Apparently, if I have a Hamiltonian that contains an operator, and that operator commutes with the Hamiltonian, not only can we "simultaneously diagonalize" the Hamiltonian and the operator, but I can go through the Hamiltonian and replace the operator with its eigenvalue everywhere I see it...
Homework Statement
1) Let's say I was trying to find the eigenvalues of a matrix and came up with the following characteristic polynomial:
This would yield λ=0,5,-2 as eigenvalues. I'm kinda thrown off as to what the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0 would be? I'm pretty...
I am reading yet another theorem and was wondering If I could get more clarification on it.
Theorem 5.2: Let A be in M_n_x_n(F). Then a scalar \lambda is an eigenvalue of A if and only if det(A - \lambdaI_n) = 0.
Proof: A scalar \lambda is an eigenvalue of A if and only if there exists a...
Homework Statement
A =
-10 6 3
-26 16 8
16 -10 -5
B =
0 -6 -16
0 17 45
0 -6 -16
(a) Show that 0, -1 and 2 are eigenvalues both of A and of B .
(b) Find invertible matrices P and Q so that (P^-1)*(A)*(P) = (Q^-1)*(B)*(Q)=
0 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 2
(c) Find an invertible...
linear algebra diagonalization :(
Homework Statement
determine whether the given matrix is diagonalizable. where possible, find a matrix S such that
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I was able to find the eigenvalues, which are λ=1,-4,4. This is given in...
The question is "give an example of a square matrix A such that A^2 is diagonalizable but A is not."
I know that if A^2 is diagonalizable, A^2 = P(D^2)P^-1. And if A is not diagonalizable, there is no invertible matrix P and diagonal matrix D such that A=PDP^-1.
However I'm not sure how...
Homework Statement
My linear algebra textbook defines...
similar matrices: A = C^-1BC
diagonalized similar matrices: A = CDC^-1
A^n = C^-1*D^n*C
Why do the C^-1 and C's get switched around between the definitions? Doesn't order of multiplication matter? Are these the correct...
sorry for starting yet another one of these threads :p
As far as I know, cantor's diagonal argument merely says-
if you have a list of n real numbers, then you can always find a real number not belonging to the list.
But this just means that you can't set up a 1-1 between the reals, and...
I'm now interested in a Schrödinger's equation
\Big(-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\partial_x^2 + V(x)\Big)\psi(x) = E\psi(x)
where V does not contain infinities, and satisfies V(x+R)=V(x) with some R. I have almost already understood the Bloch's theorem! But I still have some little problems...
Homework Statement
A is
[4 0 1
2 3 2
1 0 4]
Find an invertible P and a diagonal D so that D=P-1AP.
I keep getting two linearly dependent eigenvalues which means it's not diagonal but this problem doesn't state "If it can't be done explain why" or anything like that. So I just...
Homework Statement
Let A be a 2x2 real matrix which cannot be diagonalized by any matrix P (real or complex). Prove there is an invertible real 2x2 matrix P such that
P^{-1}AP = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \lambda & 1 \\ 0 & \lambda \end{array} \right)
I know how to diagonalize a matrix...
Homework Statement
Show that if an nxn matrix A has n linearly independent eigenvectors, then so does A^T
The Attempt at a Solution
Well, I understand the following:
(1) A is diagonalizable.
(2) A = PDP^-1, where P has columns of the independent eigenvectors
(3) A is...
According to the spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators you can find a matrix P such that P^{-1}AP is diagonal, i.e. P^{T}AP (P can be shown to be orthogonal). I'm not sure what the result is if the same can be done for the following square (size n X n) and symmetric matrix of the form:
[SOLVED] diagonalization, eigenvectors, eigenvalues
Homework Statement
Find a nonsingular matrix P such that (P^-1)*A*P is diagonal
| 1 2 3 |
| 0 1 0 |
| 2 1 2 |
Homework Equations
I am at a loss on how to do this. I've tried finding the eigen values but its getting me...
Homework Statement
Question 1:
A) Show that if A is diagonalizable then A^{T} is also diagonalizable.
The Attempt at a Solution
We know that A is diagonalizable if it's similar to a diagonal matrix.
which gives
A^{T}=(P^{-1})^{T}DP^{T} as...
Question1 :
a) Show that if A is nonsingular and diagonalizable then A^-1 is diagonalizable
b) Show that if A is diagonalizable then A^T is diagonalizable
Question 2
Show that if A is similar to B and B similar to C, then A is similar to C.
Does anyone here know of any fast algorithms to diagonize large, symmetric matrices, that are mostly zeros? (by large I mean 300x300 up to several million by several million)
Homework Statement
solve initial value problem for the equation dx/dt = Ax where A =
[1 -1]
[0 1]
x(0) = [1, 1]T
x(t) = S*elambda*t*S -1*x(0)
where S is diagonal matrix, lambda is eigenvalue;
The Attempt at a Solution
I tried to diagonalize it, but I get one eigenvalue =1 mult 2 and I don't...
This is a T/F question:
all symmetric matrices are diagonalizable.
I want to say no, but I do not know how exactly to show that... all I know is that to be diagonalizable, matrix should have enough eigenvectors, but does multiplicity of eigenvalues matter, i.e. can I say that if eignvalue...
I am a second year student in quantum mechanics. I heard in lecture that simultaneous diagonalization of matrices is important in quantum mechanics. I would like to know why is it significant when two matrices can be simultaneous diagonalized, and what is the geometric and physical...
Hey guys,
I know its possible to diagonalize a matrix that has repeated eigenvalues, but how is it done? Do you simply just have two identical eigenvectors??
I am stumpt on this problem:
Use Cantor's diagonalization method to show that the set of all infinite
strings of the letters {a,b} is not countable:
Can I have a hint? :redface:
I understand it is always possible to diagonalize a metric to the form
at any given point in spacetime because the metric is symmetric and we can always re-scale our eigenvectors.
But is this achievable via a coordinate transformation? That is, would the basis...
I am having a hard with parts of this problem:
Suppose V is a 3-dimensional complex inner-product space. Let B1 = {|v1>,|v2>,|v3>} be an orthonormal basis for V.
Let H1 and H2 be self-adjoint operators represented in the basis B1 by the Hermitian matrices.
I won't list them, but they...
Could someone tell me how to get the P(inverse), P^-1. For example I read all the examples in my book and it has like given the matrix for P and then it finds the matrix for P(inverse)Vo , how do i find P^-1. Plz help me quickly.
Ex. P= | 2 -1 |
asdfasf| 3 as1 |
and Vo=| 1 |...
In this pdf (+ its links)
you can find a new point of view on Cantor's diagonalization arguments.
I really want to send a BIG THANK YOU to Matt grime and Hurkyl for their hard time with me.
Let us check these lists.
P(2) = {{},{0},{1},{0,1}} = 2^2 = 4
and also can be represented as:
P(3) = {{},{0},{1},{2},{0,1},{0,2},{1,2},{0,1,2}} = 2^3 = 8
and also can be represented...
Cantor used 2 diagonalization arguments.
On the first argument he showed that |N|=|Q|.
On the second argument he showed that |Q|<|R|.
I have some question on the second argument.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:'s_diagonal_argument...