Existence Definition and 570 Threads

Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. In philosophy, it refers to the ontological property of being.

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  1. R

    Existence of the Square Root Proof

    I was playing trying to work through a proof in Apostol's Calculus and can't quite understand a step noted. This is from chapter 3, theorem 1.35. Every nonnegative real number has a unique nonnegative square root. The part where you are establishing the set S as nonempty so you can use LUB it...
  2. E

    Existence of strictly convex functions with same ordering as convex one

    Existence of strictly convex functions with same "ordering" as convex one Consider any real-valued convex function c : R^n \rightarrow R. I am interested in whether there exists some strictly convex function d, that satisfies d(x) > d(y) if c(x) > c(y). That is, given a convex function, can we...
  3. A

    The current state of Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness

    Can anyone point me to some publications or archives which feature developments in solving the N-S existence and smoothness problem? Basically, I'd like to read up about how far people have gone towards solving the problem, e.g. a new method to analyze the equations. Also, what fields of...
  4. Vaibhav089

    What's the reason behind the existence of mesons?

    I've read that mesons consist of a quark and an antiquark. So, here's my question. Why don't the quark and the anti-quark annihilate with each other (like they ususally do)? For example, the pi(0) meson consists of the up and the anti-up quark and the eta meson consists of the down and the...
  5. A

    Higgs-Boson/Gravition Existence

    How will the LHC prove the existence of these two particles? How is it possible to prove they exist, and what means will they use to find out?
  6. J

    Existence of some special kind of isometry in R^n-1

    Homework Statement Is there a theorem that states the following? Let P= \{ P_{1}, . . . , P_{n} \} be the set of n distinct points in \mathbb{R}^{n-1} and P'= \{ P'_{1}, . . . , P'_{n} \} also a set of points in \mathbb{R}^{n-1}. If for all i,j |P_{i} - P_{j}|=|P'_{i} - P'_{j}| then there...
  7. J

    Are atoms truly physical entities or simply arrangements of energy?

    I know this topic has been addressed on this forum ad nauseam and please redirect my post if it is posted incorrectly. The basis for my view is that the scientific method will not be able to distinguish between different views which make the same observational predictions. I do understand...
  8. P

    Is a perfect vacuum truly achievable in reality?

    Let's say there is a chamber with 1000 O2 molecules. According to wikipedia, a perfect vacuum is an arbitrary space in which there is an absence of matter. Of course, the space that consists of the entire volume inside the chamber isn't a vacuum because of those 1000 molecules, but then isn't it...
  9. C

    Proving Existence of Limit of Sequence {xn}

    Be {xn} a sequence that satisfies the condition 0 ≤ x_{m+n} ≤ x_{m} + x_{n}. Prove that lim_{n ->∞} xn/n exists. I'm kind of lost in this.
  10. J

    Diff Eq. Proving the existence of a unique solution

    Can somebody help me out here? Consider y'(t) = y(t)[a(t) - b(t)y(t)] where a,b : (-infinite, +infinite) → (0, +infinity) and there exists M>0 such that: (1/M) ≤ a(t), b(t) ≤ M, for all t in the reals Claim: There exists a unique positive solution Phi(t) defined for all t in the reals in...
  11. J

    Existence of a limit point implies existence of inifintely many limit points?

    Homework Statement Prove the following statement is true or not: the statement: Let (X,d) be a non-empty metric space and A is a non-empty subset of X. Then if A' is not empty, then A' is infinte. Homework Equations Definition of limit point and its negation. The Attempt at a...
  12. J

    Defining Existence in Mathematics

    In mathematics, people construct and define things. And along with these, I found something very confusing: Statement 1: if a thing exists, then the thing is defined. I think this statement is true in mathematics. But this kind of statement I can't translate to first order calculus...
  13. S

    Existence of a root between 2 given points

    Homework Statement Show that there exists one root int (0,2) of the following function: f(x)=(1-x^2)^2-√((1-x^2)*(1-1/2*x^2)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I first found: f(0)=0 and f(2)=7.268 But, i don't know what to do now. I'm not sure if it has...
  14. L

    Theorem of existence and unicity.

    Homework Statement In the following case: x'(t) = log (3t (x(t) - 2)) does the theorem of existence and unicity guarantee a unique solution for the initial value problem x(3) = 5, justify your answer?Homework Equations x'(t) = log (3t (x(t) - 2))The Attempt at a Solution Ok what I would do is...
  15. P

    Differential equations - interval of existence

    dy/dx=(sinx)/y Initial condition is y(pi/2)=1 The solution to the IVP is y=(1-2cosx)^.5 That I know is correct, but they're saying the interval of existence is when pi/3<x<5*pi/3. Is that wrong? I think it should include the π/3 and 5π/3.
  16. L

    Existence and uniqueness of differential solution, help?

    Ok so ill give an example, x'(t) = log(3t(x(t)-2)) is differential equation where t0 = 3 and x0 = 5 The initial value problem is x(t0) = x0. So what i'de do is plug into initial value problem to get x(3) = 5, so on a graph this plot would be at (5,3)? Then plop conditions into differential...
  17. B

    Can the existence of nonstandard hyperreal extensions be proved?

    I have begun to read about the hyperreals, and am wondering whether the natural extensions of real-valued functions to hyperreal-valued functions is simply a definition of the hyperreals, or can it be proved? Or is it accepted as an axiom? For example, if f(x) = sin(x), then is the existence...
  18. M

    Multivariable limits, how to show existence or non-existence

    Homework Statement lim(x,y)->(1,0) of ln((1+y^2)/(x^2+xy)) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Used two paths, x=1 y=0 both gave my lim=0 so I tried x=rsin y=rcos, in attempt to use ε-δ to prove it. got to ln((1+r^2sin^2)/(r^2cos(cos+sin))) not sure where to go...
  19. M

    Existence of a string that connects more than one string in a problem

    Hello. I just came to realize that in mathematics, a problem is defined as a set of strings. But then, for example, if I state a problem as "Find an addition of 1 and 2," how are strings (e.g. find) connected? Is any form of a string that connects these strings that is a string?
  20. H

    Proving Existence and Uniqueness for x in ℝ in a Quartic Equation

    Homework Statement x/√(x2+y12)-(l-x)/√((l-x)2+y22)=0 How do I prove that the above equation has a solution for x in ℝ and that the solution is unique? (y1, y2, and l are constants.) Homework Equations x√((l-x)2+y22)-(l-x)√(x2+y12)=0 x√((l-x)2+y22)+x√(x2+y12)=l√(x2+y12)...
  21. B

    MHB Prove Existence & Uniqueness for Diff. Eq. w/ Measurable Coeff. & RHS

    Dear MHB members, Suppose that $p,f$ are locally essentially bounded Lebesgue measurable functions and consider the differential equation $x'(t)=p(t)x(t)+f(t)$ almost for all $t\geq t_{0}$, and $x(t_{0})=x_{0}$. By a solution of this equation, we mean a function $x$, which is absolutely...
  22. P

    Differential Equations - Existence and Uniqueness

    I'm having trouble understanding what uniqueness is/means. When given a slope/direction field I don't know what I should be looking for if asked to determine if a given initial condition has a unique solution. Example: \textit{y' = }\frac{(x - 1)}{y} With this equation I can see that as long...
  23. M

    Existence of a function vs being well-defined?

    Hello, So I am confused on whether the statement that "a function f exists at all points in an open subset U of (say) R" , indicates that it is well-defined on all the points in that subset i.e will the function have a real value on all the points in the subset? Also, can the derivative of...
  24. S

    Existence oF Fourier Co-efficient

    Homework Statement Let f(t) be a signal whose time period is T. 1. if f(t+T/2)=f(t) proof that the Fourier series representation will contain no odd harmonics 2. if f(t+T/2)=-f(t) proof that the Fourier series representation will contain no even harmonics Homework Equations The...
  25. L

    Existence of meromorphic functions

    What is a proof that every Riemann surface has a non-constant meromorphic function? Is it even true? I was wondering this because if it is true then for compact Riemann surfaces without boundary one can use the meromorphic function to produce a meromorphic 1 form whose degree - the sum of the...
  26. naima

    Proof of existence of opposite roots in semisimple algebras?

    Happy new year from France. I am reading books on elementary particle and i see that their gauge bosons may be neutral or have opposite charge. They live in semisimple Lie algebras. So I searched in math books how to prove that in a semisimple Lie algebra if α is a root so is -α. I found...
  27. C

    Existence and Uniqueness of System of Differential Equations

    Hi everyone, I'm not quite sure how to proceed to show existence (and perhaps uniqueness) of the following system of (first order) differential equations: \dot{x}=f(t_1,x,y,z) \dot{y}=g(t_2,x,y,z) \dot{z}=h(t_3,x,y,z) where \dot{x}=\frac{\partial x}{\partial t_1}...
  28. C

    Proving Existence of Differential System with Unequal Time Variables

    Hi everyone, I'm not quite sure how to proceed to show existence (and perhaps uniqueness) of the following system of (first order) differential equations: \dot{x}=f(t_1,x,y,z) \dot{y}=g(t_2,x,y,z) \dot{z}=h(t_3,x,y,z) where \dot{x}=\frac{\partial x}{\partial t_1}, \dot{y}=\frac{\partial...
  29. N

    Existence according to reference frames

    Is it possible for a particle to exist according to one reference frame and simultaneously not exist according to another? If energy is relative, can a collision between two particles have enough energy to produce new particles according to its own reference frame but not have said amount of...
  30. T

    Existence of Laplace Transform of Piecewise Functions

    Homework Statement Let f(t) = t if 0<t<3 et if t>3 a. Is f(t) piece-wise continuous? b. Is f(t) of exponential order α? Either prove it by producing an M, T and α that satisfies the definition, or show that no such constants exist. c. Does the Laplace transform of f(t) exist...
  31. H

    Existence and the interpretation of infinite uncertainty?

    The trade off in uncertainty in momentum vs position in the HUP leaves me confused. In the context where the momentum is measured to increasingly greater precision and consequently position becomes less refined, is any logical inference made about the existence of the object i.e. is it...
  32. D

    Problem involving existence of solutions for x^2 = a (mod p)

    If p is prime and (a, p) = 1, show that x^2 \cong a (mod p) has solutions if a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \cong 1 (mod p) and does not have solutions if a^{\frac{p-1}{2}} \cong -1 (mod p) . So because of Euler's theorem i know that a^{p-1} \cong 1 (mod p) and from the hypothesis...
  33. W

    Why perrin's experiment demonstrates the existence of atoms?

    Perrin got his nobel prize because of his experiment on brownian motion, which is thought to have proven the existence of atoms i cannot understand that if you see an array of dots from STM, i believe you demonstrate the existence of atoms but i cannot see why perrin's experiment or...
  34. R

    Particles (The Universe) Popping Up Into Existence

    I recently watched another program with Stephen Hawking called "Did God Create The Universe?" However this topic isn't religion related but my questions popped up due to this. I am having problem understanding how the universe could pop up from nothing when time did not exist. They said this...
  35. H

    Existence of a natural number X

    Homework Statement Given M \in N, show that there exists an X \in N such that for all n \geq X , n^2+n+1 \succ M Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Since both M and X are natural numbers and I am just trying to prove the existence of a certain natural number X, I...
  36. A

    Proving Existence of Sequence Converging to x in R

    I asked this question before but I totally misunderstood what it was asking. Basically, I need to find that there exists a sequence {a_k} such that it converges to x for some x in R. Since the real numbers are equivalence classes of convergent Cauchy sequences the result seems fairly obvious...
  37. M

    Why is the existence of The Big Bang agreed upon?

    Why is the existence of The Big Bang "agreed" upon? From all my research and studies mathmatical evidence shows the existence of Black holes. From some of the most fundamental physics we have our Conservation of Energy and Black holes are at the moment considered points where it is possible...
  38. I

    General question about the existence (or not) of 2+ var functions

    I'm trying to figure out how to show that the limit of a function of two or more variables does not exist. I know that to do this we must show that the limit from 2 different pathways is not equal to the same thing, but, I want to know how to figure out what pathways to check, assuming you...
  39. bohm2

    Special Relativity and the existence paradox

    Do you find this argument by this author that SR implies "at least one continuum other than our own spacetime" flawed or reasonable? According to the special theory of relativity, observers stationary relative to one another will measure the time in the rest frame of an entity moving relative...
  40. R

    Proving Existence of a Point in a Ball of Radius r

    Homework Statement Show that for every a* = (a1, 1/a1), there exists another point of the form (a, 1/a) in a ball (i.e. circle, since we're in R2) of radius r, centered at a*, for any r > 0. The Attempt at a Solution This is actually only a part of the whole problem, but I just can't put it...
  41. C

    Existence of Scalar Potential for Irrotational Fields

    Hi I know it's easy to prove that if a vectorfield is the gradien of a potential, \vec F = \nabla V, then \nabla \times F = 0. But how about the converse relation? Can I prove that if \nabla \times F = 0, then there exist a salar potential such that \vec F = \nabla V? I get as far as...
  42. M

    Exploring the Existence and Value of inf(X)

    Homework Statement Let X={1/n: n\inN} (where N is the set of natural numbers) i) Does inf(X) exist? ii) What is inf(X)? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I should try to prove inf(X) exists by considering it a Lower Limit, but I don't know how to go about...
  43. B

    Existence of Limit with Integrals.

    Hi, I saw a proof/argument done today that I think was wrong: It is finding the limit as a->oo of the integral from 0 to b<oo: Int_(0..b) Sqr[x(1 +cos(ax))]dx , where Sqr is the square root Now, the argument given was that one could find a bound for the oscillation of...
  44. R

    Existence, Uniqueness of a 1st Order Linear ODE

    Homework Statement Solve the Cauchy problem: (t2 + 1)y' + etsin(t) y = sin(t) t2 y(0) = 0 Homework Equations y'(t,y) + p(t)y = g(t,y) Integrating factor e(integral of p(t)) The Attempt at a Solution I tried finding an integrating factor, but it came out ugly. I couldn't solve the...
  45. G

    Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Energy

    What is dark energy? What is it composed of?
  46. D

    Existence and uniqueness of PDEs

    Hello, I have a PDE: 3*u_x + 2*u_y = 0, and I am interested in determining initial values such that there is a unique solution, there are multiple solutions, and there are no solutions at all. What theorem(s)/techniques would be of use to me for something like this? Regards, Dan
  47. Z

    Proving Existence of Rationals: x in R & ε>0

    Homework Statement Prove that if x in R and epsilon > 0 are arbitrary, then there exist r in Q such that |x - r | < epsilonHomework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I'm stumped on this one. I tried using the reverse triangle inequality, but I seemingly hit dead ends with it.
  48. Y

    Query regarding existence and uniqueness of SDE solutions

    Hi, Just wanted to ask a question regarding existence and uniqueness of solutions to SDEs. Say you have shown existence and uniqueness of a solution to an SDE that the process [tex ] X_{t} [/tex ]a particular process follows (by showing drift and diffusion coefficients are Lipschitz). If you...
  49. A

    What is the Probability of Existence?

    Hi everybody, I was wondering this: "What is the probability, given all the information (including scientific evidence and accepted theories), of having this existence (I'm not talking about life and consciousness) just right how it is?" I have no idea about any kind of research or study...
  50. A

    The Probability of Our Existence: An Intriguing Question

    Hi everybody, I was wondering this: "What is the probability, given all the information (including scientific evidence and accepted theories), of having this existence (I'm not talking about life and conciousness) just right how it is?" I have no idea about any kind of research or study...