1. Radial and angular distribution functions for an orbital
Find the most probable value of theta and r for a 2pz orbital
Homework Equations
\psi _{2p_{z}} = N \textrm{cos}(\theta) r exp (-r/2) in units of a_0
The Attempt at a Solution
Most probable r is when \textrm{d/d}r (P(r))=0...
Homework Statement
hi, so I've got this distribution function:
f(z,p,t)=\frac{1}{2\pi\partial z\partial p}exp(-\frac{[z-v(p)t]^2}{2\partial z^2})exp(-\frac{[p-p_0]^2}{2\partial p^2})
I have to...
Homework Statement
An obect whose mass is distributed according to function m(r)=m0e-r, for r ranging from 0 to ∞. Calculate total mass of the object. Write down and evaluate appropriate integral.
2. The attempt at a solution
well, I wasnt sure really how to start but thought it may be...
I'm in a probability theory class and I feel like I'm missing something fundamental between random variables and their distribution functions. I was given the following questions:
1)Let θ be uniformly dist. on [0,1]. For each dist. function F, define G(y) = sup{x:F(x)≤y}. Prove G(θ) has the...
f(x)=f(x)={█(2/(√2π) e^(〖-x〗^2/2)@0 otherwise)┤for 0<x<∞
Find the mean and variance of X
The hint says, compute E(X) directly and then compute E(X2) by comparing that integral with the integral representing the variance of a variable that is N (0, 1)
I've been playing around with some MD simulations, a field not really familiar to me. I put together a code in LAMMPS to simulate a Lennard-Jones fluid and compute the RDF. I get the oscillations one would expect, which is good, but what is surprising is that the minimum of g(r) after the first...
Homework Statement
Show that there is no minimum for the normal distribution function e^(-(x-μ)^2/(2 σ^2))/(sqrt(2 π) σ)
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I figured I'd take the derivative and set it equal to 0, but then what?
Hello...!I need some help...!
Let the distribution function F of a random variable X given in the following attachment. Calculate the following:
P(X=-1), P(X<0), P(X<=0), P(X=1), P(X>5), P(X>=5), P(3<=X<=4).
I think that these are the answers:P(X<0)=F(0-)=0.1, P(X<=0)=F(0)=0.2...
Homework Statement
$$P_x(x)=A(1- \frac{|x|}{2}) \ \ \ |x|≤2$$
$$P_x(x)=0 \ \ |x|>2$$
Find A
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
This one shouldn't be too bad but I wanted to verify that I am on the right track.
I basically have ##P_x(x)=A(1- \frac{x}{2})## when x≤2. 0 otherwise...
Homework Statement
given pdf:
f(x) = 2/3x for 0<=x<=1
f(x) = 2/3 for 1<x<=2
f(x) = 0 elsewhere
Find the CDF.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I've found:
F(x) = 0 for x<= 0
F(x) = 1 for x>=2
F(x) = (1/3)x2 for 0<=x<=1
and I found:
F(x) = (2/3)x...
I have a question , the question asks find value of a and b such that F(x) is a valid cumulative distribution function?
1-a*exp(-x/b) x≥0
a*exp(x/b) x<0
My attempt to solve the problem:
I know F(x) when x goes to ∞ in 1 and when x goes to -∞ is...
Homework Statement
I have a course where I am supposed to show how to get to the Boltzmann equation from a nonequilibrium distrubution function.
At the moment I'm kinda lost to how this is done, so hopefully a hint or two would be of some help :)Homework Equations
The nonequilibrium...
I was wondering If anyone could give intuitive explanations for the multivariate Gaussian distribution function and mahalanobis distance? My professor didn't explain these in probability class, they were only defined...
Where did the formula come from? Why is the Gaussian function the...
The distance of someone from the center (cable station) of a circle is depicted as r, and the regular radius of that circle(the cable station) is depicted as rc. The Circle represents the entire area the cable station provides cable service for.
Probability Distribution Function
P(r) =...
Homework Statement
Let's consider a distribution function f=f(t,x^i,E,p^i). Is it true that
\mathop {\lim }\limits_{p \to\infty}p^{\alpha}f=0 \forall\alpha\in R ?Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
I think so, not sure though. Thanks in advance!
Hello, I'm David. I'm a new member here.
Could anyone of you help me? Where can i find the formal deduction of Gauss' Normal Distribution Function? I've read a lot of statistics books and never found that. Where that comes from?
It's just curiosity, not homework.
P.S.: sorry about my...
Homework Statement
Let N(x) denote the CDF of the standard normal density. So, it's the integral of the standard normal density from -∞ to x.
Is it true that \lim_{b\to 0} N(\frac{a}{b}) = N(\frac{a}{\lim_{b\to 0}b}) = N(+\infty) = 1?
2. The attempt at a solution
This is more of a...
Homework Statement
Incoming signal has normal distribution, xmin is equal to -sigma, xman is equal to +sigma. What is the governing equation of the nonlinearity through which the signal has to be passed in order to make its pdf uniform?
Homework Equations...
Dear all,
In classical molecular dynamics simulation initial velocities are generated using the so called Maxwell distribution.
At low temperature it's no longer effective, so I'm wandering whether there is a similar way to generate velocities at low temperature taking into account quantum...
Hi, I am trying to plot a graph I have made using excel on gnuplot. I have converted the excel book to a csv file and the data I have looks like this
and so on for 2048 different points.
The data...
Homework Statement
The continuous random variable X has cumulative distribution function given by
F(x) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
0 & {x \le 0} \\
{\frac{{x^2 }}{k}} & {0 \le x \le 1} \\
{ - \frac{{x^2 }}{6} + x - \frac{1}{2}} & {1 \le x \le 3} \\
1 & {x \ge 3} \\...
Homework Statement
(From Probability and Statistical Inference, Hogg and Tanis, Eighth Edition, 5.1-5)
The p.d.f. of X is f(x) = \theta x^{\theta - 1} for 0<x<1 and 0<\theta<\infty. Let Y = -2\theta \ln X. How is Y distributed?
Homework Equations
Um... Fundamental Theorem of...
I just downloaded scilab because Wolfram Alpha wouldn't want to plot the function I'd like.
In a physics problem I've found the temperature distribution of a 2 dimensional system. I'd like to visualize this function in 3d.
The function I want to plot is u(x,y)=\frac{1}{\pi} \arctan \left (...
Okay, this is a really basic question. I'm just learning the basics of QM now.
I can't wrap my head around the idea that the radial distribution function goes to zero as r-->0 but that the probability density as at a maximum as r-->zero. How can this be? they are opposite to each other...
Let X be continuous a random variable who's support is the entire real line and who's cumulative distribution function satisfies the initial value problem
note that a>0, b>0, s>0 and m is real. m is the median of the distribution,
Is it...
Homework Statement
A die is rolled until the first time that a six turns up. We shall see that the
probability that this occurs on the nth roll is (5/6)n−1 · (1/6). Using this fact,
describe the appropriate infinite sample space and distribution function for
the experiment of rolling a die...
Homework Statement
A continuous random variable X has density f(x) = ax2(1- x) for 0 < x < 1, and
f(x) = 0 otherwise. Here a is a constant, to be determined. Find the distribution func-
tion FX, the constant a, the expectation E(X), the variance Var(X), and the conditional
probability p(X...
A dart is thrown towards a quadrilateral defined by {(x,y): 0 < x < b, 0 < x < b}. Assume the dart is equally likely to land anywhere within this shape. Let Z be denoted by the (x,y) coordinate with the least value. Find the region in the square corresponding to {Z < z}
so i know the sample...
Homework Statement
Let the independent random variables X1,X2,X3 have the same cdf F(x). Let Y be the middle value of X1,X2,X3. Determine the cdf of Y.
Homework Equations
F(x) = P(X<=x) = ∫-inf to x f(y)dy
The Attempt at a Solution
I don't understand the question, what does it...
Homework Statement
Homework Equations
F(x) = 0∫xf(t) dt
The Attempt at a Solution
The solution is 1 - e-(x/4)3
I have tried integrating but I am not able to arrive at the solution...
What is the indefinite integral of e-(x/4)3?
Hello, I am new. I been looking on the net for a guide how to solve the CDF by hand, i know the answer and I am about to crack this baby but I got stuck...
Im trying to calculate Cumulative distribution function by hand:
\int^{1}_{-1}\frac{1}{2\pi} e^{\frac{-z^{2}}{2}} dz or wolfram alpha...
If a random variable X follows Gamma Distribution Function with parameters K and thita, what does (X+k) follow? if K is a constant.
I think, since adding the constant is just like shifting the origin, the nature of the curve remain unchanged. But what about its parameter?
I am trying to model a PDF of frequency for the WCDMA handset. I have found some info on ways of graphing a PDF of transmit power but nothing on frequency. I am hoping there is a way to model this, but think it might be something that requires field tests with multiple phones. Any...
Hi all,
I'm really banging my head on this problem:
Let f be a real-valued measurable function on the measure space (X,\mathcal{M},\mu).
\lambda_f(t)=\mu\{x:|f(x)|>t\}, t>0.
Show that if \phi is a nonnegative Borel function defined on [0,infinity), then...
Homework Statement
Let X and Y be two independent random variables with the same probability density funtion over:
f(x) = {1/a if x € [0,a]
{0 if x=0
Find the density distribution of a) X + Y and b) X*Y
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Ok, my...
I want to solve following double integration. I am stuck from long time. Any intermediate solution will also be appreciated.
\int\int dvb dvl (feven+fodd)
feven = (r*(vl^{2}+vb^{2}))^(-2*\beta)*(potential - 0.5*(vl^{2}+vb^{2}+vr^{2}))^(-3*\beta+5.5), where \beta,potential and vr...
I was wondering, does anyone have any images that show the difference between the radial distribution functions for hcp and fcc lattices? I would be useful for reference purposes.
X and Y are 2 independent gaussian random variables with parameter a.
Z = XY / (X-Y)
W = XY / |X-Y|
I am to find the joint distribution function of z and w.
I know how to find pdf of Z but how could I use it to find the joint distribution function of z and w?
Hello everybody.
I have the following problem:
I am given a Speed distribution function, f(v). This distribution is normalized to the total number of particles there are, that's equivalent to:
\int_0^\infty f(v) dv = n_0
(particles traveling away from my target are not considered.)Now. I know...
Hi, i am running a hard disks molecular dynamics simulation. I would like to compare the radial distribution function obtained from my simulation with the theoretical radial distribution function. May i know what is the theoretical radial distribution function? Or what data do people normally...
For (4), when I calculated the Distribution Function, I had to break it up into two cases whether or not the point was above or below the line.
For (6.c), I got the right answer for the Cov(X,Y), but I didn't break up the double integral into two cases. Is this because since the density...
Homework Statement
Given the probability distribution function:
See attachment.
Determine the:
1. Probability density function.
2. The mean.
3. The median.
Homework Equations
I am really struggling with this subject area, this is an example I have found, would...
Hey everyone!
I'm building a "Deal or No Deal" calculator that estimates the odds of getting a better deal than the one presented. As you can see in the title, I'm looking for a function that will calculate the CDF. For ease's sake, please only post JavaScript code (no C,Perl,BASIC,etc.)
Oops. Nevermind. It is in the family.
I think the rest of my work is correct.
Homework Statement
I have been given the distribution function F_X of the random variable X and I am asked to find the distribution function F_Y of Y, another random variable which is defined from X in the following way.
Y={\stackrel{X^{2} if X<2;}{4 if 2\leq X < 3;}\stackrel{4(4-X) if...
i have two random variables x e y independent and they're uniform on the interval [0, 1] find cumulative distribution function of Z= (x+y)/(x-y)
i just try to solve...
is it right?
Homework Statement
A PC generates "random" numbers from [0,1], programmed such that
the distribution function F(x) of a continuous random variable X, which is satisfies the formula:
F(x) =
0 , x<0
x , 0<=x<0.25
0.25 , 0.25<=x<0.5
x2, 0.5<=x<1
1 , 1<=x
THe problem then asks the values of...
Hi everyone,
So I am taking a statistics course and finding this concept kinda challenging. wondering if someone can help me with the following problem!
Suppose X is a discrete random variable with moment generating function
M(t) = 2/10 + 1/10e^t + 2/10e^(2t) + 3/10e^(3t) + 2/10e^(4t)...
P(X=x, Y=y)=\frac{a^ye^{-2a}}{x!(y-x)!} where x=0,1,2,...y and y=0,1,2...\infty, and a>0
Find P(X=x) and P(Y=y)
An example is provided in a book on books.google.com
Page 96...
consider rolling a die.
S= {1,2,3,4,5,6}
P(s)=1/6 for all s in S
X= number on die so that X(s)=s for all s in S
Y= X^2
compute the cumulative distribution function Fy(y) = P(Y<=y), for all y in the set of real numbers.
My guess
for Y=1 i get...