Derive Definition and 628 Threads

  1. C

    Using Log Theorem to Derive Terms in Calculus 2

    I'm taking cal 2 right now and i missed the part in cal 1 where he talked about "log theorem". Now this guy tells us that he's lazy when he corrects exams and if we don't use the log theorem to derive a term then he won't correct that term. I've looked on the net but couldn't find explanation or...
  2. M

    How to derive air drag formula?

    Hello, I have very interesting physics problem. But i really have no idea how to solve it... Maybe somebody can give me some useful hints? Here we go: "Air drag (air resistance, drag) is a resisitvie force which is the result of a moving object colliding with air molecules. Dervie the drag...
  3. H

    Derive most trigonometric identities from the addition formulas

    In the same way that it is possible to derive most trigonometric identities from the addition formulas, what is the way that the difference of sines and cosines formulas were derived, such as \sin{a}-\sin{b}=2\cos{\frac{a+b}{2}}\sin{\frac{a-b}{2}} thanks, I am trying to avoid as much...
  4. I

    Can't Derive Friction From Equation

    A question that I've spent hours on, but still can't seem to extract friction from it: 10.) A flight attendant pulls her 70.0N flight bag a distance of 253m along a level airport floor a a constant velocity. The force she exerts is 40.0N an angle of 52.0 Degrees horizontal. Find the...
  5. R

    How do you derive this x^(x/8)=4x

    How do you derivate this: x^(x/8)=4x Can anyone help?
  6. B

    Derive the force from different spring configurations

    Does anyone know a website that will derive the force from different spring configurations, i.e. two springs in series with different spring constants. I would just like to be able to understand and work with any combination of springs: two in series, connected to 3 in parallel connected to one...
  7. P

    Derive the volume of a sphere.

    The forumula for 2¶r can intergrated to make ¶r^2 (at least I think). So can anyone derive the volume of a sphere 4/3¶r^3?
  8. T

    Derive Centripetal Force Expression with T^2, m, R

    I'm asked to derive the mathematical expression for the erlationship of centripetal force as a function of T, m, and R. I've found, from data, that F=0.615/T^2 = 0.05m = 1/4R how would I bring it all together to form one equation involving T^2, m, and R? Any help, thanks.
  9. E

    Beta decay - derive an expression relating source angle to energy

    Hi guys, Need a spot of help as i can't seem to find where to go next :( Ok, so there is a source which emits beta particles (currently unknown whether they are positrons or electrons). It can move at an angle +/- 90 degrees to the GM tube. I need to find an expression for the energy of the...
  10. A

    Derive a trigonometric equation for the volume of the cone

    A circular cone is inscribed in a sphere with a radius of 30cm. The semi vertical angle is theta. Derive a trigonometric equation for the volume of the cone. This has be stumped. I tried looking up proofs for the expression of the volume of a cone for inspiration but all involve calculus.
  11. M

    How to derive coefficient of friction?

    I have a box at rest on a plane raised to the critical angle. I need to derive the formula \mu_s=mgtan(\theta) I know f_s/n=\mu n=f_y=mgcos(\theta) f_s=f_x=mgsin(\theta) This leaves me with tan(\theta)=\mu cause the mg cancel out... what did I do wrong?
  12. I

    Need to derive the distance formula from the acceleration due to gravity

    Pretty much like the title says. I'm having a hard time finding where the formula: d=1/2gt^2 comes from. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. L

    Question regarding tensors derive acceleration in polar form

    I'm having trouble with this question. It's from Rindler's Introduction to Special Relativity which I'm going through myself. I'm just starting to learn about tensors. <<<<i) A vector A^i has components \dot{x}, \dot{y} in rectangular Cartesian coordinates; what are its components in polar...
  14. T

    How to derive the coefficient of thermal expansion?

    Hi! How to relate the Young's Modulus with the coefficient of linear thermal expansion? It is known that they are inversely proportional to each other, but how to prove this?
  15. H

    (Projectile Motion)How to derive the equation?

    (Projectile Motion)How to derive the equation?? I made a device which use elastic band to launch a ping pong ball. I have measured the distance traveled with different length of stretch at constant 36 degree launch angle. The graph plotted out is kind of curved, not straight line. And now I am...
  16. S

    How do you derive the tidal force equation?

    I've been trying to derive the Roche Limit and have been successful for the most part but out of curiosity i was wondering how the tidal force equation was derived to be: -2GMmr/d^3 ?? Also on a related note i always get the constant at the front of the Roche Limit equation to be the cube...
  17. E

    I have to derive my own equation, I

    I am programming a software which generates random (or close too) numbers. I am adding a multi-player feature to it. I ask the user how many players there are (variable P'), and how many turns in a row each player gets (variable e, for every). I also know the total amount of global turns that...
  18. G

    Derive a formula for blackbody radiation

    when we derive a formula for blackbody radiation, we say that each electromagnetic mode has energy nhf, n is an integer, h is Planck's constant f is the frequency of the radiation. We interpret n as the number of photons per mode. However, a deeper QM analysis involves replacing the...
  19. C

    How do we derive the equilibrium constant formula?

    How do we derive the equilibrium constant formula? ie: Kc= [C]^c*[D]^d/ [A]^a*^b Thanks in advance. :smile:
  20. C

    Can the equation e=mc2 be derived?

    Can anyone derive the equation e=mc2 for me. :approve:
  21. D

    How to derive Coulomb's Law using F=eE

    I didn't know where else to post this, so sorry if this is the wrong subforum. Anyway, I bought myself a physics textbook for self-teaching purposes. I decided to take a look at its Fields chapters, and now I know how to derive Coulomb's Law using F=eE and Φ=∫ E dS. Right, so how advanced is...
  22. E

    Help me derive Lagrange's Trigonometric Identity

    Using the fact that z=e^ibeta and the identity 1 + z + z^2...+z^n=1-z^(n+1)/1-z Help me derive 1 + cosbeta +cos2beta + ... +cosnbeta= 1/2 + sin((2n+1)beta/2)/2sin(beta/2) where beta is between 0 and 2pi
  23. M

    Trying to derive the time dilation formula

    Hey everyone, I am doing relativisitc physics right now, and in my notes the following formula was derived. t' = t\sqrt{1- \frac{v^2}{c^2}} they use two main pictures to describe this, they are. I am just wondering if...
  24. P

    Derive Linear and Angular Acceleration from A Force and a Point of application

    Setting the Stage: A uniform sphere has a mass of 100 kilograms and a radius of 10 meters. It is located at [0,0,0] It is in static equilibrium. We are in constant time. We are in a vacuum, there is no gravity, friction, or any other forces to act upon our sphere. We are using a...
  25. A

    Einstein did not derive E =mc2 first

    Origin and escalation of mass-energy equation E=mc^2 Ajay Sharma Community Science Centre. DOE. Post Box 107 Shimla 171001 HP INDIA Email , Einstein’s...
  26. jimmy p

    Physics teacher wanted me to understand how to derive

    My Physics teacher wanted me to understand how to derive a=v^2/r using the equations v=d/t, \omega=\theta/t and arc length=r\theta but when it came down to it, i had brain freeze..and when my teacher looked at it, he had brain freeze. This isn't part of my syllabus but i was wondering how you...
  27. M

    Derive the following, for any integer k

    I really need someone to answer this by tomorrow 12/01 10:50 am pacific time... 1) Derive the following, for any integer k. infinity SUM OF: 1/(n^(2k)) = ((2(pi))^(2k)(-1)^(k+1)B2k ) /(2(2k)!) n=1 where Bn is defined by the following, for |x| < 2(pi). ````````````infinity (x)/(e^(x)-1)...
  28. J

    Derive the equation Vi/Vtot = robject /rfluid

    Realy Confused? I’m really confused. I have 2 questions and I was wondering if anybody can help me. (1) First question: to Derive the equation Vi/Vtot = robject /rfluid . The only other information given is a picture of an oval vertical shaped object that by looking at the picture is...