Design Definition and 1000 Threads

A design is a plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or for the implementation of an activity or process, or the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process. The verb to design expresses the process of developing a design. In some cases, the direct construction of an object without an explicit prior plan (such as in craftwork, some engineering, coding, and graphic design) may also be considered to be a design activity. The design usually has to satisfy certain goals and constraints, may take into account aesthetic, functional, economic, or socio-political considerations, and is expected to interact with a certain environment. Major examples of designs include architectural blueprints, engineering drawings, business processes, circuit diagrams, and sewing patterns.The person who produces a design is called a designer, which is a term generally used for people who work professionally in one of the various design areas—usually specifying which area is being dealt with (such as a fashion designer, product designer, web designer or interior designer), but also others such as architects and engineers. A designer's sequence of activities is called a design process, possibly using design methods. The process of creating a design can be brief (a quick sketch) or lengthy and complicated, involving considerable research, negotiation, reflection, modeling, interactive adjustment and re-design.

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  1. L

    Solar Updraft Tower turbine design

    I'm attempting to design a turbine for a small scale solar updraft tower. It produces between 1-3 m/s of air flow in a 0.3m diameter tower. I'm in need of resources that can guide me on designing the turbine fan. I've already got the Wind Energy Handbook, however I'm not even sure if following...
  2. Y

    Design a Winning Egg Capsule Challenge

    Homework Statement Parameters: 1. Design and build an egg capsule within a volume of 10cm x 10cm x 10cm. 2. There must be a lid opening to insert the egg. 3.The capsule must be drop ready within 60 seconds or less after obtaining the egg from your instructor. 4. Drop time is non-negotiable, be...
  3. R

    Design of Cheap Packaging for Pressure Sensor (Piezoresistive)

    Dear Colleagues, I am working in the design of one packaging for pressure sensor (piezoresistive), this packaging should be really cheap, I want to use a layer of parylene to cover the surface of the Silicon Pressure sensor, which include the diaphragm with the piezoresistive materials, I am...
  4. Freddy Diaz

    How Can V-Tail Design Improve Stability and Control in Aileron-Less UAVs?

    Hi Physics Community, I'm working on the design of an aileron less and tail engine small UAV (Wing span 800mm) but I got stuck in Stability and Control. I recall from a teacher that a V-tail design is good for those configurations. However, I cannot find references to calculate/estimate neither...
  5. R

    Design, Manufacture and Machining of Carbon composites for RC planes

    Hi Guys Recently I have started a new hobby into RC planes. What I have noticed is extensive use of Carbon composites weight yet sturdy structures. Now the problem is that these structures seem to be cut (milling/drilling/laser cutting/water jet cutting) from a sheet (or laminates) of carbon...
  6. B

    How Can You Simplify Boolean Expressions Using Only NOR Gates?

    Homework Statement Hi everyone, i am currently struggling in my digital design and logic class that includes boolean simplifications and whatnot. I seem to understand how to simplify and am able to comprehend how the karnaugh maps work but what i do not understand is for example, on our...
  7. F

    Alt azimuth mount for heliostat design

    Hi Folks! I'm new here and need your help. I`m in the process of designing an alt azimuth mount for a Heliostat. For those of you who don't know a Heliostat is a mechanism that allows a mirror to rotate around the vertical axis(horizon) and horizontal axis(altitude). It is(usually) placed...
  8. James Koo

    How to Design a Wave Pool for Surfers: Tips and Considerations

    Homework Statement Recently my teacher gave us a homework on the designing of wave pool.The title is like below: You have been assigned as a consultant to design a water park at the abandoned pond site. The new water park should be able to produce conditions similar to the sea and also allow...
  9. B

    Relating variables: weight, gear ratio, power/torque to make design estimations

    hey all, I'm stumped so I thought I'd try posting here. I am in the early stages of design of a vehicle where we have a rough approximation of weight, no idea what gear ratios or power/torque to use yet, but have an acceleration requirement. I am trying to graphically model the relationship...
  10. S

    Wheel Alignment Design: Camber, Caster, & More

    Is there any formulae available for designing wheel alignment parameters like camber,caster,steering axis inclination and toe in and toe out.
  11. J

    Design the Most Stable Base for a Rectangle

    Hey guys, Im in the middle of a project and need help with the base for it. I have to develop a base for a rectangle 3 feet high by 2 feet wide by 6 inches deep. The front of the rectangle is 1 pound heavier than the back and will stand 2 feet off the ground. The base must be able to make the...
  12. D

    Design of a Gear Reducer for a Tractor

    Hello everyone, I am a junior Mechanical Engineering major tasked with the design of a gear reducer using spur gears. We haven't studied gears in-depth up to this point and I was wondering if anyone has suggestions regarding initial design considerations or a possible starting point. Any...
  13. S

    Hydraulic Design for 275 Ton Spillway Gate - Sigamana

    am currently designing a servo motors for a spillway gate for a dam , I have some doubts on how to determine the pushing force( the force needed to drop the spillway gate at a safe rate) for a piston carrying a heavy load of 275tons at a speed of 0.4447 m/min(this speed was pre-determined by me...
  14. U

    Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Project Ideas

    Hey guys, I am currently studying Mechanical Engineering in the UK. For my final year, we have to basically invent or design something that hasn't been invented before or improve something that's already been invented.Now unlike my cousin who's studying Aerospace Engineering in the US, he told...
  15. E

    Engineering Job Positions for US Engineering Job Market for VLSI Design Focus Grad

    I have no clue about the engineering job market as I'm in IT, he's looking for guidance. What kind of job positions would he be eligible for in US and which state(s) is the best for this field? I have attached the undergrad curriculum. He did his Masters with VLSI design focus. His Masters...
  16. enosis_

    Are you familiar with rocket mass heater design?

    Is anyone familiar with the so called rocket mass heaters - a popular DIY project? Has anyone ever studied design or uses?
  17. B

    How to Design an Airfoil for High Altitude Using XFLR5?

    Hey Everyone, so I have just started Aerodynamics and having completed a number of exercises I'm being asked to design an airfoil. I'm a bit outta my dept as I've transferred into this course from a diff field. 1. Homework Statement To design an airfoil, using the knowledge you've acquired in...
  18. S

    How to design a radiator to dissipate heat generated by a 39 KW rotary engine?

    No separate coolant is used, instead lubricating oil to be used for both lubrication and cooling of engine. How to calculate radiator size, coolant flow rate?
  19. P

    How to design home use wacky talky circuit on breadboard?

    I want to design a simple home use electronic wacky talky. Please help.
  20. K

    Airfoil design and optimization

    Friends, I want to know the methods involving the airfoil design and optimization. from initial step to start my works.
  21. Dhillon123

    Designing a Partially Submerged Foundation: Insights and Solutions

    I am looking for some insight with a problem I have. I am trying to design a foundation that is partially under the current water table. It is a hollow rectangle that is 30 m long, 11 m wide and 9 m high with a wall thickness of 0.5 m, it is attached to a triangular shape foundation that is 35...
  22. IamDev

    Setup Design to rotate the work piece in DIE sinking EDM process?

    I need to design a basic setup to rotate the workpiece in Die Sinking EDM Process. I made some design but they were complicated and were not easy to fabricate so I need someone who can help me.
  23. reddvoid

    Cadence Inverter layout lambda based design

    I am creating layout of cmos inverter in cadence virtuoso using 0.18um technology. channel length is 2Lambda = 0.18um I read that contact should be 2Lamda X 2Lambda that is 0.18um X 0.18um right but my LVS Check is throwing error telling that contact must be 0.22umX0.22um whats might be the...
  24. T

    Op amp integrator. design calculation not matching experiment.

    For the above op amp circuit: Vin= squarewave with 10Vpp and 1kHz. C=0.01uF. Vcc and -Vcc is 15V and -15V. Using the above specs, I calculate R using these equations: Requirement: Create a triangle wave with output voltage Vo to be 10Vpp. This is a gain of 1. Using the above, I find...
  25. J

    Self-Contained Spring Powered Car - What Design?

    Hi There, I'm in the preliminary stages of building a spring powered car to race over a distance of 10 metres. It is a yearly event held in my local area and so far we've only seen one spring powered car. I think this is because it may be difficult to design a way to harness the energy...
  26. S

    CAM Design with Non-Linear Force Profile

    I need to design a CAM composite with a spring for an exoskeleton to aid elderly mobility. However, the problem I face right now is that the CAM I designed provides a linear force profile, i.e., the force varies proportionally with the extension of the leg. How can I delay this force applied so...
  27. H

    Flat start for power systems design

    Hello all, would like to ask what seems to be a general rule when designing power systems. In the power system design program which I just started to use. It is advised that: For every simulation to be run, it is best to have a "flat start" before running any faults. I'm not too sure...
  28. C

    Help with my first ever design project?

    I was just assigned a design project to work on and this is my first time doing something like this and I'm not sure what to do! I would like useful advices from experienced people regarding what type of product should a first-timer like me choose to work with? It's telling me to "design" so I...
  29. thankz

    Review of My Soundcity 120 Guitar Amp Design

    the front end is a slo 100 on a soundcity 120 guitar amp, this was when I didn't know what I was doing (and I still don't :redface:) but tell my design mistakes, the output transformer was what came with the soundcity 120, sadly during a move I lost all the parts to the amp, still I'd like some...
  30. R

    How Do You Calculate the Design Angle θ for Strut AB in Vector Problems?

    Homework Statement "Determine the design angle θ (0° ≤ θ ≤ 90°) for strut AB so that the 400-lb horizontal force has a component of 500lb directed from A towards C. What is the component of force acting along member AB? Take ϕ = 40°" Homework Equations x-component: magnitude*cos(θ)...
  31. S

    PCB Design program of your choice

    Hello, what PCB Design program do you prefer? What's the reason for your choice? I am freshman to PCB design and working on PADS from Mentor Graphics. But I have to admit it seems me a little bit unintuitive and I am unhappy with non-perfectly fitting transmission lines and prolonged editing...
  32. J

    How to design a vertical cylindrical Water tank

    I Need to design a Vertical cylindrical water tank to be build by Fiberglass. I need to calculate the tank also for 7.5 m bar pressure and 2.5 m bar vacuum pressure. Tank Dimensions to be 4m Dia, 5 m High (60000 Liters). I have Fiberglass laminate of 6 mm Thk and Modules is 1470000 psi. I have...
  33. R

    Areas Of Reasearch in Fluid Mechanics & Mechanical Design

    Hello! My friend and i are interested in doing a project.My area of interest in Fluid mechanics and my friend's is mechanical design can you guys help us out by providing some topics of research which encircles both these areas.
  34. K

    MHB Interesting identity arising from fractional factorial design of resolution III

    I am learning about statistical design of experiments, and in the process of mathematically rigorizing the concepts behind fractional factorial designs of resolution III, I derived an interesting equation: $$k = \sum_{i=1}^{3}{\lceil{\log_2{k}}\rceil \choose i},$$ for which the solutions $k$...
  35. S

    Calculating Friction Loss in Ducting for Dust Collection System | 40 HP Motor

    Hi, I just started my first job and I have to complete one unfinished project. This is a dust collector system and i have the ducting blue print but I am not sure how to calculate the friction losses in the ducting. I have the dust collector in place plus the ducting diagram, need some help with...
  36. M

    Hey guys I want a design for my beast

    I want a design for a small 15 cm long beast wolf I can use- -wires -motors -rubber bands -cardboard -matchsticks :thumbs:
  37. D

    How do I build simple circuits?

    Hi, I've been trying to teach myself electronics. I have read a lot of introduction books and now want to build a circuit. However, I have not been able to find good books on how to assemble simple circuits. In other words how the parts (resistors, caps, coils, diodes, transistors) go...
  38. L

    Design help -- concentric rings that spin within themselves

    I'm trying to design mechanism similar to this video where i have concentric rings that spin within them selves around x, y and z axis. I intend to use track roller cam follower bearings to support each ring, with a bearing width of 10mm and a...
  39. A

    Calculation, design and prototype wheel hub drive

    Hello All ! Above is the title of the topic and am looking for inputs. Right now I am working on this as my thesis. And I am looking for some one how have already worked in the similar field for a better guidance for me. Thank you in advance. Regards,
  40. S

    Need some reference books on machine design

    Dear all, I am following Shigley's Mechanical engineering design as a textbook for my course of machine design.But i would be very thankful if anyone gives me some references books of machine design in pdf format containing more and more problems.It will be helpful also if you can provide any...
  41. vead

    Project Ideas for Combining Embedded Systems and VLSI Design

    respected members I need advice I am taking course on embedded system & vlsi design I have to make project but here is two domain (embedded system & vlsi design ) where I can make project on one domain VLSI or EMBEDDED. but for learning purpose I want to make project where I can use both...
  42. U

    Point me to a place to learn about worm drive design?

    Hey guys! I am currently creating some automated snips for trimming plants. I am using auto desk inventor to design it all. The design and concept is solid and modeled/animated to show proof of operation. However now i want to try prototype - i can sort out everything aside from the gear. I...
  43. S

    Ferrite core size and number of turns for transformer design

    hello. I'm designing a 100w 4Mhz class E amplifier. I need a ferrite core transformer for impedance transformation and load isolation but unfortunately I lack the knowledge required for designing it. if anyone could guide me to a good book or a web page, or simply give me some formulas I would...
  44. S

    How would you design this device?

    I have a pretty specific problem that I'm trying to solve and I'm out of ideas. I can't divulge too many details, so I thought I'd use an example to describe my problem in general terms. I'm not sure if it's really possible to brainstorm using this forum, but I thought I'd give it a shot...
  45. K

    How Can I Redesign a Solenoid System to Reduce Magnet Use?

    Hi, I am trying to redesign a system that's already avialable. It contains a small metal rod hanging in mid air between 2 magnet(permanent). There is a solenoid that let's it move to and fro when current is passed. And then there is a spring to limit the movement of the metal rod due to...
  46. STEMucator

    Design a Circuit: Solve Homework Statement

    Homework Statement You are given two ideal batteries with ##\epsilon_1 = 1.5 V## and ##\epsilon_2 = 9.0 V##. You are also given three ##120 \Omega## resistors.You may use any or all of the components. Design a circuit where there is a current of ##21 \pm 1 mA## through at least one of the...
  47. K

    PhD Universities like Singapore University of Technology and Design

    Hi, I just went through the PhD programs offered by this university. They have 4 they call of which is Engineering Product Development (EPD), which I am interested to pursue. From what's given in their brochure.. "EPD pillar’s mission is to prepare graduate-level leaders...
  48. B

    Linear alignment conveyor design

    I have a tub randomly filled with light longitudinal parts like pencils or matches. My goal is to gather them into a buffer nicely aligned (independently of which end is facing side). What's the fastest way to achieve this? I have considered unconventional bowl feeder with substantial radius...
  49. S

    Which Graduate Programs Should I Consider for a Career in Weapons Design?

    Hi all, I am rather new to the forum and am a second year mathematics and physics student if that has any relevancy to the question I have. My passions involve studying things like ballistic trajectories, missiles/drones, explosives, and other sort of weapons with possible military/defense...
  50. E

    Parachute design help - children's book

    Hello I wonder if anyone here might be able to help me. I am writing a children's book called The Wing Giver about a boy who wants to fly and a Spitfire pilot. However words are my thing and physics isn't! In the book, the boy wants to solve a formula his dad has set him which is to work...