Energy Definition and 999 Threads

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. The unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI) of energy is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the work of moving it a distance of one metre against a force of one newton.
Common forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object's position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic), the elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns, the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy due to an object's temperature.
Mass and energy are closely related. Due to mass–energy equivalence, any object that has mass when stationary (called rest mass) also has an equivalent amount of energy whose form is called rest energy, and any additional energy (of any form) acquired by the object above that rest energy will increase the object's total mass just as it increases its total energy. For example, after heating an object, its increase in energy could be measured as a small increase in mass, with a sensitive enough scale.
Living organisms require energy to stay alive, such as the energy humans get from food. Human civilization requires energy to function, which it gets from energy resources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, or renewable energy. The processes of Earth's climate and ecosystem are driven by the radiant energy Earth receives from the Sun and the geothermal energy contained within the earth.

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  1. S

    How does gravity convert potential energy to kinetic?

    If I hold a ball above the ground, it has potential energy. Once gravity pulls on it, it becomes kinetic. What is gravity and how does it convert one kind of energy to another?
  2. F

    Electrostatic energy in finite space

    Electrostatic energy involves a volume integral and a surface integral The question is how to apply this formula to a finite space in which case the 1st term (surface integral) won't vanish. Let's apply to a capacitor and enclose the capacitor by a closed surface. Calculate the energy integral...
  3. yucheng

    Is the potential energy of an ion in a lattice ##U_0## or ##U_0/2##?

    Potential energy in a two-dimensional crystal Consider the potential energy of a given ion due to the full infinite plane. Call it##U_{0}##. If we sum over all ions (or a very large number##N##) to find the total##U##of these ions, we obtain##N U_{0}##. However, we have counted each pair twice...
  4. R

    How Can I Analyze Particle Movement Given Potential Energy and Force Function?

    Knowing that ##F(x)=-\mathrm{d}V(x)/\mathrm{d}x##, I found that ##F(x)=-2.4x^3+1.35x^2+8x-3##. But it was the only thing I could find. How can I analyze what will be the type of movement with the information presented by the question statement?
  5. D

    Energy, work, power and efficiency when throwing a ball upward

    I don't have an idea of where to start. I tried to do Ein = 1/2 mv^2 ------ (1/2)(1)(10)^2 ----------- 50 but i don't know where to go from here
  6. R

    What is the potential energy of a system with N cubes at equidistant heights?

    I have tried to apply the conservation methods, but I am not understanding what the statement is asking for.
  7. D

    Work, Power, Energy, Efficiency

    The answer in the textbook says 0J but I am not sure what the concept behind it is. Does it have something to do with gravity?
  8. cemtu

    I Exploring Ionised Atoms, Free Electrons & Energy Levels

    Homework Statement:: Ionised atom, free electron, conduction band, donor energy level and acceptor energy level Relevant Equations:: None I have some confusion about the concept of some electronic bands and energy levels. Beyond valance band, in a solid crystal lattice, For an atom, can...
  9. R

    Calculating Potential Energy from Force for Non-Linear Systems

    If I have a force that behaves according to the formula ##F(x)=\alpha x-\beta x^3##, how can I get the potential energy from it? I know that: $$-\frac{\mathrm{d}V(x)}{\mathrm{d}x}=F(x),$$ but what about the limits of the integration?
  10. patric44

    Gibbs free energy for superconductor in intermediate state

    hi guys I am trying to derive the Gibbs free energy for a superconductor in the intermediate state , the book(Introduction to Superconductivity by A.C. Rose-Innes) just stated the equation as its : $$ G(Ha) = Vgs(0)+\frac{V\mu_{o}H_{c}}{2n}[H_{a}(2-\frac{H_{a}}{H_{c}})-H_{c}(1-n))] $$ I am not...
  11. K

    RF Energy Harvesting Simulation

    I want to do RF energy harvesting simulation for the measurement of Power Conversion Efficiency. So how can be simulation done on a single platform?. Kindly suggest
  12. Krokodrile

    Chemistry Work, temperature and energy in a constant pressure process

    So, the Cp and Cv its very confusing for me. But, i understand what's its happening in this process, so, i use the logic and first i obtain a ecuation for obtain the final temperature ecuaticon: Q=m*C*△T Q=m*C*(T2-T1) T2=(Q+T1)/(m*C) If the process its in constant pressure, i use the Cp valor...
  13. A

    I How to Show 25% of Cavity Radiant Energy Between 0 and Peak Wavelength?

    How to demonstrate that about 25% of the radiant energy in a cavity is concentrated between 0 and maximum energy wavelength?
  14. S

    A New Dark Energy Map Challenges Einstein's Theory

    A few days ago a new dark energy map was published, which some claim "strays from Einstein's theory of relativity". To quote from the BBC News website: "Dr Niall Jeffrey, of École Normale Supérieure, in Paris, who pieced the map together, said that the result posed a "real problem" for...
  15. Mikkel

    Ultra high energy cosmic ray deflection angle causes by magnetic field

    I'm given an ultra-high energy cosmic ray with energy 10^20 eV. It is coming from a source 10 Mpc away with an extragalactic magnetic field with strength B = 10^-9 G. I am to determine the maximum angular deflection of this cosmic ray, so it hits Earth. I don't have an attempt of the solution...
  16. qnt200

    I If energy is relative, is the rest mass also relative?

    The mass (rest mass) of an atom, for example, depends on the kinetic and potential energy of the particles and their individual masses. Kinetic and potential energy are relative. Why is the mass not relative, but the same for all reference frames?
  17. Dario56

    Why Does Electrical Work Cause Changes in the Internal Energy of a System?

    If we look at system at constant temperature and volume which is galvanic cell, first law of thermodynamics states: $$ dU = dQ + dW' $$ Where W' is electrical work done by galvanic cell and Q is heat exchanged with surroundings. As far as I know electrical work is work done by electric field...
  18. K

    Could x-ray or other high energy device alter rice grains?

    I almost always buy food from local market but recently I want to buy some rice (and probably other foods later) overseas which will be imported through our customs, so most likely the food will be scanned through x-ray or other high energy devices that I don't know, could rice grains or other...
  19. T

    Is the Physics in the Avengers' Shield Collision Scene Accurate?

    Hi everyone, In my physics class, we are doing the Hollywood Physics Project. It's a project where you analyze the physics from a scene in a movie and talk about if it's accurate or not. I chose the scene from the Avengers where Thor strikes Captain America's shield with his hammer. The...
  20. qh4305

    Exploring the Zero Energy of a Circuit in a Magnetic Field

    Why is the energy of a circuit placed in a magnetic field at infinity zero?
  21. J

    Gravity and Energy -- Two masses above two different planets

    So far, I have found g of the foreign planet, Vf of the ball, and realize that GPEiA = KEfA (Am I right here?). Thus, since GPEiA = GPEiE, GPEiE also equals KEfE. I also understand that, since the same impulse is applied to catch the objects, both objects have the same momentum at the moment...
  22. S

    Practice Problem about the Energy of a Pendulum

    Answer: a) 7.35 m/s b) 216.09 m/s^2 *Is this correct?
  23. PainterGuy

    I Dark energy is intrinsic to the space itself

    Hi, I was reading the following article. Source: How come the density of dark energy remains constant? Yes, if it's intrinsic to the space itself and more...
  24. Vash25

    Gravitational potential energy question - normal force on us

    Hi, If we are standing on the ground, the Earth applies a force equal to our weight to us, but why do we feel a greater force when we fall to the ground from a certain height? Our weight is the same along this small height because our mass and acceleration are the same and, even so, the normal...
  25. cianfa72

    Question about the energy stored in an RLC parallel resonant network

    Hi, I've a doubt about how to the energy is stored in a 'real' RLC parallel resonant network feeds from a sinusoidal source. Take a 'real' RLC parallel network having a resistor ##R_s## in series with the inductor ##L_s## (modeling its loss) with the capacitor C in parallel and consider it in...
  26. leminn

    Binding energy per nucleon of the nucleus

    How exactly would it then be calculated? Here's what I have tried: proton mass: 1.007276 amu Neutron mass: 1.008665 amu Sulphur-34 mass: 33.9678668 amu Calculation: 1.##(16\cdot1.007276)+(18\cdot1.008665)+(16 \cdot0.000549)=34.28117## 2.##34.28117-33.9678668=0.3133032## 3. 1 atomic mass...
  27. W

    Looking to find the amount of energy stored in a clock spring

    I'm looking to find formulas to calculate the energy stored in a spring you would find in a clock. I have been having a hard time finding formulas that govern these types of springs. I have found formula in similar springs, such as the spiral-torsion spring found here but I believe this type...
  28. Roger Dalton

    Calculating Magnetic Energy Between Plates

    The current density between the plates is J = 1 A/m2. So, I have to calculate first the magnetic energy in the whole space. Out of the sheets, there is no current, so the magnetic energy would be 0 in that places. Hence, U = J(1/2) \int_{inside the plates}A(r)dr, where A(r) is the vector...
  29. PandaKitten

    Estimating the energy of an alpha particle using Bethe's formula

    The question is below. I tried reasoning that because x is constant, E is also constant however that gives me values in the range of 10^51. Then I tried to use numpy's ivp_solve function to solve the differential equation however I wasn't able to get that working either. Apparently I'm meant to...
  30. S

    Confusion about energy conversion mechanisms in gas turbines

    Hello Gents, I am very confused about the working principle of gas turbines. I understand that air is first compressed in a compressor to obtain high pressure air at the inlet of turbine, but before air is introduced to the turbine, first it has to be heated to very high temperatures through...
  31. Vash25

    Gravitational potential energy question -- Ojbect sitting on the Earth

    Good day, If I consider my system to be an object and the earth, and the object is on the surface of the earth, then the system will have gravitational potential energy. Why couldn't I say that only the object (considering it as my system) has gravitational potential energy? Thanks
  32. JackyCheukKi

    Work and Energy on a Slope - How Does a Block Move Up with Zero Net Work?

    Guys, I have a problem that really needs you guys to help, I know it is a stupid question but please bear with me: Context: You have a block on a slope(has friction) you use a string to pull the block up with constant speed. Problem: So according to the network theorem, the work net is equal...
  33. Z

    Proving Energy Conservation in a Gravitational System with Multiple Bodies

    Hi all. I'm trying to prove energy conservation in a (maybe) uncommon way. I know there are different ways to do this, but it is asked me to prove it this way and I'm stucked at the end of the proof. I'm considering ##N## bodies moving in a gravitational potential, such that the energy is ##E =...
  34. A

    Is Nuclear Energy Beneficial for the Future?

    I am a student at high school who just finished a paper about nuclear energy and I really learned a lot from it. I found the topic interesting and really enjoyed learning about it. I now am searching out more people who know about it and as much information as I can fins while having good...
  35. R

    Earth's rotation slows down slightly over time -- How much energy is lost?

    Inertia I = 2/5 mr² m=5.98* 10^24 kg. r=6.38* 10^6 kg. I= 9,736 * 10^37 kg. Earth rotation is V= (2 * pi* R)/T = (2*pi*6.38*10^6m)/(24*3600s)=463 m/s angular velocity w= V/r =463m/s/(6.38*10^6m)=7.27*10^-5 rad/s Enerrgy, E= 0.5* I*w²=2.57*10^29 j I get the...
  36. E

    I The energy of a closed universe is zero

    In a globally hyperbolic spacetime you have a global time ##t: M \longrightarrow \mathbf{R}## which foliates it into Cauchy surfaces ##\Sigma_t## and the metric can be written ##\mathrm{d}s^2 = -N^2 \mathrm{d}t^2 + h_{ij}(\mathrm{d}x^i + N^i \mathrm{d}t)(\mathrm{d}x^j + N^j \mathrm{d}t)##. By...
  37. greg_rack

    B How to relate relativistic kinetic energy and momentum

    Hi guys, a special relativity problem requested to choose the right graph representing relativistic momentum ##p## as a function of rel. kinetic energy ##K##, from these four: At first, I tried writing ##p## as a function of ##K##, in order to then analyze the function's graph and see if it...
  38. T

    Energy and environmental engineering silly question

    Hello everyone, I am sorry if this question looks silly but my tutor has not replied yet and I need to work it out as soon as I can. Could someone tell me if they see any difference question 1 and question 2? Because I genuinely don't and it is driving me crazy. The assignment is about a coal...
  39. akashpandey

    Why do we add Kinetic and Potential energy?

    As we know Energy is a scalar quantity. So when we add kinetic and potential energy to get Total energy. So addicting these two energy (kinetic and potential) comes under Scalar addition ? I just wanted to confirm it.
  40. V

    Deriving a formula for Kinetic Energy

    I have no idea how to do this. I've tried conservation of mechanical energy and it didn't work. Ek = Kinetic Energy R = horizontal range of the ball h = height from which the ball is released
  41. sophiatev

    Electrostatic Potential Energy of a Sphere/Shell of Charge

    So it seems the typical way to approach this problem is to consider the sphere when it has charge q and radius r. With uniform charge density ##\rho##, this becomes ##q = 4/3 \pi r^3 \rho## and so ##dq = 4 \pi r^2 dr \rho##. Using our expression for the potential outside of the sphere, we find...
  42. C

    I High energy beta particles (6 to 22 MeV)

    We have a question about highly energized beta particles (6 to 22 MeV). Is it possible fore this radiation to affect the nucleus of an isotope and not just ionize it? In our case a copper-65 and copper- 63 isotope become their unstable neighbors Cu-64 and Cu-62 due to the high beta radiation...
  43. H

    Rate of energy dissipated by a power transmission line

    VR = IR = 400 [ 29*10^-6 * 800 * 10^3 ] = 9280 P = IV = 400*9280 = 3.7 MW I was able to calculate the correct answer from the above, but why can't I use the equation P= V^2 / R?
  44. R

    I Dark Energy: Exploring Negative Pressure's Role in Universe Expansion

    In an article published in Scientific American, authors Adam Riess and Mario Livio wrote: Why negative pressure? I would think the pressure would be positive, thus making gravity repulsive.
  45. eloiseh

    Find potential energy using time-independent Schrodinger's equation

    I had found what U(x) was equal to already by plugging in the wave function and simplifying, which is (2h^2/mL^4)(x^2 - 3L^2/2) by the way. But the solution key that I have goes an extra step. After stating the equation of U(x) that I got, it says that: "U(x) is a parabola centred at x = 0 with...
  46. H

    Confirming Conservation of Kinetic Energy: An Explanation

    D is correct, the reasoning is as follows: 1/2*(M1V1)^2 + 1/2*(M2V2)^2 = 1/2 * (M1 + M2) (Vcm)^2, since V1 =V2 =Vcm KE retained = KE final = 1/2 *M(Vcm)^2 Let me know if reasoning is okay? However, why A isn't correct?