Design Definition and 1000 Threads

A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design. In some cases, the direct construction of an object without an explicit prior plan (such as in craftwork, some engineering, coding, and graphic design) may also be considered to be a design activity. The design usually has to satisfy certain goals and constraints, may take into account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and is expected to interact with a certain environment. Major examples of designs include architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams, and sewing patterns.The person who produces a design is called a designer, which is a term generally used for people who work professionally in one of the various design areas—usually specifying which area is being dealt with (such as a fashion designer, product designer, web designer or interior designer), but also others such as architects and engineers. A designer's sequence of activities is called a design process, possibly using design methods. The process of creating a design can be brief (a quick sketch) or lengthy and complicated, involving considerable research, negotiation, reflection, modeling, interactive adjustment and re-design.

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  1. Nikhil N

    Design of CT with ferrite core for reverse operation of CT

    I have to couple noise into data cable(cat5) in common mode. I have done this with a CT of 50A/1A, ferrite core. What I have done is, I connected the S1 and S2 of CT to probe of my signal generator and inserted the cable through the whole of CT(ring type). I got maximum of 380mV in the cable...
  2. Mechanic7

    Hydraulic system - Design optimization

    Homework Statement Hello all, I'm a Mechanical engineer with no prior experience in designing flow systems. I'm struggling with a hydraulic system that I have to design. the number of unknowns is large. but maybe by dividing the system to small sections, a solution can be found. I attached...
  3. Mechanic7

    Water flow system - Design an Optimization

    Hello all, I'm a Mechanical engineer with no prior experience in designing flow systems. I'm struggling with a hydraulic system that I have to design. the number of unknowns is large. but maybe by dividing the system to small sections, a solution can be found. I attached a schematic drawing...
  4. BoeingJet

    Can a Railgun-Powered Ramjet Solve the Challenges of High-Speed Travel?

    Recently, I designed (in my head) a Hypervelocity Passenger Vehicle (just a cool name for really high speed transports). I immediately ran into engine design problems ( I like designing everything stand-alone), since regular jet engines can't get to Mach 8.8 without burning up into flames, and...
  5. T

    Maximizing Efficiency: The Role of Feedback in Boost Converter Switch Design

    I'm looking into the design of the control circuit for the mosfet. If I know the output voltage and input voltage then I can find the duty cycle required. I found this schematic that uses feedback Source Why would I need feedback...
  6. A

    Nitinol Engine Design: Exploring Efficiency and Power Harnessing Techniques

    So I'm starting to do some tests with nitinol (order about 5 feet of wire just to do some basic tests and get a feel for the material before I go any further). I've seen a few variations on different types of motors that are powered by nitinol and am wondering if they all have the same...
  7. P

    How can I design high-quality EEG electrodes?

    I am looking for a source (or several) on advanced EEG design techniques, in particular how the highest quality electrodes are made. I understand the basic principles of how an electrode works but have no knowledge at all about design techniques. Does anyone know of something that would help me...
  8. T

    How to Design a Donut Electromagnet

    I have an electromagnet device that I am designing and need a bit of help from some of the brilliant people on this site. Here's the problem: I have a disk attached to the end of a shaft and the shaft/disk assembly can move radially (via a spring loaded mechanism). This shaft/disk fits...
  9. A

    How Efficient Is Split-Return Coil Design for Quenching in Induction Heating?

    I am designing an induction heating rig to heat a strip on the surface of a steel sample with repeated quenching, through holes in the heating surface of the coil (shown in the third image). The rig should heat the sample to around 600C in 20 seconds, and quench to 30C in 20 seconds. Firstly...
  10. Erik Bethke

    Optimizing Robot Design: Heuristics for Efficient Performance

    Hello all, I am designing a lay-person-facing simulation that includes robots performing a broad array of tasks. I do not want to create magical can-do-anything robots that collapse all work to be performed to a simple abstraction. Rather, I would like to have relatively dedicated and...
  11. broncoracer104

    Automotive Kayak Loader Design Help Needed: Spring Placement/Weight

    hello, new here but need a hand figuring out a problem that is above my knowledge, i am currently building a kayak loader for myself like the one pictured below, i am trying to figure out where to place the spring and how heavy of a spring i need to help assist the kayak onto my roof, i am sure...
  12. T

    Ideas for refrigerator door design

    Hi all, I just want to throw some ideas and get feedback from the community on refrigerator door design. If anybody notices in supermarkets, etc, the frozen food are kept in glass-doored refrigerators. the prupose of the glass door is so the customers can see if the stuff they're looking is...
  13. J

    Recommendations for Weld Joint Design Books?

    Can anyone recommend a good book on weld design? I'm not looking for a general textbook on welding. I want something that specifically targets the design of joints and weld choices. Something like the welding chapter of Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design, just much more in depth.
  14. Kaura

    Engineering Software for Mechanical Simulations

    I am a first year Mechanical Engineering Major I am wondering if there are any good computer program that I could use to simulate the physics and properties of potential designs The other day I saw something about Da Vinci's famous cryptex and this peaked my interest into designing and building...
  15. M

    Engineering Nuclear engineers who work in design

    Hi, do large nuclear power design companies ask for high GPA/Average ? companies like terrapower Westinghouse...? Is a successful engineering career linked with high gpa/average ?
  16. Nikhil N

    How to test CST design studio for analyzing data errors

    Hi.. I want to know how can we specify the data(electrical) passing through cable that we are designing in CST design studio to test the effect of EMI on the data passing?
  17. Z

    Automotive Calculation of energy storage system for PEV

    Hi, My teacher asked that i should design a efficient energy storage system for a plug-in electric vehicle. I have no idea how i can use some equations for designing this type of car. The requirements are in below; Test cycle range: 140 miles Test cycle energy: 260Wh/mile at the output of the...
  18. person123

    Rotating Friction Discs For Project Design

    The situation is part of a mechanism I have been working on. It is used for a bicycle to automatically store and release energy with a spring. It is somewhat similar to a car clutch. Homework Statement Two friction discs are rotating with different angular velocities and different torques. The...
  19. C

    Advice for the design of an automatic door opener

    Hello all, I need to design an automated trap door opener incorporating a motor and at least one of the following: gears, springs, or power screws. It is 36 inches wide and 48 inches long. It is hinged along its width. The door weighs 60 pounds. When closed it is flush with the floor. It must...
  20. bigfooted

    Engineering Aircraft engine design books from 1900-1920

    I'm interested in the knowledge that was available to aircraft engineers in the period 1900-1920. specifically the thermodynamics and mechanical engineering knowledge generally available, like in how much detail were the calculations on the performance, or the cooling of engines done, how...
  21. pairofstrings

    Is the design of Raspberry Pi stored in a memory component?

    Hello. I have a following C programming language code that blinks an LED ON and OFF. #include<bcm2835.h> #define LED RPI_GPIO_P1_12 int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(!bcm2835_init()) return 1; bcm2835_gpio_fsel(LED, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP); unsigned int delay(1000); while(1)...
  22. L

    Heat exchanger and cooling towers design

    I was wondering all the assumptions I need to make regarding a design for a heat exchanger and cooling tower design from a IC engine testbed. Each engines average output is 55kW and the water jacket temperature is 80 degrees (C) and has to be cooled to 65 degrees (C). The ambient atmospheric...
  23. mattyboson12

    Material selection for vehicle leaf spring

    Homework Statement I've gone though a material selection process to pick the optimum material for a rear leaf spring suspension for a vehicle (~700mm long) and I've selected the top 10 materials based on fatigue, fracture, toughness, cost, yield etc: -Stainless steel, martensitic, AISI 440B...
  24. Planobilly

    Can you tell me if this amp design will work

    Hi, I am struggling with this a bit. I think this will work but I am not sure. Can you guys take a look and see if I have made any obvious mistakes. The B+ voltage should be around 480 VDC loaded. I am still working on the channel switching. [PLAIN]http:// Thanks, Billy
  25. hsdrop

    Help with the design of a Crescent Rose weapon

    hello everyone, me and my son have been slowly working on a design project of our oun. We are trying to build a fully working Crescent Rose (without the razor sharp edges and firing pin to shot bullets) build out of machined metal components or 3D printer. If you don't know what a Crescent...
  26. caters

    Completely solar powered engine -- is my design good?

    The engine of a solar car I am designing(for my fictional stories but I would like a scientific point of view on this) is literally a DC circuit combined with mechanical force. First of all, there is a rechargeable battery. I would say it is about 24V fully charged. There are 2 wires coming off...
  27. Sanzmatic

    Misc. What kind of projects can I do at home?

    Hello, i am a high school student who is interested in physics. Me and my friends want to build something cool. Can be anything related to science. Nothing too complicated but nothing too easy. Something interesting and safe. No dangerous suggestions please. I do not have any qualifications as i...
  28. PhysicoRaj

    Design a controller using Matlab

    Homework Statement For the plant: ##G(s)=\frac{1}{s(s+2)(0.4s+1)}## Design a controller in Matlab such that ##K_v=4## , phase margin = ##60^o## and zero steady state error for step input. Homework Equations ##e_{ss} = Lim_{s->0} \frac{s R(s)}{1+D(s)G(s)}## Lead/Lag...
  29. C

    How to Design an Engaging Cover for a Mathematics Paper?

    hello, a bit of topic. we're having an exhibition at my university to display outstanding papers. my paper was about my passion for mathematics. I am seeking some ideas to make visitors want to read my paper. I don't want something too childish. I was thinking of making a string model of some...
  30. A

    Design a converging/diverging nozzle

    I am intending to design a CD nozzle that produces 20mN thrust under atmospheric conditions. The reservoir pressure will be 1.4 bar, and the ambient pressure will be 1 bar. The other variables are adjustable. This will in the end be sent out for fabrication.My process is as follow, May I know...
  31. C

    5-bit synchronous sequence recognizer design

    Homework Statement I am trying to design a 5-bit sequence recognizer. The circuit has to detect two sequences of bits. The first sequence is 11001. The second is 10010. The output when no sequence should be 00. When the 1st input sequence is detected, the output should be 01. When the second...
  32. C

    System Design of a Solar Power System

    Homework Statement I'm doing an assignment on cathodic protection systems using solar energy and have no idea on how to construct an efficient system. All the ones online are too basic and don't specify whether the panels are in series or parallel or not. I've calculated that the system needs...
  33. V

    Looking for info on balancing and counterbalancing design.

    I wasn't quite sure which section to post this in but engineering was the closest to my application, although this could be a basic physics question. I'm not sure. I want to learn how to design a counterbalance such as that in an engine crankshaft. This mechanism has been of interest to me...
  34. F

    How Do You Properly Attach Magnets and Bearings in a BLDC Motor Rotor Design?

    Trying to design a motor for a learning project. Finished the math but having a lot of trouble with design questions. Can anyone give me some insight. For the rotor in this picture there is a ring magnet. Is the magnet glued on? I think it is glued onto electrical steel. 2nd question, on the...

    Are Adjusted Partial Factors Required for Each Element in Structural Design?

    Hi everyone my name naresh. I'm doing post graduation, currently working on my project. I've completed all the calculations for it, but i have a small doubut. I've designed a mobile truck loader for which I've taken partial factors 1.35 and 1.5 for dead load and live load respectively. but BS EN...
  36. R

    Engineering Mechanical engineer but experience only in startups

    Hi, I am a mechanical engineer who has worked only in start-ups, for past 3 years. Main experience is Mechanical design CAD with bit of FEA. Problem is I want to move to a more traditional company. I had had an interview with one of the largest oil and gas company for role of design engineer in...
  37. S

    Engineering Continuum Mechanics or Design/Manufacturing?

    Hi, people of PF I'm trying to decide between concentrating on continuum mechanics or design/manufacturing for my master's degree. My goal is to ultimately work in the industry, so design/manufacturing seems to make a lot of sense. However at the same time, continuum mechanics (and physics in...
  38. T

    Design choices for running an Electric train (and network)?

    Hi, I'm going to pose my questions with a number of assumptions, so please pick me up on any that are wrong. I want to know the design choices behind electric trains historically and current, this will mostly require some context of induction motors and inverters. I don't know exactly how EMUs...
  39. T

    Design help printed (crossed)-dipole

    hi, im trying to design a printed (microstrip) dipole. Im currently having a hard time finding some good information on how to design such a printed dipole antenna. I would really appreciate some help/hints in form of links/books/equations that can help me to design such an antenna element...
  40. T

    Linear polarized microstrip patch antenna - design help

    hi there,im pretty new to antenna design, still have a lot of theory to go through, so please be kind. ;)I have to design a linearly polarized microstrip patch antenna (rectangular) that is fed with 2 coaxial probe feeds. The patch should be a square (L=W), so i can place 2 feeds orthogonally...
  41. slick_willy

    Jobs in audio amplifier circuit design?

    Hey guys (and ladies), I am a junior year EEE student at CSU Sacramento and am hoping to get a job in audio amplifier design as a career after graduating. I have always loved music and electronics and working in this field would honestly be like a dream come true. As far as my experience in...
  42. J

    Design of nonlinear spring from load deflection graph

    Hi Could anybody guide me to a software that can be used to design a non linear spring from load deflection characteristics. need it for both extension and compression spring. thanks noor
  43. Divya Shyam Singh

    Why is the addendum of the gear kept equal to the module?

    In general calculations of gear design, addendum is taken as a factor of the module of the gear such as equal to module or 0.8 times the module and dedendum is taken as 1.25 times the module. Why are both these defined in terms of module? How did we reach to this conclusion?
  44. B

    Automotive Single actuator Wiper design to wipe a surface area

    I'm given this problem to solve with the assumption as stated above. The answers need not be logical as long as the linkage mechanism can be simulated. I've attempted the question using Mercedes Mono Wiper mechanism but only manage to cover 41% given the width of the wiper. May I ask if there...
  45. ramzerimar

    Is Machine Design important for Aerospace Engineering?

    I'm a Mechanical Engineering student intending to pursue a Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering after college, and Machine Design is one of the disciplines I'm going to take next year. I understand the importance of various topics in mechanical engineering to an aircraft project (topics...
  46. C

    Design of Spur Gears for a Gearbox

    I need to design and find suitable specifications for spur gears for a two stage reduction gearbox. The gearbox has to transmit 5kW at an output rotational speed of approximately 125 rev/min. The gearbox will be driven by a separate mains 4 pole synchronous electric motor . The required...
  47. Deniz

    How Do You Design Heat Treatment Processes for Bolts Using AISI 4340?

    Hello, I have a final tomorrow and I am having a difficulty to understand the heat treatment subject. I would be happy if someone can explain this question or suggest a good document shorter than Askeland (i know it is very good but there is no time unfortunately). Thank you. Two different high...
  48. F

    A Experiment design FTL particle though magnetic field

    Hi. I was browsing Wikipedia on a topic, went to magnetic bearings, etc etc...ended up on synchrotron radiation then the phrase about how a moving or accelerat/ing/ed particle passing through a magnetic field generates electromagnetic radiation. Then I has a revelation. How to get a particle...
  49. M

    Help with project design, thermal properties

    I'm trying to make a pizza oven, but rather than brick or refractory, steel. I want to use a hemisphere and have it fed by pellets. I've been told by people on wood oven forums that I won't get the heat needed. I'm wanting 900 F at the hearth of the oven, using pellets for heat (roughly 8000...