Distribution Definition and 1000 Threads

The Cauchy distribution, named after Augustin Cauchy, is a continuous probability distribution. It is also known, especially among physicists, as the Lorentz distribution (after Hendrik Lorentz), Cauchy–Lorentz distribution, Lorentz(ian) function, or Breit–Wigner distribution. The Cauchy distribution





{\displaystyle f(x;x_{0},\gamma )}
is the distribution of the x-intercept of a ray issuing from





{\displaystyle (x_{0},\gamma )}
with a uniformly distributed angle. It is also the distribution of the ratio of two independent normally distributed random variables with mean zero.
The Cauchy distribution is often used in statistics as the canonical example of a "pathological" distribution since both its expected value and its variance are undefined (but see § Explanation of undefined moments below). The Cauchy distribution does not have finite moments of order greater than or equal to one; only fractional absolute moments exist. The Cauchy distribution has no moment generating function.
In mathematics, it is closely related to the Poisson kernel, which is the fundamental solution for the Laplace equation in the upper half-plane.
It is one of the few distributions that is stable and has a probability density function that can be expressed analytically, the others being the normal distribution and the Lévy distribution.

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  1. D

    Binomial Distribution: Finding the number of trials

    Homework Statement Question: Find the number of trials needed to be 90% sure of at least three or more success, given that probability of one success is 0.2 Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution My initial attempt at the problem was finding the probability of at least...
  2. R

    Secondary distribution line overvoltage

    What is the probable cause of overvoltage in three phase secondary distribution line? Is it Possible to have an unbalance voltage in secondary distribution line? How do we solve this? Situation: 1-disconnecting switch of a three phase transformer bank has been open in Primary distribution line...
  3. A

    Binomial Distribution: Average & Probability of ≥1 Success

    The average if the binomial distribution with probability k for succes is simply: <> = Nk So this means that if <> = 1 the distribution function must be peaked around 1. In general when is it a good approximation (i.e. when is the function peaked sufficiently narrow) to say that the...
  4. A

    Is binomial distribution approriate

    Suppose I have 6 die and toss them. The probability to have n 6's is binomially distributed with parameter 1/6. Now suppose instead tossing the 6 die and having 1/6 probability for a 6 each dice's probability to show 6 grows continously in the time interval t=0 to t from 0 to 1/6. Can I then...
  5. S

    Relationship between a posterior distribution and the LLN

    Hello everybody. This is my first post here and I hope I'm not asking a question that's been addressed already (I did try to use the search function, but couldn't find what I'm looking for). Both the Bayes theorem and the law of large numbers are mathematical theorems derived from...
  6. I

    Power distribution standard and safety measures help please

    good day everyone, I wonder if anyone can direct me please on the international standard number or name that explain the safety and standard procedures in better distribution of power in breakers and panels from transformers. in short, as I learned in my school and as best practice that...
  7. Entanglement

    Bell shape like of Planck's distribution

    As a high schooler, what I can deduce from Planck's distribution's bell shape is that the majority of the atoms of a body above 0k possesses a certain K.E which is the average K.E which leads to the presence of a peak point in the distribution. While the minority posses higher or lower K.E...
  8. Entanglement

    Planck and Maxwell-boltzman distribution

    Is there a relation between these two distributions ?
  9. T

    Probability distribution function

    The number of hours, N, of daylight at a certain location can be expressed as N(d)=12+6sin(2πd/365) where d=day of the year starting with March 21. (a) What is the probability distribution function for hours of daylight if you assume the day of the year is a random variable? (b) What is the...
  10. S

    How to Show Average Energy at Low Temperatures?

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  11. F

    Matlab continuous uniform distribution

    Homework Statement Generate 100 data points from a continuous uniform distribution with mean = 10 and variance = 4 Homework Equations u = (a+b)/2 var = (b-a)^2 / 12 r = a + (b-a).*rand(100,1); The Attempt at a Solution points = 100 m1 = 10 v1 = 4 syms a b [a...
  12. U

    Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution and Probability

    In the book 'Macroscopic and Statistical Thermodynamics' they derived the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution by maximizing entropy using lagrangian multipliers with constants ##\alpha## and ##\beta##. The final result is given as: \frac{\overline {n_j}}{g_j} = e^{-\beta \epsilon_j}e^{-\alpha}...
  13. S

    Boltzmann Distribution: Calculate Probability of Particle in 4 States

    A certain particle is interacting with a reservoir at 500 k and can be in any four possible states. The ground state has energy 3.1 eV and three excited states all have the same energy. what is the probability that the particle is in ground state? what is the probability that the particle is in...
  14. N

    Breit-Wigner Distribution: What is it & How is it Used?

    what is breit wigner distribution function ? it is used in resonance scan means it decides the no of events for any specific channel. i am also giving the link of the paper where i found this http://pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/160/018/Bormio2012_018.pdf please help me out thank you
  15. JasonHathaway

    Electromagnetics charge distribution

    Homework Statement In fact, there are two problems, and I want to know whether my solutions are right or not. 1- Two charged line with density of 15 n c/m along the x and y axes (x\pm\infty, y\pm\infty), Find the Electric field at: (a) (0,0,4) (b) (0,5,4). 2- A cylinder with radius \rho=8cm...
  16. craigi

    Infinite Distribution: Generating Unbounded Real Numbers

    It seems to me that if we consider different methods of generating a distribution of an infinite number of samples of and unbounded real number then we get some distinct results. 1) If we randomly sample a value, then its probability must be non-zero, which is also true of any other value...
  17. N

    Distribution of sample mean and variance, and variance of sample means

    Distributions: sample mean and variance, and variance of sample means? Hi. Say you have a population, and from there you can draw a stochastic variable ##X## with a specified distribution. So you take out a few sizeable samples from the population, and calculate the mean and variance of ##X##...
  18. A

    Charge distribution inside an electron

    Is the charge distribution of an electron uniform, or is there more charge concentrated near the center or perimeter?
  19. A

    Can I Safely and Neatly Regulate Power for My Chameleon's Habitat?

    Greetings all, This is my first post, and I preface by saying I attempted to search for a solution before posting. Accept my apologies if this topic has been covered in some way; I'll gladly move/repost. Anyhow, here is the situation: I am a teacher and my students are aged 9 - 12 (Mixed...
  20. retro10x

    Schools Does distribution of grades matter when applying to grad school?

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  21. N

    MHB What are the distributions for R and fi in polar coordinates?

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  22. D

    Statistics - data follows x distribution

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  23. N

    Black Hole Formation and Iron Distribution

    Hi, does anyone know how much of the universes's iron or carbon has been made in supernovae that formed black holes? Is it 5, 10, 50 % of the iron currently pressent here? And, if se, do we have any idea how much of the average stars content gets traped in the BH versus the mass of the...
  24. A

    MHB Probability distribution of girls

    A certain couple is equally likely to have either a boy or a girl. If the family has four children, let X denote the number of girls. Determine the probability distribution of X. (Hint: There are 16 possible equally likely outcomes. One is GBBB, meaning the first born is a girl and the next...
  25. atyy

    Joint distribution of position and momentum

    In quantum mechanics, there doesn't seem to be a joint distribution of position and momentum. But in Bohmian mechanics there is. But Bohmian mechanics is quantum mechanics, so what is the error in my reasoning?
  26. crador

    What Is the Most Likely Radius for a 1s Electron in a Hydrogen Atom?

    Homework Statement Hey Guys! Here's my problem: ψ=2(Z/a)^3/2*e^ρ/2 for the 1s orbital of a hydrogen atom. Write down the radial distribution function expression (P) of a 1s electron and determine the most likely radius. ρ=2Zr/a Z nuclear charge r radius a Bohr's radius Homework...
  27. S

    Converting Normal Distribution to Standard Normal

    Homework Statement Let X1,X2,X3 be a random sample from a normal distribution with mean μ≠0 and variance σ2=1/24. What are the values of a and b, respectively, in order for L=aX1+4X2+bX3 to have standard normal distribution?Homework Equations σ=1/√24 Converting normal distribution to...
  28. S

    How to solve a geometric distribution problem with a biased coin?

    A boy is playing with a biased coin. The probabilty of obtaining a head with the coin is 0.4. Determine the probability that the boy will require at least eleven tosses before obtaining his third head. I have been trying but can't get it at all... Can someone please explain me how to solve...
  29. S

    Probability: What is the conditional distribution of X?

    Homework Statement If random variables X and Y are independent and both belong to Possion distribution of parameters \lambda_1 and \lambda_2 , then what is the conditional distribution of X when the condition X + Y = m is given? Homework Equations Possion distribution of...
  30. E

    Shared Neutral Between Distribution and Split Phase

    Greetings everyone. I do not have an extensive background in Power. I've recently been brushing up on topics from undergrad related to power distribution and residential wiring in general. I understand that in general, houses in the US are fed a three wire, split-phase 240V power from the...
  31. S

    MHB Two dimensional normal distribution

    If ( X,Y ) has the normal distributions in two dimensions with zero means and unit variances and the correlation coefficient r, then how to prove that the expectation of the greater of X and Y is \sqrt{(1-r)\pi}?
  32. U

    Hydrogen probability distribution

    I have found that: For l = 1: \sum_{m=-l}^l |Y_l^m|^2 = \frac{3}{4\pi} For l = 2: \sum_{m=-l}^l |Y_l^m|^2 = \frac{5}{4\pi} What significance does this have for the probability distribution in an hydrogen atom?
  33. S

    MHB Find p(x=0 or 1) & F(x) for Poisson Distribution

    If p(x=1)=p(x=2) where x follows a Poisson distribution, then find p(x=0 ~~or~~ 1) . Also find F(x)In connection with the above question, I have confusion about the last part i.e., about F(x). I can find E(x) here, but how to find F(x).
  34. noowutah

    Maximizing the entropy of a constrained distribution

    It is well-known that with known marginal probabilities a_{i} and b_{j} the joint probability distribution maximizing the entropy H(P)=-\sum_{i=1}^{m}\sum_{j=1}^{n}p_{ij}\log{}p_{ij} is p_{ij}=a_{i}b_{j} For m=3 and n=3, a=(0.2,0.3,0.5), b=(0.1,0.6,0.3), for example, \begin{equation}...
  35. C

    Radial distribution function for H atom in ground state

    Homework Statement The normalized energy eigenfunction of the ground state of the hydrogen atom is ##u_{100}(\underline{r}) = C \exp (-r/a_o)##, ##a_o## the Bohr radius. For this state calculate 1)##C## 2)The radial distribution function, the probability that the electron is within a...
  36. S

    Probability: Poisson distribution involving customer arrivals

    Homework Statement There are two stores A and B. Customers can equally enter one of the two stores, i.e., for a specific customer, the probabilities she enters store A or B both are 0.5. If the total number of customers in two stores has the Poisson distribution of parameter λ, then...
  37. T

    Poisson distribution on a simulated (SSA) data set

    I've been asked to fit the histogram with a Poisson distribution as part of a mostly independent learning thing. The data was produced through a stochastic simulation. Can someone get me started on how I would go about finding the expected distribution? If you need additional information...
  38. K

    HV and LV difference on distribution boards

    [b]. Hello, I have recently been given a course at work as someone left and they had already paid for it, unfortunately I am a bit green to electrical systems ( I only work in stores but want to learn) And my course helper, our onsite electrical man is off on long term sick! In my course I...
  39. A

    Induced charges and their distribution

    Dear All, I have some doubts in induced charges surface distribution.suppose their is a spherical shell and a negative charge is kept inside the shell(not at the center of shell) then induced charge distribution at inner surface of cavity is not uniform due to eccentric position of charge but...
  40. T

    Question on exponential distribution?

    Homework Statement Homework Equations f(x) = e-λλx/x! The Attempt at a Solution Initially I thought I could solve this problem using the Law of Memoryless. That, the solution would just be P(X <= 2). However, I was wrong. Turns out the solution is P(X <= 4.5) - P(X<= 2.5). Does anyone know why?
  41. S

    How to calculate Shear Flow distribution through an Annulus

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  42. N

    What is an Empirical Distribution and How to Calculate its Variance?

    Homework Statement I'm given data for 5 years of number of accidents. The problem asks about the Variance of the empirical distribution of the number of accidents per year. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure what an empirical distribution means. I wasn't...
  43. PsychonautQQ

    Power radiated through a hole in small wavelength distribution

    Homework Statement A cavity at Temperature 6000k has an energy distribution corresponding to a blackbody. We make a small hole in it 1mm in diameter. Calculate the power radiated through the hole of wavelength interval between 550nm and 551nm. HINT: when dλ is small (such in this case)...
  44. O

    Exponential distribution, memory

    I am told that an exponential distribution is memoryless. But why aren't other distributions, such as the normal distribution, also memoryless? If I pick a random number from an exponential distribution, it is not effected by previously chosen random numbers. But isn't that also the case for...
  45. J

    Understanding Roots of Unity: Proving Even Distribution with Math

    I don't understand why roots of unity are evenly distributed? Every time when we calculate roots of unity, we get one result and then plus the difference in degree, but I think this follows the rule of even distribution and I don't understand that, it is easy to be trapped in a reasoning cycle...
  46. S

    Conditional distribution for random variable on interval

    Homework Statement Find the conditional distribution function and density for the random variable X defined on R given that X is in some interval I = (a,b) where P(X in I) > 0. Assume that the density and distribution for the random variable X is known Homework Equations fX|X\inI =...
  47. pellman

    Expectation value for first success in a binomial distribution?

    This is not a homework problem. Just a curiosity. But my statistics is way rusty. Suppose a binomial probability distribution with probability p for a success. What is the expected number of trials one would have to make to get your first success? In practice, this means if we took a large...
  48. S

    Particle Distribution & Nano Modification of Acrylic Adhesives

    Hi everyone. I'm doing some research into the nano modification of structural adhesives (glues), particularly acrylic adhesives. The aim of the research is to essentially find out what effect different nano scale additives have on the performance of the adhesive. The problem is that I'm a...
  49. M

    Derivation of Johnson Distribution - Get Answers Here

    Hi guys. Could anybody tell me how the Johnson distribution was derived? I have searched the internet but I couldn't find anything useful. Any suggested links or books will be very useful.
  50. O

    Getting a random number with a distribution function

    I have a mean mu, and an exponential distribution function. How do I use a random number, generated with a PRNG, to get a random number from the distribution? I know this is a really basic question. Please help :) Thanks