What is Engineer: Definition and 845 Discussions

Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost. The word engineer (Latin ingeniator) is derived from the Latin words ingeniare ("to create, generate, contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). The foundational qualifications of an engineer typically include a four-year bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline, or in some jurisdictions, a master's degree in an engineering discipline plus four to six years of peer-reviewed professional practice (culminating in a project report or thesis) and passage of engineering board examinations.
The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

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  1. U

    Academic areas to focus on to become a radar engineer

    Hi, This is my first post but I've perused the forums often enough before (usually while I should be studying instead!). I'm 26 and in my second year of a 4 year Electrical Engineering degree (late starter). I am currently intrigued by radar and how to engineer machines to detect and track an...
  2. R

    Choosing Engineering: Personal Motivations and Paths to Success

    have any of you become engineers just because that just happened to be the most practical choice your first undergrad year? i am just wondering if most engineers became so because they always wanted to since they could remember versus the ones who decided they wanted to be engineers during...
  3. Vectronix

    Engineering Should I attempt to be a physicist or an engineer?

    hi... Okay, here's the problem. I am interested in studying physics in school, and most of the engineering courses don't appeal to me. Sometimes I dream about being like the next Einstein or something. lol :) But after I were to publish/research a theory in physics, I imagine that I'd...
  4. J


    Hi, I need to interview a mechanical engineer for a school career project, and I was wondering if a mechanical engineer would be kind enough to answer some questions. I am really interested in studying to be one. I'm currently a junior in high school. Here are some questions, and I was wondering...
  5. S

    Physicist, mathematician and engineer jokes.

    Found this while lurking around, thought I'd share: http://www.cs.northwestern.edu/~riesbeck/mathphyseng.html Bai bai.
  6. C

    What's a good home built gift for an aerospace engineer?

    Hi, I've got a friend who's birthday is coming up. She's an aerospace engineer and I was thinking it would be fun to build a small project for her but I'm not sure what. I want it to be specifically aerospace related. I've seen designs for how to build a pocket jet engine, but I wasn't so...
  7. O

    Engineering Whats the difference between what an engineer and a scientist do every day?

    I was just reading this post : https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=337568&highlight=aerospace+engineering+physics+double+major "What does an aerospace engineer actually "Do"". I'm pretty much back and forth between physics and aerospace as a major, or possibly both (I'm a junior so...
  8. M

    Distance Math MS for old engineer

    Hi all, This question is about pursuing a MS/PhD in Math. I'm kind of old (31). I have a BS is in mechanical engineering and MBA and I've worked in the power industry for 9 years. Getting an MS/PhD in engineering was a goal of mine back in my early 20's, but I never did it. I am in a...
  9. B

    Can an engineer answer these interview questions, please?

    My name is Edith and I need to interview an engineer for my engineering class. Here are the questions, and thank you in advanced for answering them. Please include what kind of engineer you are. 1. Why did you choose to become an engineer? 2. What kind of classes did you take to become an...
  10. L

    Need to interview a computer engineer Please help

    Need to interview a computer engineer! Please help! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school who's the only girl in my principles of engineering class. my class is doing a paper over the type of engineering we are...
  11. L

    So I know I want to be an Engineer, Where do I go from here?

    I'm 26 and I have no previous training. I got my GED as opposed to graduating high school. I have taken no math past pre-algebra, this I took last semester at a community college. I am interested in Electrical Engineering with focus in developing alternative energy systems. I have a strong drive...
  12. L

    Engineering How Can a Physicist Transition Into an Engineering Career?

    I just graduated with a Physics Masters. I seem to have trouble trying to find an engineering job. I wanted to know how does a Physicist become an engineer? My main problem is that almost all of the engineering jobs I see have requirements that I don't qualify for. The requirements are...
  13. Pattonias

    How to become a nuclear engineer

    I am a mechanical engineering student still working on my bachelors. I have taken a great interest in the development of the fusion reactor in France (ITER). I have decided to gear my education in such a way that I will eventually be qualified to work at ITER and in the nuclear fusion field...
  14. 2

    Hello. This an interview that an engineer could anwer.

    Hi, my name is Josh Would an actual engineer answer the following questions? What do you do in your job? What do you like about your job? What are the cousrses and reqiurements for your job? What was on project you really liked? Do you need more people in your field of...
  15. K

    Need to interview an electrical engineer or a computer engineer

    Hello I am a high school senior interested in electrical and computer engineering. I have a career report and i need to interview some one in the field. I would greatly appreciate it if some one can answer my questions. 1. What made you choose this type of engineering? 2. What type of...
  16. A

    Importance of GPA as an Engineer, (I'm not doing so well)

    How important is gpa in college? How did it factor into you getting your current job? I don't find learning material difficult, but testing is killing me. I was so rushed these first few college exams. I understand the material very well. My style of working is carefully checking each...
  17. A

    Engineering What does an Aerospace Engineer actually do ?

    What does an Aerospace Engineer actually "do"? Q1: What does an Aerospace/Aeronautical engineer actually do? I've done some research spread out over the last few weeks (Wikipedia, etc) and I've discovered it's a pretty broad topic (Fluid Dynamics, Astrodynamics, Propulsion, etc). It seems like...
  18. B

    I need to interview an aerospace or astronautical engineer.

    Hi, everyone. I'm working on a paper for my freshman year English class. It's a report on the career I intend to get into and I have to use an interview as a source. I have ten questions prepared, I just need an engineer to answer them. If there's an engineer here willing to help, please let...
  19. I

    Engineering How can a chip design engineer become a physicist?

    Dear physics lovers, I've been working as a chip design engineer (designing SoCs for ultra-low power audio/medical applications) for the last 3 years at one of the top-5 semiconductor companies in the world. For the first couple of chip design cycles (~2.5 years) I was solving some really...
  20. R

    Already an Engineer : quitting for school,

    Already an "Engineer": quitting for school, need help! Hello everyone! So here's my background and question: 27 years old - no college degree Highest level math: HS Trig / College Algebra (both over 5 years ago) Highest science: HS Physical Science (not physics) over 10 years ago 5...
  21. T

    Engineering Physics MSc to Industrial Engineer

    Hi, I have BSc and MSc degree in physics (writing my thesis currently), and I have decided to change career and become an Industrial Engineer instead. Specifically I am fascinated by Operations Research. I am thinking to get an undergraduate degree and then PhD in IE. Does anyone have a...
  22. R

    Engineering Torn between teaching physics or becoming an Engineer (for the pay scale)

    Hello all! I'm a sophomore in college and the only real lead I have so far is becoming a teacher. I had an awesome high school physics teacher and decided during my freshman year in college that I want to teach college physics. Currently, I'm on track for a B.S. in Physics. Further on I plan to...
  23. Cyrus

    A day in the life of an Aerospace Engineer

    A thread\blog of some aerospace stuff I get to do on a day to day basis. These photos are from the AUVSI convention I went to last week. I will be attending a CFD training session\conference in early September out in California. I'll post and pictures from that if I take any, though I doubt it...
  24. Z

    Financial Engineering: An Overview for High Schoolers

    so I'm a senior in high school looking at some career options right now. i stumbled across financial engineering and wanted to know what you all thought about it? can anyone please shed some light on this degree for me? how many years of undergrad/grad school do you need before you start...
  25. K

    Engineering Daily Work of a Mechanical Engineer

    Not sure if this is the place for this thread and after looking through 5 pages of a search, I didn't find a similar topic, but please tell me if I'm wrong. As you can tell I'm new, so hello, I'll probably be on here more in a few months as I'll be starting grade 11 and may need help...
  26. S

    Engineering Would my intellectual profile be able to cope with being an engineer?

    Hi, I'm 19. I graduated when I was 17, I worked as an apprentice for 18 months, before getting pulled into my companies estimating division, where I have been for the last three months. Anyways, I am bored as hell, and was thinking about going back to school for engineering, but I have some...
  27. C

    Engineering Software engineer turned physicist

    hey everyone, ok, so right now I just finished my 2nd year of university. I'm studying to be a software engineer at the moment. When I first started my studies, I hated physics because I had a terrible physics teacher in high school. Taking his class led me to believe that I was not...
  28. D

    Programs What is an appropriate minor for an Aerospace Engineer?

    I'm just starting my sophomore year as an undergrad and am thinking about my major. I'm planning on getting a doctorate in Aerospace Engineering and was wondering which minor would be most useful/appropriate. For my actual job, I plan on doing research and development for some Astronautical...
  29. Q

    Can Anyone Master Math and Physics for a Career in Computer Engineering?

    I am a freshman in college and I'm currently considering all of my options for a major. I love math and science, but didn't invest very much of myself into them when I was in high school. Granted, the only subjects that I never got below a B in were science and math, but it wasn't at the...
  30. T

    Engineering Nuclear Engineer: Enlist or Pursue Software Job?

    Hello, I got my BS in nuclear engineering last December, and I've been trying to find a job in the nuclear industry and not had much luck. I've been looking into enlisting in the Navy Nuclear Program and am actually right now in the Delayed Entry Program. However, all my family and friends...
  31. R

    Engineering Software Engineer Typing: Importance & Benefits

    How important that a software engineer should type his programme without looking @ the keyboard? Im a newbie to programming world and now doing a B.Sc in Computer science and Engineering .And also I am currently self studying for SCJP examination . The only thing i want to know is how...
  32. R

    Importance of communication skills to an engineer?

    I'm a second year engineering student and as part of my course, am required to do one subject per semester not related to engineering/science/mathematics. First semester I did International Politics and I'm enrolled for another politics subject sem 2, but I've been thinking about changing that...
  33. C

    Engineering Graduate School Question for a Mechanical Engineer

    Hi, I was wondering if a graduate program exists for product design and development? I have searched google, but haven't found the results I wanted. Would there be another name for a program like this or does it not exist at all?
  34. D

    Novels for an electrical engineer?

    I have been looking for a good book to read for a very long time. I am interested in something that would appeal to an electrical engineering student. Preferably a fiction of some sort with a sense of technology and adventure or action. I guess maybe a sci-fi of some sort.. Any recommendations...
  35. T

    General Relativity Textbook for an Engineer

    Hi, I'm an engineering student looking to learn General Relativity... I was wondering which textbook would be the best for me? I'm pretty well versed in classical physics, and in mathematics (linear algebra, multivariable calculus, partial differential equations), but I have no background in...
  36. L

    Engineering How much does a software engineer get annually?

    1) with a bachelor's degree 2) with a master's 3) pHD what factors do they depend on?
  37. L

    Engineering How does one become an I&C engineer?

    I'm at the career exploration stage of my life and currently enrolled in a Computer engineering program. Can you give me a typical path to becoming an I&C engineer in the Nuclear/Oil&Gas/Manufacturing industries? Typical required courses, education levels, entry level jobs would be valuable...
  38. M

    Interview a Mechanical Engineer,

    Hi, I need to interview a mechanical engineer for a school career project and I was wondering if a mechanical engineer is nice enough to answer some questions. I am really interested in studying to be one (currently a sophomore in High school so it's not that far away) and would really...
  39. A

    I hate computers job can i be an Electrical Engineer

    I hate computer work i don't like to do programing or any kind of job related to this can i be an Electrical Engineer? I like physics and calculus so much. Please tell me what fields i can work in with details Thank you so much
  40. A

    Engineering Follow me becoming and Aerospace Engineer

    I plan on giving lots of insight and asking my fair share on this awesome forum. One thing that I'd like to share is my blog on how I'm becoming an Aerospace Engineer, for any of you that are interested in possibly becoming one some day. I write at least once a day on subjects involving...
  41. A

    Pro Engineer Files: Find Complex CAD Models for Mechanical Engineering

    Hey there, I'm a mechanical engineering student and right now we have CAD lessons. We use Pro Engineer Wildfire (some student edition) and I'd love to see a quite complex model of something. Could anyone send me a CAD file of an plane or a wing or something alike? Thanks in advance.
  42. E

    Exploring the Space Engineering Job Market: Insights from LTU's TCRYA Program

    what do you guys think about this subject? is the job market any good. now I am talking about space engineering not aerospace engineering. heres the link: http://www.ltu.se/edu/program/TCRYA?l=en
  43. A

    Projects for an aspiring engineer

    I'm looking for a project to do in my spare time that has to do with physics and or engineering. I don't have much experience in either of the subjects, but I do understand the basic concepts of physics. I'm looking for somewhat of a challenge. What would be a good project for me?
  44. W

    Engineer Interview: Need Help for Intro to Engineering Class

    Would any of you engineers out there be willing to do an over the phone interview or maybe one over AIM? I have to do a 2 page interview on a engineer for my intro to engineering class. I have a about a week left to do it and still haven't found an engineer around here so I've turned to the...
  45. M

    Deciding Between Physics or Engineering: Expert Advice for High School Students

    hello all, I am new to these boards and have a question- I've recently stumbled across the agonizing question as to whether i want to be a physicist or an engineer. is there any help you all could give that would help me solve this awful question? i love physics, and if i were to be an...
  46. O

    Engineering Future of Aviation for Aspiring Aeronautics Engineers

    Simply, what is the future of aviation? I have wanted to become an aircraft engineer for a long time now. But since fuel prices are going up, global warming knocks on the door, and due to the current state of the economy in the world, there will hardly be any job opportunities in this field. I...
  47. R

    Engineering How bad does a community college Engineer Technician diploma look to empoyers?

    How bad does a community college "Engineer Technician" diploma look to empoyers? I'm going for a 3-year "Fake" engineer program (Technology) labeled as an "Advanced Diploma" - whatever that means, and I was just wondering if I'll be kind of screwed over trying to land a job since employers...
  48. R

    Engineering Chance of Engineers Getting Right Job After Graduation?

    My current situation is that I'm preparing for a 3-year electromechanical engineering technology course but also plan to transfer to undergraduate if things go well. On the other hand, if it's true that you, or I guess all college/university graduates, have a rather low chance of getting the...
  49. B

    Programs Math Minor for Engineer: Choose 4 Courses for Best Results

    I came into my university with lots of units (but I still can't graduate early because courses are only offered certain quarters). I can either do a math minor, or just take extra classes in my major (Materials Engineering with a specialization in electronic materials) or the EE department. Some...