What is decreasing: Definition and 205 Discussions

In mathematics, a monotonic function (or monotone function) is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order. This concept first arose in calculus, and was later generalized to the more abstract setting of order theory.

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  1. I

    If Hubbles constant is decreasing?

    To what extent is it decreasing? If it reaches zero, wouldn't all the galaxies light eventually reach us? If so, why do astrophysicists say that some galaxies light will never reach us?
  2. A

    In a solution of 0.10 M H2SO4, the ions present in order of decreasing order.

    Homework Statement The answer is [ H3O+ ] > [HSO4-]>[SO4-2]>[OH-], but I do not understand how they got it? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution First I tried to put H2SO4 into water and got HSO4-. Then I tried to make an ice table, but it didn't work out since Ka for...
  3. P

    Logarithim question decreasing in value

    Logarithim question "decreasing in value" Homework Statement The Radioactivity (R) of a substance can be modeled using the equation: R = A x 2 ^ -Bt Where R is measured in becquerels per gram, t is measured in hours and A and B are constants. If a substance has an initial...
  4. T

    About a monotonically decreasing f, does it exist a theorem that says

    Homework Statement I have y=2x*f(x). f is strictly monotonically decreasing, non-negative, derivable and continuous in the close interval [0,c] with c>=1. it doesn't change its concavity in the interval, maybe beside at x=c/2. Note that 2x has the same properties but is monotonically...
  5. A

    Explaining Decreasing Binding Energy of Outermost Electron in Alkali Atoms

    I know this question is fairly easy, but I'm completely flabbergasted by it. I'm sure it has to do with the Ionization energy, I'm just really confused by the negative values for the binding energies. Anyway here is the question. The absolute value of the binding energy of the outermost...
  6. F

    Lim |f(x)| = +infty and f decreasing implies lim f(x) = +infty

    Homework Statement If f is defined on (a,b), \lim_{x \to a^{+}} |f(x)| = +\infty and f is decreasing on (a,b), show that \lim_{x \to a^{+}} f(x) = +\infty. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution If \lim_{x \to a^{+}} |f(x)| = +\infty, then \forall M > 0, \exists \delta > 0...
  7. B

    A falling object of decreasing mass.

    The problem is: A snowball is dropped from the top of a building, evaporation causes the mass m of the snowball to decrease at a rate proportional to the snowball's speed as the snowball falls, so that M' = k * abs(y') where y denotes the vertical distance from the ground and k is a...
  8. E

    Why Does CuNi Have Decreasing Resistivity with Increasing Temperature?

    I've been googling around but i seems not able to find why CuNi have decreasing resistivity when temperature is increased at the range of 20 celcius - 80 celcius. Please enlighten me! thanks a bunch!
  9. J

    Decreasing sequence of subharmonic functions

    Homework Statement Let u(z) be a continuous function from D to [-inf, inf) (In the extended field sense which includes -inf). Suppose u_n (z) is a decreasing sequence of subharmonic functions on D such that u_n converges to a function v pointwisely. Show that v(z) is subharmonic. Homework...
  10. D

    Bernoulli's Equation and decreasing pressure

    My mind is struggling trying to understand how a decrease in pressure can increase the velocity and vise versa for a fluid that is flowing through a tube of some kind. I've always thought that if you increase the amount of pressure then the velocity should also increase. It appears that they...
  11. A

    Decreasing temperature using pressure

    Hi everyone, Since there is a clear relation between temperature and pressure, I would like to know if it is possible, at the simplicity of our homes, to design a simple experiment where, one can decrease the temperature of an object (liquid, gas or solid) just by varying the pressure levels...
  12. S

    Basic question: First derivative test to detect whether a function is decreasing

    If the first derivative of a function f from R to R is negative on [a,b], it IS right to say that the function is decreasing on [a,b] right? Are there any other ways of showing that the function is decreasing on [a,b]?
  13. Ranku

    Accelerating universe, decreasing hubble constant

    I wanted to know a bit more about the fact that in the presently accelerating expansion of the universe the Hubble constant is still decreasing. When the universe was decelerating the Hubble constant was decreasing. It is still decreasing in an accelerating universe. Does that mean the Hubble...
  14. X

    Young's double slit experiment decreasing distance

    what the advantage of decreasing the distance between slits in a Young double slit experiment? i think to have the laser move closer to the screen
  15. L

    Increasing and decreasing function

    Homework Statement y= x √6-x^2 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  16. S

    Which Is Greater: f(-2) or f(10)?

    Would you please help me with the question: The graph of derivative f'(x)= (1/4)x(x-6) is given. What value is greater f(-2) or f(10)? It is permitted to sketch f(x) using f'(x) graph, but you can not take the integral of f'(x) directly.
  17. C

    Finding the Number of Cubes in the Middle of a Decreasing Cube Tower

    if you where to take something like a sugar cube stack it into a tower 6 cubes high than on each of the 4 sides stack sugar cubes in a decreasing amount so there are 6 cubes in the middle and 5 surrounding it on the four sides , then 4 surrounding that then 3, and so on. What I need is an...
  18. E

    Non-Negative, Decreasing Sequence: If series converges then lim n*a_n = 0

    Homework Statement Let {a_n} be positive, decreasing. Show that if a_1 + a_2 + a_3 + ... converges then lim n * a_n = 0. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution Consider the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... . Observe that [a_n] / [1 / n] = n * a_n . Since 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 +...
  19. E

    Generating monotonic decreasing functions

    OK, this is an odd request, but is there some way or existing list of monotonic decreasing functions? The limitations I have are: - f is monotonic and decreasing. - f(0) = a, a is a real constant; f(1) = 1 ( or simply, passes through (0,a) and (1,1) ) - Cartesian equations, most preferably. I...
  20. K

    Showing increasing or decreasing

    Homework Statement Is f increasing or decreasing on f(x)=2x^3+3x^2-36x+5 on [-1,1] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution f'(x)<0 for all x in (a,b), then x,y and x, y in [a,b] implies f(x)>f(y) and f is decreasing
  21. R

    Finding intervals of increasing, decreasing, concavity and inflection points

    Homework Statement let g(x)=2x^5-10x^3=15x-3. find the intervals on which G is increasing and decreasing. and find the intervals of concavity and the inflection points Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i know how to find the increasing and decreasing intervals. i just...
  22. P

    Circular motion with decreasing radius

    Homework Statement A ball is tied around a vertical cylinder with radius R by an unstrechable rope, moving around the cylinder horizontally with initial velocity v0 and initial length of rope from the tangent of cylinder L0. How long the ball takes to strike the cylinder? (the friction is...
  23. E

    Calculating Acceleration Rate in a Decreasing Pipe

    Homework Statement A pipe is designed to have its cross sectional area decreasing linearly from 12-inch diameter to 6-inch diameter. What is the acceleration rate at a section 10 inches from the ending section of 12-inch pipe at time = 3 sec? The volume flow rate Q=2t cfs (note: t is in sec)...
  24. A

    How to show that f(x) = x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 is never decreasing

    Homework Statement Show f(x) = x^3-x^2+x-1 is never decreasing.2. The attempt at a solution f(x) = x^3-x^2+x-1 f'(x) = 3x^2 - 2x + 1 f''(x) = 6x - 23. The problem that I'm facing I don't understand what it means by never decreasing. Do I say that when differentiates, it gives a positive...
  25. S

    Angular momentum of a charged insulator ring in a decreasing magnetic field

    Homework Statement Consider a thin ring of mass m that has a radius a and negligible width. The ring lies in a horizontal plan. The ring is an insulator and carries a fixed charge q that is uniformly distributed around its circumference. The ring is located in a magnetic field of strength B_0...
  26. E

    Measure of limit of decreasing sequence

    If E_1, E_2, ... is a sequence (of subsets of R^n) that decreases to E (i.e. E_m+1 is a subset of E_m for all m, and E = intersection of all the E_m's) and some E_k has finite (lebesgue) measure, i.e. lambda(E_k) is finite it is a known result that the measure of E is equal to the limit of...
  27. rocomath

    Find Where Y=cosx is Decreasing: -π to π

    Hmm ... I did this problem for a friend. From what x values is y=cos x decreasing from -\pi\leq x\leq\pi http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/3876/baocu5.jpg [/URL] *it should be -\frac{\pi}{2} \ \mbox{not} \ -\frac{3\pi}{2} It's decreasing from (0,\pi) but the answer she gave me from the back...
  28. M

    Finding Values of a Function (increasing, decreasing, IPs, etc.)

    So the function is f(x) = 2 + 3x^{2} - x^{4} Find the intervals of increase + decrease, local max + min value, inflection points (IP), interval the function is concave up + down I know that I need to first find f'(x) to find the increase and decrease, so I solved that: f'(x) = 6x -...
  29. S

    Decreasing humidity level in office

    Hi all, i have been assigned a task to decrease humidity level in a office environment. Since the office is located in tropic areas, therefore the surrounding air humidity is always around 80-90%. However, the office is equipped with centralized air conditioning, ACMV system. Current...
  30. S

    Decreasing grain size with element addition

    Hello, I have found that in some processing cases that additional elements are added to metals which result in increased potential for smaller grain size. Does anyone know why this is so? Am I signiificantly misunderstanding the issue? Thanks, -scott
  31. daniel_i_l

    Monotonically decreasing function

    Homework Statement True or false: 1) If f:R->R is a monotonically decreasing function then every discontinues point of f has finate right and left limits which are unequal. 2) I is some finate segment where a<b and a,b in R. If every continues function defined in I has a maximum and a...
  32. M

    Decreasing Magnetism of Electromagnet

    Hey guys. I am perhaps in the wrong section but the coursework help forum didn't seem right. My question is concerning the decrease in magnetism of an electromagnet. I have a ball hanging from an elctromagnet which will have the power source removed instantly. There may be some delay...
  33. murshid_islam

    Question: Can the Decreasing Sequence be Proven Using Different Methods?

    i have to prove that the sequence {ak} is decreasing, where \{a_k\} = \{\left({1+\frac{1}{k}}\right)^{-k}\} this is what i did: a_k = {\left(\frac{k}{k+1}}\right)^k a_{k+1}-a_{k} = {\left(\frac{k+1}{k+2}}\right)^{k+1}-{\left(\frac{k}{k+1}}\right)}^{k} =...
  34. C

    Increasing comforts - > Decreasing Happiness ?

    Increasing comforts - > Decreasing Happiness ? My value education sir gave us this topic for group discussion. He told us that a survey was conducted which showed that Bangladesh was among the happiest rated countries in the world while several developed nations were lower down the rating...
  35. S

    Understand Decreasing Function: Limit g'(x) at Infinity

    Now what should I look up to understand a question like this one: Function h is decreasing on the interval [4,infinity) and lim h(x)(with x approaching infinity)=8, what would be the limit g'(x)(with x approaching infinity)? I don't nessicarily need the answer, but could someone point me...
  36. S

    What is the limit of g'(x) on the interval (a, ∞) as x approaches infinity?

    When a question asks along the lines of : "If a function (g) is decrasing on the interval {x,x)...What would the limg'(x) be (As it approaches infinity)" What are they looking for? and whatequation am I using? I'm not looking for too much info on how to do, but which direction should I go...
  37. C

    From decreasing sequences to decreasing functions

    Hello. I know this: If (a_n) is a bounded below decreasing sequence, then lim (a_n) = inf { a_n / n = 1,... } n->oo How to translate this to real functions ? I mean, I have read that: lim (sup { f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e}) = e->0 inf { sup {f(x) / 0< |x-a|< e} / e >...
  38. H

    Prove "Monotone Decreasing" of (1 + 1/x)^(x+1)

    Here's another one I'm doing just for the fun of it.. "prove that (1 + 1/x) ^ (x + 1) is monotone decreasing" Okie Dokie.. If it just said show it, I'd be happy. Just plug in n=2, 3, 4.. and it is easy enough to observe that each term is decreasing. But to prove it is monotone...
  39. T

    Angular Momentum of Earth Decreasing

    Does anyone know for sure if it's true that the angular momentum of the Earth has been decreasing, and that therefore the Earth is slowing down in it's orbit around the Sun, and is currently several "months" behind where it should be, in orbit?
  40. R

    Atypical definition of decreasing function

    1 few days ago i saw a "strange" definition of a decreasing function in the web, but i can't find it now. there were three relationships, and when showing that one implies another, you could tell that the function is decreasing. one relationship looked like this: f(x)=\frac{1}{x} does it look...
  41. A

    Value of increasing or decreasing of the set

    Simple statistical question. Lets say that we have set of values: 45 40 30 36 11 10 75 102 113 125 137 140 149 you can see that it has a good tendency to increase (even if we have decrease in the middle). But in set: 68 33 21 31 7 7 13 123 21 33 67 64 29 9 5 87...
  42. T

    Where is x^3 + 12x + 5 increasing and decreasing

    Find intervals on which f(x)=-x^3 + 12x +5 , -3<x<3 is increasing and decreasing. Where does the function assume extreme values and what are these values ? does anybody knows how to do this??
  43. C

    Mitosis at Telophase: Decreasing Cells

    decreases during the stage of mitosis...at which point specifically? Telophase?
  44. A

    Is the inernal energy of the universe decreasing?

    cause the universe is expanding so it s doing work is increasing and the total Q energy in the universe is constant so Q(constant) = U + W(increasing) so U is decreasing?
  45. S

    Does Decreasing Final Velocity Increase Impulse?

    If I decrease vf, will I deliver greater impulse?
  46. U

    Decreasing Function: Understanding Why g is Decreasing at x=2 and x=-2

    the question is http://home.earthlink.net/~urban-xrisis/clip_image002.jpg The answer is A but I don't understand why the function g would be decreasing when x=2 and x=-2
  47. C

    Increasing and Decreasing Functions

    Hello all y = \frac {1}{4} x^4 - \frac {2}{3}x^3 + \frac {1}{2}x^2 - 3 Find the exact intervals in which the function is (a) increasing (b) decreasing (c) concave up (d) concave down Then find (e) local extrema (f) inflection points So I found \frac {dy}{dx} = x^3 -...
  48. C

    Increasing and Decreasing Intervals

    Hello all If you are given the function y = x - 3e^-x^2 and you want to find the intervals where the function is increasing and decreasing, concavity, inflection points and any local extreme values, would I first find the derivative? My work If f(x) = x - 3e^-x^2 then f'(x) =...
  49. D

    Is an analogus function useful for proving sequence monotonicity?

    Folks, This is the solution I have for a problem in my textbook regarding sequences. I just need to know whether I have the right idea in mind. Thank you very much! We can use an analogus function to show that the sequence given by a_{n+1} = \sqrt{2+a_n} \quad a_1 = \sqrt{2}...
  50. H

    Calculating Probability in Magic: The Gathering with a Decreasing Deck

    Hi everyone, I have no background in Probability and Statistics, but I do understand some Calculus, so I think I will be able to understand your answer if you so choose to answer. The game is called Magic: The Gathering. In this game you build a deck of sixty cards or more, but sixty...