Earth Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. C

    Atmospheric drag on an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth

    Consider an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth and suppose that the atmosphere co-rotates with the Earth. I need to calculate x, y and z components of the atmospheric drag. I know how to calculate the drag in a non-spinning atmosphere and I have all the data to do that, but the Earth’s...
  2. E

    Uranium-Lead Dating: Exploring Age of Rocks

    I just recently read about how we got to know the true age of the Earth but I am a bit confused and curious about one thing. The mineral or rock is initially going to be a uranium right? If it is, isn't all of it going to decay at the same rate? I know that a radioactive reaction is spontaneous...
  3. A

    How can the neutral outer core generate a magnetic field?

    Even if the outer core is convecting and conductive it is still charge neutral, so how can a Magnetic field be generated? Maxwells Equation say there needs to be net charge moving for a Magnetic field to be generated.
  4. Solomei

    Tracking Earth's Climate Change: Recent Data and Observations

    Im quite fascinated over how Earth is constantly trying to stabilise itself. What is your most interesting observation or 'happening' about climate change?
  5. M

    Is it Possible to Capture a Complete Image of Earth from Space?

    I've been messing around with some circle theorems and found that you couldn't possibly take a picture of a full Earth from a single shot. Is this impossible? Is their some math to prove otherwise, I'm really stuck.

    B Is it possible Earth is a black hole?

    Yes I know. Sounds silly. I'm not a physicist, but it occurred to me to wonder: is it possible Earth is a black hole with data encoded in two dimensions on its surface? What would the proofs look like? Discuss.
  7. EthanVandals

    Calculate Moon's Potential/Kinetic Energy, Escape Velocity & Period

    Homework Statement Calculate the potential energy and kinetic energy of the moon, as well as it's escape velocity. Give the moon's period and angular speed. Consider the Earth to have a mass of 6 x 10^24 kg, the moon to have a mass of 7 x 10^22 kg, and their center separation distance to be 4 x...
  8. C

    B Earth may owe its birth to a solar eruption

    Earth may have been born in a huge flare-up of the young sun by Ken Croswell It’s not easy to make Earth. Most of the explanations for how our planet formed have troubling problems. But if a new idea is right, we can thank a hyperactive young sun for Earth’s existence, plus solve a...
  9. S

    Earth Temperature Homework Solution

    Homework Statement Calculate the temperature of the Earth assuming that the Sun and the Earth are black bodies. Assume that Earth is in a steady state as far as energy balance is concerned Homework Equations ##\frac{E}{St} = \sigma T^4## - Stefan-Boltzman law The Attempt at a Solution The...
  10. C

    Oscillation in a hole through the Earth (hole is offset)

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known There is an Earth but the hole is not in the middle but the side.find the period of oscillation Homework Equations Simple harmonic equation.Newton gravitational force The Attempt at a Solution I got GMx/R^3+acc=0 so period of...
  11. JayFlynn

    Why use Earth as a gravity assist?

    I am doing research for my aerospace engineering dissertation to plan a mission to a Jupiter trojan asteroid. I was researching the type of outgoing trajectories used in missions such as JUNO, Galileo and Europa and noticed they all use Earth as a gravity assist in getting to deep space. Surely...
  12. Greg Bernhardt

    Happy Earth Day 2017: Activities to Care for Our Home

    Time to think about what you can personally do to be a good steward of our home Earth. What activities are you doing today? I was hoping I could attend a sister science march in my city, but alas I have a wedding to attend. Instead this morning I will pick up trash I find in my community during...
  13. D

    I Gravitational time dilation near Earth

    We know (measured) that a clock on a mountain "ticks" faster than a clock at sea level. At higher altitude, the clock runs even faster. Now, if we go much higher, towards the Sun, on the line between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun, the clock should begin, at some point, to...
  14. Noisy Rhysling

    Breaking news: Aliens land on Earth. But....

    ...they land on April 1st. Merry confusion ensues.
  15. G

    Does current flow back to the power plant through the ground?

    Hi. I fear I might not have understood some fundamental concepts about electric power transmission. So we have "neutral" which is brought to Earth potential. Does this mean the electrical circuit from the power plant over highly conductive aluminium cables to my home closes back to the power...
  16. H

    Exploring the Flatness of the Earth: Kansas' Largest and Flattest Spot

    Kansas I have been told has the flattest and biggest flat spot on earth. Any actual data on the size/area and flatness. Is it an outlier in Earth curvature. Most google info was junk. Looking for science data if this is even true. Posted here cos I am not sure if science or junk science.
  17. cbeckelhymer

    B Noob with some questions on Modeling Earth

    as i mentioned I am a huge noob in the reals of math and physics, but if anyone can explain things to me as a noob that would be awesome. magnetism had always fascinated me so i think that's where i want to dive into. i am curious about experiments or ideas on a model of the earth, and inert...
  18. Tone L

    Convert Longitude/Latitude dependent upon the location on the Earth

    I am planning to plot all the observations made by a satellite in two respective grid boxes. One grid located at the equator and one grid located at the mid latitudes... Each grid box will be a 10° x 10° box. However, due to the shape of the Earth the area of each box will indeed not be the...
  19. Avimanyu Ray

    I What causes retrograde rotation in planets and moons?

    When I googled it, I wasn't satisfied with the answers from various sites...some sites like gave me a glimpse but it was totally theoretical and based on assumption. Also I would like to know why some planets have retrograde rotation; what might have caused them to and why do...
  20. Mohammad Hunter

    Pressure in the core of the earth

    I'm an empirical sciences student who loves physics. While studying geology I learned that the core of the Earth is considered to be solid and the reason for that is because the pressure is too high. Although according to my calculations g( gravitational field) equals zero and when you go out...
  21. G

    B Is the Earth Really 4.5 Billion Years Old or Much Older?

    From my understanding: The age of the universe is ~13.8 billion yrs. The age of Earth is ~4.5 billion yrs. The age of the Earth is based on radiometric dating. I understand that the Earth was probably formed by gas and dust clouds ~9.3 billion yrs after the universe was born, but if the gas...
  22. Dovla

    I Defending the Earth from meteors using lasers

    Hello all. I am new here. I have an idea about defending the Earth from meteors using laser beams. I thought about using chemical lasers to burn the meteors. The first phase is that we use gas lasers if possible to create plasma by heating the gas and to use that plasma beam to strike at the...
  23. EthanVandals

    The Height and Speed of a Geosynchronous Satellite

    Homework Statement If the Earth has a radius of 6 x 10^6 meters, how high above Earth's surface does a geosynchronous satellite have to be, if it has a mass of 100kg and gravity acts on the satellite with a force of 4.23 x 10^8 Newtons? What is its linear speed? (Assume the orbit is circular)...
  24. L

    B What would happen to the Moon if (at full moon) the Earth disappeared?

    Crash into the Sun, orbit the Sun, or fly off into space?
  25. Vitani11

    Hole though the Earth and SHM: why is uniform density assumed?

    Homework Statement A particle of mass m is dropped into a hole drilled straight through the center of the Earth. neglecting rotational effects and friction, show that the particle’s motion is a simple harmonic if it is assumed that the Earth has a uniform mass density. Obtain an expression for...
  26. N

    B How fast is Earth traveling due to the Hubble constant?

    I'm trying to figure out or find how fast Earth is moving due to the Hubble constant. I'm runnng into two answers and have difficulty understanding either one. --- One answer is a number of kilometers per second per megaparsec. But that's a distance per time unit per distance unit. I don't...
  27. R

    Use of forces to escape the Earth

    If gravity is as we know a weak force and magnetism is a strong force, would it be possible to use electromagnetism to propel an object fast enough away from the Earth's surface to escape the pull of gravity and at least put an object in orbit. I assume you would need a long horizontal then...
  28. A

    B How is the Horizon Drop Calculated Due to Earth's Curvature?

    I propose a calculation of the drop X in the horizon that an observer sees due to the curvature of the Earth surface the parameters are: h: the elevation of the observer from the surface of the Earth in km H: the length of the horizon at which the drop is perceived in km R: the radius of the...
  29. H

    Angular momentum for a shrunken Earth

    Homework Statement If the Earth, with a radius of 6400 km, were collapsed into a sphere of the same mass, having a radius of 10 km, what would be its rotational period? Homework Equations L = Iw The Attempt at a Solution I can solve this if the moment of inertia is given but since it isn't I...
  30. H

    Why Is the Number of Nucleons in Earth Incorrect?

    Homework Statement The Earth is about 12.70 km in diameter. The Earth’s average density is about 5.5 grams cubic centimeter. A nucleon (the main constituent of an atomic nucleus) has a mass of about 1.67 x 10⁻²⁷ kilograms. If the Earth’s mass is entirely due to its nucleons, how many nucleons...
  31. BillTre

    Did Life on Earth Start 3.7 BYA?

    Since the planet is only 4.55 BY old, that might be considered a fast start. Some people have found some rocks (3.7 BYA) in Greenland with what they think are indications of life (short article, a bit longer article). The indicators are primarily microscopic hematite tubes (some say, similar...
  32. L

    Single biggest obstacle to Earth bacteria thriving on Mars

    If we took some of Earth's hardiest extremophile microorganisms and placed them on Mars, what one factor on Mars would be most difficult for them to cope with? too cold, low oxygen, low atmospheric pressure, radiation, lack of liquid water, toxic soil, lack of organic material, acidity Please...
  33. ckirmser

    Trip to Space -- Can ship with 1g acceleration escape Earth?

    In another forum, the question was raised, "could a ship with 1G acceleration escape the gravity well of a planet with 1G gravity?" A popular response is, if the craft is aerodynamic, it could accelerate laterally until it reached escape velocity and then manage to get to space. I don't...
  34. J

    I Farthest distance a human can travel from Earth in a life

    I've been stuck on this physics problem for several years now. I would be very grateful if someone could explain how to solve this problem. The farthest a human could travel from Earth in one lifetime theoretically is limited only by the acceleration a human can withstand, and the length of...
  35. HeWhoCeases

    I Earth Spinning: What Would Happen If You Were Left Behind?

    Ok now I have a strange question. The Earth is spinning continuously at a considerable speed. So if the Earth stopped spinning everything would be thrown by its momentum. But what would happen if for a split second you were no longer caught up in the Earths momentum. For example you are...
  36. J

    How Does Great Lakes Earth's Geography Differ from Our Own?

    The geography of Great Lakes Earth, and the questions that come with it. Pangaea From 250 to 200 million years ago, all the continents had joined together to form a singular landmass called Pangaea. The brown lines presented in the map are mountain ranges varying in height above sea level...
  37. pkt

    B Our atmosphere and the rotating Earth

    What force keeps our atmosphere spinning with the rotating earth? How can there ever be a calm day?
  38. simon willetts

    B What is the Earth's path in relation to the sun and the expanding universe?

    This maybe a basic question to the educated. I wondered if anyone can describe or show the path the Earth takes not only in relation to orbiting the moving sun but taking into consideration the movement of the milkyway as in rotation and expansion of the universe. Hmm thinking of it as i write...
  39. substitute materials

    I Is there a drag on Earth caused by its motion relative to the CMB rest frame?

    Motion relative to the CMB rest frame creates a dipole moment in the wavelength of CMB photons in the direction of motion. Observations suggest that the Earth has a motion relative to CMB rest frame of 600 km/s. As indicated in this study, for a spacecraft at a speed we shall dub 'ludicrous...
  40. Nagendra kamath

    A problem I couldn't solve -- Number of Earth rotations in a year....

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical physics forums, so the Homework Help Template is filled out farther down the thread > The number of rotations of Earth around its own axis in one year as measured by an observer from the sun.
  41. wolram

    Was water brought to Earth on comets?

    This article has a different spin on how water came to Earth.'s-water-must-have-arrived-here-earlier-than-we-thought/ The arrival of water on our planet wasn’t a last-minute job. Water came to Earth on icy comets after most of the planet and...
  42. R

    B What happens if a plane nosedives perpendicular to Earth?

    Hi there. I very much enjoy this forum and have been doing so for a while. I have a problem and I am not sure of the explanation I came with. Suppose there is a plane that is nosediving perpendicular to Earth. What will the "passengers" feel? In the first seconds the acceleration will be equal...
  43. G

    I What would it take to hear the Sun's sound from Earth?

    Sound pressure waves attenuate pretty quickly. On Earth we can not hear much of what is going on a few kms away, or above, or underground, unless it's some really catastrophic event of huge energy. But the Sun's energy output is hugely immense compared to even the most catastrophic event on...
  44. P

    Energy from the Sun received at the Earth cross section

    Homework Statement My homework involves calculating the amount of energy the Earth receives from the Sun in a given year. I actually have the answer, but what I'm confused with is that the calculation says that the Sun "sees the cross section of the Earth, a circle". So in the calculation, we...
  45. L

    B Top 3 candidates in our solar system to host microbial life from Earth

    Assume that you are commissioned to select three solar system bodies (planets or moons) to deposit a colony of bacteria or microbes of your choice outside (i.e. either on the surface or underground, but not in any man-made enclosure). No resources from Earth (such as food, water, organic...
  46. jtbell

    RIP the "Greatest Show on Earth"

    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to End Its 146-Year Run (NY Times) Ringling Bros. closing ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ after 146 years (NY Post) The last performance will be at the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island NY, on May 21. Many years ago (20 or so?) I saw their train passing through...
  47. Jenab2

    I Structure of Earth, pressure and density model

    I created interpolative curvefits to the graph of Earth's density as a function of radius, shown here: (Image from Wikipedia) Earth is assumed to be a sphere of radius 6371 kilometers. The independent variable r is the geocentric distance as a fraction of the Earth's radius; i.e. the range of...
  48. H

    Earth vs. Space Research: Which One Holds More Importance for Humanity?

    If you could only choose one to research which would it be and why? My priority would be Earth first then space based purely on personal interest. Of course I would like to see more about both.
  49. SD das

    Finding the Capacitance of the Earth

    Suppose that the radius of Earth is 6400 km. Then what will be the capacitance of the Earth in micro farade unit?
  50. I

    B If Earth moves at 500,000 mph then why don't satellites stay behind?

    If Earth moves at 500,000 MPH then why don't satellites get left behind? The solar system is orbiting the galaxy's central black hole, so, if you push a satellite in 1 direction while it attracts to Earth it will orbit Earth but should be left behind big time still. Also, if we were to place...