Engineer Definition and 848 Threads

Engineers, as practitioners of engineering, are professionals who invent, design, analyze, build and test machines, complex systems, structures, gadgets and materials to fulfill functional objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety and cost. The word engineer (Latin ingeniator) is derived from the Latin words ingeniare ("to create, generate, contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). The foundational qualifications of an engineer typically include a four-year bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline, or in some jurisdictions, a master's degree in an engineering discipline plus four to six years of peer-reviewed professional practice (culminating in a project report or thesis) and passage of engineering board examinations.
The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

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  1. S

    What is the average day of an Engineer?

    I am interested in going into engineering. I enjoy literally using the scientific method to solve my problems in my life, I also have a knack for creativity and enjoy doing things efficiently. My problem is that, I still do not have an appropriate level of understanding or conception of...
  2. D

    What hands on trade would benefit an electrical engineer?

    I'm going into my second year of a 2 year electrical technology diploma (technologists are like middle men between engineers and technicians), and got hooked on discovery channels' show "biggest brain theory" recently. More than anything, the documenting of the contestants' work in the workshops...
  3. Whitestar

    Engineer Wants To Build A Real Starship Enterprise

    I'm not sure if this has been addressed previously, but there is an engineer who goes by the name of Dan who claims he can build a real starship Enterprise within the next 20 years. All he requires is the necessary funding, which is about $50 billion for each year, which I think is insane...
  4. D

    Can a foreigner work in American airlines as an engineer?

    I'm from China and I am studying AE in University of Illinois in the US. I would like to work in the US after graduate. It's clear that an American citizenship is necessary to find a job in some companies on designing and manufacturing, like Boeing and Locked Martin. I want to know whether I...
  5. J

    Electronics engineer vs Electrical engineer?

    My major interest is in electronics. I have my college admission counselling in two days, and I'm stuck with this dilemma of which branch to choose. I also have Computer Science engineering as an option. These vacations I took up C++ and it's going well. Question 1 Can I do my masters in...
  6. T

    Engineering What job opportunities are available for computer engineers in Toronto?

    While doing my co-op in the downtown core of Toronto this summer, it struck me all of a sudden that all the big buildings here were related to finance/economics. According to wikipedia, it is even called a financial district. How screwed am I if I want to stay in Toronto and want a career...
  7. U

    Engineering Why did you decide to become an engineer?

    As opposed to entering fields such as medicine, law, finance, accounting, actuarial science, etc.?
  8. V

    Engineering Computational Skills of a Nuclear Engineer

    This Fall I will be joining my university for MS Nuclear Engineering. My undergraduate major is Mechanical Engineering. I have a few questions. 1. How important is computational physics in Nuclear Engineering? 2. How to go about learning and practicing it in the context of nuclear engineering...
  9. J

    Is civil engin. the lowest of the lowest when it comes to engineer?

    Hello there! I’m still a high school student. My classmates and I were talking about what we course we’ll take for college. Most of my classmates want to become electronics and communications engineers but I think it’d be cool if I become a civil engineer. When I told them that I want to become...
  10. I

    Former engineer, currently upgrading in physics

    Greetings, I did a degree in electrical engineering a few years ago from ottawa university, and due to some immaturity and life circumstances (got a nasty bout of mono in my first year and barely made it through) graduated with an atrocious 2.5 GPA. I've always had a love and...
  11. N

    Engineering Is finance a viable career for a simple engineer?

    Hi. What job could a guy with a MSc. in technical physics (engineering-physics) do if he chose to pursue a career in finance/economics? Typical math stuff like modelling and analysing? What are the work hours and wages compared to a job in the tech industry? Finally, does taking a phD pay-off...
  12. X

    Engineering Suggested degrees to be a Defense Systems Engineer?

    I understand this type of field can involve many different specializations, and people who work in this field often work as part of a team to focus on very specific parts of a weapon/defense system, etc. With that said, I am not necessarily looking to work in this field, but rather I want the...
  13. Link

    Engineering R&D or Operations Management as career path for engineer?

    I have gained a place on the graduate rotational leadership programme at a major heavy industrial company which involves me going to different divisions to lead projects. I have been given a choice of either going down the R&D path or the Operations Management path. Being an engineer from a top...
  14. K

    Engineering Can I Become an Engineer at Age 50?

    Hi, My name is Ken. I am currenlty 42 Years old and have been working as a freelance camera operator for several years. After much struggle, frustration, and recently, time spent with a career counselor to find my true vocation, I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up: an...
  15. S

    Engineering Electrical Engineer vs Electrical Engineer Technologist

    Ok I know there will be a life long battle between EE's and EET's. This thread is not about the Pros and Cons of the two programs. I am well aware of what each program has to offer and how they differ academically. I understand there will always be some people who look down on EET's. I...
  16. A

    Engineering Nuclear Engineer or Nuclear Scientist?

    As a career should I pick a nuclear engineer or nuclear scientist? What's the difference?
  17. H

    Mechanical engineer to physicist/mathematician

    Hi: As graduation approaches, I would like to evaluate my strength, weakness and interest in engineering as well as other fields. Well , to begin with, I would like to address that I will be getting my B.S in mechanical engineering, specializing in mechatronics. But as I have...
  18. O

    Is it possible to work with pharmaceuticals as a chemical engineer?

    I am a high school senior, probably attending University of South Florida next year. Chemistry is my favorite subject and I am interested in working with pharmaceuticals, designing drugs and drug delivery systems, etc. I don't think I would like to do pre-pharm and go to pharmacy school, as I...
  19. X

    Current Nuclear Engineer Regulations/Debates

    I am looking for reliable and scholarly sources (books, articles, websites, videos, etc) on the following topics: 1. Current (post-Fukushima incident) debates about whether or not a moratorium should exist (in the U.S.) 2. What new regulation are being proposed for the most current debates...
  20. T

    What are the responsibility of a system engineer?

    I am currently going to school to become an engineer and have not yet picked a major I. I have looked into the many other fields of engineering but haven't found much on system engineer. I was hoping someone could tell me more about the field and what it entails. If there is a website or...
  21. I

    I need an electrical engineer to interview for high school project

    Hello, I'm a high school student who is doing a career project. My interest is in electrical engineering, and I need to interview a professional in this field. For someone who is answering these following questions- it would be great if you would answer thoughtfully. If you would like to answer...
  22. M

    Engineering Engineer wannabe - Advice Requested

    Engineer wannabe -- Advice Requested I was wondering what would be a good set of classes to take to get started with a potential engineering degree. I already have a BA in English so I had limited math and science requirements. I was thinking Calc 1 and physics would be a good place to start. I...
  23. A

    Engineering Guidance on choosing electrical or mechanical engineer

    I seem to be at a stalemate. I have an interest in the workings of all things, I enjoy getting my hands dirty and getting hands-on with my job and designing new things which mechanical engineering gives more opportunity for (I understand somewhat that they have other people to do that for...
  24. F

    Engineering Can I become a Computer Engineer?

    Hello, and thank you for reading my post. I know there are probably millions of these posts everywhere, but I haven't seen one that rally answers my question. Things about me: I'm currently a junior, I like math and science, but the highest level of math I'm taking is pre calculus next year...
  25. E

    Can I be an engineer if I hate math?

    I'm going to graduate in a couple of months with a Bachelors in Bioengineering. My original goal was to go into medical school. However after so many years of school, I am not sure I want to jump directly back into school again. Not to mention there is no guarantee that I'll get into medical...
  26. K

    Programs Electromagnetism for an Electrical Engineer Major?

    I know I'm an electrical engineering major but I'm looking to get the most out of my courses. I'm curious about the significant differences between the two intro to electromagnetism courses offered at my school: the "engineering" and the "physics" versions. I'm not sure I get the whole applied...
  27. mishima

    Engineering Physics Teacher to Electrical Engineer

    I'm currently a high school physics teacher with BS in Physics and Astronomy, and will have a master of arts in teaching (physics) by this summer. I was just curious what it might take to start a career in electrical engineering at this point. Would I have to do an entire EE degree? Or could...
  28. P

    Aeronautical Engineering: Jobs & Education for Students

    Hey everyone, I wanted to post this here because I want more information on engineering before I make any big decisions in my life. I am currently a junior in high school and was always interested in engineering. Ever since I was a kid my parents thought that I would be a great engineer...
  29. B

    Salary for an aerospace engineer

    Hello, I recently received a job offer from an aerospace engineer firm to work for them, but I think they are paying too low. I'm a degreed engineer with about 10 years of experience in the industry but non-managerial. I estimate that the median salary for someone in my position is $93,000...
  30. C

    Can I become an engineer? Advice needed.

    Hi Everyone, Here's my situation. In 2002 I graduated with an A.A.S. in Electrical Engineering Technology and enlisted in the Navy where I became an electrician. In 2006, I was honorably discharged and got a job as a Field Service Engineer working with installation, troubleshooting and...
  31. K

    Engineering Computer engineer to a software developer?

    I have a degree in B.S. Computer Engineering w/ focus in networking, and after helping my little brother with his capstone project in game design at his school, I somewhat wanted to make a game of my own. Consequently, I purchased Gamemaker during Steam Sale and finished all of their tutorials...
  32. alane1994

    MHB When an Engineer Says... What He Really Means

    When an Engineer says... He really means... A number of good approaches are being tried. We're still guessing at this point. Close project co-ordination. We sat down and had coffee together. An extensive effort it being applied on a fresh approach to the problem. We just hired three new...
  33. L

    I'm an engineer, do I really need to take this math subject?

    Hey everyone, I'm an engineering/science student at ANU majoring in signal processing or photonics for eng and Physics for science. I'm in a predicament because I cannot decide whether to do this subject:;details.html I have done two first year...
  34. B

    Should I be a Scientist or Engineer? Can I be both?

    Hi, I am a biomedical engineering sophomore student at City College and I am not liking the way science and math are taught here. This is mostly because I find it hard to accept things as granted without evidence or real-world demonstrations. The science and math (especially math) courses...
  35. M

    Choose Between Physics & Mechanical Engineering: Advice from Experienced People

    Hi, Currently i am doing a physics major(first semester) and even though i hated it the experimental courses, I loved the dynamics part with a touch on the relativity. Right now, i am not planning to be a physicst, i am doing this for educational and interest purpose only. When one asks...
  36. S

    Programs Major in physics to be an engineer while working full time?

    Hello, glad I found this place. I really don't know much about college admissions right now. I'm 30 years old, and have never been to college. When I graduated from high school, I jumped straight into the US Navy at 17, so I do have the GI bill to make tuition a bit easier, as long as I take...
  37. T

    How useful is mathematical proof as a mechanical engineer?

    Specifically I plan on specializing as a Mechatronics engineer. I recently bought the book "Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics" and I plan to study it on my own due to curiosity and interest towards mathematics. I would like to listen on one's opinion on how useful it...
  38. steves1080

    Question for pressure engineer about cascading gas

    Say I had a high pressure vessel with a volume of about 1400 cubic feet and pressurized to 5,000 psig. Now say I had a lower pressure vessel with a volume of 1800 cubic feet (slightly higher) and pressurized to 2,000 psig. The goal is to "cascade" gas from the higher pressure vessel to the...
  39. T

    Mechanical Engineer Interview for Career Project

    I am working on a career project for school about mechanical engineering. I would prefer to have more than one answer though because it would give me more details of the job and what I could expect from it. If you would like to give me any tips, recommend some colleges, important things to know...
  40. R

    I dont want to work as an engineer

    Hello everyone i am Guy from Sweden who studies bsc in civil engineering . I have 6 exams left including bsc thesis. The thing is, i never intended to become an engineer, but due to My parents pushing me to pursue a degree in engineering i did so and followed their advice. They were...
  41. O

    Engineering Electrical Engineer Certifications?

    I'm wondering what are some recommended certifications a soon-to-be college grad should get as an electrical engineer besides an E.I.T.?
  42. B

    Engineering Aerospace Engineer jobs for non-US citizens: what are the chances?

    I've been searching for this kind of discussions in the forum and I've found some interesting answers and point of views from many users. But I still have some questions that I'd like to ask. From my understanding, being hired as an engineer (Mech. Eng, Electr. Eng. and so on) or as a...
  43. C

    Interview Professional Engineer for High School Engineering Project

    Hi. I am currently in high school taking an engineering class and I need help finding a professional engineer to interview for a project. I need to conduct an interview with a professional engineer and gather professional background information and ask various questions about the field of...
  44. J

    Electrical vs electronics engineer

    hello, I'm wondering the difference between electrical engineering and electronics engineering. Or are they the same but just some universities call it differently?
  45. J

    Engineering Engineer major doing physics research

    hello all, i am wondering if a mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, or mechatronics engineer have the credentials to do physics research? i want to go into 1 of the 3(leaning more towards mechanical or mechatronics) so i want to know if it is possible to research in ANY area of physics...
  46. T

    Engineer wants to self learn undergrad physics

    Okay, first of all I am hoping I have posted this in the correct place. So the background is the following, I currently have an engineering degree but wish to actually expand my knowledge more in the physics side of things.I just would like to know a level of physics up to undergrad standard...
  47. T

    Engineering Overcoming Shyness to Succeed as an Engineer

    Hey, so I'm currently a year away from graduating with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. I chose this major because I love physics and mathematics and applying them. Right know I'm really enjoying fluid mechanics, linear algebra, etc. I have a professor this semester who is a professional...
  48. P

    How to become a Design Engineer?

    Hi all! I am happy to find this very informative forum! I have graduated with a degree in Production Engineering and Management and I am interested to gain more knowledge in CAD and work as a Design Engineer. While in University I had a CAD course where I learned to use Pro/E, but that's all...
  49. M

    Undergraduate mathematics for an engineer

    I am an electrical engineer who is fascinated by mathematics. As you might expect, electrical engineering uses a lot of advanced concepts in mathematics from differential equations, linear algebra, calculus, complex analysis etc. However I would like to continue reading maths on my own. I would...
  50. M

    Need help deciding what engineer to be

    I'm not sure what Engineer I should be or if I should really be one, but I know two things; I really enjoy math and physics/chemistry. I've only taken so far Calculus 3 and Classical Mechanics so I'm not too familiar with both topics but I do know that I really enjoy doing them. They just seem...