In Bio II AP our teacher assigned us an assignment to read about the Endosymbiont Hypothesis. Very interesting indeed. Now I know the basic facts...prokaryotes being engulfed by larger prokaryotes forming organelles such as the power houses, mitochondrian, and cholorplasts. But besides DNA...
russian scientist discovered that affirmations directly affect dna and some more info about hypercommunication, which explains telepathy and other esp phenomenon.
I once read a 1997 physics book. At the end of the 'static electricity' chapter, it explains the mechanism of DNA replication and protein synthesis (in which static electrical force plays a critical role). However, it says something like 'this model has not been seen in action. It is consistent...
Way back in the dark ages when I went to high school, we where taught that humans had 32(?) chromosomes and that each chromosome contained individual genes which was what actually passed on characteristics and traits like eye color etc. So now there is DNA and the humane genome is billions of...
When cut in half they can regrow the severed part, but how?
is the information that enables this re growth encoded in the
DNA, what mechanism initiates this re growth.
What would we be looking for in terms of chemical evidence when this craft returns in 2006 with samples?
Anyone know, and what field of science would know best, chemistry? Biology?
DNA in Chromosomes: Structure unclear
I am a little unclear on the structure of chromosomes and the DNA within, and thought maybe you could point me in the right direction.
It's a little difficult to word this, so I hope it makes sense.
This site and most other sites basically state...
I need help with the following, I don’t even know how to start
A molecule of DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) is 2.17μm long. The ends of the molecule become singly ionized – negative on one end, positive on the other. The helical molecule acts as a spring and compresses 1.00 % on becoming...
I would like to ask a question about PNA and Morpholino... I am sorry, I look at their structure images but I still couldn't see anything that can be called similarities. The Morpholino has ring structure which is the same as DNA but PNA has no rings at all...
Would you please explain a...
a new study at McMasters University in Toronto has discovered that polution can alter your DNA, the research were done on mice, three categories, the first category lived in the middle of an industrial zone brething in heavily poluted air, the second lived on a farm with clean air, and the third...
Ok, so how does DNA build things? Say, even something as simple as a virus. The virus inserts its DNA or RNA or whatever, and it's coded into proteins.
So how does the protein make a shape? Like in that T4 virus that looks like the lunar lander thing, how do the proteins assemble into the...
Sure, that's simple. Focus on bringing in lunar nose, then solar nose, and be the DNA microcosm of the universe, surrounded by spiraling energy bands (not snakes!), and finally consumated in the crown where they're "making out." Well at least there is a...
In my less than deep undestanding of the biological sciences I understand there is an Axiom that say that the mechainsim of DNA goes in one direction. The DNA will evolve and change and impose itself on the organism, but the process does not work in reverse. Of course thee was the retrovirus...
I would like to know what DNA really is. How is it formed or at what stage in cellular development does it come about. Is it contained within a Gene or is it separate? Is it the determini9ng factor as to a Humans' physical and mental traits? Thanks for helping if possible.
DNA nano-technology is rapidly coming to a point in which applications for mankind will have enormous implications. It now becomes evident that mankind can manipulate DNA that will eventually change the way we live, our health and the world around us...
So,... this strands of DNA is what makes everyone of us unique and they're in every organs, tissues, blood...etc right? When there is an organ transplant, the part(or organ) that you're accepting has its own genetic stature so doesn't the body reject the new part? Once you acquired a new...
I ran a PCR last week but did not get around to running the AGE until this week, so the PCR product sat for a roughly a week at -4*C. What are the odds that all my DNA is at the bottom or stuck to the sides? A friend of mine just suggested this to me, or I would have vortexed it before running...
I’m interested in current state and progress_point of research in field of using DNA and other Bio materials in developing informational systems (or applying it in some areas/ researches of IT).
There’s lot’s of talking going on involving this subject, but no real information. Using google to...
I just have a small question about DNA replication correction.
My textbook states (might contain errors of translation):
Now my question is about locating the place of the DNA error. Locating the place of a wrong nucleotide might seem logical, but how can the enzyme locate the...
Metrics, Dimensions, DNA
In order to understand the images processed and viewed in remote sensing it is important to understand where these images are located, as products, and what the scaling for these domains actually constitutes in the multidimensional time-series. Non-locality theory...
I'm trying to prove that my daughter is my daughter. We just did DNA testing, but either me or my daughter has a mutation in our DNA and the lab is having a hard time coming up with an answer. They said that they are 98.75% sure that I'mno the father, but they won't say I'm the father unless...
Is this possible? If so, must the person being tested have a significant percentage to be identified? I am unsure about one of my great-great grandparents lineage, and would like to know, since census records cannot be found. I have heard about something like this, I believe, something to do...
Can DNA be supercoiled while it is wrapped around Histones?
We are often shown in Biology classes electron Photographs of Supercoiled DNA. Would this DNA in the picture be completely free of Histones? Or could the DNA visualised in the picture be supercoiled DNA already in its condensed...
I heard that a methylated cytosine converts into a thymine by the following mechanism:
The metC during the replication of DNA is place w/ an A opposite, and after the second replication you get what looks like a C to T transition.
But isn't the metC to T transition caused by the...