What is Equilibrium: Definition and 1000 Discussions

Thermodynamic equilibrium is an axiomatic concept of thermodynamics. It is an internal state of a single thermodynamic system, or a relation between several thermodynamic systems connected by more or less permeable or impermeable walls. In thermodynamic equilibrium there are no net macroscopic flows of matter or of energy, either within a system or between systems.
In a system that is in its own state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium, no macroscopic change occurs.
Systems in mutual thermodynamic equilibrium are simultaneously in mutual thermal, mechanical, chemical, and radiative equilibria. Systems can be in one kind of mutual equilibrium, though not in others. In thermodynamic equilibrium, all kinds of equilibrium hold at once and indefinitely, until disturbed by a thermodynamic operation. In a macroscopic equilibrium, perfectly or almost perfectly balanced microscopic exchanges occur; this is the physical explanation of the notion of macroscopic equilibrium.
A thermodynamic system in a state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium has a spatially uniform temperature. Its intensive properties, other than temperature, may be driven to spatial inhomogeneity by an unchanging long-range force field imposed on it by its surroundings.
In systems that are at a state of non-equilibrium there are, by contrast, net flows of matter or energy. If such changes can be triggered to occur in a system in which they are not already occurring, the system is said to be in a meta-stable equilibrium.
Though not a widely named "law," it is an axiom of thermodynamics that there exist states of thermodynamic equilibrium. The second law of thermodynamics states that when a body of material starts from an equilibrium state, in which, portions of it are held at different states by more or less permeable or impermeable partitions, and a thermodynamic operation removes or makes the partitions more permeable and it is isolated, then it spontaneously reaches its own, new state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium, and this is accompanied by an increase in the sum of the entropies of the portions.

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    Analyzing Forces in a Diving Board System

    Homework Statement There is a diving board held up by two pillars A and B, and there is a diver standing on it's edge. What are the directions of the forces exerted at points A and B? Picture Below: Homework Equations F_NET = 0 T_NET =0 The Attempt at a Solution I thought both A and B were...
  2. RoboNerd

    Question on entropy in adiabatic phase change

    Homework Statement Consider a closed, adiabatic system consisting of a mixture of liquid and solid substance Z at equilibrium at its melting point. Z (solid) <---------> Z (liquid) Which of the following statements is true regarding the system? A) The entropy of the system is at a maximum...
  3. RodriRego

    Finding Static Equilibrium: Solving a Rod and Cable System

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Fr (resultante force) = 0 Sum of all forces aplied at the strut = 0 Sum of the torque of all forces = 0 The Attempt at a Solution I started by analysing the torque, since the strut is on static equilibrium and I ended up having C (tension on the cable)...
  4. terryds

    How Does Adding NO2 Affect N2 Concentration in Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement At certain pressure and temperature in a 2 L closed flask, equilibrium reaction undergoes such as : N2 (g) + O2 (g) ↔ 2NO (g) Each concentration of the substances in equilibrium is 0.8 M. If we add 2 mole of NO2 gas into the flask, then the concentration of N2 gas in the...
  5. Blockade

    How to find if equilibrium points of a force is un/stable?

    Homework Statement U = Ax2 - Bx3 Homework Equations du/dx = 2Ax - 3Bx2 The Attempt at a Solution If I was given a potential energy function U = Ax2 - Bx3 and am asked to find: 1) The expression for the force as a function of x. 2) The equilibrium points and determine if are they stable or...
  6. E

    Is ΔH Dependent on Temperature in CaCO3 Dissociation Equilibrium?

    Homework Statement The thermal dissociation equilibrium of CaCO3 (s) is studied under different conditions. CaCO3 ⇔ CaO (s) + CO2 (g) For this equilibrium, the correct statement(s) is (are) (A) ΔH is dependent on T (B) Keq is independent of the initial amount of CaCO3 (C) Keq is dependent on...
  7. D

    How Should I Approach These Thermodynamics Exam Prep Problems?

    THIS WAS MOVED FROM ANOTHER FORUM, SO THERE IS NO TEMPLATE. HOWEVER, THE OP DID SHOW SOME EFFORT Hello, I have been having troubles beginning these two problems given for exam prep. Was wondering if anyone could give guidance on where to begin. Problem 1: A cylinder with adiabatically...
  8. RJLiberator

    Thermal Equilibrium Temperature Question Sodium and Water

    Homework Statement Expose the error: When sodium is placed in water, a violent reaction always occurs; therefore sodium and water can never be at the same temperature. Homework Equations Thermal equilibrium and temperature. Zeroth law. Isotherms. The Attempt at a Solution My Answer: The...
  9. S

    Rotation of a block when not in equilibrium

    Homework Statement Consider a block placed on a surface, in two different configuration, a and b. Explain the condition for which the mass is in equilibrium and describe qualitatively the rotation it follows when it falls. Homework Equations Center of mass theorem \sum F = M a_{cm} The...
  10. E

    I Pn junction to reach thermal equilibrium

    Hello! Some of the processes caused by a pn junction are not clear for me. Just after the contact between the p and the n region, a migration of charges happens in a semiconductor junction in order to reach an equilibrium condition. A valence band and a conduction band are present in both...
  11. terryds

    Solving Equilibrium Problem: Determine tan θ

    Homework Statement The system is on static equilibrium. Determine tan θ ! Homework Equations ΣF = 0 Στ = 0 The Attempt at a Solution ∑Fx = 0 Ta sin θ = Tb ΣFy = 0 Ta cos θ = mg Then, I got stuck.. I want to continue to Στ = 0 but I don't know which one to pick as fulcrum, the...
  12. UMath1

    Ka vs Kb Weak Acids: Acetic Acid Low Ka, Lower Kb?

    Since Acetic Acid is a weak acid, it has a low Ka which means that the forward reaction is not favored as much as the reverse reaction. However, the Kb is even lower than the Ka...how is this possible? Shouldn't the Kb be higher to indicate that the reverse reaction is favored?
  13. Z

    Find the displacement from the equilibrium position

    Homework Statement Find the displacement from the equilibrium position of the particle that is in the distance x=£/12 from the wave source, for the moment t=T/4. The amplitude of the wave is A=0.2 m Homework Equations x=A*cos(wt)=A*cos2*pi/T* t The Attempt at a Solution x=£/12...
  14. S

    Static Equilibrium: holding a sign

    Homework Statement You are holding a sign as shown below. The sign (including the horizontal bar it hangs from) has a mass of 2.20 kg and is 40.5 cm wide. The sign is hanging from a 1.03 m tall, 4.46 kg vertical post. The sign is symmetric with a uniform mass distribution as implied by the...
  15. M

    Mechanical equilibrium of the system in gravitational field

    Consider a system contained in a very tall adiabatically isolating vessel with rigid walls initially containing a thermally heterogeneous distribution of material, left for a long time under the influence of a steady gravitational field, along its tall dimension, due to an outside body such as...
  16. A

    Holding a block of mass in equilibrium on a slope

    Homework Statement A block of mass is held in equilibrium on an incline of angle 30 degrees by the horizontal force 500N. Determine the blocks's weight, ignore friction. Homework Equations F = MA Normal Force y = Fg*sin(theta) Normal Force x = Fg*cos(theta) The Attempt at a Solution I'm...
  17. Nasbah BM

    Has anyone studied Equilibrium thermodynamics by CJ Adkin?

    I was hoping if anyone has studied it ,I might get help especially regarding its exercise.
  18. heartshapedbox

    Determining equilibrium position between two springs

    Homework Statement see attachment ***indicates correct answer Homework Equations F=ks The Attempt at a Solution I do not understand how this works, and I haven't been able to find any examples of this.
  19. UMath1

    Solids and Liquids in Kinetics and Equilibrium

    I just now read in my textbook that solids and liquids are not included in equilibrium expressions, are they included in rate laws? If not, why? Would a greater molar amount of solid or liquid increase the rate of reaction? And why isn't surface area included in Rate Laws? Also, for the...
  20. hackhard

    B Can body start spinning without ext cause

    suppose a platform "P" is rotating about the z-axis wrt x-axis . another platform "Q" rotating about z-axis below "P" with same angular velocity wrt x-axis standing on Q , P is at rest wrt Q, After some time rotational inertia of P about z-axis starts changing with time standing on Q , P will...
  21. S

    Virtual work principle: equilibrium state of a system

    Homework Statement We have a system (see attached graphics) of two rods with length ##l## and mass ##m## and some external force ##F##. The coefficients ##k## of the two springs are given. The springs have no deformation when ##\varphi =0##. a) Find generalized force of the system. b) Determine...
  22. K

    A Equilibrium liquid-gas ratio in a binary mixture

    Hi all. I'm in need of a formula to calculate (roughly) the percentage of an ammonia-water mixture (arbitrary ratio of ammonia to water) that will boil off under different pressure/temperature conditions, in the ballpark range of 0.2-1.3 bar and 220K-350K. I don't necessarily need to know the...
  23. A

    B Learn About Moments & Equilibriums: What Does a Moment Mean?

    Hi, I'm currently learning about moments and equilibriums. I'm able to solve the problems quite properly, like determining different forces, distances and etc. what intrigued me is that when we say that an object has a moment of 1700 Nm about point o. Does it mean that the object will provide...
  24. E

    Dielectric in a capacitor in equilibrium

    Homework Statement Consider the situation shown in the figure. The width of each plate is b. the capacitor plates are rigidly clamped in the lab and connected to a battery of emf E. All surfaces are frictionless. Calculate the value of M for which the dielectric will stay in equilibrium...
  25. T

    How does an Op-Amp "find" equilibrium (w/ Negative Feedback)?

    Hi everyone, I've been seeking the answer to this question for a long time. I've looked at posts like... https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/op-amp-transient-state.855512/ and https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/how-does-negative-feedback-in-an-op-amp-work-conceptually.584881/ ...but I...
  26. K

    How to Find Angles in a Static Equilibrium System with Pulleys?

    Homework Statement I have 3 masses (Fα, Fβ & Fg) with 2 pulleys, and a wind variable which is in static equilibrium. I have already calculated the appropriate forces for the 3 masses by multiplying it with 9.81m/s² (gravity). Fwind = 60N Fα = 313.9N Fβ = 619N Fg = 882.9N I'm required to find...
  27. slymme

    Swinging, equilibrium, kinetic energy problem

    Homework Statement This is a more than one part question that depends on answers from the previous parts, which I have so I will not rewrite those questions. I will write the question I am facing difficulty with: Answers from previous parts: Length = 1.95 m (From top of chains to center, its...
  28. slymme

    Mass hangs in equilibrium on a spring (oscillation)(MCQ)

    Homework Statement A mass M hangs in equilibrium on a spring. M is made to oscillate about the equilibrium position by pulling it down 10 cm and releasing it. The time for M to travel back to the equilibrium position for the first time is 0.5s. Which line, A to D, is correct for these...
  29. jfizzix

    Heat Equilibrium in elliptical cavities, and the second Law

    I read this what-if XKCD article recently: (Fire from Moonlight) http://what-if.xkcd.com/145/ ..so here's a nice little brain-teaser about radiating bodies in thermal equilibrium! Let's say you have a large, perfectly reflecting elliptical cavity (a prolate ellipsoid). At one focus, you...
  30. F

    Trouble with elasticity and torque on a body in equilibrium

    Supose we have a ¨U-shaped" metal bar, stuck in the ground, and I aply a force on the top of the part on the right, trying to make it wider. If I were to avaliate the forces acting on a specific part of the bar that includes the point that I´m applying the force, let`s say the portion from that...
  31. RoboNerd

    Why is Pure Water Most Soluble for AgCl?

    Homework Statement In which one of the following solutions is silver chloride the most soluble? A) 0.181 M HCl B) 0.0176 M NH3 C) 0.744 M LiNO3 D) pure water E) 0.181 M NaCl Homework Equations the Ksp expression for the dissolution of AgCl is: Ksp = [Ag+][Cl-]The Attempt at a Solution...
  32. E

    Object in equilibrium between 2 fluids

    Homework Statement if an object is in equilibrium at the interface of 2 fluids in an open tank, why do both provide upthrust? Homework Equations P=P' +dgh The Attempt at a Solution The upper fluid is not in contact with the lower part of the object, so why would the fluid provide an upward...
  33. Raptor112

    Bose Equilibrium Distribution and Atomic Units

    Homework Statement For my project I need to compute the average the number of photons given by the expression: ##\bar{n}= \frac{e^{-\bar{h}\omega/\kappa T}}{1-e^{-\bar{h} \omega / \kappa T}}## where ##\kappa## is the Boltzmann constant and ##\omega## is the oscillator frequency. For the...
  34. K

    Physical Chemistry Homework: Equilibrium Constant and Gas Properties

    Homework Statement I have the following task: A chemical reaction 2 A(g) <-> B(g) + C(g) has an equilibrium constant defined by: ln=0.8+ 1050/T−1,3.105/T² a) What is K at 400K? Calculate ΔrG0 In a volume of 5L you get 2 moles of A and 0.5 moles of B. Reaction still proceeds at 400K. Consider...
  35. R

    Virtual Work to find equilibrium condition

    Homework Statement Find the tension T needed to hold the cart shown (pic included) in equilibrium, no friction. Using virtual work, and force components. (I don't care about signs, just looking for the magnitude of tension with quick reasoning) (not homework, just studying virtual work)...
  36. J

    Black Body radiation and thermal equilibrium

    Wikipedia writes: "Black-body radiation is the type of electromagnetic radiation within or surrounding a body in thermodynamic equilibrium with its environment". Why does it write "thermodynamic equilibrium"? If it is not in a thermodynamic equilibrium, then what changes as far as the absorption...
  37. kini.Amith

    Basic problem in equilibrium thermodynamics

    I was reading Thermodynamics by Herbert Callen. In the first chapter he makes the following statement. 'The basic problem of thermodynamics is the determination of the equilibrium state that eventually results after the removal of internal constraints in closed composite system.' Then he...
  38. E

    What Determines Equilibrium in a Liquid-Vapor System?

    Homework Statement A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor at its boiling point. On an average, the molecules in the two phases have equal: (A) inter-molecular forces (B) potential energy (C) total energy (D) kinetic energy Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I know (A) is wrong as...
  39. T

    Frequency problem (static equilibrium)

    Homework Statement The lower end of a uniform beam is attached to a vertical wall by a frictionless pivot. The beam extends away from the wall and upward, making a 62° angle with the wall, and it is held in place by a horizontal wire attached from its upper end to the wall. The wire's length...
  40. 24forChromium

    Spectrophotometry of chromate-dichromate equilibrium

    The goal is to determine the relative abundance of the ions using the spectrophotometer. As far as I understand, to determine the relative (or absolute) concentration of a coloured ion in solution, one must have the absorbance/transmittance of the solution at multiple wavelengths. Once the...
  41. RoboNerd

    Effects of Crushing a Solid on Equilibrium Position

    Hi everyone. So I have been learning about equilibrium recently in class... and suppose I have the following reaction: A(s) + B(aq) <-----> C(aq) + D(g) [Note: in parentheses, I indicate the state of my substances] So I was told recently that pulverizing my solid "A" would not change the...
  42. S

    How to determine a value of force for equilibrium

    Homework Statement Hi, I was working on a homework problem and could not resolve it. The problem reads as follows: A ladder that weighs 240N rests against a frictionless wall at an angle of 60 degrees from the ground. A 600-N man stands on the ladder three-fourths of the distance from the...
  43. R

    Equilibrium Tension Along a Curved String

    Homework Statement A light inextensible string of length l hangs on two pegs attached to parallel walls separated by a height. A small frictionless pulley of weight Wp is attached to a block of weight Wb. When it is placed on the string, the string becomes taut and pulley runs on the string...
  44. D

    Why is the active mass of solids taken as unity?

    Homework Statement I understood the fact that since the density of solids and liquids remain constant in a reaction therefore the active mass must be a constant.But why is it that we take it as unity. Is is some kind of coonverntion,or is there a reason behind it? Homework EquationsThe Attempt...
  45. Logan Johnston

    Explaining The Non-Reaction Of An Iron Nail With Equilibrium

    The question asks: Recall that you observed very little corrosion occurring on the iron nail immersed in NaOH(aq) solution. This observation is difficult to explain from an electrochemistry perspective since electrochemistry principles predict a spontaneous reaction that should cause...
  46. Philethan

    Is dn = dS = 0 when two phases are equilibrium?

    Hello, every one! I'm studying the Section 9.2 - Phase Equilibrium of "Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics" written by Carter. In equation (9.21) and (9.22) He said: dS_{A}=\frac{1}{T_{A}}(dU_{A}+P_{A}dV_{A}-\mu _{A}dn_{A})-----(9.21) dS_{B}=\frac{1}{T_{B}}(dU_{B}+P_{B}dV_{B}-\mu...
  47. Karan Punjabi

    Effect of Temperature on Chemical Equilibrium

    Guys, I'm studying about Le-chatelier's principle and the topic is effect of temperature. I just went through it and found a difficulty that why K values changes i.e why the equilibrium constant changes as in other effects like changes in concentration, pressure,etc the K values remains constant.
  48. 24forChromium

    Possibility and detection of this chemical equilibrium

    Dissolve a salt containingCr2O72- and an "inert cation" in water, would the following equilibrium occur in appreciable quantity? Cr2O72-+OH-⇔2CrO42-+H+ If it does occur, I suppose the acidity of the water would affect the equilibrium constant (or at least the relative concentration of the...
  49. A

    Equation of equilibrium of a SDOF

    Hi guys! I would really need some help with a problem I have over here: how do I you get the equations of equilibrium for the scheme in picture of the single degree of freedom system? I am having some trouble understanding why I have m1*Hc*(H*theta_0) mostly, but also about why I have moment of...