Events Definition and 358 Threads

  1. N

    Occuring Events- Probabilities

    Homework Statement A box contains two white, two red, and two blue poker chips. Two chips are randomly chosen without replacement, and their colors are noted. Define the following events: A) Both chips are of the same color B)Both chips are red C)At least one chip is red or white Find...
  2. P

    Need help explaining two equations for similar events

    Ok, while rummaging through the internet, trying to find out the magnitude of water's pull on charged objects, I came across two different equations. One seemed more helpful, because it seems specific to water polarity, and the other seemed a bit generic. Helpful one: F= q [(2kp)/m^3] A reply...
  3. K

    Random Distribution of Laborers: Probability of Observed Events

    1) In a lottery there are 10 tickets numbered 1,2,3,...,10. Two nubmers are drawn for prizes. You hold tickets 1 and 2. What is the probability that you win at least one prize? Method 1: assume order matters (different order=>different outcome) P(win at least one prize) = P(win exactly one...
  4. I

    Why does time have a minus sign in the SR interval equation?

    Hello in SR, the interval between two events is defined to be: s^2=x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - t^2 so my question is, why does the time get a minus sign? what differs it from the other 3 dimensions, what's the physical meaning of this difference and what is the physical meaning of this interval s^2...
  5. U

    History Asteroid impact events in history/mythology

    Given the frequency of relatively minor asteroidal impacts, similar to the Tunguska event, it seems to me that ancient literature would be rife with stories of them, probably interpreted as acts of the gods or God. For example, in the Bible is the story (2Samuel 24 and 1Chronicles 21) of David...
  6. G

    Is There an Absolute Time When Events Occur?

    Hi folks - I'm struggling here! Please help ;-) Surely the concept of relativity of simultaneity is an illusion based on the finite speed of light? If an observer witnesses an event (Event A) and is at distance of zero (d=0) from Event A, then that is the TRUE time the event occurred. It is...
  7. T

    Spacelike, timelike, relativity and simultaneity of events

    Homework Statement Two events, A and B, are separated in space. In one frame of reference, event A occurs first and is seen to cause event B. Is it possible to find other frames of reference where event B occurs before event A? If the order of two events does depend upon the frame of...
  8. A

    SOHO Observed Solar Inflow Events: What's the Explanation?

    Hi people. Is there an explanation for the observations of streams of gas/plasma flowing into the sun? SOHO has observed a number of these inflowing events, traveling against the predominant direction of the solar wind, I think a good few thousand have been logged since they were originally...
  9. D

    Events and how they are percieved.

    Hey guys, to further my understanding of special relativity, could you help me out with this problem: Two spaceships A and B fly directly towards each other. Each has a velocity of magnitude c/4 relative to the Earth, in a direction perpendicular to the line from the Earth to the spaceship...
  10. L

    A proof question involving union and complements of events

    Homework Statement If X1, X2, X3, ... Xk are independent events, prove that P(X1 U X2 U X3 U ... U Xk) = 1 - [1 - P(X1)][1-P(X2)]...[1-P(Xk)] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Well I have tried a few methods, but I know it's got something to do with P(X1) = cc(P(X1))...
  11. N

    Discuss events which are simultaneous in one frame?

    I have scanned the simultaneity related posts and cannot find a succinct answer to a question I have - I accept that the answer is probably buried in one or more of them. My question is related to the common claim that you somehow lose simultaneity in relativity, or that the idea of...
  12. S

    Is it possible for KeyPress events in MFC?

    I've been looking around for a good tutorial that deals with the KeyPress event handler for MFC VC++. I only see WM_OnKeyDown events. Are they the same? I want to be able to use the keyboard numbers in my editControl boxes. The MSDN isn't much help unfortunately. Thanx In Advance!
  13. L

    Question about events inside black holes

    Hello, I am currently an undergraduate student and have an interest in black holes, but my lack of mathematical background is giving me some difficulty understanding some of the ideas. I found an article on the Cornell website that has been bothering me for awhile. The article states that it...
  14. E

    How would you observe outside events on a spacecraft?

    If you were traveling near the speed of light on a spacecraft moving away from the Earth how you would you observe events happening on the earth, at normal speed or in slow motion? I can't work this out because I know light is always gaining on you at C even if you are traveling close to the...
  15. J

    News No thread on the terrible events going on in Burma/Myanmar?

    No thread on the terrible events going on in Burma? What can be done about this situation? The dictatorial junta have even tried to close off all internet connections so the innocent can't report the slaughter of their fellow protestors. If there's a country which the West should show a...
  16. L

    Wich test for few events statistic

    Wich is the best hipotesis test if i have very few events? at leats 10-20 events. The chi squared test is not possibile if the expected frequency is less then 10 for every outcome.
  17. Q

    Paranormal events and Natural explanations

    I'm tired of hearing people like the skeptic Michael Shermer or James Randi talk about natural explanations for supernatural events. I believe that supernatural events are natural events that we are not advanced enough to explain. These events are true and we can deduce there truthfulness...
  18. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Depression linked to depressing events I am trying to think of something to say that won't require that I ban myself. One would think that someone might have looked at this long ago...?
  19. B

    Probability : Dependent Events

    Hello all, this is my first post here. Got into a debate over when a deck of cards drawn without replacement is dependent. My opinion is that when there is no replacement, it is always dependent. That even before you draw the first card, you know already what the odds are. My "esteemed...
  20. S

    Can Aliens See Events from the Past?

    I was having an argument and i need someone to clear it up Here is my side, If we can look at the sky with a telescope and see events that happened millions of years ago, then surely if an alien had a telescope at the right distance away from earth, looking back at us, that alien could...
  21. V

    Probability: mutually exclusive vs. disjoint events

    Homework Statement Are all disjoint events also mutually exclusive? And if events are independant does this also mean that they cannot be disjoint? Homework Equations no relevant equations The Attempt at a Solution In probability disjoint events are events that have no...
  22. S

    Independent Events: Pr(A$\cap$B) = Pr(A)Pr(B)

    My teacher gave these notes: In general, if any two events A and B we find that Pr(B|A)=Pr(B), or equivantly, Pr(AnB)=Pr(A)Pr(B), then the events A and B are independent. but i thought that when A and B are independent then Pr(AnB)=0? what is my teacher trying...
  23. W

    Do hypernova events really exist, is there any proof for one existing?

    Do these events really exist and is there any proof for one existing? or do we have to wait until a massive star really does explode? Even so, what could be the effects on the Earth if such an event were to happen (say for example Eta Carinae 8000 light years away?)
  24. P

    Comparing the Probability of Events: Is the Difference Greater Than Expected?

    If two events 1 and 2 have probability 0.81 and 0.82 And another two events, 3 and 4 have probability 0.01 and 0.02 Would it be correct to say that (event 4 will occur more often than event 3), compared with (event 2 more likely to occur than even 1)? The comparison is 'the more likely'. To...
  25. M

    Different lengths of time between the same two events

    the sun set on october 23, 2006, at longitude E 0.0 and latitude N 0.0 at 17:48, and it set on october 24, 2006, at the same location at 17:48. let's say that the length of this period of time t is 86400 s. let's say that i am stationed at longitude E 0.0 and latitude N 0.0, and that i...
  26. B

    Solving Discrepency Events - What Statistical Measure to Use?

    I am having problems deciding on which statistical measure to use. Although this problem is of the simplest type, none of my books seem to address exactly what I need. Let me describe a typical example: Suppose that I have a factory that produces four types of products, say boats, cars...
  27. D

    Can Frame S' Make Two Events Simultaneous?

    hi, wondering if anyone could give me a little help with this question The space and time coordinates of two events are measured in frame S to be: Event 1: x1 = L, t1 = L/c Event 2: x2 = 2L, t2 = L/2c (a) find the velocity of a frame S' in which both events occur at the same time...
  28. P

    Can Events in Relativity Be Observed Simultaneously from Different Frames?

    In" example of relativity with the space trains, if we are in train B (were will observe train A is moving), then why can't the events be observed simultaniuosly? If we ARE in the middle of B, then the light SHOULD take the same time to reach from...
  29. EnumaElish

    Events possibly related to antivirus software and/or Firefox

    On my XP-pro (SP2) operated machine I have come across messages in the event viewer such as: In addition, when I let McAfee Virtual Tech scan the PC it returned the following: Does anyone have an idea as to whether these are related, and how to solve each?
  30. V

    Number of periodic events in a given time span

    Light glows for every 13 seconds. How many times did it glow between 1:57:58 and 3:20:47am
  31. T

    Superluminal events which do not transmit information or energy

    What are the examples of superluminal events which do not transmit information or energy, and hence not violating causality but travels faster than light? My book here gives an example of a shadow of a bug flying across a projector. Any others?
  32. K

    Quest mutually exclusive events?

    I've got a question here asking me to explain why events A and B cannot be mutually exclusive events. P(A)=0.75 P(B)=0.65 And then to comment about P(AuB) and P(AuB) I've started of by assuming that they are mutually exclusive and used the addition formula P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B) to get an...
  33. wolram

    History What events shaped Scottish history in the dark ages?

    What events shaped scotish history in the dark ages ? Dalriada in the Kilmartin glen seems to have been the royal center.
  34. A

    What Were the Key Physics Discoveries in 2005?

    I need some current events that involve physics in them and are all in 2005...does anyone have any websites, or articles? Thanks!
  35. A

    Question abount independence events and conditional events

    Prove this questions using ration ideal in intuitive way. Prove this implications and explain the results: (a) A _|_ B => not A _|_ not B, onde _|_ means that events A and B are independent. (b)[ P(A|C) >= P(B|C) ] and [ P(A|not C) >= P(B|not C) ] ==> P(A) > P(B)
  36. honestrosewater

    Matt grime posting in GD and other highly unlikely events

    The possibility of matt grime posting in Franzbear came up in, well, Franzbear. I thought it was highly unlikely but decided to investigate the chances of him posting in any thread in GD. A search for posts by him in GD returned 3 threads. I confirmed that one of them was moved from General...
  37. V

    Does quantum theory make bizarre events possible?

    Michio Kaku appeared on Part 1 of Einstein's Unfinished Symphony with the following interpretation of probabilities in quantum mechanics: Wouldn’t this be impossible, even in principle? Mars at its closest is at a distance of 55.7 million km, and if particles are limited by the speed of...
  38. B

    When in the course of human events

    Well a minute ago I was singing a few lines of a song to myself--"California Babylon." It's a song that grows on you. But anyway, I looked it up on Google so I could post the lyrics here. But a funny thing happened... I was singing "Three men standing and they love what they do. You won't...
  39. N

    Mutually exclusive/independent events

    Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between these two terms (in words, not maths)? If A and B are mutually exclusive events, then A and B can't both happen at the same time. Is that right? What's the difference between that and if A and B were independent? :confused:
  40. robphy

    Celebrate Richard Feynman: Stamp Dedication, Book Readings & Drumming "Richard Feynman Stamp Dedication A special postmark based on a Feynman diagram will be unveiled along with the Feynman stamp. Also, drumming and readings from Feynman's popular books. Free and open to...
  41. wolram

    Quantum Gravity: Timeless Events Beyond 10-40s

    Is it correct to think that, in QG at a fundamental level there is no time evolution , and 10-40 seconds is the smallest measurable time period? I have looked at various papers, and it seems that even though 10-40 seconds is the smallest time unit ,many "Timeless events", can occure beyond...
  42. Ivan Seeking

    Oddities: A Collection of Unusual Events

    What do you find to be strange, perplexing, weird, odd...and no mention of other members please; especially not me! :biggrin: ...a few things that I've noticed lately. I don't mean to imply that there are any conspiracies or otherwise. The new Burger King commercial with the cowgirls...
  43. Loren Booda

    All events are maximally conjunctive

    In other words, what we observe is the intersection of at least two worldlines macroscopically, or the interference of a plurality of quanta microscopically. We have no unique experience - i. e., one unrelated to another. Observers have evolved to seek patterns of multiple relationships in...
  44. J

    Proving Sigma-Algebra Generated by Elementary Events

    Let W be a sample space with a countable number of outcomes. Let A be the set of elementary events (an elementary event is a set containing only one outcome from the sample space). Prove that the sigma-algebra generated by A is the set of all subsets. Any advice?
  45. D

    Jacques F. Vallee: Are UFO Events related to Sidereal Time? Scroll down to read the new article by Jacques Vallee or Daniel G.
  46. Ivan Seeking

    Favorite TV Shows, Skits, Plots, One-Liners, Moments, or Events

    Okay, we all know that TV is the spawn of satan and that no thinking person would be caught watching that garbage. With that said, what are your favorite or most memorable shows, skits, plots, one-liners, moments, or events. Personally, I was a complete TV kid and still am. I really watch...
  47. Y

    Exploring Special Relativity: Two Events in Two Reference Frames

    gre problem: special relativity, two events in two reference frames 34. In an inertial reference frame S, two events occur on the x-axis separated in time by \Delta t and in space by \Delta x. in another inertial reference frame S', moving in the x-directon relative to S, the two events could...
  48. A

    Common Errors in Anti-SR Theory: Syncing Distant Events

    What would you say is the most common error an anti-SR theory has? I find that it is almost ALWAYS someone synchronizing two events separated by distance for multiple frames. Examples would be the barn pole paradox, the train-through-tunnel paradox (front goes in: bomb armed, backs goes in...
  49. G

    Can two events be perceived in reverse order due to relativistic effects?

    If I understand it correctly it is possible that due to relativistic effects, 2 events A and B may be perceived by one observer as A happening before B, while for another observer B may happen before A. Can someone give a layman explanation of under which circumstances this would happen (i.e...
  50. M

    If a tree falls observerless events

    many qsnts : unchanging light, time not time, &more I may be about to make myself look like a total ass, but, please, be merciful (my knowledge of physics and math is slight --> but I want to change that). I have been reading, albeit somewhat topically, about relativity. I have a BUNCH...