Derive Definition and 620 Threads

The dérive (French: [de.ʁiv], "drift") is a revolutionary strategy originally put forward in the "Theory of the Dérive" (1956) by Guy Debord, a member at the time of the Letterist International. Debord defines the dérive as "a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances." It is an unplanned journey through a landscape, usually urban, in which participants drop their everyday relations and "let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there". Though solo dérives are possible, Debord indicates that the most fruitful numerical arrangement consists of several small groups of two or three people who have reached the same level of awareness, since cross-checking these different groups' impressions makes it possible to arrive at more objective conclusions.The dérive's goals include studying the terrain of the city (psychogeography) and emotional disorientation, both of which lead to the potential creation of Situations.

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  1. mesa

    How to derive the surface area of a sphere?

    So, I have been trying to figure out how to derive the equation for the surface area of a sphere. All attempts have resulted in colossal failure and as such are not even worth posting on the forum. I know Archimedes was the first to come up with the formula but I have not been able to find...
  2. L

    Derive the Electric Field Outside an Ideal Conductor

    Homework Statement Begin from the expression of the electric field outside an infinite sheet of uniform surface charge density, E=\frac{σ}{2\epsilon}. Derive the electric field just outside an ideal conductor: E=\frac{σ}{\epsilon}. Do NOT use Gauss's law. Homework Equations Not sure...
  3. jeffer vitola

    MATLAB Mistakes in Matlab, Wolfram, Derive and Ti Nspire

    hello remember not speak English and use a translator on line, together some pictures to show some errors,from a simple integral or easy to those who are not as oscillatory integrals, when I worked and ask oscillatory integrals or approximate numerical answers, also when try plot a complex...
  4. E

    Using calculus to derive the volume of a pyramid

    Homework Statement Use calculus to derive the volume of a pyramid The Attempt at a Solution There's probably a simpler way to go about this, but I wanted a challenge. I decided to calculate 1/4 of the pyramid in the first octant and then multiply my final answer by 4. First we have...
  5. E

    Constructing Trigonometric Identities: A Geometric Approach for Solving ODEs

    Can't figure out how they're constructed. I'm guessing it would be geometric in nature. It would be nice to be able to derive at least a few of the ones I inevitably forget through disuse. Math level: ordinary differential equations.
  6. T

    How to derive 3D body motion from accelerometers

    Hello All, Is is possible to the derive pitch, roll and translational acceleration, and the location of pitch and roll axes from a set of tri-axial accelerometers mounted on a rigid body? My initial though is that 3 accelerometers might be sufficient, but not sure. I need to do figure out the...
  7. Lebombo

    How to derive [itex]\lim_{n\rightarrow ∞} \frac{1-r^{N+1}}{1-r}[/itex]

    How is \lim_{n\rightarrow ∞} \frac{1-r^{N+1}}{1-r} derived? Is it directly related to S_{n}=\frac{a(1-r^{n})}{1-r}? If so, how does the r^{n} become r^{n+1} and how does the a disappear? I've seen how to derive S_{n}=\frac{a(1-r^{n})}{1-r}, but have never come across...
  8. M

    Can one derive all of physics from the 5 fundamental force equations?

    If one knew the equations for the 5 fundamental forces, would that not explain the entirety of all physical phenomenon in the universe? (Presuming there were not undiscovered forces?) Or would something like quantum mechanics not be explainable via those interactions? Does the nature of the 5...
  9. O

    How to Derive constant of total back/counter EMF for DC motors?

    Hi, I have been reading around about back EMF and their derivations for simple DC motors. However for some reason, the step between obtaining the total emf of the motor from summing the individual emf of the coils is not very clear. For example: Induced emf due to single coil: e = d∅_c/dt...
  10. G

    How to derive or verify Hartree product?

    Happy summer...ish! I am reading the lecture/presentation at: In slide two, they outline the Hartree product, but can anyone give a hint about how it's derived, or how to verify it? Put another way, can someone give me...
  11. U

    Derive all four propositional logic operators from nand

    So I recently learned that you can derive all four of the propositional logic operators (~, V, &, →) from Nand alone. As I have understood it, so long as you have negation, and one of the other operators, you can derive the rest. Like P → Q can be defined as ~P V Q. However, I learned that...
  12. H

    Expand and derive the planck occupanncy

    Homework Statement The average energy of a harmonic oscillator is written using Boltzman statistics as: <ε> = (<n> +.5) = \frac{\sum_{n} ε_{n} exp \frac{-ε_{n}}{kt}}{\sum_{n} exp \frac{-ε_{n}}{kt}} Expand the expontentials and hence derive the Planck Occupancy <n> = n(ω,T)...
  13. Q

    Derive relationship between radioactive constant and half life

    Hi, I was wondering how to derive relationship between radiocative constant and half life, which is t1/2=ln2/b, where b=decay constant. It seemed like the it was just replaced into the equation A=A0(1/2)t/t1/2. Thanks in advance
  14. marcus

    How to derive dark energy density from Jorrie's Hubble radius limit

    How to derive "dark energy" density from Jorrie's Hubble radius limit (c^4/(8 pi G))*3*(17.3e9 light years)^(-2) Paste that in the google window, and see what you get. When I paste that into google I get 0.5393 nanopascal, which is equivalent to 0.5393 nanojoule per cubic meter. If the...
  15. L

    How do I derive the Covariant Derivative for Covectors? (Lower index)

    Hello everyone! I'm trying to learn the derivation the covariant derivative for a covector, but I can't seem to find it. I am trying to derive this: \nabla_{α} V_{μ} = \partial_{α} V_{μ} - \Gamma^{β}_{αμ} V_{β} If this is a definition, I want to know why it works with the definition...
  16. M

    Using chain rule to derive 2nd derivative

    Homework Statement Use \frac{\partial z}{\partial r}=\cos\theta\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}+\sin\theta\frac{\partial z}{\partial y} and \frac{\partial z}{\partial\theta}=-r\sin\theta\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}+r\cos\theta\frac{\partial z}{\partial y} to show that...
  17. L

    How can i derive this Gibbs energy equation?

    Homework Statement For an electrochemical cell Gibbs free energy is is given by G=-nFE Gibbs free energy for a reaction at any moment in time and standard state free energy is given by G=Go + RT lnQ Derive an expression relating standard state cell potential and equilibrium constant for...
  18. A

    Derive average rate of change formula of cos

    Q. Use the addition formula cos(u+v) = cos(u)cos(v) - sin(u)sin(v) to derive the following identity for the average rate of change of the cosine function: (cos(x + h) - cos x) / h = cos x ((cos h - 1) / h) - sin x ((sin h) / h) A. cos(x+h) = cosxcosh - sinxsinh subtitute this to...
  19. B

    How to derive equation of deflecting curve for a simple beam

    Homework Statement Obtain deflection curve in terms of q, L, and EI Homework Equations Use the second order differential equation of the deflection curve to solve. Meaning that the M(x) is the second derivative and you integrate twice to get V1 and V2 The Attempt at a Solution From the...
  20. B

    MHB The equation of a hyperbolic paraboloid to derive the corner points of rectangle

    Hi Folks,I have come across some text where f(x,y)=c_1+c_2x+c_3y+c_4xy is used to define the corner pointsf_1=f(0,0)=c_1 f_2=f(a,0)=c_1+c_2a f_3=f(a,b)=c_1+c_2a+c_3b+c_4ab f_4=f(0,b)=c_1+c_3bHow are these equations determined? F_1 to F_4 starts at bottom left hand corner and rotates counter...
  21. H

    How to derive the equations of oscillation

    I am new to this site. I have a problem with the derivations of second order equations for SHM. F= -kx F+kx+0;ma+kx=0 m(second time derivative of x)+k(first time derivative of x)=0 As my textbook says above equation implies that x(t)=Acos(ωt+∅) But I can't understand why. From where did...
  22. G

    Derive lorentz transform for energy

    Homework Statement Derive the relation: E' = \gamma (E + \beta p c)Homework Equations p' = \gamma p \\ E^{2} = p^{2} c^{2} + M^{2}c^{4}The Attempt at a Solution start off with stationary frame S E=mc^{2} then in moving frame S' E'^{2} = p'^{2} c^{2} + E^{2}: lorent transform momentum: E'^{2} =...
  23. 7

    Some weird integration by parts to derive momentum operator

    In a Griffith's book (page 15-16) an author derives a momentum operator. In the derivation he states that he used a integration by parts two times. He starts with this equation which i do understand how to get to. $$ \begin{split} \frac{d \langle x \rangle}{dt} = -\frac{i\hbar}{2m}...
  24. N

    Derive Formula for Final Velocity (v2) Without Time

    Homework Statement Derive the formula for final velocity, v_2, without time included in said formula. \overrightarrow{a}: Known \overrightarrow{s}: Known v_1: Known \Delta t: Unknown (can be calculated, but defeats the purpose) \overrightarrow{v_2}: Unknown and to be calculatedHomework...
  25. M

    How to derive pv^gamma=constant

    Homework Statement The relationship between pressure and volume of an ideal gas is expressed as pv=constant in a reversable isothermal condition. Show that the relationship between pressure and volume of the same gas is expressed as pV^gamma=constant in a reversible adiabatic condition where...
  26. 7

    Gaussian function to derive Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

    At our QM intro our professor said that we derive uncertainty principle using the integral of plane waves ##\psi = \psi_0(k) e^{i(kx - \omega t)}## over wave numbers ##k##. We do it at ##t=0## hence ##\psi = \psi_0(k) e^{ikx}## \psi = \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \psi_0\!(k) \cdot...
  27. R

    Derive equations for Electric Field/Electric Potential

    Homework Statement (a) A ring with charge Q and radius R is in the yz-plane and centered on the origin. What is the electric potential a distance x above the center of the ring? (Use any variable or symbol stated above along with the following as necessary: k.) (b) Derive the electric...
  28. V

    Derive an expression to find how many times an eigen value is repeated

    Hello ! I have an upper triangular matrix for an operator T in which an eigen value has been repeated s times in total. Derive an expression for s . My thoughts : ( Let * imply contained in ) then :I know that : (a) Null T0 * Null T1 *...*Null Tdim V = Null Tdim V + 1 = ... (b) Will i...
  29. F

    Why is it not possible to derive Cv from equation of state?

    Assume you have no knowledge about the microscopic information, all you know about the system of pure material is it's equation of state and number of particles. Why can't we get Cv=(∂U/∂T)V from here(if this is wrong how do we solve it?)? Why can we obtained some other quantities just from...
  30. G

    How do you derive the correct projectile motion formula?

    Homework Statement A jaguar(A) leaps from the origin at a speed of v0 = 6 m/s and an angle β = 35° relative to the incline to try and intercept the panther(B) at point C. Determine the distance R that the jaguar jumps from the origin to point C. given the the angle of the incline is θ = 25°...
  31. G

    How to derive duffing equation for a particular system?

    Say I have a mass m on a non linear spring k with some damping b. I start with the restoring force of the spring F=-kx+x^3... the x^3 is the non linearity. Set that equal to Newtons second law F=mx'' = -kx+x^3 Add in the damping which is dependent of velocity bx''' = -kx +...
  32. G

    Trying to Derive Dirac's equation following Dirac

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to follow how Dirac went about deriving his wave equation. I know there's a couple of different ways to "derive" this, but I'm trying to follow the original method that Dirac used. There's a lot of good stuff online for this, but there's a step that I get stuck at and...
  33. M

    Use Planck’s radiation law to derive the Stefan-Boltzmann

    Homework Statement a) Use Planck’s radiation law to derive the Stefan-Boltzmann law for the case of zero background temperature (i.e., T0 = 0). Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution So I know we are suppose to...
  34. O

    Derive the density of an ideal gas as a function of temperature?

    derive the density of an ideal gas as a function of temperature?? Homework Statement Derive the density of an ideal gas when it is allowed to expand as a function of temperature when pressure is kept constant/ Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution density= PM/(RT) , where...
  35. D

    To derive the bending moment of a simply supported beam

    Hi I am a new member and put illustrated diagram and my answer for Ra and Re but stuggling with how to calculate the other reactions of the beam, one other thing on the illustrated diagram it show w1, w2, w3 the weight is 0.2 kg on each load case, i think this needs to be converted 0.2 x 9.81 =...
  36. D

    Unable derive mass as Resnick \& Halliday describe it

    I am reading Resnick and Halliday's "Basic Concepts in Relativity" (ISBN: 0023993456) and have come to an impass about deriving equation 3-4a \begin{equation}m = \gamma m_0\end{equation} in the text. The authors wrote that the equation can be derived from the following equations...
  37. T

    Derive the following kinematics equation using the position and velocity equations

    Homework Statement { y }_{ f }={ y }_{ i }+{ v }_{ yi }t+\frac { 1 }{ 2 } { a }_{ y }{ t }^{ 2 }\\ { v }_{ yf }={ v }_{ yi }+{ a }_{ y }t Derive { { v }_{ yf } }^{ 2 }={ { v }_{ yi } }^{ 2 }+2{ a }_{ y }({ y }_{ f }-{ y }_{ i }) 2. The attempt at a solution This isn't an actual...
  38. T

    How to derive the formula for Gravitational Potential Energy?

    How did scientists derive the formula -GMm/r=Ep in order to calculate the amount of work required to move an object from an infinitely large point (or an extremely large distance as my textbook says) ?
  39. A

    Derive an Equation for Period of Ring Pendulum

    Homework Statement Apply the physical pendulum equation to a ring pivoted on its edge to derive the equation for the period of a ring pendulum for small oscillations about the pivot point. Include a diagram showing the restoring torque acting on a ring pendulum displaced from equilibrium...
  40. L

    Kinetics friction question: derive acceleration of aircraft

    1. Hello there, I am a first year undergraduate mechanical engineering student, looking for help on a question. "Figure Q2 shoes a schematic diagram for an aircraft catapult system. The aircraft is represented by the mass A (Ma), and μ is the coefficient of friction between the aircraft and...
  41. Z

    How do you derive this alternate form of the gamma function?

    \Gamma(n) = int(0 to infinity)[(x^(n-1))*e^-x]dx Show that it can also be written as: \Gamma(n) = 2int(0 to infinity)[(x^(2n-1))*e^(-x^2)]dxI have no idea how to go about this. I have tried integration by parts of each to see if anything relates, but how can you get from an exp(-x) to and...
  42. A

    Derive cyclotron and synchrotron frequency

    I am trying to find out how to derive the cyclotron and synchrotron frequency, but everywhere I look it is derived by saying that the force of the magnetic field is not qvB, but (v/c)qB. What on Earth is this c? I am guessing it means speed of light but then it is not the case that (v/c)qB =...
  43. A

    Derive % change Kinetic energy eqn for inelastic collision

    Homework Statement We did a lab in my PHYS with Caclulus I class involving a collision of cart A (given an initial push) and cart B (initially at rest) on a relatively smooth surface. *At the moment of the collision, the two carts become attached, providing a completely inelastic collision*...
  44. Z

    Deriving Results in Multivariable Calculus for Thermodynamics

    Homework Statement The thermodynamic state of a system may be defined by setting any 2 of the variables P, V and T to be constant because they are related by f(P,V,T)=0. Given a thermodynamic function K(V,T), prove that: (∂K/∂T)_P = (∂K/∂T)_V + [(∂K/∂V)_T]*[(∂V/∂T)_P] and that...
  45. L

    Quantum Distance? (See me derive it.)

    As per: Charge is quantum. As per Magnetic flux is quantum. Magnetic flux is measured as follows: Magnetic flux = \frac{Energy * Time}{Charge} Thus: \frac{Charge}{Magnetic flux} is...
  46. T

    Lorentz transformations: how can I derive the time equation?

    Starting with: x'=\gamma(x-vt) & x=\gamma(x'+vt') I know that I can derive t'=\gamma(t-vx/c^2)... however I can't seem to make it fall out mathematically. The suggested method is to cancel x'. Can anyone help me out on the steps? Much appreciated! :)
  47. D

    How to derive the velocity addition formula

    Homework Statement Derive the formula v= (v'+u)/(1+v'u/c^2) the velcoty addition formula using the below formulas? Homework Equations 1. vt1=L+ut1 2. (proper time)=(proper length)/v'+(proper length)/c 3. ct2=L-ut2 4. (dilated time)= (proper time)/(sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)) 5. L=(proper...
  48. W

    How do i derive the relation between coherence time and bandwidth

    I was just curious, sorry if it is already asked, I was going through a book on photonics and came across the relation coherence time, t = λ*λ/Δλ I did not find any proof of this. Can anyone explain me how this relation is found?
  49. T

    How do they derive from equation A to B?

    My question is how to get from equation A to B. By using partial fractions? differential? any methods?
  50. G

    Derive 1-dimensional motion from average acceleration (no calculus)

    Starting with the expressions for average acceleration (Change in Velocity over Change in time), average velocity at constant acceleration; algebraically (NO CALCULUS) derive the equation for one-dimensional motion that relates displacement to the acceleration, assuming acceleration is constant.