Electrical engineering Definition and 652 Threads

  1. hdp12

    Engineering Given RLC circuit to find V over load & other complications

    Homework Statement In my Intro to EE class we have a homework assignment with the following problem: I think I finished part a but want to make sure that I am doing the problem correctly before I move on to the next part. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  2. hdp12

    Average and rms values of a given signal

    Homework Statement I am in an Intro to EE class and we were given a homework assignment including the following question: Find the average and rms values of the signal: x(t)=3cos(7ωt)+4 I have formulas for average power and rms but they include V & I, however the signal was given as x(t). I...
  3. N

    Schools Physics vs. Electrical Engineering in college

    So I'm a freshman in college right now and I am a physics major. The class I am also having most trouble with is...physics. I am doing great in math but physics is tougher for me. I was thinking that maybe physics isn't for me, as also looking around I realized just how theory-based everything...
  4. pioneerboy

    Can an EE or ME degree lead to a career in aerospace engineering?

    Hello there, I have a few questions concerning how the choice between electrical and mechanical engineering influences one's future career if going into the aerospace branch - if possible at all. Can you do a Master or graduate in aerospace engineering with an undergraduate degree in one or the...
  5. K

    How Has Technology Transformed Traditional Physics Calculations?

    Let me introduce myself. I am Kevin Luxford. I graduated in Science, majoring in Physics, at Canterbury University, New Zealand, in 1963. I subsequently graduated in Engineering (Electrical) from the same university in 1966. A year or so ago I had the opportunity to tour the Australian...
  6. R

    Can't decide Mechanical vs Electrical Engineering

    I am equally interested in both topics, but I am having trouble making up my mind as to which one to pick. Anyone here wish they did one or picked the other? Future prospects? I like MechE topics such as thermodynamics, FEA, CFD, materials etc, but I also like ElecE topics such as...
  7. A

    Electrical Engineering to physics--which subfield is best?

    Hello all Anyone who looks at my past postings here can see that I have a lot of interests and a very indecisive personality, which leads to quite a bit of trouble as I think about grad schools, especially now that I'm a junior in EE. So, I'm not necessarily asking because of some commitment to...
  8. nmaganzini

    Electrical Engineering PhD application

    Hi guys, I am a senior EE undergrad at UCLA and will be graduating this spring, 2016. I am applying for PhD programs in EE with a focus on biomedical devices (implantable devices and/or sensor networks and embedded systems). I am choosing which schools to apply to and would like your advice...
  9. S

    Engineering Working Abroad for Electrical Engineering - What to Know?

    Hello, I graduated from an accredited University in Canada with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. I maintained Honours with Distinction for the duration of my academic career. I am interested in working abroad, and branching from Canada. I am not sure where I want to go yet...
  10. vision99

    Engineering What are the recent advances in electrical engineering?

    What is new, in the field of electrical engineering? Thanks, doug
  11. J

    Nodal Analysis Clarification - What are some conventions?

    I've been assigned the following problem for homework in my Electrical Engineering class: *Note, the duplicate v2 is supposed to be v3. But I keep getting v1 = 4.10V v2 = 4.81V v3 = -1.19V and i0 = 52.9mA Every simulator I've put this into says it's wrong, yet I've attempted solving it...
  12. G

    Engineering Electrical Engineering to Computer Science

    I am currently in third year of EE and thinking about a masters degree but the problem is here , I've developed a thing for progamming and networking and thinking about switiching to computer science My question is this Can i go from EE to as CS for masters degree without having much knowlegde of CS
  13. M

    Electrical engineering with mechanical interest...?

    Hi, I am 1st year undergrad student at "national technical university of athens" (probably you have never heard of this university :biggrin:) in the department of electrical and computer engineering. When applying I had a very hard time choosing between electrical and mechanical engineering.(I...
  14. J

    Studying both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering?

    Hello! Right now I'm having some trouble deciding whether to continue studying just Electrical Engineering or besides that also start studying Mechanical Engineering. I have heard about mechatronics but that degree is not taught here. I would like to know from you which career you think has...
  15. J

    Engineering What should i do with my life? (engineering or physics)

    Hi, I'm Joel and I am pretty much finished school in Australia and have to make a decision about university in the near future. I love science (especially Physics) and mathematics at school so am certain that I will go into Science or Engineering but I am not quite sure what type. Whatever I do...
  16. hdp12

    Engineering Solving a Circuit with Nodal Analysis

    Homework Statement I'm in a lab and we have this circuit & question as part of the pre-lab The Attempt at a Solution I began trying to use nodal analysis to get Va & Vb & to then use Vab to get the voltage and then the current but after doing what you can see above, I stopped because I...
  17. hdp12

    KCL Nodal Analysis & Power to Resistor (Need help)

    Homework Statement Here is the homework problem I was given: The Attempt at a Solution Above is the work that I began, however, I have an overwhelming feeling that I am incorrect and also I don't know how to continue to the next part/parts. Would someone please help me? Thank you H
  18. N

    Electrical Engineering or Physics

    TL:DR Jump to the bottom for express version. First off a bit about myself. I'm a 25 year old guy from Danmark. I have spent most of my late teenage years and beginning of my 20's, dabbling in different, none schooling things. I have been self-employed and made a living from Online Poker (2...
  19. K

    What should people know about becoming a patent attorney?

    I have a few questions I am currently pursuing a degree in EE and want to attend Law school to become a Patent attorney. 1. What is the difference between IP law and Patent law? 2. You mentioned that it was hard to get a job in the field back in a post from 2012, have you noticed an increase...
  20. Y

    Engineering Electrical Engineering - AC Circuits Phasors

    Homework Statement Please see attached image 1 and image 2 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Alright so I believe I solved part a correctly. It was very easy. (A) 5 * phasor of 30 degrees However it's been a while since I took circuits 1, so I'm struggling a bit with part (b)...
  21. R

    Engineering Calculating values of impedance in a series/parallel circuit

    Homework Statement Hello everyone, I have recently come under some stress from not being able to get these answers correct. I need to calculate these values: Zeq IT XL2 XL1 VR1 VR2 VL1 VL2 For this series circuit: And these values: Zeq IT XL2 XL1 IR1 IR2 IL1 IL2 For this parallel circuit...
  22. Y

    Electrical Engineering - Transformers

    Homework Statement Please see the picture attached. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I was able to solve part A correctly, at least I believe I was able to do so. I'm struggling with part (b) however. I'm not sure were to start on this. My test that has this problem doesn't have...
  23. O

    Physics Vs Engineering for different careers?

    I've studied at an engineering course (1st year) for the last year at a decent UK university but due to some family matters, I'm having to move to another university closer to home( and starting from 1st year again). This is one of the London unis which is very highly ranked for electrical...
  24. A

    Need Help Pursuing Career in Robotics

    Hello Everyone, I posted in Physics Forums back in 2011 trying to figure out what undergraduate Major to choose based off my interests. I had received very positive feedback then and am seeking more advice now that I am further along in my career. I am a recent undergrad graduate with a major...
  25. estv

    Python Interactive Website to Learn Python for EE Student

    Hi, I'm trying to learn python for electrical engineering application. Is there any interactive website to learn this, especially the one with interactive compiler or result animation? Maybe equipped with microcontroller simulator, LED, and actuator? (if is it possible) So far, I've tried...
  26. DeldotB

    Derivation of "arcsin" phase shift formula

    Homework Statement Good Day, On an oscilloscope, when two incoming signals are out of phase, in an XY setting, an ellipse appears on the oscilloscope screen. The phase shift between the two incoming signals can be found by the formula: sin^{-1}((Y_{max})/(Y_{int})) where Y max is the...
  27. M

    Considering electrical eng after a computer eng degree....

    Hi, I'm already a computer engineer and I'm considering doing a bachelors in electrical engineering. I currently work in the information technology field and I'm kinda not satisfied with the prospects of a career in the IT area, getting a bachelors in electrical engineering should be easy...
  28. G

    Online EE Degree: What You Need to Know | Gera

    Hi everyone, I am in the process of transferring from a community college to a 4 year university.. I worked full time, have a family and not young. My State University offers an online EE Program that from some teachers appears to be recognized in the country.. Even though I want to finish...
  29. D

    Car Amplifier Mod: Can It Be Used Practically?

    Hello, I am new to this site as well as to electrical theory. I recently took a second semester physics course and stumbled upon a great deal of curiosity in the electricity and magnetism portion of the class. I am taking a few courses pertaining to electricity&magnetism as well as engineering...
  30. A

    Should I Take Quantum Mechanics for Electrical Engineering Research?

    Hi there PFers I'm looking into a variety of areas of research in electrical engineering at US universities. For instance, looking at the University of Texas page, there's a research specialty in EE called "plasma/quantum devices and optics." Now, this looks very interesting to me. I was...
  31. 2

    What subjects to focus on as an EE interested in Aerospace?

    Hello, I am currently pursuing my BS in EE. I am interested in avionics and would like to eventually work in the aerospace industry. What sort of topics should I focus on? I did an initial search on the forums and people have noted that these subjects are relevant: - Control Systems -...
  32. CiscoCertified

    Schools Electrical Engineering vs Physics with EE electives college

    Hi all, I am trying to decide between double E and physics with EE electives. I really love to learn theory and about what is happening at the sub atomic level however, I really enjoy designing, prototyping, and building electronics circuits, learning about all the components, how they work, and...
  33. T

    Engineering Second Bachelors in Electrical Engineering at FIU?

    Hi, I graduated with a B.S in Economics from Florida State University about 3 years ago, but now I'm looking to switch fields. Can anyone tell me about the EE undergrad program at Florida International University? I'm considering FIU because I can live with my parents for a while and save a...
  34. N

    Engineering How much electrical engineering in taught in Ms Mechatronic?

    I have always been interested in Engineering and a while back I could not decide between Electrical and Mechanical. However, I chose Mechanical, but now that I see that almost every invention nowadays are in electrical engineering field (I want to be an inventor) I am upset! So anyhow I was...
  35. cde010

    Engineering Help Enter the Engineering Field

    I got a BS in Electrical Engineering back in 2007. I've held a bunch of cools jobs since then but nothing in the Engineering field. Now, I'm ready to hop in but I have ZERO experience. What can I do??
  36. UrsaMinor

    I am thinking of opting Electrical engineering for physics

    I am getting an integrated MTech degree in Electrical engineering I have always been interested in Physics, but I opted EE. I mean it is the time of admissions and I am talking about the choices i have. I chose integrated msc over mtech. I want to know if I can pursue research in Physics after...
  37. Dunedain979

    Engineering How much programming is typical in electrical engineering?

    Hey everyone. I'm getting ready to start my first year of college and I'm trying to decide between mechanical and electrical engineering. At first I was more interested in electrical, but then I heard that electrical engineers do a lot of programming which I'm not really big on. How much...
  38. R

    Best way to improve knowledge of electronics/circuit theory?

    Hi guys, I recently finished my Physics undergraduate degree, and will be starting my first job in September. My employers have asked me to improve my knowledge of electronics before I begin work. I would like to improve my ability to analyse and understand circuits, and also learn more about...
  39. rrlamichhane

    Most promising and emerging current ECE research-topics?

    I'm more looking for fields in hardware side (Electrical Engineering) than software (Computer Engineering) here. I know to some extent but wanted everyone to share their knowledge on this. Here's the few that I think will massively effect the world of technology in the near future (Pardon my...
  40. L

    Thesis proposal for Electrical Engineering

    Guys, I'm 5th yr student of Electrical engineering do you have any idea of how to propose a thesis proposal, if you have file much better. thank you
  41. E

    Need an Engineering Mentor? Join the EE Forum for Real-World Advice!

    I'm happy to find a forum such as this! I graduated college several years ago in electrical engineering, and last year finally landed a job in my field in distribution utilities! I like the challenge and using my degree, but I find myself having a lot of questions on how to do things. I don't...
  42. K

    Electrical Engineering Grad. after Physics B.Sc.

    Hello all. I will be graduating with a physics degree in the fall of 2016, and going to grad school. I go to a small university in the US, not very well known for its physics program, but I've been doing fairly well here, so I was aiming at a top tier university for grad school in physics. My...
  43. Amy1127

    Programs What are my chances of getting into UCSD as an engineering major

    Hello everyone! I'm currently in community college and I'm wondering if anyone knew what my chances were of getting into UCSD and an electrical or chemical engineering major. Upon transferring I would be missing one Physics class (or I would be taking it the summer prior to my first fall...
  44. Ani

    Programs EE Undergrad Considering Minor/Major Physics (?)

    I'm about to start my EE Undergrad at the University of Washington. I'm planning my future concentration to be in robotic-prosthesis. I'm considering either majoring or minoring in Physics and I'm wondering if this is worth it. Although, I love Physics, I don't know if it's worth my time (or if...
  45. roms05

    Parallel Plate Capacitor with variable Dielectric (water)

    Hi everyone. I have a problem with my device. It consists of a parallel plate capacitor with plates made of galvanized iron. Each plate's area is 1mx1inch. It's connected to a bleeder resistor and basically, the circuit is just a simple RC circuit. The source I'm using is a constant 5V DC...
  46. G

    How to tell a wire is plugged in?

    I need to use a sensor to determine if a wire is turned on without using a voltage or current sensor. I've been playing with using a capacitance sensor or sending a small signal
  47. G

    Engineering Engineering Career: Attainable with EE Degree?

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forum with regards to the membership but I've always found it helpful with homework during the school year, so I decided to ask for career guidance. So this is my second summer interning with a construction company building 2 new nuclear reactors, and it's fairly...
  48. A

    Determine resonant frequency of an AC voltage source

    Homework Statement Given a series RLC circuit, with one R, one L, and one C element, and an AC voltage source with variable frequency, find the resonant frequency experimentally given an ammeter and a voltmeter. Homework Equations The current in the circuit when the circuit is in resonance is...
  49. D

    Masters in Electrical Engineering abroad

    Hi all. I have just completed my bachelors degree from an Indian University. I am an Indian citizen. I want to do a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering(Control Systems most probably) from abroad in a year or two. I searched on Internet to find the top universities in the world and found...
  50. A

    Studying EE textbooks....to keep or not to keep?

    So I am junior EE student and was wondering whether i should keep my upper level courses' textbooks or not. I have my lower level courses' textbooks simply because my brother will be coming into TAMU in the future, but I'm confused as to what to do with my upper level books (rent or buy). Here...