What is Engineering: Definition and 996 Discussions

Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. The discipline of engineering encompasses a broad range of more specialized fields of engineering, each with a more specific emphasis on particular areas of applied mathematics, applied science, and types of application. See glossary of engineering.
The term engineering is derived from the Latin ingenium, meaning "cleverness" and ingeniare, meaning "to contrive, devise".

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  1. J

    Engineering Can't decide between Electrical Engineering and Physics

    I comprehend that the above statement is not phrased as a question even though it contains the appropriate symbol, and that is because even if it was, and an appropriate answer was given, i believe i still would not be able to make a decision. It is more a reflection of my current mental state...
  2. person123

    Engineering Is a Career in Civil Engineering Conducive to Research Opportunities?

    Hello all. I'm going off to college this summer (yah!), and I'm planning on majoring in civil. I'm interested in the environment (I was considering environmental engineering for a while), but I also love physics and I thought civil would be a good combination. However, it seems like a career in...
  3. D

    Engineering PhD in Mechanical Engineering, CC teaching?

    I am almost finished the final drafts of my dissertation, and now I am wondering what to do next. It seems that all jobs at universities want someone to "establish a thriving research program" or the like. That's not me, so a job at a university is out. I very much want to teach, but much...
  4. Demystifier

    How Do Technology and Engineering Differ?

    What is the difference between technology and engineering?
  5. S

    Programs (Space) Industry - Different Paths Towards It

    Hello! I am a returning student, 19YO, and will be starting back in community college in a month retaking classes I failed the first go-around with college. This is hopefully less of a "tell me what to do" thread, and more of a "clarify my misconceptions." Basically, I am very interested in a...
  6. G

    Misc. Exploring Materials Engineering with DIY Test Machine & Arduino

    Hello there. I'm a veteran science teacher at the middle and high school level. I've taught a few years of physics and am interested in moving towards engineering. I have looked at a number of available curricula like Project Lead the Way which require a significant investment in time and money...
  7. Jjo5

    Engineering Switching from Nuclear Engineering to Physics

    (It became really long as I wrote, so I put my main questions at the bottom, so you can skip to it if you want) Hi guys, I got BS and MS in Nuclear Engineering. Research for undergrad, I did intern/design class at Argonne running monte-carlo simulation, so modelling neutronics and burnup of a...
  8. spacewrinkle

    Programs Double Degree in Physics and Electical Engineering?

    Hi! I'm about to take my senior year in high school, and I was originally planning on taking electrical engineering plus some extra classes in physics. I like to work with my hands and to create things, so engineering is sort of a no-brainer for me, but it's also very important for me to...
  9. A

    Discharge of a Pressure Vessel Containing Liquid Nitrous Oxide

    Homework Statement I want to design a closed tank with an orifice hole (that can be opened and closed remotely) at the bottom of the tank and model how the mass flow rate of liquid nitrous oxide changes with respect to time, as the liquid nitrous oxide leaves the tank due to a pressure...
  10. H

    I Can the Parker Solar Probe Be Cooled by Radiating Heat into Space?

    This probe is designed to fly closer than 4 million miles from the sun's 'surface'. Is it possible in principle to cool the spacecraft 's inner facing surface by transferring heat to a cooler part and then radiating it into space from the far surface? I don't think it is equipped with such tech...
  11. S

    Engineering How hands-on is Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I'm sorry if this question's been asked before but I was wondering how hands-on electrical engineering can be. Are there jobs where an EE can find themselves doing designing and getting to work with their hands? I find the theoretical stuff interesting as well as the more hands-on work.
  12. G

    Studying How to improve in engineering exams

    I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but here it goes... I'm here to ask you what advice can you give me to achieve better results in engineering. I'm currently on my 5th semester and I'm still not managing to get good results. I really put effort on things, prepare myself...
  13. M

    Engineering Physics certificate undergraduate in Europe

    Is there any such certificate or something even remotely like this awarded and recognised in Europe to undergrads who do, say, chemical engineering but want to show they have some core physics knowledge as well?
  14. P

    MHB Engineering - Stress and Buckling Load problems

    Hello, I am in an engineering summer camp, but since this is a condensed course and it seems the professors assumed the class already had some background in the subject, I am slowly getting lost. They gave us practice tests from previous years, and I was wondering if someone could show me how to...
  15. kuolemaloki

    Engineering Astrophysics going on to Aerospace Engineering

    Hi all! I am currently doing my undergrad in Astronomy and Astrophysics and minoring in Computational Mathematics. I am starting to think about grad school and facing a dilemma: I would like to eventually receive a PhD in Astrophysics, but in the future I would possibly like to apply my...
  16. Brandon Lathrop

    Interview About Writing in Engineering

    I am a senior in college, working on getting my bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently taking an upper division writing class about writing in engineering, and am required to interview someone either presently working or has worked in the field, about writing in engineering...
  17. D

    Programs Change of Major from Mechanical Engineering to Material Science

    Hello guys, I received an admit to grad school for Mechanical Engineering, where my focus was initially Thermo-Fluids . I've also enquired about the Material Science department at the University(in the USA), and they are willing to let me transfer to the Material Science department provided I...
  18. G

    Programs Materials Science (B.Sc.) vs Materials Engineering (B.Eng)

    Hello, Looking for some guidance for my son. He will be a senior in high school in the fall and will be applying to university programs in Ontario, Canada. He is leaning towards studying chemistry and/or physics. We (his parents) absolutely want him to follow his passions, but of course are...
  19. C

    Programs How do you double major in Physics and robotic engineering?

    I've done robotics since I was very young, and I've always loved physics. I'm a high school junior, and I will need to figure out what to apply for in terms of colleges. I wanted to do a double major in robotics and physics, although I'm not sure what aspect of physics I want to go into. Is this...
  20. G

    Powerline cable count and engineering question (HV power distribution lines)

    I have seen that typically most 110Kv and 330Kv lines around my place have not 4 wires on them (3 phases and one neutral) but rather 7 wires on them, which I suppose is 3 phases x2 which probably means two cables for each phase and a common neutral wire at the top of each post. Now is my...
  21. B

    Engineering Would I be crazy to quit my Summer Engineering Internship?

    Let me provide some background here. I am an Electrical Engineering student and will be entering my Senior year this fall. I was lucky enough to secure a summer internship with a company for the duration of the summer. I am starting to realize that I may have not been so lucky. I am practically...
  22. U

    Engineering Should I major in Computer Science, Physics, or Aerospace Engineering?

    << Mentor Note -- two threads on same subject merged. Please do not cross-post across forums here >> I am passionate about Physics, Computer Science, and Aerospace Engineering. I am about to start my freshman year of college in the fall and have yet to decide which would be the most reliable...
  23. T

    Programs Electrical engineering with some CS electives?

    I looked up at ee curricilum and find out it suits better for me.I want to specialize in electronics.Is it possible for me to take discrete math,data structures,algorithms,neural networks,machine learning,artificial intelligence etc. as electives along with ee courses?Is it a viable path?
  24. T

    When does a cantilever beam fail in reality?

    Hi, like the title says, how do we actually calculate when a cantilever beam fails in reality? We’ve been taught that these are absolutely fixed to the ground. However, in reality these would probably be bolted onto the ground, so how do we calculate the force trying to lift the fixed beam on...
  25. dRic2

    Programs MS in Nuclear Engineering or Engineering Physics question

    Hi, PF, this should be my 5th post or something here in "Academic Guidance" (I changed my mind a lot in few months :biggrin:, but now I really need to decide:nb):nb)) I'm considering to go for an MS in Nuclear Engineering that specializes in Nuclear System Physics...
  26. Y

    Engineering Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering - GPA

    I'm pursuing a MSEE, I was wondering how much GPA matters, if it matters at all? Please be honest. I'm questioning it, because my credits towards my degree do not expire until they are six years old. Should I use the time from which I have enough credits to graduate and earn my degree to the...
  27. J

    Do you have to be good at hand-drawing for civil engineering?

    I am in high school and am really bad at drawing and want to know if you have to be good at hand drawing and designing at civil engineering?
  28. V

    Engineering What jobs are available for mechanical engineering freshers?

    I am mechanical engineer fresher. I want to know what are job opportunities for fresher in mechanical engineer.
  29. D

    Force-Deformation Equations Application

    Just found this forum--hope there isn't a max post limit haha. I have been a bit stumped on this, but when doing problems about deflection and axial loadings, I am confused when to use which equation. I think I know that axial member need to be 2 force members, loaded only at the ends, and...
  30. I

    Engineering Is it possible to go back to biomedical engineering after teaching?

    I graduated undergrad as a biomedical engineer but received an amazing opportunity to earn my masters in education for a reduced price and earn a full-time teacher’s salary. I’m about halfway done with the 2 year program and am feeling unsatisfied due to not using my engineering degree. I was...
  31. E

    Need help with an angular momentum problem....

    Homework Statement I've spent at least 1.5 hours on this problem trying to figure out what i did wrong and I can't find anything. With an exam in two days plus another chapter to go through. Regardless, here are the problem(6) and answer, as well as my work. Hope you can read it, and the...
  32. W

    Legacy Database Reverse Engineering and Methodology

    Hi All, Say we have a legacy database that is not well-documented and we want to reverse-engineer it. I am looking for an effective way of doing it. Only way I can think is using something like ERwin to produce a Conceptual, Logical model for the database from which we can reconstruct the...
  33. R

    Materials for space applications?

    So I'm working on this project for a inflatable solar sail (so a spherical solar sail) and we are really only verifying the deployment of the sail in space (from a cubesat)...We are doing a mock PDR and I need to find info on the sail we'll be using. My job is to find an "off the shelf"...
  34. Who Am I

    Engineering Physics Degree - Interested in Engineering

    I'm about to graduate with a degree in physics. I have ADHD, depression and anxiety related issues. I've worked very hard to overcome these issues, and I feel I have very recently actually hit my stride with getting things done consistently. Likewise, my GPA is pretty bad, but I've curtailed...
  35. Dan8420

    Schools Electrical Engineering Undergrad - WVU vs. Pitt

    Hey all, I am currently torn between West Virginia University (WVU) and University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) as far as school choice goes for my undergrad in Electrical Engineering. From everything I am reading online, Pitt is the better school academically, but I would like some input from some...
  36. G

    Programs Best Engineering Major for Undergrad?

    Hello everyone, Well I’m at that crossroads where I need to make a decision about what I should start moving towards as it relates to a degree, so I figured I’d get y’all’s input. So, my situation is a little bit of a complex one. Here goes: I am a senior in HS, and have been accepted to...
  37. Poison Ivy

    Engineering Have B.S. in Engineering, can I get M.S. in Psychology?

    I was always interested in Psychology but I went into Engineering to satisfy my mother and since she's still not satisfied (who was I kidding?), I'm thinking about getting into Psychology. Can I get an M.S. in Psychology even if I already have a B.S. in Engineering? I'm sure it's not usual...
  38. ScienceGuy42

    Engineering Does an astrophysicist (PhD or post-doc) need computer engineering?

    Does an astrophysicist in research areas such as cosmic structure and evolution, galactic archaeology, and/or black hole phenomena require extensive skills (i.e. undergraduate degree) in computer systems engineering/computer engineering? The idea is to do a combined degree with computer...
  39. Fraze

    Intro Physics Textbooks for the math of a B.S. in Physics and Engineering?

    Should one focus on just the ability to DO the math or also the theory behind it? Would a the book " ISBN-10: 0521679710 " suffice or should I do something to the effect of Spivak's or Apostol's calculus?
  40. Thinkaholic

    Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering

    I’m thinking about getting this monster of a book because I heard it was incredibly awesome and useful, but I have one question. I want to be both a physicist and a mathematician in the future, so can aspiring pure mathematicians learn many useful things from this book, or does this book only...
  41. dlgoff

    How Has Television Technology Evolved Over the Years?

    I was surfing the net to get some ideas involving the Kerr electro-optic effect and noticed this Wikipedia external link. It's page two from Television History - The First 75 Years. It has some cool old articles and pictures like these (images can be made larger in your browser): Just...
  42. Q

    Engineering Nuclear Engineering Jobs that Require a lot of Travel

    Are there any jobs for nuclear engineering majors that require a lot of travel. International would be preferred. I would just hate to stay in one spot! Any job ideas would help!
  43. Prof Sabi

    Programs What Shall I study -- astrophysics or aerospace engineering?

    I love astrophysics and cosmology, reading books of great men like Einstein, Stephen Hawking, NDGT and many more but I also have craze for rockets, their propulsion and aeronautical engineering like satellites and vehicles (SPACEX, NASA...) I am confused what Shall I do?
  44. Leo t

    Rotary motion to lift a dump truck

    Homework Statement In my robotics class I was task with creating a robot to lift and house objects, I have the lifting mechanism, and a housing area, but I can't figure how to get the bucket of the robot to dump using a rotary motor. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Tried to fixate...
  45. Tjcarney

    Programs Applied Math or Electrical Engineering (Active Duty Military)

    I am currently active duty military and an aspiring physicist(probably theoretical but I haven't decided). I'm planning to take college classes online but there aren't any accredited physics degree programs that are online (at least that I found). The next best thing that I can find are 2...
  46. O

    How to determine the wire gauge of thermocouple wires?

    Homework Statement A resistance thermometer bridge circuit shown below has a designed maximum temperature of 150°C, ignoring the effects of connecting wire resistance. If the connecting loop is 200 m determine the smallest gauge (swg) of copper wire which must be used if the indicated maximum...
  47. L

    Need help deciding between physics and engineering

    I'm just in need of serious helps from others. I'm doing my first year of A level but still don't know what career fits me. I love physics, or die for it to the point I learned mostly the basics understanding of quantum,relativity and the chapters of O and A levels 4 years ago from now but one...
  48. tito agiffaz efata

    Steam heating system transfers heat to a room (Thermodynamics)

    Homework Statement A steam heating system is used in winter season, The radiator of a steam heating system has a volume of 25 liters and is filled with superheated water vapor at 200 kPa and 200C. At this moment both the inlet and the exit valves to the radiator are closed. After a while it is...