Events Definition and 358 Threads

  1. loseyourname

    Maximum Temporal Distance Between Events That Are Simultaneous in Another Frame

    There is a guy in the metaphysics forum that is claiming that the non-simultaneity of two events that are simultaneous in another reference frame allows for the possibility of prognosticatory dreams. I'd like to know the maximum distance you would be able to see into the future using this...
  2. L

    Question on simultaneous events.

    Suppose if I am in a ship traveling from points A to B (10 light years apart) at a relavistic speed of say 0.8c. Then suppose if there is a very strong light bulb at both points A and B, and assuming that the light rays do not get weakened along the way. Now if I am in the ship moving from...
  3. Antonio Lao

    Events & Reality: A Thread for Science Thinkers & Philosophers

    To all science thinkers and philosophers, This thread will focus on the concept of events as describe in Einstein's theories of relativity (special and general). The concept of reality will be divided into two types: 1. Mathematical reality. 2. Physical reality. Events will be...
  4. Antonio Lao

    How Does Time Geometry Affect the Concept of Event Simultaneity in Relativity?

    The Nobel Laureate P.W. Bridgman commented on Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity. He said that more analyses should be given to the events of the theories rather than analytical attacks on the coordinate system used in specifying the physical events found in the theories...
  5. Math Is Hard

    Redshifts and important early events

    Hi, I am researching several historic eras of the early universe and part of what I need to find is at what redshifts these events occurred. I have z = 1100 for the recombination era and z = 15-20 for the reinonization era. I haven't been able to turn up this info the "Dark Ages" yet. Any...
  6. Ivan Seeking

    News Global geophysical events so why doesn't anybody care?: The Gaurdian,7369,1068213,00.html I think this author lacks perspecitive in that many scenarios offer little hope, or much that can be done, but I found the article to be interesting.
  7. Q

    Do physical events occur with greater frequency because a person thinks

    This was originally going to be posted in the Quazimotosciences section but... the topic has elements that require philosophical views and really contains questions of philosophical and physical natures. My hypothesis concerning manifestation is still manifesting. I want to come at the...
  8. P

    Stargazing What's Happening in the Night Sky? Upcoming Astronomy Events to Look Out For!

    Hi everyone Use this topic for posts about ongoing/upcoming stargazing events (e.g., comets, eclipses, occultations, meteor showers, etc.). -Phobos