Equivalence Definition and 744 Threads

In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation that is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. The relation "is equal to" is the canonical example of an equivalence relation.
Each equivalence relation provides a partition of the underlying set into disjoint equivalence classes. Two elements of the given set are equivalent to each other, if and only if they belong to the same equivalence class.

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  1. W

    I Equivalence Principle: Locally Flat Spacetimes Explained

    Hi all, I have ran into some confusion about the equivalence principle; perhaps I should state what I understand and then proceed to ask questions. It is my understanding that the equivalence principle states that spacetimes are locally Minkowski, and so the rules of SR apply in that locality...
  2. R

    I An equivalence relation is a partition of A?

    Hi equivalent class is a Cartesian product of A*A. Then shouldn't it's union be a partition of A*A, instead being a partition of A
  3. M

    MHB Show that ~ is an equivalence relation

    Hey! :o Let $M:=\{1, 2, \ldots, 10\}$ and $\mathcal{P}:=\{\{1,3,4\}, \{2,8\}, \{7\}, \{5, 6, 9, 10\}\}$. For $x \in M$ let $[x]$ be the unique set of $\mathcal{P}$ that contains $x$. We define the relation on $M$ as $x\sim y:\iff [x]=[y]$. Show that $\sim$ is an equivalence relation. For...
  4. M

    MHB Are the Metrics \(d_1\), \(d_2\), and \(d_{\infty}\) Strongly Equivalent?

    Hey! :o Consider the following metrices in $\mathbb{R}^2$. For $x,y\in \mathbb{R}^2$ let \begin{align*}&d_1(x,y)=|x_1-y_1|+|x_2-y_2| \\ &d_2(x,y)=\sqrt{(x_1-y_1)^2+(x_2-y_2)^2} \\ &d_{\infty}(x,y)=\max \{|x_1-y_1|,|x_2-y_2|\}\end{align*} Draw the unit ball $B_i(0,1)=\{y\in X\mid d_i(0,y)<1\}$...
  5. S

    I Gravitational wave interactions and the equivalence principle

    According to wikipedia, the strong equivalence principle states “the gravitational motion of a small test body depends only on its initial position in space time and velocity, and not on its constitution, and the outcome of any local experiment (gravitational or not) in a freely falling...
  6. P

    I Time Dilation, Mass-Energy Equivalence: Implications for Time Passage

    I'm an amateur physics enthusiast, and there is a question that's been in the back of my mind for some time that I haven't been able to answer on my own, and haven't gotten a satisfactory answer elsewhere. First, I want to define a couple of terms and make sure my understanding isn't breaking...
  7. F

    I The new definition of kg and the mass-energy equivalence

    Hi, today I stumbled upon a 2016 article in Scientific American about the (then) possibility of re-defining the kilogram through Planck's constant. The article is really a very quick review of the topic. At some point the author states the following "So for years, physicists have chased an...
  8. F

    I The Equivalence Principle as a Starting point of GR

    Hello World, I have understood the following: in SR, time intervals and space intervals (distances, lengths) are relative and inertial reference frame dependent. Space and time is not absolute anymore. However, acceleration is still absolute: different inertial frames see the same acceleration...
  9. F

    Python Invert a matrix from a 4D array : equivalence or difference with indexes

    I have a 4D array of dimension ##100\text{x}100\text{x}3\text{x}3##. I am working with `Python Numpy. This 4D array is used since I want to manipulate 2D array of dimensions ##100\text{x}100## for the following equation (it allows to compute the ##(i,j)## element ##F_{ij}## of Fisher matrix) ...
  10. A

    MHB Is (∀v Fv -> p) Equivalent to (∃u Fu -> p)?

    Consider the equivalence: (∀v Fv -> p) <=> (∃u Fu -> p) Where variable v occurs free in Fv at all and only those places that u occurs free in Fu, and p is a proposition containing no free occurences of variable v. Can someone please offer a proof of such equivalence. Many thanks. am
  11. N

    Magnetic attraction and repulsion equivalence

    Equations of attraction or repulsion can get very complicated when the field shapes and densities are not identical. Intuition would hold the forces to be the same, but in on closer examination the field shape of two repulsing magnets looks entirely different from two attracting magnets. I...
  12. R

    What does the tilde represent in an equivalence relation on R?

    Can someone please explain what the tilde represents? We have had no info on this to date. I know it has to do with an equivalence relation but not sure what it represents on its own as in part (a) of the attached. Just want to make sure I'm clear. Thanks!
  13. Avatrin

    A Equivalence of diffeomorphism definitions

    Hi Lets start off with the definition of diffeomorphism from Wolfram MathWorld: The issue is that I am learning about smooth manifolds, and in the books I've read, the map has to be smooth and have a smooth inverse. Also, the definition above doesn't say that it has to be bijective. However...
  14. Mr Davis 97

    I Affine hull and affine combinations equivalence

    Let ##X = \{x_1 , \dots , x_n\}##. Then ##\text{aff}(X) = \text{intersection of all affine spaces containing X}##. Let ##C(X)## be the set of all affine combinations of elements of ##X##. We want to show that these two sets are equal. First we focus on the ##\text{aff}(X) \subseteq C(X)##...
  15. SchroedingersLion

    Equivalence of msd and velocity autocorrelation

    Greetings, I am searching for an explanation that connects the mean squared displacement in an ensemble of particles to the velocity autocorrelation functions. I know that they are connected since both of them can be used to calculate the diffusion constant. But I do not find a mathematical...
  16. F

    I Fisher matrix - equivalence or not between sequences

    I am currently studying Fisher's formalism as part of parameter estimation. From this documentation : They that Fisher matrix is the inverse matrix of the covariance matrix. Initially, one builds a matrix "full" that takes into account all the parameters. 1) Projection : We can then do...
  17. J

    I Falling electric dipole contradicts the equivalence principle?

    Consider an electric dipole consisting of charges ##q## and ##-q##, both of mass ##m##, separated by a distance ##d##. If the dipole is given an acceleration ##a## perpendicular to its moment the total electric force on it, due to each charge acting on the other, is given approximately by...
  18. C

    MHB Equivalence Classes: Solving Cbarker1's Problem

    Dear Everyone, $\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ I am struck in writing the equivalence classes. And the problem is this: Let ${\R}^{2}= \R \times \R$. Consider the relation $\sim$ on ${\R}^{2}$ that is given by $({x}_{1},{y}_{1}) \sim ({x}_{2},{y}_{2})$ whenever...
  19. L

    A Structure preserved by strong equivalence of metrics?

    Let ##d_1## and ##d_2## be two metrics on the same set ##X##. We say that ##d_1## and ##d_2## are equivalent if the identity map from ##(X,d_1)## to ##(X,d_2)## and its inverse are continuous. We say that they’re uniformly equivalent if the identity map and its inverse are uniformly...
  20. L

    MHB How Do You Solve the Second Part of an Equivalence Relations Problem?

    I understand that the first part of the equation is an equivalence class due to reflexivity, symmetry, and transivity... but I am confused on the second part. Could someone please help me out? THANKS
  21. stevendaryl

    A Question about equivalence of Path Integral and Schrodinger

    I've seen a proof that the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is equivalent to solving Schrodinger's equation. However, it appears to me that the proof actually depended on the Hamiltonian having a particular form. I'm wondering how general is the equivalence. Let me sketch a...
  22. A

    MHB Proving Set Equivalence with Set Differences?

    I am working on a set equivalent (the textbook refers as "equinumerous" denoted by ~) as follows: If $S$ and $T$ are sets, prove that if $(S\backslash T) \sim (T\backslash S)$, then $S \sim T$. Here is my own proof, I am posting it here wanting to know if it is valid. (It may not be as elegant...
  23. Jazzyrohan

    I Einstein's Equivalence Principle: Freely Falling Local Frames

    Einstein's equivalence principle states that: The sets of inertial frames in the real world that correspond to (portions of) the ideal set of inertial frames discussed in special relativity consist of freely falling local frames. In other words,can we say that since all the local frames are in...
  24. Lee Sung Bin

    B Relativistic Physics: Gravitational & Inertial Mass

    In Newtonian mechanics, both gravitational mass and inertial mass is m. This principle is known as the principle of equivalence. However, I heard that in Relativity, gravitational mass is γm instead of m because total energy of the particle is γmc2. But in special relativity, it is widely known...
  25. M

    MHB Show equivalence of propositions

    Hey! :o Let $\mathbb{K}$ be a field, $V,W$ finite dimensional $\mathbb{K}$-vector spaces and $\Phi:V\rightarrow W$ a linear map. I want to show that the following two propositions are equivalent: $\Phi$ is surjective For each linear form $\beta:W\rightarrow \mathbb{K}$ it holds...
  26. N

    I Equivalence of Covering Maps and Quotient Maps

    I am newbie to topology and trying to understand covering maps and quotient maps. At first sight it seems the two are closely related. For example SO(3) is double covered by SU(2) and is also the quotient SU(2)/ℤ2 so the 2 maps appear to be equivalent. Likewise, for ℝ and S1. However, I...
  27. U

    Is the Relation Defined by 5 Dividing (2x + 3y) an Equivalence Relation on Z?

    <Moderator's note: Moved from a technical forum and thus no template.> Not sure this should be under Linear and Abstract Algebra, but regardless I need help with a question in my mathematical proofs course. Here it is: Let ∼ be a relation defined on Z by x ∼ y if and only if 5 | (2x + 3y). (a)...
  28. jedishrfu

    B Applying Einstein Equivalence to the Quantum Realm

    A recently published paper discusses the necessity of applying Einstein’s Equivalence principle to the quantum realm. It’s validity adds mor constraints on how quantum particles may move. https://phys.org/news/2018-08-einstein-equivalence-principle-quantum-world.html
  29. C

    Equivalence of tipping conditions on an inclined plane

    We have a cube on an inclined plane. The tipping condition is the presence of an unbalanced torque relative to the center of mass (contributing forces are: the normal force and the force of friction). However, is this conditions equivalent to the previous one: The line of action of the force of...
  30. Robin04

    B Exploring Mass-Energy Equivalence: Impact of Heating on Mass Increase

    Does the mass-energy equivalence mean that if we heat a body then its mass will increase?
  31. HCverma

    What is the difference between 'equivalent' and 'equivalence'?

    What is the difference between 'equivalent and equivalence'?
  32. K

    I Covariant Derivative Equivalence: Exploring an Intriguing Result

    If we are representing the basis vectors as partial derivatives, then ##\frac{\partial}{\partial x^\nu + \Delta x^\nu} = \frac{\partial}{\partial x^\nu} + \Gamma^\sigma{}_{\mu \nu} \Delta x^\mu \frac{\partial}{\partial x^\sigma}## to first order in ##\Delta x##, correct? But in the same manner...
  33. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Double titration and law of equivalence

    Homework Statement 1) for a given reaction to consume one reactant completely, must the equivalents of both reactants be same? for example, I know in the reaction of HCl + NaOH - the equivalents of HCl=equivalents of NaOH for a titration, is it the same for Na2CO3 + HCl? 2) the following is an...
  34. Sandeep T S

    I Principle of Equivalence: Are You in a Gravitational Field?

    Consider 2 lifts ,one on ground and other on acceleration, principle of equivalance says you can't find you are on a gravitational field, or accelerating. g decrease when r increase so I can find which lift on gravitational field ?
  35. Islam Hassan

    I Mass Equivalence of Photon Content Inside the Sun?

    If it takes anywhere between 5,000 to a couple of hundred thousand years (various internet sources have various values) for photons generated in the sun’s core to reach its surface and radiate out, what is the estimated mass equivalence of all these photons making their way out from the core to...
  36. facenian

    I Equivalence Principle: Controversy & Misinterpretations

    Is there a controversy over the EP? What I mean is: is it considered to be false beyond any doubts or on the contrary it is absolutely true and doubts about its validity are only misinterpretations? I know that the question it's not so simple because there are many EPs, strong, weak, etc. but I...
  37. C

    MHB Solving 10-14 Equivalence Arguments: R to neg(w v s)

    10.) neg[r\implies neg(w v s)] 13.) r\implies neg(w v s) ----------------------------- R R^(wvs) --------------------------...
  38. Alex Paul

    Equivalence of torque & angular velocity transfer function

    Hello all, I was doing some behavioural modelling of the torque transfer characteristics of a belt drive system from the driver pulley to the driven pulley. While doing the same, i have tried to see how the angular velocity is getting transferred as well. I would explain my point with the...
  39. C

    I Local meaning of the equivalence principle

    [Moderator's note: Spun off from another thread due to topic change.] Can I say that "being at rest in a uniform gravitational field is locally equivalent to accelerating in flat spacetime, free falling in a uniform gravitational field is locally equivalent to nonacceleration in flat spacetime ?"
  40. P

    I Time dilation vs the Equivalence principle

    Some time ago there was a similar thread https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/clock-hypothesis-gravity-time-dilation-and-equivalence-principle.929838/ but what I want to discuss is similar but not the same and I would like to specify my question in such way, that it hopefully won't go sideways...
  41. A

    B Mass-Energy Equivalence: Matter as Potential Energy?

    I think mass as a form of potential energy and am always told that this is wrong. According to wiki: "In physics, potential energy is the energy possessed by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors." Why do this...
  42. L

    I Can anyone help me understand the Equivalence Principle

    Equivalence principles explains why lite bend towards massive objects, Einstein uses a moving lift to illustrate this, the light will seem to be bending if the lift is moving, but for a stationary lift, it will not because the position it strikes is stationary. So I think it is not correct...
  43. Mr Davis 97

    I Equivalence of quantified statements

    Take the following statement as given: ##\forall \epsilon > 0 ~ (|x-y| < \epsilon) \implies x = y##. To convert this prenex normal form, we get ##\exists \epsilon > 0 ~ (|x-y| < \epsilon \implies x = y)##. How are these two statements equivalent? It seems as though they are saying different...
  44. Sandeep T S

    B Einstein's Lift Experiment: The Principle of Equivalence

    In Principle of equivalence, we indroduce to the theoram by a lift experiment, my question is why the lift is fully closed one, why the observer in lift forbidden to observe out side world
  45. lc99

    [First Year Statics] Find equivalence location of system

    Homework Statement Part C ) help Homework Equations So far.. Moment resultant = 1800i +3200k , magnitude = 3070 N*m Force resultant = 500i +300j + 800k , magnitude = 990 N The Attempt at a Solution For the location, I'm not getting x = 1.16, y =2.06. Instead , I am getting Mx = Fr*y --> y...
  46. lc99

    Simple Equivalence Problem- help please (First Year Statics)

    << Mentor Note -- Thread moved from the technical forums, so no Homework Template is shown >> Okay, so i am having severe problems with figuring out what i did wrong... I am given : F1 = 250 and F2 = 90 The correct Force result is = 245 i +228 j with magnitude of 335 . The moment given is...
  47. Math Amateur

    MHB Equivalence of Norms in R^n .... D&K Corollary 1.8.10 .... ....

    I am reading "Multidimensional Real Analysis I: Differentiation" by J. J. Duistermaat and J. A. C. Kolk ... I am focused on Chapter 1: Continuity ... ... I need help with an aspect of Corollary 1.8.10 ... ... Duistermaat and Kolk's Corollary 1.8.10 and the preceding notes and results read...
  48. D

    I Understanding the Induction Axiom: Notation & Equivalence

    So , what I was wondering about was a slight difference in notation, for which I am not certain if correct (mine, in particular.). The induction axiom says: If M is a subset of ℕ, and if holds that: a)1∈M b)(∨n∈ℕ)(n∈M→s(n)∈M) then M=ℕ. Now my question is: why do we write (∨n∈ℕ)(n∈M→s(n)∈M)...
  49. JohnGaltis

    Thevenin Equivalence: Is my workings correct?

    Homework Statement https://imgur.com/a/XySpV (If above image can't be seen.) Homework Equations KCL/KCL Rth=Vth/I The Attempt at a Solution Included in Screenshot. What I did was Open-Circuited the Load and use Nodal Analysis to find Voc Then, I shortcircuited the Load to find...
  50. Conductivity

    I Force-couple system equivalence: 3 moment equations

    In force-couple system equivalence, We can show that two systems are equivalent if the resultant force in both are equal and that it has the same line of action. So Rx1 = Rx2, Ry1= Ry2, Ma1 = Ma2 Now my book says we can use another form of equation: We can choose 3 point and find the moment...