Elementary Definition and 558 Threads

In computational complexity theory, the complexity class ELEMENTARY of elementary recursive functions is the union of the classes



























{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\mathsf {ELEMENTARY}}&=\bigcup _{k\in \mathbb {N} }k{\mathsf {{\mbox{-}}EXP}}\\&={\mathsf {DTIME}}\left(2^{n}\right)\cup {\mathsf {DTIME}}\left(2^{2^{n}}\right)\cup {\mathsf {DTIME}}\left(2^{2^{2^{n}}}\right)\cup \cdots \end{aligned}}}
The name was coined by László Kalmár, in the context of recursive functions and undecidability; most problems in it are far from elementary. Some natural recursive problems lie outside ELEMENTARY, and are thus NONELEMENTARY. Most notably, there are primitive recursive problems that are not in ELEMENTARY. We know

LOWER-ELEMENTARY ⊊ EXPTIME ⊊ ELEMENTARY ⊊ PR ⊊ RWhereas ELEMENTARY contains bounded applications of exponentiation (for example,






{\displaystyle O(2^{2^{n}})}
), PR allows more general hyper operators (for example, tetration) which are not contained in ELEMENTARY.

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  1. F

    How Do Cosets Determine Group Element Relationships?

    Homework Statement Let G be a group, and H a subgroup of G. Let a and b denote elements of G. Prove the following: 1. ##Ha = Hb## iff ##ab^{-1} \epsilon H##. Homework Equations Let ##e_H## be the identity element of H. The Attempt at a Solution Proof: <= Suppose ##ab^{-1} \epsilon H##. Then...
  2. M

    I What causes an elementary particle to "decay"?

    What causes an elementary particle to "decay" into other elementary particles? And where do these particles come from if they were not part of the original particle?
  3. G

    Understanding an Elementary Torque Concept

    Homework Statement All context is given here. I am trying to understand a few things about what Morin is doing. 1) How is proving that f(x) is a linear function, which I understand the proof of, relevant to the claim that the torques at the left end cancel? Also, the introduction of the...
  4. opus

    B Can elementary matrix operations change the solutions to a system of equations?

    To my understanding, a matrix is just a way of representing a system of equations in an organized format. So for example, if we have some system of equations, we can get them into standard form, and translate them into what's known as an augmented matrix. This is similar to using synthetic...
  5. S

    B An elementary confusion on discrete or continuous variable

    The question is simply posed as " identity the variables as discrete or continuous. 1) Mark of a student in an examination. 2) Family income." What I think: 1) There must be a minimum gap between two possible consecutive marks that the examiner can assign. Eg. Suppose that there are N students...
  6. R

    I Do elementary particles experience gravity?

    For example, do electrons, atoms etc. experience gravity? Is this proved by experiment?
  7. facenian

    I Elementary question on composition of functions

    Helo, given ##f:R^n\rightarrow R^m## and ##g:R^m\rightarrow R^e## both class ##C^m##. Is the composition ##g\circ f## of class ##C^m## ?.
  8. Mathman2013

    Elementary probability question: dice roll

    Homework Statement Lets say you role a single honest dice 12 times. Where succes is either if the die shows 4 og 1 eye. My question is what is the probability of sucess or failure? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Is it binomial or conditional probability?
  9. A

    Finding initial velocity of two elementary particles

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.> I'm not sure how they got the extra (1/2)mv^2? My question is shown using pink font in the image below as well as my attempt.
  10. M

    Elementary Charge: Explaining the Integer Multiple of e

    My textbook states: "The magnitude of charge of the electron or proton is a natural unit of charge." and then has an explanation that follows. It states, "...The charge on any macroscopic body is always either zero or an integer multiple (negative or positive) of the electron charge." Here is...
  11. G

    A Question About Elementary Fiber Bundle Example

    My question regards the classic example of trivial vs non-trivial fiber bundles, the 'cylinder' and the 'Mobius band.' I'm using Nakahara's 'Geometry, Topology, and Physics', specifically Example 9.1. Here's the text: Then he says (and this is the bit where he loses me): My questions are: i)...
  12. LeInvertedPenguine

    I How elementary particles form matter

    Hello, So i wonder how elementary particles which are said to have no physical extension on a larger scale are able to form what is known to us as matter? Aka stuff with an observable physical extension.
  13. S

    Millikan Oil Drop Experiment: Determining Elementary Charge

    Homework Statement Calculate the charge on each oil drop and determine the elementary charge on an electron given the following: Voltage (Attached) d (Distance between two charged plates) = 0.10m m (Of the droplet) = 1.57x10^-15 kg g = 9.8 kgm/s^2 Homework Equations q = mg*d / ΔV The Attempt...
  14. S

    Opinions on elementary school science homework

    Hi all. I'm reviewing my daughter's science homework and I disagree with how things are being presented. I wanted some feedback from everyone here to get a sanity check on my own thinking. The exercise is this: answer whether these properties of matter are either an observable property or a...
  15. Nathan Warford

    B What are the predicted sizes of elementary particles?

    I understand that the Standard Model of QFT treats elementary particles like the electron, quark, photon, muon, etc. as point-like objects. But I've also heard that a "point-like particle" is nothing more than an idealization of a particle. Elementary particles can be treated as point-like...
  16. qspeechc

    Other Elementary Finance: Loans, Credit Cards & More

    Hello everyone. I'm looking for a book that covers very basic finance stuff, e.g. loans, credit cards, annuities, etc., something on basic accounting like balance sheet would be nice too. Cheers
  17. atyy

    Geometry Elementary Geometry: Power Series & Geometric Properties

    Could I get recommemdations for textbooks that start by defining cosine and sine using power series and then recover their geometric properties? John Roe's "Elementary Geometry" does that, but it's not in my current university's library.
  18. S

    A How do we know the spins of elementary particles?

    How do we know the spin of an elementary particle? For example, a fermion has spin 1/2; a photon has spin 1; and even the ficticious graviton has spin 2. How do we know these spins? In other words, how are these spins determined?
  19. JAA

    An elementary question - Percussive waveform moving through human tissue

    I need a better understanding and explanation of how a percussion wave form can move through biological soft tissue. I know that human soft tissue functions microscopically in a fluid environment however I also understand that there are also obstructive forces in the way of a wave moving in a...
  20. B

    B Proof of elementary row matrix operation.

    Prove that interchange of two rows of a matrix can be accomplished by a finite sequence of elemenatary row operations of the other two types. My proof :- If ##A_k## is to be interchanged by ##A_l## then, ##\displaystyle \begin{align} A_k &\to A_l + A_k \\ A_l &\to - A_l \\ A_l &\to A_k + A_l...
  21. Mr Real

    I Intuition behind elementary operations on matrices

    For finding the inverse of a matrix A, we convert the expression A = I A (where I is identity matrix), such that we get I = B A ( here B is inverse of matrix A) by employing elementary row or column operations. But why do these operations work? Why does changing elements of a complete row by...
  22. M

    I Are elementary particles subject to inertia?

    Do elementary particles have inertial mass in the same way composite objects have? If yes, does it have an impact on the motion or on the forces that act on them?
  23. awholenumber

    B What is a good book to learn about elementary mathematics?

    you know all the things that you are supposed to study before algebra . any good book suggestions ? :nb)
  24. Sophrosyne

    I Why are gluons considered to be elementary particles?

    Gluons are often depicted as fundamental particles in the Standard Model. But in looking at their mechanism, it seems they are not really fundamental particles in the sense that they are fundamental, indivisible, building blocks. They are mesons- a composite quark-antiquark pair, where their...
  25. zinq

    B Does every elementary particle eventually decay into quarks?

    Everything in the universe that has a beginning seems to also have an end. Stars, galaxies, molecules, atoms. But what about elementary particles? In case of heat death would it become a uniform quark soup?
  26. J

    B Why Didn't the Eigenvector Approach Work for This Matrix?

    Hi If I have this matrix: \begin{array}{cc}0&1\\1&0\end{array} and I want to find its eigenvectors and eigenvalues, I can try it using the definition of an eigenvector which is: A x = λ x , where x are the eigenvectors But if I try this directly I fail to get the right answer, for example...
  27. S

    I Elementary particle transformations/couplings

    Hi, I'm not sure if this idea is something old that's been discussed to death or something I'm not formulating right, but i can't find anything online like what I would expect to. What I mean, is a list or rather a table of all possible elementary particle transformations and couplings from...
  28. J

    Elementary question on Electric flux units

    The net flux over a closed surface is: Flux = The surface integral of the field E = charge / permitivity in space (Gauss law) The permitivity in space is: 8.85 10-12 Coulombs2/N m 2 So I understand the units of Flux are: Newton meter2/Coulombs Is this correct? I don't understand why in a...
  29. Yiming Xu

    I Express power sums in terms of elementary symmetric function

    The sum of the $k$ th power of n variables $\sum_{i=1}^{i=n} x_i^k$ is a symmetric polynomial, so it can be written as a sum of the elementary symmetric polynomials. I do know about the Newton's identities, but just with the algorithm of proving the symmetric function theorem, what should we do...
  30. smodak

    Quantum Relativity, Elementary Particles and Black Holes

    Relativity, Elementary Particles and Black Holes by Thorne & 't Hooft Any idea what this book is and why it is unavailable? Is it a popular science book? I did not know that Thorne and 't Hooft co-authored a book.
  31. J

    Chemistry Simple elementary question chiral molecule

    Homework Statement Find if a molecule is chiral or not. It is 2-chloropentane Homework Equations IF the mirror image is superimposable to the molecule it is not chiral. The Attempt at a Solution Well I wrote the structural formula in 2D and I thought it was not chiral.(bottom ) But the book...
  32. J

    Elementary pendulum equation of motion

    Homework Statement To find the period of oscillation of the pendulum and the equation of motion. Homework Equations Conservation of energy. Potential energy in a constant field = mgh. Kinetic energy in polar coordinates with r constant = (1/2) m r2 (dΘ2/dt2) The Attempt at a Solution I won't...
  33. W

    Show: Elementary row operations don't affect solution sets

    Homework Statement Show that elementary row operations don't affect solutions sets in linear systems Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution It's pretty easy to come up with a random linear system and perform ERO on them and showing that solutions are not affected, but is there all...
  34. J

    I Elementary question about energy

    Hi folks, I just want to check if I understand this. We start the calculation using the electric potential energy, which is a continuous function that for every value of the distance r, tells you the value of the potential energy "spent" to get the system to that state. We use this function...
  35. J

    B Elementary question on integrating an equation

    It is a very simple question. If we have an expression like this one: x + y = 2 And we have to differenciate it, there is an algorithm that tells us how to do it. We have to find the relationship between the differentials of the given functions. To find them we have to substract the...
  36. petrushkagoogol

    I Compute Relativistic Velocities of Photons & Neutrinos

    Can we compute the relativistic velocities of 2 photons or 2 neutrinos ? :))
  37. J

    Elementary questions about error estimation

    Homework Statement We measure the temperature with a thermometer and we get these results: 3.3 +- 0.1 ºC 3.5 +- 0.1 ºC 3.6 +- 0.1 ºC What is the temperature? Homework Equations Average = Sum of values/amount of measurementes The Attempt at a Solution Well, I calculate the average and I...
  38. S

    I Preserving Rank: Exploring Elementary Operations in Matrix Algebra

    What is the rule on the preservation of rank through an elementary operation? I know that rank can never go up, but is there any direct way to determine that it goes down (either than reducing the matrix down to row-echelon form)? Is there a good source that go into the proofs for properties...
  39. H

    Elementary Acoustics Homework: Deducing End Correction

    Homework Statement ; I plotted a graph of length against 1/frequency,determined the slope,which was the speed of sound. I got stucked in the (b) part,when asked to deduce the end correction from the graph drawn.[/B]Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution ; I attempted using the formula end...
  40. L

    I Degrees of freedom of elementary particles

    The EM wave and the photon have two degrees of freedom. Their polarization directions and spin states, respectively. But they move in space, too. I mean light has the freedom to go in all directions in space. Like a macroscopic ball in 3-D space, which can go all three directions, if there are...
  41. J

    MHB Two elementary algebra problems

    #1. How many classrooms would be necessary to hold 1,000,000 inflated balloons? (Assume one balloon is about 1 ft3 and a typical classroom is about 30 ft × 45 ft × 15 ft. Round your answer to the nearest number of classrooms.) #2. Approximately how high would a stack of 1 million \$1 bills be...
  42. RedDelicious

    What is cutting lines of force? Elementary Generator

    I was reading this article on Wikipedia about single phase generators and the operation of a basic generator, and I'm having a very difficult time understanding what is meant by cutting lines of force and how the rotating armature being perpendicular to the field cuts zero lines. While when it...
  43. I

    B Shape of elementary particles in QFT, etc?

    Hello, I hope this is not a stupid question as I am not a physicist. But I was curious about how contenders for the so-called Theory of Everything view the shape of the elementary particles. I know that the basic idea of string theory is related to the shape of elementary particles as one...
  44. T

    Elementary reaction's order of reaction

    According to textbook, elementary reactions have an order of reaction equal to the summation of the stoichiometric coefficients. why is this so? And there is another problem, we can balance an equation in different ways and get different stoichiometric coefficient sets, for rates, which set is...
  45. R

    Elementary Set Theory (Discrete)

    Homework Statement Suppose A⊂B⊂C. What is A/B, A/C, and A∪B Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution This isn't really a homework question, I am just trying to get some exposure to discrete math before I take it in the fall. The set differences A/B and A/C are both empty sets and the 'or'...
  46. Xico Sim

    I Elementary processes in Feynman Diagrams

    Hello there. I'm attending an introductory course in particle physics. We're supposed to know how to draw first-order tree level Feynman diagrams for simple reactions. I've been struggling to understand the method I should follow in order to correctly draw them. As I understand it now, we can...
  47. RoboNerd

    Question on elementary statics multiple choice

    Homework Statement Homework Equations sum of torques = 0 The Attempt at a Solution So I tried to put the torques into the equation: Sum torques = mgL - T *sin(theta) * (L-x) = 0. Solving for the T gave me [mgL]/[ (L-x) * sin(theta) ]. This is not an option in the answers. Could anyone...
  48. L

    Can Fermat's Little Theorem Help Disprove This Statement?

    Homework Statement . Disprove the following statement: There exists integers a, b, c, none divisible by 7, such that 7|a^3 + b^3 + c^3 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution if 7|a^3 + b^3 + c^3, then a^3 + b^3 + c^3 is congruent to 0(mod 7) if a,b,c are none divisible by 7 then I just...
  49. L

    Disproving a Polynomial with Integer Coefficients: Elementary Math Proof

    Homework Statement Disprove the following: There exists a polynomial f(x) with integer coefficients such that f(1) is even and f(3) is odd. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution It's a little bit intuitive. Proof 1 and 3 have the same parity. They are both odd so if(odd)=odd then...
  50. L

    Proving 2/5*(2^0.5)-1/7 is Irrational: Elementary Math Proof

    Homework Statement Proof 2/5*(2^0.5)-1/7 is irrational Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I did this by splitting the expression and setting contradictions 2/5->rational 2^0.5->irrational Proof first rational times irrational is irrational Proof by contradiction Assume the product...