Hello all,
I am developing a model of multiple gaps in a square lattice. I simplified the associated Hamiltonian to make it quadratic. In this approximation it is given by,
H =
\xi_\mathbf{k} & -\sigma U_1 & -U_2 & -U_2\\
-\sigma U_1 & \xi_{\mathbf{k}+(\pi,\pi)} & 0 &...
Homework Statement
The exercise: https://www.physicsforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=64229&d=1385257430
Homework Equations
Are in my attempt at a solution. I am sure it would be easier to use the transformation equation for the operator and plug it into the diagonalized Hamiltonian...
Do these terms practically refer to the same thing?
Like a matrix is diagonalizable iff it can be expressed in the form A=PDP^{-1}, where A is n×n matrix, P is an invertible n×n matrix, and D is a diagonal matrix
Now, this relationship between the eigenvalues/eigenvectors is sometimes...
I am sure you are all familiar with this. The number generated by picking different integers along the diagonal is different from all other numbers previously on the list. But you could just put this number as next element on the list. Of course that just creates a new number which is missed...
I try diagonalize the Hamiltonian for a 1D wire with proximity-induced superconductivity. In the case without a superconductor is all fine. However, with a superconductor I don't get the correct result for the energy spectrum of the Hamiltonian (arxiv:1302.5433)
Let's say I have a matrix M such that for vectors R and r in xy-coordinate system:
Suppose we diagonalized it so that there is another matrix D such that for vectors R' (which is also R) and r' (which is also r) in x'y'-coordinate system:
D is a matrix with zero elements except for...
Here is the question:
Here is a link to the question:
Diagonalization to identify conic section? - Yahoo! Answers
I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
Here is the question:
Here is a link to the question:
Diagnalization with matrices? - Yahoo! Answers
I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
So, obviously one can diagonalize any self-adjoint transformation on a finite dimensional vector space. This is pretty simple to prove. What I'm curious about is integral operators. How does this proof need to be adapted to handle integral operators? What goes wrong? What do we need to account...
Homework Statement
A = \begin{pmatrix}
1 & 4\\
2 & -1
Find A^n and A^{-n} where n is a positive integer.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
(xI - A) = \begin{pmatrix}
x-1 & -4\\
-2 & x+1
det(xI - A) = (x-3)(x+3)
λ_1 = 3\quad...
does someone know how to solve the following?
Homework Statement
"Find all matrices A so
0 I
is Diagonalizable "
this is a picture of the matrice
How can I find A?
Hi, I'm currently self-teaching myself some mathematics needed to study physics. I'm working through the book Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences by Mary L Boas. The book is a well known one, and it's used in many physics programs to teach their math courses.
However, I've read the...
Homework Statement
I've just derived the 1D wave equation for a continuous 1D medium from a classical Hamiltonian. I simply wrote Hamilton's equations, where the derivatives here must be functional derivatives (e.g. δ/δu(x)) since p and u are functions of x, and I got the wave equation (see...
A symmetric 4x4 matrix has 10 independent components.
Let's say that matrix describes graviton h_mu_nu.
In general I can bring any symmetric matrix to diagonal form, so if can and I bring my h_mu_nu matrix to diagonal form where it has only 4 independent components ... than what happens...
So when dealing with a linear transformation, after we have computed the matrix of the linear transformation, and we are asked "is this matrix diagonalizable", I begin by finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the characteristic equation.
Once I have found eigenvectors, if I see these...
I have a problem with Cantor's Diagonalization proof of the uncountability of the real numbers. His proof appears to be grossly flawed to me. I don't understand how it proves anything.
Please take a moment to see what I'm talking about.
Here is a totally abstract pictorial that attempts...
As usually, I type the problem and my attempt at the solution in LaTeX.
Ok, so for the last part (c), I obviously have the diagram down, now I just have to construct the nested sequence of functions that converges at every point in A. I drew a diagram to help illustrate the idea...
Homework Statement
Suppose A = SΛS^{-1}. What is the eigenvalue matrix for A + 2I? What is the eigenvector matrix? Check that A + 2I = ()()()^{-1}.
The Attempt at a Solution
I think I'm pretty close I'm just not sure what to do next:
A + 2I = SΛS^{-1} + 2I
= SΛS^{-1} + 2SS^{-1}
? now...
Homework Statement
Let N be a 2x2 matrix such that N^2 = 0. Prove that either N = 0 or N is similar to the Matrix
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Assume N ≠0
Show N is similar to ((0,0),(1,0))
Need to find a basis of R^2 {V_1,V_2}...
Homework Statement
Suppose that A is a 2x2 matrix with eigenvalues 0 and 1. Using diagonalization, show that A2 = A
The Attempt at a Solution
Let A=\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}
Av=λv where v=\begin{pmatrix}x\\y\end{pmatrix} and x,y≠0
If λ=0 then ax+by=0 and cx+dy=0
If λ=1...
Homework Statement
Show that the -1 -2
4 -1
2x2 matrix has one square root.
Homework Equations
det(A-λI) to find Eigenvalues
(A-λI)v=0 to find Eigenvectors
A1/2 = V D1/2 V-1 to find the square root of A where V is the created matrix with the...
So my professor gave me an extra problem for Linear Algebra and I can't find anything about it in his lecture notes or textbooks or online. I think I've made it through some of the more difficult stuff, but I am running into a catch at the end.
Homework Statement
Find [;T(p(x))^{500};] when...
Homework Statement
I think my teacher made a mistake in his homework answer. I need to verify this for practice. The answer I got is below. The answer the teacher has is in the pdf.
Homework Equations
Please refer to attached pdf
The Attempt at a Solution
So there is two...
According to duality principle, a bilinear function \theta:V\times V \rightarrow R is equivalent to a linear mapping from V to its dual space V*, which can in turn be represented as a matrix T such that T(i,j)=\theta(\alpha_i,\alpha_j). And this matrix T is diagonalizable, i.e...
Homework Statement
From Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition by R Shankar, problem
By considering the commutator, show that the following Hermitian matrices may be
simultaneously diagonalized. Find the eigenvectors common to both and verify
that under a unitary transformation...
Homework Statement
Find a matrix P such that P^{-1}AP is diagonal and evaluate P^{-1}AP.
[2 5]
[2 3]
The Attempt at a Solution
First off, I Found the Eigenvalues, which turned out to be:
\lambda = \frac{5 \pm \sqrt{41}}{2}
This gave me the two Eigenvectors...
Can anyone help me prove that two commuting matrices can be simultaneously diagonalized? I can prove the case where all the eigenvalues are distinct but I'm stumped when it comes to repeated eigenvalues.
I came across this proof online but I am not sure how B'_{ab}=0 implies that B is...
I essentially know how to find eigenvalues and thus eigenvectors, though when solving a problem about diagonalization I do not know how to order them (as in, I can find all the eigenvectors but do not know which order to place them into find my X that diagonalizes my A)
In the examples of my...
Homework Statement
For reference: Problem 1.8.5 parts (3) , R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics.
Given array \Omega , compute the eigenvalues ( e^i^\theta and e^-^i^\theta ). Then (3) compute the eigenvectors and show that they are orthogonal.
Homework Equations
Now this could seem like a homework problem...but it's not. (I guess you'd need to believe me or just choose not to answer my question.) I'm trying to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix and it's a little more irritating than I'd expected. All I really care is if they're positive (so all I...
I have the confusion that the one question is shown below:
Consider the following matrix:
A= [1 -1;1 1] which is 2x2 matrix, the column of that is [1 1] and [-1 1] respectively.
What happens when we apply A to vector v a large number of times?
Hoping someone can help me solve this...
Homework Statement
If we have a n x n matrix with 1 on the diagonal entries apart from the ith column which has a -1. As well as this ith row can have any real number in each entry. Other than this the matrix is 0 everywhere.
Show this matrix is diagonalisable.
Homework Equations...
I decided to go over the mathematical introductions of QM again.The text I use is Shankar quantum, and I came across this theorem:
"If \Omega and \Lambda are two commuting hermitain operators, there exists (at least) a basis of common eigenvectors that diagonalizes them both."
in the proof...
Homework Statement
Ok so
I have to construct a real symmetric matrix R whose eigenvalues are 2,1,-2 and who corresponding normalized eigenvectors are bla bla bla..
So let the matrix of eigenvalues down diagonal be E and matrix of eigen vectors be V
Is R = VEV^T or R = V^TEV??
Homework Statement
I attached the problem as an image, its easier to see this way.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I understand how to find diagonal matricies using eigenvalues but I'm lost on the Y part. How do I find the vector Y?
This question probably applies to symmetric rank-2 tensors in general, but I've been thinking about it specifically in the context of the stress-energy tensor.
For any stress-energy tensor and any metric (with signature -, +, +, +), is it possible to find a coordinate transformation that a)...
Homework Statement
A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & -1\\ 0 & 0 & 2\end{array}
a) Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of matrix A.
b)Find the matrix P that diagonalizes A.
c)Find the diagonal matrix D suh that A = PDP-1, and verify the equality.
d) Find...
Homework Statement
Suppose that A \in Mnxn(F) has two distinct eigenvalues \lambda_{1} and \lambda_{2} and that dim(E_{\lambda_{1}}) = n - 1. Prove that A is diagonalizable
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
hmm, I'm not sure.. how would I start this?
Homework Statement
This is actually only related to a problem given to me but I still would like to know the answer. From my understanding, Cantor's Diagonalization works on the set of real numbers, (0,1), because each number in the set can be represented as a decimal expansion with an...
i am having some trouble understanding simultaneous diagonalization. i have understood the proof which tells us that two hermitian matrices can be simultaneously diagonalized by the same basis vectors if the two matrices commute. but my book then shows a proof for the case when the...
Homework Statement
Let A = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} -6 & 0.25 \\ 7 & -3 \end{array} \right]
Find an invertible S and a diagonal D such that S^{-1}AS=DHomework Equations
...The Attempt at a Solution
So first I need to get eigenvalues so I can get the eigenvectors which will give me the...
This might be a silly question, but I can't seem to figure it out and have not found any remarks on it in the literature.
When diagonalizing an NxN matrix A, we solve the characteristic equation:
Det(A - mI) = 0
which gives us the N eigenvalues m. Then, to find the eigenvectors v...
Homework Statement
Prove that if A is an nxn positive definite symmetric matrix, then an orthogonal diagonalization A = PDP' is a singular value decomposition. (where P' = transpose(P))2. The attempt at a solution.
I really don't know how to start this problem off. I know that the singular...
I'm trying to solve the following problem (not homework :smile:) which is a strange form of diagonalization problem. Standard references and papers didn't turn up anything for me. Does anyone see possible approach for this?
- Given n x n full rank random matrices A1, A2, ... A9
Find length...
Dear physics friends:
I am using a Potts model to study protein folding. In short, the partition function of the problem is written as the sum of the eigenvalues of the transfer matrix each to the Nth power (the transfer matrix factors the expression exp(H/Temperature) where H is the...