematics is now all but forgotten in the past. But I have two questions (the other I'll post in another...
  5. B

    I Are dark matter and dark energy caused by same phenomenon?

    After watching a two-part program Everything/Nothing, a thought occurred to me when the discussion turned to particles popping in and out of 'empty' space. Could these particles be numerous enough in the vast space between stars to be responsible for the gravity holding stars together in...
  6. Sachabloke

    B Exploring Dark Energy: Relativity and the Expansion of Space

    Consider a particle traveling near the speed of light towards a planet- relativity states that the space according to the particle shrinks between the particle and the planet as the particle accelerates toward the planet. My question is - would the space behind the particle expand relative to an...
  7. DuckAmuck

    I Universe Expansion: Does Speed of Motion Matter?

    So the universe is expanding, and galaxies are getting farther apart from one another on average. Does this motion count the same as ordinary motion, in that if a galaxy is being expanded away from us at 0.5c, that clocks in that galaxy would appear to tick slower at 0.866 the rate of clocks here?
  8. Ken Lehn

    B Is Dark Energy Born at the Big Bang or Continually Created?

    Was all dark energy "born" at the moment of the Big Bang? Or does it "spring" into existence continually?
  9. Vamsi9955

    B Can String Theory Be Tested and Solve Cosmic Mysteries?

    The fundamental building blocks of the universe is thought of super strings, if proved can solve the mysteries of the universe but if proved than how? And how can it solve the mysteries of dark energy &dark matter and black holes?
  10. Michaela SJ

    B Dark Energy & Matter: Exploring the Big Bang

    Ok, this question is prompted by watching a TV program on the Big Bang - sorry! Right after inflation, there was a flood of matter/anti-matter. The matter/anti-matter went through a period of annihilation but there was a residual amount of (anti-)matter left that has become our physical...
  11. Y

    I What will eventually happen to all EM waves / photons?

    I'm not an expert in this matter, and at best only aware of some superficial facts and a layman's understanding of them. So please forgive me for any ignorant mistakes in my thoughts, and kindly point them out to me. Going by the Lambda-CDM model, the expansion of the Universe will eventually...
  12. Ranku

    I Was Dark Energy Dominant Over Matter in Early Universe?

    Recent observations report w < -1.3 for z > 1.5. What was the dark energy density compared to matter density during that time? Was the universe briefly accelerating?
  13. R

    Question About Conservation of Energy, the Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy

    I am confused about the cosmological constant and dark energy. In the most accepted theory, energy is created as the vacuum of space expands. This contravenes the conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy does not hold in curved spacetime but isn't our universe flat spacetime ...
  14. cHaRLie Bi0NiC

    B Quantum entanglement mechanics

    I should clarify, I am a linux administrator by trade and I have no physics or scientific background outside of working at a medical institute, So if my ideas are off and seem wild and misguided, please forgive my ignorance, and while you are at it be grateful for a fresh perspective. (joke) So...
  15. Brunolem33

    B Questions regarding energy in the universe

    As I am watching the current season of How the Universe Works, I am a bit confused when listening to physicists talking about energy as if it was a thing. The way I understand it, energy doesn't exist by itself, but is rather the result of interactions involving matter. Energy is released...
  16. Ranku

    I Variable Dark Energy: Would P Remain Constant?

    If dark energy density were to vary with time, in the equation of state w = p/ρ, would p remain constant and only ρ vary?
  17. A

    I Difference between dark energy and dark matter

    From the rotation curve of spiral galaxy it is found that the entire mass is not concentrated at the centre but for large distance from the central core it varies linearly with r for which the velocities(rotational) of the objects far from the central core remains nearly constt. and near to the...
  18. A

    I Dark energy and the rotation curve of spiral galaxies

    Recently I have studied that from the rotation curve of spiral galaxies, the nearly constt. behaviour of velocity of the stars situated far away from the central core suggests mass(r) ~ r ,rather than 1/√r as expected. Are there any other theory which proves the existence of dark energy ??
  19. S

    B Is Dark Energy really the best term?

    Is Dark Energy the best term for a phenomenon that shares little resemblance to Energy as we understand it? Dark Energy seems to be a mysterious force that expands the spatial fabric of the universe over long distances, has little or no effect on gravitationally bound objects (except on a...
  20. Chris Ian Burkinshaw

    A Unification of dark energy and dark matter

    Dr James Farnes of Oxford's e-Research Centre recently proposed a new model which unifies dark energy and dark matter into a single phenomenon - a fluid which possesses "negative mass". https://news.sky.com/story/mystery-of-dark-matter-may-have-been-solved-by-oxford-scientists-11572089 The paper...
  21. Ranku

    I Calculating dark energy and matter density

    What is the easiest way to calculate dark energy and matter density at any given age of the universe?
  22. P

    I Interpreting the Behavior of Galaxies in an Expanding Universe

    So I know that we believe that most galaxies are moving with a high velocity away from us. We also know that the galaxies are accelerating away from us (not only that, but they are jerking away from us as well, as in the value of the acceleration away from us is increasing), and we use dark...
  23. DLeuPel

    I Measuring the Effects of Dark Energy on Bound Objects: An Experimental Study

    I’m thinking about modifying some force related equations to include dark energy in them for an essay on physics. My reasoning is that if it can separate galaxies the objects in our day to day lives must also have a small tendency to move apart. To do so, I have to dispose of an already done...
  24. Andy_K

    B Expansion or Attraction: What's Driving Our Universe?

    First of all, sorry for my naive question here which likely doesn't make sense. The universe is currently expanding with galaxies receding from each other at increasingly faster pace. Is it possible that the universe is a closed hypersphere system, where galaxies are actually not actively...
  25. K

    I What would happen if dark energy density decreased?

    Dark energy density at this time is a constant and our universe is expanding (accelerating). This is expected to continue indefinitely. What would happen, if for some unknown reason, dark energy density started to decrease? If over time, in billion of years or longer, dark energy density...
  26. wolram

    B Dark Energy Fluids: Read the Latest Research

    Although I am unable to judge this paper it should make an interesting read to toughs that can. https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.00269
  27. Inani Schroedinger

    I Is the expansion actually accelerating? Or does it just appear so?

    I pulled this quote from an article on the Hubble Constant: "...for example, if the Hubble Constant was determined to be 50 km/s/Mpc, a galaxy at 10 Mpc, would have a redshift corresponding to a radial velocity of 500 km/s." In this illustration provided from the article, if this was the...
  28. M

    A Decoding Hubble Data: Acceleration and Age of the Universe

    this graph: http://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/112/11/3173/F1.large.jpg?width=800&height=600&carousel=1 from: http://www.pnas.org/content/112/11/3173 can be found on many sites. the origin is D=0 and t=0. cosmology claims the universe is accelerating over time. the graph shows acceleration over...
  29. R

    B Universe's Flatness: Mass, Gravity, Dark Energy Explained

    So, this is a bit of an odd question, but something I was curious about. I recently learned in layman's terms that the universe is considered flat because of how we measure triangles in 3D space, in particular the CMB. I've also learned that the cosmological constant that was derived from GR...
  30. R

    B Threshold of gravitational pull over dark energy

    I’m only an interested layman and my math is pretty basic so please excuse my lack expertise in this subject but I was wondering how to calculate the threshold distance an object of mass m would have to be to a system of mass M to overcome the effects of dark energy and not be receding?
  31. K

    A Dark energy = cosmological constant, any problems with that?

    So I recently had a conversation with a mathematician friend of mine who studies Einstein's equations, and he asked me this: Why do physicists call it "dark energy"? It isn't like the dark matter problem, where there is almost certainly some massive "stuff" out there gravitationally influencing...
  32. Peter Morgan

    A Generalized free fields as dark matter?

    @vanhees71 reminds us that which suggests something I've wondered about for a while, whether dark matter might be adequately modeled by generalized free fields, which do not have asymptotic free states. Ray Streater, in Rep. Prog. Phys. 1975 38 771-846, "Outline of axiomatic relativistic...
  33. T

    I Is dark energy the inflow of a universal black hole?

    Articles refer to white holes being associated with dark energy. What if dark energy is a larger version of the following process? Black holes banish matter into cosmic voids Some of the matter falling towards the [supermassive black] holes is converted into energy. This energy is delivered to...
  34. Q

    I Can dark matter explain dark energy?

    Why do we need the theory of dark energy? I know the it is claimed that dark-matter has no affect on the electromagnetic spectrum. How do we know the affects attributed to dark-energy aren't affects caused by dark-matter? Dark-energy is claimed to be causing the universe to expand at an...
  35. Teslascience

    I Do dark matter and dark energy have an effect on the red shift?

    Do dark matter and energy affect on red shift phenomena? If yes, what, and what is the consequence of it?
  36. A

    I Exploring the Effects of Dark Energy on Extremely Large Black Holes

    Ordinarily a black hole’s Schwarzschild radius is linearly proportional to its mass. However, wouldn’t there be a deviation from this rule for extremely large black holes? Suppose we assume dark energy is due to a cosmological constant, whose value is the same everywhere (including inside the...
  37. The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to the Meaning of Life - with Sean Carroll

    The Big Picture: From the Big Bang to the Meaning of Life - with Sean Carroll

    The talk, given at the Royal Institution in October 2016, will take us on a breath-taking journey from the origin of the Universe, through the evolution of life and consciousness, to the eternal question of what it all really means.
  38. Q&A The Big Picture - with Sean Carroll

    Q&A The Big Picture - with Sean Carroll

    Dr Sean Carroll is an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology. He has written a variety of popular science books along with textbooks and has long been interested in the biggest questions in astronomy: Where does probability come from? How does time work? What is dark matter?
  39. K

    B Dark energy causing universe expansion?

    What is the dark energy which apparently is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate?
  40. sergiokapone

    I Stress–energy pseudotensor of gravitation field for DE

    Suppose we have Einstein equation for *Universe free of matter* in form \begin{equation} G_{ik} = \chi T_{ik}, \end{equation} where the cosmological constant $\Lambda$ is transferred to the RHS of equation and written in the form of stress–energy tensor of Dark Energy...
  41. pixelperfect

    I If Dark Matter and Dark Energy exist, what produces them?

    My query is really to find out what everybody thinks about 'empty space'. Does dark matter/energy exist and if so, it fills all voids in the universe? Where does it come from? Is it produced by some force? Without DM/DE, does space even exist? Say the supernovas, the collision of neutron stars...
  42. F

    I Is the Friedmann Space-Time Observable Without Dark Energy?

    I'm not quit sure whether we had this paper here already, since it is a couple of weeks old. I've seen it here https://phys.org/news/2017-12-dark-energy-mathematicians-alternative-explanation.html and I'm somehow fascinated by the idea to get rid of dark energy as only explanation of current...
  43. C

    I Dark Matter and Dark Energy Conundrum

    Question 1: Do the calculations/models for galactic structure, the basis for the missing 6x mass problem that created the notion of "Dark Matter," include any factor/variable or set of variables that account for space-time dilation due to relativistic effects caused by the super-massive black...
  44. P

    I Dark matter and energy may not exist?

    https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171122113013.htm How plausible does this seem?
  45. S

    A What would happen if dark energy was injected into a black hole?

    As I understand it, if you were to inject lots of dark energy into the molten core of a planet, the planet would inflate like a bubble over time until the forces of dark energy and gravity were in balance or until the bubble popped. If you were to inject dark energy into the interior of a black...
  46. bbbl67

    I Dark Energy and the Cyclic Universe?

    Now two points here. (1) Most Cyclic Universe theories I've heard require the universe to reverse course and fall back into a Big Crunch to recycle again. Now that Dark Energy has been discovered, the chances of a Big Crunch have gone away. (2) Some theories suggest that the universe started...
  47. D

    B What is dark energy in the fabric of space-time?

    I know that according to Einstein's theory of relativity, space-time is like a fabric which can be pliable. Gravity is the shape, or the warping of that fabric. In this analogy, what would dark energy (the unknown form of energy that is causing the universe to expand) be?
  48. W

    I Dark Energy Not Constant: New Claims

    New claims being made dark energy is not a cosmological constant. http://inspirehep.net/record/1511241?ln=en Any thoughts?
  49. caters

    I Could Gravity Ever Be Negative?

    Now, I know that it is theoretically possible for negative mass to exist and for negative energy to exist. But any gravity would act on all objects and all energy, no matter if that mass and energy is positive or negative. So negative gravity would for example, pull a person upwards. Now yes, I...