Evolution Definition and 735 Threads

  1. B

    Is Evolution Really Random or Do We Have Some Control Over It?

    How can we say that evolution is random when it is based on choice aswell? For example the first creatures that came onto land made a choice to do so. Sure they were probably pushed there to survive but they still made the choice. Throught out evolution these decisions were made and evolution...
  2. P

    Evolution of uniformly accelerated system

    Consider system with Hamiltonian H. If this system is attached to inertial observer its evolution is described by unitary operator: U_t = \exp(t H) where t is time measured by inertial observer. What if the observer accelerates (with constant acceleration in its comoving frame). Is it stil...
  3. R

    The theory of evolution is wrong

    dear readers, i have a friend of mine who just doesn't believe in evolution!. i just find that very hard to believe as i thought the theory of evolution was one of mankinds strongest to date!. the thing is that he is an intelligent man!(he is a chemist for goodness sake!). every time i try...
  4. N

    Could advanced technology artificially accelerate the evolution of our sun?

    Hi there, I'm new to the forums and I came here for a specific purpose. I am not in school at the moment, but rather I am writing a science fiction novel and want to make sure that my science is as close to accurate as possible (though I understand that this may be impossible in some respects)...
  5. stevmg

    Exploring the Nature of God and Evolution

    When you hear those crazies talking about a 6000 year old universe, they show little belief in God narrowing a concept of a supreme all poewerful force to something trivial so they can unserstand it. The way I get simpletons to understand it is that if you burn oxygen and graphite O2 and C...
  6. M

    Is evolution deterministic or chaotic?

    I don't know much about biology, my background is in maths and physics. Hopefully someone else here knows it better than me. Anyway, I was wondering if evolution would go the same way if it were repeated again with the same (or very nearly the same) initial conditions. I'm not sure how much...
  7. A

    Create an Evolution Simulator - How to Group Organisms into Species

    I am planning to make an evolution simulator fairly soon, and am wondering just what as been done like this before. My plan is to make a simulator in that I can create a "world" with many environments, release some type of primitive "organism" and than have random mutations occur when they...
  8. J

    Has evolution actually been observed?

    I know that it has been 'proven', but my question is, has it actually been observed by somebody? Yes, we can see the similarities between different subspecies and species but that alone is not proof that they evolved from each other. Has anyone actually seen it happen?
  9. Y

    Plantae protist and diatoms evolution

    Do similarities between plantae protist and diatoms arise from convergent or divergent evolution? The Attempt at a Solution I think they are from convergent evolution however I can't think of a reason why, I know they are paraphyltic on the evolution tree of life. It could be that...
  10. A

    What is the mechanism that keeps evolution in human beings alive?

    With advances in medicinesin 1800s and now the avg life expectancy being higher than reproductive age what could be driving human evolution? something like : Hundreds of Human Genes Still Evolving http://www.livescience.com/health/060308_human_evolve.html I understand genes could change...
  11. R

    Entropy and evolution controversy

    Recently several papers have been published related to entropy and evolution. According to Daniel F. Styer ("Entropy and evolution", Am. J. Phys 76, Nov 2008) and Emory F. Bunn ("Evolution and the second law of thermodynamics" Am. J. Phys 77, Oct 2009) entropy is decreasing due to evolution...
  12. A

    Probability of Interbreeding via Convergent Evolution

    I realize this might not be likely, but I'm sure it could happen. I'm just trying to figure out how improbable this scenario may be: How likely is it that two different species could undergo convergent evolution to such an extent that members of the different species could interbreed? In...
  13. edpell

    Are Culture or Genes Driving High Family Sizes in Certain Groups?

    Is it culture or genes or both that drive some groups to have high completed family sizes?
  14. J

    New Developments in Evolutionary Biology

    what new on evolution
  15. G

    The Modern Picture of Evolution

    I know there have been debates on the roles of punctuated equilibrium, phyletic gradualism, and punctuated gradualism. It would seem to me intuitively that evolution would be a dynamic process combining mechanisms, but of course intuition can be misleading. Is there a mainstream...
  16. J

    Couple of questions on evolution

    1. Is the common ape ancestor common for all the human races? 2. Why don't we see another non-human animal, but very similar to humans-in terms of brain power? For every non-human animal, there exist other species, somewhat similar in terms of appearance or skill set. Did human's advanced...
  17. N

    How Do Eigenstates of a Spin System Evolve in Time?

    Hi, I'm totally lost here...Quantum physics seems to be just incomprehensible to me! Hope someone can help me out! That would be great! Homework Statement (a) A spin system with 2 possible states, described by (E1 0)=H (0 E2) with eigenstates \vec{\varphi}1 =...
  18. S

    Physical state to subjective Qualia and evolution - why?

    Physical state to subjective "Qualia" and evolution - why? I'll try to make the points I'm getting at as concise and clear as possible. We all have sensations/emotions of pain, joy, hot, warm, cold, fear, curiosity, and the direct senses of light, sound, etc. Let us for the moment...
  19. P

    Time Evolution and Hamiltonian Problem

    Homework Statement Consider a physical system with a three-dimensional state space. In this space the Hamiltonian is represented by the matrix: H = hbar\omega \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 2 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right)\] The state of the system at t = 0 in...
  20. M

    Stellar Evolution - Detailed Colour Magnitude (HR) Diagram

    Hi, Just revising for my Advanced Stellar Evolution exam, was wondering if anyone knew if there was a good detailed Colour Magnitude (HR) diagram on the internet which went into some detail of different Stellar Mass' and Chemical Compasitions (so more like a poster than a HR diagram)! If...
  21. Loren Booda

    Evolution toward two former species reproducing together?

    Have two previous species ever evolved convergently enough to successfully mate?
  22. Pattonias

    Origin Theories: Evolution, Intelligent Design & More

    Apart from evolution and intelligent design what other serious origin theories are there?
  23. Z

    Does Chaos Theory Refute Evolution?

    i apologize if my terminology is not correct because I am kind of new to this theology stuff. I know there is a theory, I'm not sure if it's chaos theory, that states that all things move toward disorganization or chaos rather than organization. This seems to be true in the broad sense of...
  24. W

    Is the theory of evolution a fact?

    Is the theory of evolution still considered a theory or is it considered a fact now, because of the overwhelming fossil and dna based evidence? If so is there a paper, or a journal to cite from that states that evolution is a fact, and not just a theory?
  25. M

    Different perspectives on evolution

    Hi all, I read fairly recently -I'm afraid I can't remember where- a biologist saying that whilst Richard Dawkins' books had probably done more than anyone else's to promote the public understanding of evolution, the metaphor of the selfish gene was beginning to outlive its usefulness, and that...
  26. D

    Is Evolutionary Theory Undermined by Creationist Claims?

    I have a friend who is a creationist. Lately, she has been trying to convince me that the theory of evolution is full of inconsistencies. She sent me this link to an article: http://www.drdino.com/read-article.php?id=8&c=27" She thinks that that article really proves that the theory of...
  27. V

    Mechanism to allow for evolution. How did this mechanism come to be?

    Well, if we say that evolution is some gradual change of an organism from some form S to S* over a period of time. should there be some mechanism already in place to even allow evolution to occur? To be even more clear. For organism of form S, and successive generations S* , S**...
  28. S

    A question concerning EVOLUTION that I don't understand

    The thing I don't understand about evolution is how if at one time on Earth no creature had eyes to see with, how so many species today have eyes and eye sight. If many isn't related to several, if not most, of the pre-historic man/ape like species you would also expect that man isn't related...
  29. H

    Evidence for stellar evolution since the Big Bang

    Is it generally true that the further away a galaxy is (and more red-shifted), the more it tends to contain lower metal content stars? I'd always assumed this was one of the main bits of evidence for the Big Bang, but I've also read that the globular clusters that surround (and are...
  30. Q

    Exploring Sun's Luminosity Evolution

    Hi All As most of us know, in a qualitative sense, the Sun will eventually become a Red Giant before its core explodes (the Helium Flash) and it's heaved onto the Helium Main Sequence, to shine merrily for about 100 million years. What I want to know, in a quantitative sense, is just how its...
  31. J

    Evolution Prediction: What's Next for Humans?

    Does evolution model predict what's next for each species? What's next for humans?
  32. P

    Software Evolution: Dr. Thompson's Results & Examples

    So I was reading http://www.damninteresting.com/?p=870#more-870" and was astounded by the results Dr. Thompson produced. Basically, he used the principles of evolution to get the results he wanted. Is there a name for this type of research? Other examples? I'm very intrigued by it. I wonder how...
  33. nicksauce

    Stellar structure, stellar evolution, compact stars, etc. ?

    What are the best books (upper undergraduate / beginning graduate) for stellar structure, stellar evolution, compact stars, etc. ?
  34. M

    Time evolution of an entangled state

    How does a entangled state evolve in the time?? How can i get the state for 't' arbitrary??
  35. P

    Challenging Claims of Proof for Evolution: The Scientific Perspective

    Well I know I'm not allowed to debate about my religion here, but I want to attempt to SCIENTIFICLY refute any claims of proof for evolution, and then proof it to be impossible. So does anyone have any proof for evolution they consider to be unrefutable...
  36. J

    Is There a Non-Religious Argument Against Evolution?

    Can you see a logically justifiable, non-religious argument to oppose the fact that evolution happens? Do you think that there is sufficient evidence to say that the existence of evolution is almost certain, or as close to certain as many other comparable scientific observations? Do you know...
  37. M

    What happens to a 0.7 solar mass star when it comes off the main sequence?

    Let's say we have a star of 0.7 solar masses on the main sequence. Can somebody describe what happens to it when it comes off the main sequence? Thanks Maria
  38. M

    Does Star Evolution Always Lead to Expansion?

    Hi, When the core of a star shrinks during its evolution, does it always lead to the expansion of the star? If not, why? What cases would cause it to expand? Thanks in advance, Maria
  39. K

    How do I find the time evolution of a state with an operator in the Hamiltonian?

    Suppose I know an initial state \Phi(x)= \exp(-x^2), the Hamiltonian is H = p^2/2m + x^2/2 where p is the mometum operator. If I want to find the time evolution of the state \Phi(x), should I write it as the following? \Psi(x, t) = \exp(-i H t/\hbar)\Phi(x) However, since H contains...
  40. T

    Theistic Evolution - Insight & Answers

    Hey, does anyone have any insight to theistic evolution(the idea that God used evolution to bring about humankind) and why or why not it really makes sense? t'would be awesome if you have some answers. Tor
  41. E

    Exploring the Evolution of an Ensemble of Non-Hamiltonian Particles

    Consider an ensemble of one particle systems each evolving in one spatial dimension according to the non Hamiltonian equation of motion: dx/dt=-ax where x(t) is the position of the particle at time t and a is a constant. The compressibility of this system...
  42. S

    BB Theory vs. Theory of Evolution - which is more thrustworthy?

    Personally I regard the ToE as a fact, but is the BBT just as much of a fact? Can we trust both theories 100%, or are there gaps that need to be filled first?
  43. S

    Does evolution support the idea of a higher power?

    I for one am not sure that umnas have evolved from monkeys or apes however i am quit certain that natrul selection is true. i have read many arguments on how living things canot come from non living things, that would therefore imply a higher power, the creator of space and time. If there is a...
  44. A

    Exploring the Role of Non-Coding RNAs in Gene Regulation and Evolution

    I know random gene mutations determine which animals will survive and which will die out in their environment. I have some questions though, What usually causes the gene mutations? Is it possible for the genes to "learn", if you will, to program an animal so it is better off suited for...
  45. E

    Probability Amplitude and Time Evolution Operator

    Hello, I am fairly new to quantum physics (I'm actually an engineer, not a physicist). I think I am getting a decent grasp on things, but I have a question. Suppose you have two time dependent states: \Psi_{1} and \Psi_{2}. Also, suppose that we have a constant potential, represented in our...
  46. baywax

    The Evolution of Matter: A Result of Natural Selection?

    At first I was completely against the use of the term evolution to describe non-living things changing... such as stars and planets etc.. But, when I thought about it, it became increasingly obvious that life is composed of matter and that matter had evolved in order to produce life as we...
  47. M

    Is Labeling Evolution as Just a Theory in Textbooks a Reasonable Approach?

    Mississippi lawmakers are proposing a disclaimer on textbooks discussing evolution "This textbook discusses evolution, a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientific explanation for the origin of living things. No one was present when life first appeared on earth. Therefore...
  48. T

    Ecosystematic Evolution (symbiosis in the importance of evolution)

    Ecosystematic Evolution: Simple idea Its that, species do not evolve alone, but are reliant upon the ecosystem at the time. (anyone familiar with this). So, an ECOSYSTEM, evolves, not just a singular animal. Each facet, attaining some semblance of balance, with everything else or bye bye...
  49. N

    Recent research relevant to quasar evolution

    The https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=282116" in the Cosmology section kicks off with a reference to a late 2005 Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) conference presentation on some recent research results on high-z quasars, from the SDSS. Much of the discussion in that...
  50. O

    How does consciousness contribute to evolutionary success?

    I have a small problem I was thinking about earlier.. Evolution is blind and only rewards behavior. Things like reproduction, fitness, and placing the bodyparts in the right place for survival would be rewarded. All beliefs, cognitive faculties etc would be invisible to evolution and its...