What is Distribution function: Definition and 143 Discussions

In probability theory and statistics, the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a real-valued random variable


{\displaystyle X}
, or just distribution function of


{\displaystyle X}
, evaluated at


{\displaystyle x}
, is the probability that


{\displaystyle X}
will take a value less than or equal to


{\displaystyle x}
.Every probability distribution supported on the real numbers, discrete or "mixed" as well as continuous, is uniquely identified by an upwards continuous monotonic increasing cumulative distribution function




{\displaystyle F:\mathbb {R} \rightarrow [0,1]}




{\displaystyle \lim _{x\rightarrow -\infty }F(x)=0}




{\displaystyle \lim _{x\rightarrow \infty }F(x)=1}
In the case of a scalar continuous distribution, it gives the area under the probability density function from minus infinity to


{\displaystyle x}
. Cumulative distribution functions are also used to specify the distribution of multivariate random variables.

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  1. Y

    How Do I Find a Distribution Function Based on Measurements?

    hello, How do i find a Distribution Function based on Measurements? Y.S
  2. C

    Finding the cumulative distribution function

    Homework Statement The experiment is to toss two balls into four boxes in such a way that each ball is equally likely to fall in any box. Let X denote the number of balls in the first box. Homework Equations What is the cumulative distribution function of X? The Attempt at a...
  3. J

    Radial distribution function - weird result

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  4. I

    Probability density versus radial distribution function

    Okay, this is a really basic question. I'm just learning the basics of QM now. I can't wrap my head around the idea that the radial distribution function goes to zero as r-->0 but that the probability density as at a maximum as r-->zero. How can this be? Thanks!
  5. K

    Finding E(X) from distribution function

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  7. A

    What is the distribution function for a population with a disease?

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  8. M

    Determining the distribution function F(x): Statistics/Probability

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  9. P

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  10. J

    Statistics - distribution function and median lifetime

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  11. R

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  12. M

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  13. R

    Distribution Function: Computing P(X-Y > a) w/ f(m,v)

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  14. B

    Distribution Function f(x)= .5e^|x|, find EX and Var(x)

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  15. K

    Cumulative Distribution Function of Distance

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  16. J

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  17. B

    Cumulative Distribution function

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  18. C

    Cumulative distribution function

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  19. R

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  20. O

    Cumulative distribution function to probability density function how

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  21. N

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  22. K

    Distribution Function and Properties of Continuously Distributed Variances

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  23. A

    Probability distribution function with arctan

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  24. E

    How to Evaluate Quantum States and Fermi Energy Levels?

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  25. M

    Cumulative distribution function (what is this 't'?)

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  26. E

    Proof with regards to cumulative distribution function

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  27. G

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  28. L

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  29. P

    Probability distribution function proof

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  30. M

    Find distribution function given p.d.f

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  31. J

    Distribution function approach to error propagation

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  32. J

    The Fermi-Dirac distribution function.

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  33. M

    Find the cumulative distribution function

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  34. L

    Probability Distribution Function, H-atom

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  35. L

    Distribution Function Calculations for Given Probabilities

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  36. I

    Cumulative distribution function

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  37. S

    Determining the distribution function

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  38. M

    Derivation of the probability distribution function of a binomial distribution

    Is there a way to derive P (X=r) =^nC_r p^r q^{n-r} , r= 0, 1, 2,..., n where X: B(n,p) where n is the total number of bernoulli experiments, p the probability of success q, the probability of failure.
  39. G

    Distribution function of an ideal gas

    Hi, I have the following problem to solve: Consider a planet of radius R and mass M. The plante's atmosphere is an ideal gas of N particles of mass m at temperature T. Find the equilibrium distribution function of the gas accounting for the gas itself and the gravitationnal potential of...
  40. A

    Understanding Distribution Functions: Proving and Verifying Their Properties

    Could someone help me. I don't able to explain if is FG is a distribution fuction: Show that if F and G are distribution functions and 0 \leq \lambda \leq 1 then \lambda.F + (1 - \lambda).G is a distribution function. Is the product F.G a distribution function?
  41. A

    What is the Distribution Function for Y = aX + b?

    Could someone help me to find the probability distribution de Y below: A random variable X has distribution function F. What's the distribution function of Y = a.X + b, where a and b are constants?
  42. M

    Distribution Function Of X Help

    This is what I have: Let the distribution function of X be given by f(x) = 0, if x < (or equal to) 5 f(x) = x/10 - 1/2, if 5<x<(or equal to) 15 f(x) = 1, if x>15 Find p(6<x<12) Ok, everyone. I need major help. I have no clue where to even begin. I have searched the web for help...
  43. R

    The probability distribution function of

    I've been practicing on how to get the probability distribution/density functions of certain random variables by solving some questions in my book. I cam across this particular problem, and though, It seems easy, the answer does not comply with what I got (or simply I got the wrong answer.)...