What is Engineering: Definition and 996 Discussions

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning "cleverness" and ingeniare, meaning "to contrive, devise".

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  1. anorlunda

    Best Engineering in the Past 100 years

    We commonly see lists of "best science" both here on PF and elsewhere. I think it is time for a little friendly rivalry from the engineering side. I arbitrarily chose 100 years as the period. The wheel and Roman aqueducts were great engineering but not much fun for us to talk about because we...
  2. A

    Engineering Have trouble finding work (PhD in Materials Science & Engineering)

    I am about to graduate with a doctorate in a Materials Science & Engineer degree. I have the following experience: - Mechanical testing such as indentation and bend testing - X-ray/neutron diffraction characterization (in/ex situ)...
  3. diogenesNY

    Naval Engineering 19-20c: Fun with numbers

    I have been reading the book _Able Seamen: The Lower Decks of the Royal Navy 1850-1939_ by Brian Lavery, Naval Institute Press 2011, and I came across an interesting paragraph regarding engine efficiency (and labor requirements) as steam began to replace sail. I reproduce the relevant...
  4. F

    Programs Is Environmental Engineering capitalized?

    Hi! I'm currently a freshman applying to an REU for the summer. It would be great help if anyone could take a look at it and critique what needs to be changed. As a side note, I know this is a super long personal statement because the program I'm applying for says the word count needs to be...
  5. D

    Reverse Engineering Plastics: Is It Cost Effective?

    I would like to know if plastics can be reverse engineered or are the costs too significant .
  6. M

    Masters of computational engineering ?

    I am almost done with 5 years bachelor of nuclear engineering, is it a good idea to switch to computational engineering, since that it will open more opportunities?
  7. I

    Comp Sci Solving Fortran 77 Assignments with XYZ: Reading & Calculating Values

    Hey guys, new here and was hoping for some help. Basically I have to use Fortran 77 to complete some questions for an assignment The first thing to do is, read a bunch of numbers in a list format and then use these numbers to be entered within an equation. The values I have are listed in a 1...
  8. morrobay

    Schools University of Penn. School of Engineering?

    https://catalog.upenn.edu/undergraduate/engineering-applied-science/ My nephew is interested in 'engineers without borders' What are the applications related to The University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering ? The courses seem to be a blend of other specialties with engineering. To put...
  9. V

    Design courses for Electrical engineering

    Which Design courses are available in Electrical engineering for getting good job opportunities
  10. Boltzman Oscillation

    Electrical Engineering: What is the current through this?

    Homework Statement I have a current source of 2mA in parrallel with a resistor of 9.2kOhm and a short. What is the current through the short? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I always thought shorts had an infinite amount of current but maybe I do not quite understand the...
  11. G

    How Can Fault Tree Analysis Estimate Risk in Hydrocarbon Separation Processes?

    Homework Statement FIGURE 2 shows an improved arrangement for separating water from the hydrocarbon liquid for the process in question 2. Two simple level control loops, LC, have been added to regulate flow control valves on a pumped system. Extra protection is also provided in the form of high...
  12. M

    Engineering Bachelor of Nuclear engineering, Masters in Mechanical?

    Hi, I am just about to finish my bachelor of nuclear engineering, my aim is to work in the industry " energy companies " ,I want to be a CFD engineer, where I can work in both the nuclear field and outside the nuclear field. Is a masters in mechanical engineering a good idea ? if yes, any...
  13. J

    Wrapping a Ribbon Around a Cone

    Greetings everybody. This is my first post and I am looking for help with a little math/geometry/engineering problem. This has been a real brain buster for my colleague and I the past couple days so I am hoping somebody can help. I am not sure if this is the best section for it, but it...
  14. Ashley1999

    Programs Should I switch my major to Molecular Genetics?

    Hi, currently I am a freshman who is majoring in Biosystems Engineering. I selected this major because I did a lot of research into biology undergrads and I didn't like what I saw. I got the notion that these majors did not emphasize the technical skills necessary to do well in a science...
  15. PlasMav

    Exploring Fusion Power and Nuclear Engineering: A Student's Journey at UTA

    Hello, I am a BSME senior with NE minor graduating in August 2019 from UTA. I am very interested in fusion power, space travel, and electrical engineering (lol). I almost wish I had picked EE instead of ME. It's more interesting to me. I just joined an EE student and together we are building a...
  16. M

    Mechanical engineering - Stress concentration

    1. In my materials science's exam, I had the following question: What would be the maximum force F to cause failure in a block that has been drilled at two place? See following drawing: (Lame paint skills, I know..) 2. Homework Equations 1) D/W 2) σ = F/S The Attempt at a Solution 1)First...
  17. J

    Programs Engineering Physics or Astronautics?

    Hello! I'm currently planning to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where they have a bachelors degree in Engineering Physics with emphasis on spacecraft systems and instrumentation. The college also has aerospace Engineering with a track in astronautics. I want a career that focuses on...
  18. A

    Why is solar radiation equal to long wavelength emission?

    In my heat transfer course, I always had to do analysis of long-wavelength radiation between surfaces first, and find the heat radiated from one of the surface. Then, solar radiation is added to the problem, and suddenly it was said that solar radiation=heat radiated from this surface! Does...
  19. CheesyPeeps

    Struggling Engineering Student Needs Help with Tension in Cable Homework

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ∑MA = 0, where A is the pin. Tx = Tcos150 Ty = Tsin150 The Attempt at a Solution I've drawn in the 100kN force of the beam's weight, and identified that ∑MA = 0. I attempted to find the moment arm, but really wasn't sure how do to it, or if it would even...
  20. Lalala

    Schools Engineering science at the University of Toronto for A levels students

    Hi I'm doing A levels now and I'm planning to go to University of Toronto next year September for engineering science, my question is what are the grades needed for my AS and A2 level to get into engineering science? My trial results are A in Chemistry and Math, A- in physics and B in biology.
  21. R

    Hydraulic head as a function of flow rate

    Hello! 1. Homework Statement Symbols and variables: ##\dot{V}## : flow rate ##H## : Hydraulic head ##g = 9.81 \frac{N}{kg}## ##P_{atmosphere} = 101325Pa## ##\rho = 1000\frac{kg}{m^3}## I am given a piping system, with serie and parallel pipes, they start from one point and go back into one...
  22. jedishrfu

    Exotic Bicycle Designs and Engineering

    Every so often we get requests for engineering projects to work on. One common theme that I've seen is Kickstarter / Indiegogo campaigns for novelty bicycles to solve that last mile problem in urban transportation: The first time I saw the Kiffy I thought that was quite a cool design. Designed...
  23. T

    Engineering Pathway from medical physics to biomedical engineering?

    Throughout this forum, I've seen numerous posts discussing the transition to medical physics. However, I'm curious to learn about what advice can be shared on having an interest to work in biomedical engineering with a background/ experience as a medical physics. Would this entail completing a...
  24. J

    Studying Advice on Future-Technology Engineering

    Hi, I am currently an undergrad student exploring different fields of engineering. I find that there are so many fields to choose from, it is as much astonishing as it is bewildering. What I would like to do is work on building the technologies of the future. Specifically, I am interested in...
  25. I

    I Calculating the Mass of a Piston for a Spring-Based Launcher

    I am trying to teach myself Physics, so I can use it in engineering for my own devices. The project I am working on right now is a very simple spring based launcher. This is frustrating me to no end. Here is my objective. I want to lunch a golf ball about 10 or so feet. I know that I need to...
  26. Anil Chadha

    Engineering (Science) Fiction - An Introduction

    Science Fictions have contributed much to entertainment and spreading awareness of issues related to complex scientific matters among the youth and the common man. It has also contributed to art etc. This has resulted in a spreading of scientific temperament and thereby has helped in adopting...
  27. doglover9754

    Engineering I’m trying to decide between 2 engineering careers. Any help?

    So I am a high school freshman student this school year. We have this career guidance presentation every once in a while by our counselors. I wanted to be an engineer but I realized something. I don’t know which engineer I’d want to pursue. I’ve limited it down to two. Mechatronics or...
  28. Greg Bernhardt

    Insights Interview with Engineer Mentor anorlunda - Comments

    Greg Bernhardt submitted a new blog post Interview with Engineer Mentor anorlunda Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
  29. S

    Schools PhD in Liquid Crystal Physics (or Engineering)

    Dear Forum member, I want to pursue research in Liquid Crystal Physics / Engineering, are you aware of any laboratories or university departments actively researching in this field in Canada or Germany? I will be very if you are aware of active groups and share their names. Thanks
  30. Q

    Engineering How beneficial is a minor in Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I’m a freshman Physics major in the US and I am concerned about the job opportunities directly out of undergrad. Because of this, short of switching my major to an engineering field, I was wondering if a minor in EE would substantially assist me. I know it would not be an ABET accredited...
  31. E

    Mechanical Engineering HNC vs ONC: What's the Difference?

    Hi, I am new here. I am currently studying for my HNC in mechanical engineering :)
  32. Ethan Klein

    Mechanical Engineering (BS) Vs. Pursuing Physics PhD

    Hello everyone. Currently, I am an undergraduate sophomore planning to study physics and in the process of transferring from community college to University. I am seeking advice on deciding between pursuing a mechanical engineering degree (BS) or a PhD in physics. My journey so far has taken...
  33. K

    Engineering Getting Bored of my Engineering job

    My apologies if the question is in the wrong forum or section. Anyway, I'm a mechanical engineer with 2 years of work experience and have just recently moved to a new company. And just like in my previous job, fatigue seems to be kicking in. The job is basically a mountain of documentation...
  34. anorlunda

    Modern Manufacturing Engineering

    Just sharing. Below are two videos about making electric motors that impressed me. One from China, one from Germany. MIT is also studying the use of AI to help design the manufacturing process. If I was a young EE just starting, I think I would choose manufacturing engineering. Today seems...
  35. S

    Physics graduates: any vocational ed or engineering courses?

    This poll (attempt) is for physics graduates. Was any vocational education or engineering course work extremely important or helpful in earning your undergraduate degree in physics, either before or during your Physics education? (this line edited) I am hoping the view votes publicly only...
  36. José Ricardo

    Engineering Biomedical Engineering: Biohacking

    If I followed this area, I would deal with biohacking? Every biomedical engineer knows how to move with biohacking? And Biohacking is the sub-area that is increasing mostly in the healthcare system? Biomedical engineering → https://collegegrad.com/careers/biomedical-engineers
  37. W

    The merger of engineering and economics

    I couldn't fit it in the title, but I think the merger of engineering and economics is going to be important going forward. I feel most economists look down on engineering economics (just thinking of variable/fixed operational costs and investment costs, etc), and most engineers think that...
  38. E

    Regulatory bodies for manned submersibles in Canada

    Hey guys, new member here! I am an undergrad engineering student and I am currently working on a project for a course that requires designing a ballast system for a manned submersible and I was wondering... Are there regulatory bodies in Canada that you know of that is responsible for...
  39. K

    Can a CS grad get a masters in Mech engineering?

    I want to study CS, but eventually someday I want to work in the auto industry dealing with robotics and aerodynamics. I was wondering how common is it for a CS grad to get a masters in Mech Engineering?
  40. G

    Physics of Light/Infrared for Solar Stills Research

    Hi, I am doing my dissertation for Mechanical Engineering on Solar Stills and my mentor has suggested it would be a good idea to research the physics of light/infrared absorption, transmission, water evaporation and condensation. I am wondering if anyone has good book recommendations for me to...
  41. Rahulx084

    Understanding Reactor Balancing: Flow Rate and Volume Relationship

    I'm confused in the balancing of a reactor , let's say the inlet volumetric flow rate is ##v_○## and outlet volumetric flow rate is ##v_1## Doubts: 1) How is the volumetric flow rate and volume of the reactor ##V## are related to each other ? 2) If the volumetric flow rate is constant (...
  42. T

    Why is a beam supported by two cables more stable than one?

    Imagine a steel I-girder lifted by a single wire rope. If the rope is not perfectly centered along the girder length, the girder will rotate about a horizontal latitudinal axis through its centroid. Imagine a girder pair lifted by two wire ropes, with one rope on each side of the girder...
  43. J

    Engineering AC Source driving an RLC circuit....

    Homework Statement 10 v, 100 hz goes into a circuit of a 1o resistor, a 1o inductive reactance and a 1o capacitive reactance that are in series. What is the current. What is the V across the cap. Homework Equations and the attempt at a solution[/B] So I know I = V/Z and Z = sqrt( R^2 +...
  44. Quintijn van Heek

    Using the lift equation, can you make anything fly?

    If I have a contraption with wings that weighs 120 kg, the wings in total are 2 meter squared, and I make it go 60 km/h, will it fly? According to the lift equation (L = (1/2) d v^2 a CL), it should, since L=(1/2)*1.225*277.788*2*3.39 = 1176.789 Weight = 120 kg = 1176.789 N L = lift = 1176.789...
  45. M

    Engineering Almost done with bachelor of nuclear engineering, now what ?

    The field I am willing to work on is thermal hydraulics, I am more into the industry than academic work. I am now lost . the 2 options I have is either get a masters in nuclear engineering or maybe in mechanical engineering, or go into the industry and work in energy companies " which is hard to...
  46. epenguin

    Bridge Collapse Genoa - Informed Engineering Perspectives

    The dramatic collapse of a bridge in Italy with many fatalities has been the big item of news all over Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/15/genoa-bridge-collapse-death-toll-italy-minister-calls-resignations and many other reports. I just wonder if the qualified people here...
  47. A

    Engineering Engineering: Can a Physics Grad Make the Jump?

    Hello, I'm a recent graduate with a BS in engineering physics but I basically screwed up with major selection. I should've done some kind of engineering, but I couldn't settle on a type and had a very poor experience in statics and dynamics, so I thought "what the hell I'll do physics". So I did...
  48. K

    Programs CS vs Software Engineering degree

    I'm looking into completing my degree online mostly due to the cost of tuition at a traditional university. The online programs I've been looking offer Computer Science while some offered Software Engineering. I was wondering which degree is the better option?
  49. J

    Engineering Can't decide between Electrical Engineering and Physics

    I comprehend that the above statement is not phrased as a question even though it contains the appropriate symbol, and that is because even if it was, and an appropriate answer was given, i believe i still would not be able to make a decision. It is more a reflection of my current mental state...