Distribution Definition and 1000 Threads

The Cauchy distribution, named after Augustin Cauchy, is a continuous probability distribution. It is also known, especially among physicists, as the Lorentz distribution (after Hendrik Lorentz), Cauchy–Lorentz distribution, Lorentz(ian) function, or Breit–Wigner distribution. The Cauchy distribution





{\displaystyle f(x;x_{0},\gamma )}
is the distribution of the x-intercept of a ray issuing from





{\displaystyle (x_{0},\gamma )}
with a uniformly distributed angle. It is also the distribution of the ratio of two independent normally distributed random variables with mean zero.
The Cauchy distribution is often used in statistics as the canonical example of a "pathological" distribution since both its expected value and its variance are undefined (but see § Explanation of undefined moments below). The Cauchy distribution does not have finite moments of order greater than or equal to one; only fractional absolute moments exist. The Cauchy distribution has no moment generating function.
In mathematics, it is closely related to the Poisson kernel, which is the fundamental solution for the Laplace equation in the upper half-plane.
It is one of the few distributions that is stable and has a probability density function that can be expressed analytically, the others being the normal distribution and the Lévy distribution.

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  1. D

    Error bars, Chi square distribution

    Hi, I'm doing a fit using Chi-square distribution. I have a data set and their errors, I found the best estimate minimizing Chi square, as usual, and I like to found the error bars of my best estimates but I don't know how to do that. Which is the standard form to do it?
  2. Dethrone

    MHB Radial distribution of a 3d orbital

    How do I sketch the radial distribution of a $3d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbital? :D
  3. L

    Calculating temperature from molecular speed distribution

    Homework Statement A sealed container of 0.10 m3 holds a sample of 3.0x1024 atoms of helium gas in equilibrium. The distribution of speeds of the helium atoms shows a peak at 1100 m s-1. Take the mass of a helium atom to be 4.0 amu. I, calculate the temperature and pressure of the helium gas...
  4. B

    Using approximations to the binomial distribution

    Homework Statement This is the problem I am given. . It is in he picture below or in the thumbnail. I was also told that since ##n## is big enough that I can use normal approximations. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I think that ##C_{\alpha}=C_{0.1}=2.33## which I got off the...
  5. H

    What Is the Total Charge in a Non-Uniform Spherical Charge Distribution?

    Homework Statement A Non-Uniform but spherically symmetric charge distribution has a charge density: \rho(r)=\rho_0(1-\frac{r}{R}) for r\le R \rho(r)=0 for r > R where \rho = \frac{3Q}{\pi R^3} is a positive constant Show that the total charge contained in this charge distribution is...
  6. M

    Binary Star Inclination Angle probability distribution

    Can someone explain why the probability of the inclination angle of a binary system being less than i_0 is 1-cos(i_0) i.e. why the fractional distribution of binary stars is df = sini * di, where i is the inclination angle? Where does the sin i come from? Why is not not uniformly distributed...
  7. binbagsss

    Stats - mle poisson distribution -- quick question

    This is probably a stupid question , but, It's easy enough to show that the mle of a poission distribution is ## \bar{x}##: ## \hat{ \lambda}= \bar{x} ## But,I'm then looking at the generalized ratio test section of my book, multinomial, it esitmates ## \lambda ## for some data by ## \sum...
  8. J

    Earth-Like Planets & Iron: Questions Answered

    I have 2 related questions about Earth-like planets and solar systems: First question: - I don’t understand why the Earth has so much iron. - How much iron is blown off by the typical supernova in proportion to other metals? - If the proto-solarsystem was a rotating gaseous disk, should most...
  9. M

    LTI Systems, Delta Distribution, and more

    Hi, For my math methods 3 course, I am not quite sure which books to use. The course is based on the math methods book by Riley, Hobson, and Bence, and I don't particularly like it. Hence, I am looking for some alternatives. Especially for the Preliminaries section. I had a real hard time...
  10. Robsta

    Kinetic Theory Speed distribution (general form)

    Homework Statement A molecule has a velocity v and speed v. I've worked out (and understand) that the number of molecules in a gas with speeds between v and v+dv and moving at angles between Ө and Ө+dӨ to any chosen axis is: (1/2)nf(v)dvsin(Ө)dӨ The internet verifies this. f(v) is the speed...
  11. K

    Calculating Spectral Power Distribution of White LED

    Hi there, how one can compute the spectral power distribution of white LED ,i,e like black body radiator that has a formula of calculation.. regards
  12. N

    Eigenvalue distribution relation

    Hello, I was wondering if H_{ii} (that is the ith diagonal element of a random matrix) has the same distribution with its corresponding eigenvalue, say \lambda_{i}. Thanks
  13. F

    Deriving the Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution

    Homework Statement Using the Boltzmann distribution for a small system in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature T, find the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Homework Equations The Boltzmann distribution states that the probability density of a system in contact with a heat reservoir at...
  14. Ganesh Ujwal

    Is the charge distribution for an electric field unique?

    If the electric field and boundary conditions are known exactly for a region of space, is it true that there exists only one charge distribution in that region of space that could have produced it? My understanding of the uniqueness theorem in electrostatics is that for a given charge...
  15. koustav

    Derivation of Wiens Displacement & Distribution Laws from Thermodynamics

    derivation of wiens displacement law and wiens distribution law from thermodynamic principle.but not from Plancks law
  16. N

    Fermi distribution: Sum over states --> integral over states

    Homework Statement http://web.phys.ntnu.no/~kolausen/TFY4230/.oldExams/17_eksdes12.en.pdf solution: http://web.phys.ntnu.no/~kolausen/TFY4230/.oldExams/18_losdes12.en.pdf Look at problem 4a, formula (27) or the expression between (29) and (30). My professor keeps converting sums into...
  17. J

    Delta Transformers on Wye Distribution System

    Hopefully this has not already been asked. It would be hard to do a forum search with the right words to find it if it has been already. I am wondering if it is ever possible or common place to generate power in a Wye generation scheme and then connect it directly to a transformer with a...
  18. C

    Binomial Distribution for a person walking in straight line

    Homework Statement Can I measure the probability of a person being at a certain end location after n steps using the binomial distribution if, probability student goes x=x+3 is 0 <= p <0.5 , x=x-1 is 0<= 0.5 p <1.Homework Equations x=x+3 is 0 <= p <0.5 x=x-1 is 0<= 0.5 p <1 The Attempt at a...
  19. 2

    How to Normalize the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Wave Function?

    when considering the quantum harmonic oscillator, you get that the wave function takes the form psi=ae^{-\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}x^2} I have been trying to integrate \psi ^2 to find the constant a so that the wave function is normalised, and I know the trick with converting to polar coordinates...
  20. DrClaude

    Exploring Strange Distribution of My Son's Board Game

    My son "invented" a simple board game. It consists of a series of squares numbered 1 to 32. You start at square 1, then advance your piece according to the throw of a die, until square 32 is reached, and you win. Nothing else happens, and the only difficulty is that square 32 must be reached...
  21. I

    Distribution Difference of Two Independent Random Variables

    Homework Statement Z = X - Y and I'm trying to find the PDF of Z. Homework Equations Convolution The Attempt at a Solution Started by finding the CDF: Fz(z) = P(Z ≤ z) P(X - Y ≤ z) So I drew a picture So then should Fz(z) be: since, from my graph, it looks as though Y can go from...
  22. R

    Moment of Inertia - center of a rod w/ unequal distribution

    Hello everyone! New member here, as an ME major I always seem to come across very valuable information here, so I figured I would see if possibly someone here could help me. The problem I am dealing with involves modeling a car through certain motions such as hitting a speed bump, and part...
  23. E

    Computing Mass Distribution in Statics Problems

    Hello, I would like to ask the following question : --> I have an object of mass M (represented by the blue potato in the two attached drawings). --> I know the coordinates (x,y) of its Center of Gravity (reprensented by big red cross). --> I also know the coordinates of its contact points to...
  24. P

    Orientation distribution function

    Hi everybody, i have a problem that i wanted to share with you if we consider a polycrystal made of cylindrical fibers following a von mises-fisher distribution equation (17) in http://bit.do/vmisesfisher (called orientation distribution function of fibers) . i must change the probability...
  25. Ryuzaki

    Probability question involving picking balls from a bag

    I’m working on a chemistry problem, which essentially translates to finding the answer to a related probability problem. However, my knowledge in probability is very limited and I'd be grateful if someone could help me out with it. The following is the problem:- Suppose I have a bag containing...
  26. G

    Skewed Generalized Gaussian Distribution

    I am looking for more information (e.g., reference, the CDF and descriptive stats) about a four-parameter skewed generalized Gaussian (SGG) distribution. I have come across the PDF for this distribution, but with no reference and not a lot of other information. Here is a snippet... On...
  27. Soumalya

    Hydrostatic pressure distribution for an ideal gas

    Considering a unit mass of an ideal gas in a cylindrical container of volume 'V' at temperature 'T' the pressure exerted by the gas at the walls of the container is given by the ideal gas equation as, pV=RT where 'R' is the characteristic gas constant for the particular gas. Under equilibrium...
  28. S

    How to get the normalized log-normal distribution equation?

    I have a quick(?) question about log-normal distribution. As far as I know, the right-side equation (from wiki) is the PDF of log-normal distribution. However... How I can get the left-side equation...?? I do not know how I can get the normalized log-normal function? please help me...
  29. Z

    Solution distribution of degenerate perturbation secular EQ

    When two states |k> and |k'> degenerate, a perturbation H' would lead to an energy split of <k|H'|k'>. As the number of degenrate states increases, the order of the secular equation rises correspondingly (and the equation could hardly be solved ?) My question is: is there any knowledge of the...
  30. D

    Distribution transformer short-circuit test issue

    I have a question considering the transformer's short-circuit test and the impedance (or short-circuit voltage). The transformer's general data is: Rated power: 50kVA Primary voltage: 10000V (10kV) Secondary voltage: 420V (0,42kV) Primary current: 2.89A Secondary current: 68.73A Vector group...
  31. T

    MHB Please help with this question (cumulative distribution function of X)

    The probability density function of the lifetime of a certain type of electronic device (measured in hours), X, is given by  f(x) = 10/x^2, 0, x > 10; elsewhere. (a) Find the cumulative distribution function of X, namely F(x) and hence find P(X > 20). (b) What is the...
  32. B

    Finding the conditional distribution

    Hey guys, I'm trying to find a conditional distribution based on the following information: ##Y|u Poisson(u \lambda)##, where ##u~Gamma( \phi)## and ##Y~NegBinomial(\frac{\lambda \phi}{1+ \lambda \phi}, \phi^{-1})## I want to find the conditional distribution ##u|Y## Here's what I've got so...
  33. I

    Distribution of a Function of a Random Variable

    Homework Statement If X is uniformly distributed over (0,1), find the PDF of Y = |X| and Z = e^X Focusing on the |X| one Homework Equations Derivative of CDF is the PDF The Attempt at a Solution So I start by writing down the CDF of X, Fx(x): 0 for x <0 x for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 1 for x ≥ 1 And I...
  34. P

    Finding electrostatic potential from charge distribution

    Homework Statement Question Homework Equations Equation The Attempt at a Solution Attempt I am not sure how to write the |r-r'| in a way that allows me to actually solve the integral. I have tried writing |r-r'| in spherical co ords, but all I seem to be able to get is this as the separation...
  35. B

    Roots of the normal distribution

    Homework Statement $$f:\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R},$$ $$ f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2 \sigma ^{2}}}$$ What are the roots of this equation? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The roots of an equation are the values of x such that f(x) = 0. This...
  36. H

    Is the Memoryless Property of Exponentials Affected by an Upper Bound?

    Homework Statement Let x be an exponential random variable with lamda = .5 P(x=5|2<x<9} = 0 since exponential is continuous => probability of any single number = 0 Calculate E[x| 2<x<9] = integral from 2 to 9 of (x* .5*exp(-.5*x)) dx ? is this true or is there something wrong because of the...
  37. H

    Deriving Boltzmann's Distribution

    I am sure this has a simple answer, but I don't seem to get it at the moment. I am going through a derivation of the Boltzmann's distribution by maximising the entropy with the constraints that the sum of the probabilities add to 1 and the average energy is some constant value. My question is...
  38. B

    Beta Distribution: Find Expected Value of X_(1)

    Homework Statement If ##X_1,..,X_n## is a random sample and has a density ##f_X(x)=6x(1-x)## for ##0<x<1##. Let ##X_{(1)}=\min(X_1,..,X_n)##. Find the ##E(X_{(1)})## (Expected Value)? Homework Equations There is an uploaded picture of the pdf I used. The Attempt at a Solution "I've been...
  39. W

    Does this make sense? A binomial distribution with a twist.

    I'm working on a project studying sea ice in the Arctic ocean. A brief overview of the essentials: The ice pack over the Arctic begins shrinking every summer beginning around June 1st, and begins to recover around Sep 15th. I'm interested in the movement of the ice edge as the pack shrinks...
  40. N

    Determining radius at which 50% of energy is in the profile.

    Homework Statement I have to determine the radius at which 50% of energy is in a Gaussian profile.Homework Equations The intensity is given by I=Ioe^(-r/2c)^2. This is just a gaussian function ofcourse. The Attempt at a Solution I know c is the standard deviation. I searched through charts...
  41. Soumalya

    Binomial Distribution and the Classical Definition of Probability

    I am facing problems while comparing the results of solving a problem individually using both the concept of Binomial Distribution of Probabilities and the Classical Definition of Probability. Let me formulate the problem first: "The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be...
  42. throneoo

    Geometric distribution Problem

    Homework Statement a man draws balls from an infinitely large box containing either white and black balls , assume statistical independence. the man draws 1 ball each time and stops once he has at least 1 ball of each color . if the probability of drawing a white ball is p , and and q=1-p is...
  43. B

    Mean and variance of loggamma distribution

    The loggamma distribution is defined by $$ g(x) = \frac{1}{ \Gamma ( α) θ^{ α} } \frac{(ln( x))^{ α - 1}}{x^{1+\frac{1}{θ}}} $$, for $$ 1 < x < ∞ $$ where α is a positive integer. I've been trying to find the mean and variance of this distribution. It's been somewhat frustrating because the...
  44. L

    Uniform Discrete Sample Distribution

    Homework Statement 2. Homework Equations [/B] So the sample mean is 2. the sample variance would be [[(3-1+1)-1]/12]/36 = 8/432. The Attempt at a Solution Is it, P[ (2.1-2)/sqrt(8/432) < z < (2.5-2)/sqrt(8/432)] = 0.232574. The book answer is 0.2312. I just want to be sure.
  45. C

    Calculate the standard deviation of Gaussian distribution ,thanks

    Given a one-dimensional Gaussian distribution, distributed as following: f (x) = exp (-x ^ 2 / (2q)) / q / √ (2pi) proof which q is the standard deviation Thanks !The standard deviation is defined by: http://www.mathsisfun.com/data/standard-deviation-formulas.html
  46. C

    PDE for temperature distribution in rectangle

    Homework Statement A rectangular chip of dimensions a by b is insulated on all sides and at t=o temperature u=0. The chip produces heat at a constant rate h. Find an expression for u(x,y,t) Homework Equations δu/δt = h + D(δ2u/δx2 + δ2u/δy2) x∈(0,a), y∈(0,b) The Attempt at a Solution I'm...
  47. M

    Energy distribution of backscattered electrons

    I would like to ask what does mean energy distribution ,and how can I calculate the energy distribution of transmitted electrons . Thanks
  48. B

    Point charge or distributions?

    Do charges exist as a point or a distribution? Or does it depend on the situation? Or does the concept of image mean that it's very difficult to tell, and if so why is the point charge model being pushed so hard, what phenomena does it explain that distributions cant?
  49. C

    Non equilibrium boson distribution function

    In statistical mechanics the boson distribution function has the well known form ##f = \frac{1}{e^{E/T} - 1},## (in the special case of zero chemical potential). As one considers the non-equilibrium variant this generalize to ##f = \frac{1}{e^{\frac{E}{T(1+ \Theta)}} - 1},## for some function...
  50. P

    How Do You Find Pressure Distribution In A Porous Material?

    Homework Statement Using Darcy’s law, plus another appropriate relationship, derive a single equation for the pressure distribution in a porous material. Your equation should be stated in terms of generic operators (i.e. without assuming any specific coordinate system) and allow for the fact...