What is Engineer: Definition and 845 Discussions

Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost. The word engineer (Latin ingeniator) is derived from the Latin words ingeniare ("to create, generate, contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). The foundational qualifications of an engineer typically include a four-year bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline, or in some jurisdictions, a master's degree in an engineering discipline plus four to six years of peer-reviewed professional practice (culminating in a project report or thesis) and passage of engineering board examinations.
The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

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  1. A

    Schools What to take at college to be an engineer?

    My mind is set on being an aeronautical engineer. I have 2 routes I can take at college. Either doing A Levels in Maths, Further Maths and Physics or to take a BTEC National Diploma in Engineering. I would like to study Engineering at University so I was wondering what is best. I am leaning...
  2. C

    Engineering Quantum physicist vs Nuclear Physicist vs Chemical Engineer

    I have been planning on dual majoring as a nuclear physicist and also a chemical engineer. I was going to be the chemical engineer until I could get a good job as a nuclear physicist. This changed though when I started learning about quantum mechanics and I realized how much I enjoy it. I like...
  3. W

    Electrical Engineer allowed to do Electrical work?

    hi,m Have been reading in some other posts and the Electrical Safety Act 2002 that Electrical Engineers are able to carry out household electrical works? IS this true or have I misread the info? Also if this is the case, ie that electrical work can be carried out by an engineer, how does one...
  4. G

    Atomic Energy: Can Tehran Engineer a Bomb?

    Hey all, I had a somewhat technical question concerning recent news events. My background in physics and mathematics is limited, especially in the area of atomic energy and science. Recent news reports have stated that Tehran now has 1,010 kilogrammes of low-enriched uranium hexafluoride...
  5. L

    Engineer Physics Vs Plain Physics

    I am switching majors over from Computer Science to Physics or Engineering physics and need some advice: Pros for Engineering Physics: 1. More practical if don't end up heading to grad school. 2. I can specialize in Computer Science within the Engineering Physics major so I would need...
  6. N

    Engineering Can rubber tracks replace steel tracks on military vehicles?

    Hello, guys. I was just wondering if any of you knew about universities in the US with military technology education? Ps. Is it the same as "aeronautical engineering"? Kind regards, - Timothy
  7. Link

    Careers at NASA/CERN for optics/photonics engineer?

    Im thinking about applying to do a masters degree in Optics/photonics. I really want to work at NASA or CERN in the future, so my question is do these two institutions demand engineers in my field?
  8. R

    Engineering Engineer: B.Sc Science Grad to M.Sc Industrial Automation

    hello, One of my friend asked me this question.he is a Science graduate in sri lanka(B.Sc in science).and he wants to be an engineer.He's just following a M.Sc in Industrial Automation degree in an Engineering faculty right now.so he wants to know that because of his second degree as a...
  9. W

    Becoming a Professional Engineer

    Hey all, In researching my options upon exiting college (Im an EE major) I have come across the Professional Engineer certification. I have done a little research on the topic and know that I will need to take the FE exam, work for approximately 4 years (under the supervision of a PE), and...
  10. E

    Looking for a Mechanical/Pump Engineer

    Hello, I reside in Connecticut and have designed a device (on paper only) that would solve a problem I (and many others) deal with. I am not an engineer, nor am I going to school to be one. I just used my brain a little, and came up with a possible solution. A major component of the...
  11. A

    Interview an Engineer: Questions & Answers

    I need to interview an engineer, please answer the followings. 1. What is your name? 2. What type of engineer are you? 3. Do you have P.E.? 4. Do you think having P.E. is always better? 5. What does it take to achieve a P.E.? 6. What college did you graduate from? 7. Did you...
  12. B

    Engineering Lost Materials Engineer seeks Job

    Hi, I'm currently in my final year doing an Materials Science and Eng. BSc at IPTME (Loughborough University, UK). Although I've been approched by some companies, I'm not entirely sure what line of work I'd be doing. If there are any materials engineers out there I'd be interested to know what...
  13. O

    What is it like to study Optics and be an Optical Engineer?

    I live in Tucson, AZ and I'm going to be going to the University of Arizona in a little bit, at the U of A there is an Optical Sciences and Engineering program (BS, MS, and PhD) that is supposed to be pretty good. I haven't been able to find anything online about majoring in Optics or being an...
  14. Y

    Electrical/Computer Engineer wants to become a High Energy Physics Theorist

    I want to learn and contribute to things like quantum gravity, M-Theory, and other theories beyond the standard model. I would also like to be able to interpret the results of experiments done in the LHC when it finally works again. So some amount of experimental work is needed too...
  15. Cyrus

    Non-Academic Books Every Aerospace Engineer Should Read

    Non-academic books every aerospace engineer should read: You MUST read this book. It should be required reading at any school! [1] Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed (Paperback): by Ben R. Rich (Author), Leo Janos (Author) http://www.sci.fi/~fta/kelly-bk.jpg...
  16. T

    Wanted to interview a mechanical Engineer

    Yo can I ask you a few questions for one of my engineering classes. I'm required to interview a engineer. Mechanical Engineering is what I want to do. How did you decide upon this occupation? If you were hiring a person for your job, what are the qualifications for which you would looks...
  17. D

    Chemical Engineering: Career Info & Opportunities

    Hello all, I am currently a physics major and may be looking to switch to some sort of engineering. I have been reading up on chemical engineering and this looks like a very interesting field of study. I was wondering if there were any chem engineers here and how they felt about their field...
  18. N

    What Does It Take to Succeed as a Mechanical Engineer?

    I am a high school senior and I was required to interview a profession based upon what I have chosen(mechanical engineer).Basically, what I ask is it is possible for a mechanical engineer with some years in the field take some time to answer these interview questions of mine.The questions are as...
  19. E

    Need to interview a Mechanical Engineer for project.

    I am a junior in high school looking to get into the mechanical engineering field. I have a college research project where I need to find information about the career I wish to do. Part of the project involves me interviewing someone already in the field I have chosen. It's just a few simple...
  20. H

    Need to interview a professional engineer (help)

    what kind of education do you have? what kind of professional and communication skills do engineers need what kind of conferences do engineers belong to besides APEGGA what kind of conferences do engineers attend what kind of professional journals do engineers subscribe to or read...
  21. K

    Struggling with Dynamics: Will it Impact My Future as an Engineer?

    I'm a sophomore in the mechanical engineering program, and I've been struggling with dynamics all semester. I understand most of the concepts, but small computational errors have led to me having a 76% average in the class halfway through the semester. My question is: if I'm struggling with this...
  22. B

    Engineering Industrial Engineer vs. Actuary (AND: should I be in engineering?)

    Hi everyone, I'm a first year engineering student, and basically I'm wondering if I'm in the right program or not. This post is kind of long (but for a good reason), so first I'll thank anyone who takes the time to read it all and give me their input. I chose engineering because I'm a...
  23. J

    Looking to Interview an Engineer

    Hi, I currently attend Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, and I'm looking to interview an engineer over the Internet. I have all of my questions prepared, and if you'd like to answer them, that'd be great! Just let me know here and I'll PM you my questions, and then you can PM them back with...
  24. J

    Looking to Interview an Engineer

    Hi, I'm currently attending Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and I'm looking to interview an engineer over the Internet. I have all of my questions prepared, so if you're willing to answer them, just respond here and I'll send you a PM with my questions, and then you can PM back my...
  25. T

    Active duty AF wants to be engineer

    Hello, I was searching for information on the Electrical Engineering field and found this website. I'm currently serving as an enlisted member of the Air Force, and am curious as to the demands of an engineering education. A little background, I went to college for about 2 years, but back then...
  26. E

    Am I on the right track to become an engineer?

    Hello-I'm new here, but I've been lurking for awhile. First, my apologies if what I'm going to ask has been beaten to death or if I've posted it in the wrong area. Let me give you a bit of background on myself: I wanted to be an engineer up until my senior year of high school. I had a lot of...
  27. O

    Engineer Who Made a Big Impact: Who Is Greatest?

    Hey guys, i need to do a short biography of an engineer that made a great contribution to the world. Who do you think is most suitable?
  28. N

    What is the probability that a serious error was made by Engineer 1 or 3?

    Homework Statement A construction company employs three sales engineers. Engineers 1,2 nd 3 estimate the costs of 30%, 20%, and 50%, respectively, of all jobs bid by the company. For i=1,2,3, define E_i to be the event that a job is estimated by engineer i. The following probabilities...
  29. P

    Engineering Most useful (spoken) language to learn for a Nuclear Engineer?

    Hello, I'm a Nuclear Engineering undergrad at Penn State. Right now I'm considering to learn a foreign language so I will be able to communicate to other countries which have a considerable amount of nuclear resources (personnel and infrastructure). I have a few questions in regards to...
  30. J

    Interview a mechanical engineer for a project

    I'm a sophmore in high school and I need to interview a mechanical engineer for a project. so if any mechanical engineer could answer the following questions, that would be great. thanks for your time. 1. Describe how mechanical engineering has changed during your lifetime. 2. What...
  31. J

    What does an engineer really do?

    Ok, so I am wondering what an engineer really does on the job. How much of it is actual engineering, how much of it is paperwork, meetings, talking with clients, or whatever? I would appreciate it if only people that are working in engineering respond. Thanks.
  32. S

    Computer Science, COmputer Engineer or Electric Engineer

    Which carree should i study?? Computer Science, COmputer Engineer or Electric Engineer. I am working on computer science now, but i get really bored programing, so i may want to change to something else. I have a interest in building things, like processors, motherboard, or computer parts in...
  33. T

    Being an Engineer I am bad in Engineering, why?

    This is my first post :) I finished my bachelors in Mechanical Engineering 2 years ago, I took a years break and right now in my 2nd semester Masters in Computational Engineering. During my bachelors I was quite good in all the subjects, I found them interesting and stuff... last...
  34. C

    Engineering Becoming an engineer with a Physics degree

    I want to become an engineer but I am also interested in playing football at a small NAIA school that does not offer a degree in any kind of engineering but they do offer a degree in Physics. I was wondering how difficult is it to become an engineer with a degree in physics or if it is even...
  35. D

    I need to interview and Engineer

    Hello, I have students that are doing a project where they need to interview an engineer in their chosen/assigned area. The interview should take about 20-30 minutes and is about 20 questions long. It can be done through a telephone interview or via e-mail? If you would have time...
  36. D

    Mechanical Engineer Research for Aerospace Postgraduate Degree

    hi, I am rigth now a undergraduate pursuing my mechanical degree. I wish to join the best university for my post graduation in aerospace. So what are the fields I should research in as a mechanical engineer.
  37. G

    Wondering about becoming an Engineer

    I don't know what type yet, but I like computers, so I am thinking of probably software engineer. I am a sophomore in High School, and I am taking Advanced Pre-Calc/Trig and Pre-AP Physics. There is an engineering program at our school, but unfortunately, I didn't sign up because over the summer...
  38. W

    Engineering What is life as an Aerospace Engineer like?

    QoL,Location,Pay,especially what do you do for work? I'll listen for now and will chime in later..
  39. mbisCool

    Questions regarding becoming an engineer

    I really want to learn as much physics and math as possible for the sake of learning them but ultimately wish to be an engineer by profession. I am debating dual majoring in math/physics at the University of Washington and then going to graduate school to either pursue a masters in electrical...
  40. L

    Can a Test Pilot Transition to Aerospace Engineering at NASA?

    I'm a rising high school junior and over this summer I've decided that I would like to be a Test Pilot in the Air Force, going through AFROTC. I plan on getting an aerospace engineering degree (possibly mechanical, or both) in college. Now, the question is what is the feasibility of...
  41. T

    What counts as engineering in the psychology field?

    I am currently studying for a degree offered by the psychology department at my uni. The name of the degree involves 'psychoanalytical engineering'. i have a friend that is a civil engineering major who keeps telling me that it isn't a real engineering degree. it seems sort of stupid that...
  42. T

    Impatient Teen Engineer and Physicist

    for someone who is interested in getting a masters in Electrical Engineering and a masters or PhD physicist who is still in their teens and in high school; what do you recommend they spend their time doing besides strengthening teamwork skills? [LIST] *they've got 5+ years till they should...
  43. N

    Engineering Advice On career path/ licensed engineer question

    I am currently a physics major in my junior year of college (I changed to physics after my first year so technically it is only my 2nd year as a physics major). I know that i want to do some sort of engineering, preferably mechanical, in the future. I have 2 choices right now: 1.) get a...
  44. T

    Engineer with math guilty pleasure?

    im in dire need of some guidance with what to do with my life. okay so after hassling me to become a doctor, my parents finally understood me when i said i wanted to become an engineer. throughout my electronics classes in high school we learned how stuff works, and we got pretty far in...
  45. G

    What Type of Engineer is Right for Me?

    I am considering foing into the engineering field, but I am not sure which type. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in front of a computer, I enjoy hands on work, being in the field, meeting new people, conceptual stuff, ect. From that, can anyone suggest which engineering field...
  46. A

    Bioengineering or Environmental Engineering: Which Major Should I Choose?

    hello, I am a community college student who recently got accepted to transfer to UCSC and UCSD. However, i was uncertain what to study, and chose two different majors. AT Santa Cruz I got accepted into the bioengineering program, while at San Diego i am majoring in enviromental engineering...
  47. A

    Aerospace Engineer: A Typical Day

    I know there's a similar thread on mechanical engineers, but what's a typical day in the life of an aerospace engineer like?
  48. S

    Can Engineers with PhDs Effectively Teach Math at the University Level?

    An engineer teaching Math! I was just wondering how decent would it be for a person who has a PhD in Engineering to teach Math at a University? In other words does an engineering degree really prepares one to teach Math courses at a University level? Or, what courses would it be all right for...
  49. M

    Mechanical Engineer Interview Q&A

    Hello, I need to conduct an interview for a research paper i am writing on mechanical engineering, and i was wondering if you guys could answer a few questions about mechanical engineering? 1) What High School/College classes would you suggest taking to become a mechanical engineer? 2)...
  50. X

    The average day of a mechanical engineer

    I'm a freshman in college and I'm just wondering what I'm getting myself into... I was hoping all you mechanical engineers can give me examples of the day to day life in the field, whatever field of ME you might be in.